The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 134: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (4)

Chapter 134: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (4)

Jason suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Although he pulled through his initial blunder, it seemed that he had caught the attention of something far worse. Moments later, tremors struck again as heavy sounding footsteps made their way towards his position.

'Oh crap!' Jason cursed before hopping off as quickly as he dared to. However, it seemed that he was unable to put any distance between himself and the behemoth as the footsteps got closer instead.

It did not help the situation when he realised he was being slowed down by having to catch his balance whenever he landed amongst the tremors! Jason found himself wondering if he was cursed with bad luck. He could never get anything good to happen without the bad being close behind!

Jason had to take a few turns that he would rather not have, but it was to prevent the creature from having a clear line to spew fire at him. He did not know how the beast was able to track him in this fog but was oblivious to the whale's presence!

'Wait! That's it!' Jason suddenly had an idea of how to escape his fate. Right now, even if he did escape the fog, the behemoth was sure to kill him if there was no cover for him to hide behind. But what if he showed it where the prey it wanted was hiding?

No matter how he thought about it, he could not come up with a better plan. Jason grit his teeth as he tried to figure out what direction the whale was in, from what he had seen in the air.

'This way!' Jason rapidly changed direction just in time to avoid becoming a cooked snack. If he had delayed his choice by even a few seconds later, then he really would have become toast! 

His heart pounded frantically in his chest as he did his best to lure the beast towards its intended target. 'We must be getting close now!' Jason cursed as he made a few sharp turns. The pounding footsteps drew ever closer, as the beast could ignore the complicated terrain.

An ear-splitting roar accompanied another jet of flames, but this time the area they covered was much larger. Yet again Jason managed to avoid them, though not entirely. His work trousers had melted to the skin of his rear end. Which would have been excruciating if not for the adrenaline coursing through his veins!

A few more minutes of their dangerous cat-and-mouse game passed before something changed. The tremors from the beast pursuing him began to overlap with a secondary set! Jason squinted into the fog as he realised what was happening!

The whale had detected the approaching danger and was trying to escape! 'Don't even think about it!' Jason growled as he took the risk to move faster. He could only hope that there was nothing much left between them. 


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The fog in the area seemed to get thicker as it swirled past Jason, flowing in the direction of the whale. Jason frowned as his mind became muddled. He could still tell there were two beasts creating the tremors, and he knew that he had to keep travelling forwards. But he could no longer recall what he was chasing, its shape, or anything about it.

"Why am I doing this?" Jason mumbled as he glanced around mid-leap. "Shouldn't I be trying to escape the fog?" 

"Jason!" Syssie yelled in his ear to grab his attention. "No matter what... Keep going in that direction!"

Jason's frown deepened as he glanced in the direction she was pointing. The confusion he was feeling was evident on his face. For a moment, Syssie feared that he would ignore her!

"Why? What's over there?" Jason's speech seemed slow as if his motor functions were becoming impaired.

Syssie felt like slapping him as a grim expression crept across her face. "You only need to know that it's the way for you to survive this. Do you trust me?"

Jason appeared lost in thought as he continued on his initial path. A stream of flames passed them by. Leaving Jason unharmed. Syssie heaved a sigh of relief. She knew that it would only be a matter of time now before the creature pursuing them would manage to kill Jason. Especially if he was trapped in this state!

'If he doesn't sort himself out soon, it will be game over! Come on Jason! Just listen to me! We're almost there!' Syssie silently begged in her mind as Jason continued to mull over her words.

"Ok, Syssie. I trust you. Just point where you need me to go..." Jason's speech had become even slower, which could not be a good sign.

Syssie nodded with a determined expression as she began to direct him. There were moments where she had to tell him to turn before he leapt face-first into a wall, which frustrated her. But by the sound of the whale's movements, they were almost upon it. Syssie urged Jason to move faster! 

Although he did not understand what was going on, he did his best to follow her orders. Eventually, Syssie shouted at him to take a sharp left and hop as fast as he could! Jason obliged her and followed her words down to the last detail. A stream of fire shot out from the street that they were previously in but unlike the other times, the flames did not go on endlessly.

Instead, they seemed to strike a wall that was covered in thick fog. Jason frowned as he glanced back at that sight, just in time to hear the painful call of the whale beast echo out from the location that the flames had struck!

That pain-filled cry snapped Jason back to his senses. His eyes were blurry as he shook his head violently. 'What the hell... Just happened?' He felt too dizzy to continue and was about to stop. However, Syssie yelled at him to keep going unless he wanted to die. When Jason cocked an eyebrow at her, a horrifying roar came from the streets somewhere behind them. Only one thing was for sure. That was not the noise that the whale would make...


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