The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 135: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (5)

Chapter 135: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (5)

The fog rapidly started to dissipate as a larger wave of flames bathed the hiding whale. Jason's palms felt sweaty as he remembered the fog had made him forget all about the whale. 'No wonder it couldn't find it!' Jason turned and hopped away from that dangerous area. It was about to become too dangerous to even be anywhere close to either one of the behemoths.

The whale let out a dangerous noise as its figure was revealed by the retreating fog. Jason's eyes went wide as he glanced over his shoulder. All he could see was tough looking bluish-grey skin. Because he was so close to the beast, it was impossible to see it in its entirety. Jason gulped because he knew the other beast was even larger and he did not want to be caught between them.

However, a large scaly head poked out from between the buildings behind him. Jason frowned when he saw it. It looked like a much larger version of the specimen that was in the tank from the Nest back in Highrise. 'Is this what it would have become if it matured?' Naturally, Jason was curious about it. He even began to consider waiting around somewhere nearby to find out what it was capable of. 

"Don't even think about it!" Syssie glared at him. "We've been through enough! There's no way you're hanging around here!"

Jason cocked an eyebrow at her before letting out a sigh. She was right, of course. He would just be putting them in danger for no real reason. 'Hopefully, the winner will leave enough of the corpse for us to study it...' Jason hummed as he hopped onto the roof of a nearby building. He had to get his bearings, which should be easier now that fog was gone.

As he landed on the roof, he got a good look at the area and did not like what he saw. Apart from the area around the aquarium, most of the land had turned into a giant swamp. When he looked back to the two behemoths, a blast of fire ran over the whale as its two tails whipped towards the fire breathing alligator. 


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'How does it even plan to kill it?' Jason was confused as to why the whale had been trying to hide from this beast. He doubted the fire could deal enough damage to kill it due to its size. However, the next moment, he shivered in fear. 

Cracks appeared from the side of its mouth that ran down to the sides of its belly. Then, the whole upper half of those cracks opened. Jason's eyes opened wide as he realised that half of the beast's body was its mouth! 'How is that even possible?'

Flames sparked in the back of the gaping maw before they turned white. The fire that it breathed out in the next moment caused the buildings in the surroundings to begin to melt due to the heat intensity! 'Yeah, let's get out of here...' Jason sprang for the next building as the surrounding air began to heat up. The whale let out an agonising noise as the fire burned through its side. 

The alligator dashed forward to stick its lower jaw through the hole and its upper jaw now reached high enough to latch onto the whale's back. The two behemoths began a life and death struggle that changed the landscape by the second. Entire buildings disappeared beneath their feet or were swept aside by their tails. 

Jason sprang from building to building as he tried to make up his mind. It was a good plan to go inland until he saw the swamp. But the boat was in the direction that the beasts were moving in. That was when he spotted flashes of crimson light coming from behind a building to his left. 'Sentinel!' Jason bit his lower lip before making his way towards the fight.

'It must be the Fog Crawlers, but why aren't they running? They're not nearly far enough away yet.' Jason landed on top of a building that fallen on its side and looked down below. A cacophony of croaking noises filled the air alongside the smell of burning flesh. Strange devices floated around Sentinel as they fired at anything that moved. But the Fog Crawlers filled the gaps too quickly for him to make any progress.

From his vantage point, Jason could see hundreds of the creatures hopping towards Sentinel's location. The situation was looking grim, and his mentor was unaware of how dangerous it would become in the next few minutes. 'He needs to get out of there. Can he get up here?' 

"Sentinel!" Jason roared as he tried to catch his mentor's attention over the sound of the croaking. 

However, he did not hear Jason and continued to fire on the beasts. A barrage of tongues tried to reach him, but his devices managed to prevent them from making contact. Jason gritted his teeth, he was tempted to jump down to the ground but he was unsure if Sentinel's weapons would decide to fire on him.

Jason glanced until he found a path of buildings that would allow him to reach Sentinel's line of sight. Air pressed against his face as he hopped over the gaps in quick succession. When he reached his destination he began waving his arms to get his mentor's attention.

Sentinel swept his gaze over the crowd while struggling to keep his balance. 'Why did the fog disappear? And what's going on over there?' The intensity of the quakes were reaching levels he had never experienced. 

'Where do they keep coming from?' Sentinel heaved a sigh as his weaponry fired non-stop, but it seemed to make no difference. Although he was fast, he needed a gap in the enemies to make the most of it.

[Anomaly detected...]

His cybernetic eye picked up a new target that it had not been designated as foe or ally in its current mode. A deep frown appeared on Sentinel's face as a zoomed-in image of Jason appeared in his mind. 'What the hell is that boy doing?' 

Sentinel wanted to throttle Jason for not escaping. But then he noticed that Jason appeared to be trying to gain his attention. A simple thought set him as an ally so his weaponry would not target him. If he could not hear what Jason was shouting then the latter would not be able to hear him either.

Sentinel paused to scan the targeting data of his machines until he found one that was available for a few seconds. The laser cannon turned to aim at the building beneath Jason before firing a crimson beam. He could only hope that Jason would realise that this meant he had noticed him.

Jason gulped as a smoking black mark appeared on the side of the building, just a few centimetres below his toes. 'You didn't have to make it so close!' Jason yelped in his mind before squinting at Sentinel in the distance. 'I hope that wasn't just a stray shot!'

It took Jason a few hops until he reached the closest building to Sentinel. He took a deep breath before closing his eyes and making the leap!

A number of large, round eyeballs turned to look at the figure shooting through the sky towards the man killing their brothers and sisters. Angry croaks followed that sight as several of them whipped out their tongues to catch him mid-flight. They aimed for where he would be when their tongues fully extended rather than where he was.

Sentinel cursed at that sight, but it gave him a breather from only being on the defensive. The barrels of his floating weaponry turned to shoot down the tongues aimed at his apprentice. The sky lit up like a laser show was on and Jason was blissfully unaware of the situation with his eyes closed. When he landed safely and opened his eyes again, he was surprised by the angry look on Sentinel's face. 

"What are you doing! You were supposed to run! Not jump headfirst into danger!" Sentinel growled as he studied Jason amongst the constant laser fire and croaking.

"Forget that! We need to get out of here! I think every Fog Crawler in the area is headed here. If you don't leave now they'll eventually overwhelm you." Jason screamed back, while being pissed of at Sentinel's ungrateful attitude.

Sentinel frowned as he changed the scanner on his eye to pick up environmental changes. He noticed that there were sound waves travelling through the air from all around the clearing he was in. These one's we're not coming from the creatures that he could see. 'Shit! The kids right!'

"What do you propose? My legs aren't built for jumping and there's not enough tech for me to create anything suitable..." Sentinel hissed from between his teeth.

Jason frowned as Sentinel had struck him as someone who could not be backed into a corner so easily. 'Even he has limits...' Jason shook his head as he realised that even the most powerful could be brought low if they were unprepared.

"I could... Carry you on my back?"


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