The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 133: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (3)

Chapter 133: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (3)

Jason's voice got lost in the pit of his stomach as the wind pressed against his face. His legs flailed comically as he rose like a rocket through the fog! Tears streamed down his face as his mind conjured images of him turning into a pancake when he returned to earth. Jason cursed himself to no end as he tried to understand how high he had accidentally jumped.

That was when he saw the fog thinning out at a visible rate. 'Don't tell me...' Jason gulped as a heavy weight appeared in the pit of his stomach. 'Am I really going to clear the fog?' An icy chill swept down his spine to accompany the cold sweat that had broken out all over his body. 

Suddenly, his vision became clear as warm sunlight swept across his face! Jason blinked several times in the face of that light. When his eyes adjusted, he swept his eyes below him and immediately regretted it. He could see the tops of several buildings protruding through the lower-lying fog cover.

His eyes caught sight of two larger lumps of fog amongst the blanket. One of them held the distinctive shape of the whale beast. Every few seconds, a new cloud of fog would appear in that area to keep the beast obscured. The second lump of fog was slightly longer than the whale and almost as wide. Despite his current situation, Jason still marvelled at the sight of the two behemoths.

He wondered how such creatures could go unnoticed for so long. Well, the whale was a given because of its ability. But the other one? Someone must have seen it coming. Right?

It was at that moment that Jason felt his momentum slowing down. An empty feeling appeared in his gut, as he knew what would come next. A sense of being weightless overtook him as flashes of orange and red could be seen through the fog. Jason's eyes were drawn to the phenomena, only to realise that it was coming from the creature hunting the whale!

Then it happened! Jason's body plunged back towards the carpet of fog below him. When he looked back, he could see a small hole closing in the fog in the distance. 'Is that where I came from?' Jason stared with wide eyes as he gauged how far that he had travelled. Not that it would matter in the next minute or so.

It was enough that thinking about it allowed him to push the threat of impending death to the back of his mind. 'If only I could have controlled this!' Jason's mind began to think of all the ways that they could have put this serum to use. The mules who carried supplies from one town to another would have a much easier time. These people usually had super strength or super speed.

Jason could not help but wonder what he could have gained if he had used a different beast during the process. It was just a shame that the effects were only temporary. But that would be good for business if he were to sell it. Then again, it may get branded as a restricted item because of the military uses of the serum. 

Things would most definitely go south if the wrong people managed to obtain it! Jason sighed as he plunged into the fog, just as a stream of flames lit up the sky where he had reached the apex of his jump. His eyes went wide as he considered how close he had just come to being barbequed! 

It would have been worse if those flames had hit him, but he survived. Because then, he would have had to suffer the fall in agony. 'I hope Gramps can manage without me... The store should be enough, right?' Jason sighed as he roughly guessed how much longer he had until the impact.

With death being so close now, his mind panicked. He hit a stage of denial, as he did not want to admit that this was the end. As he begged anyone who was listening to save his life, he realised that something was off. A deep frown crossed his face as he noticed that the falling sensation had stopped. 

It took several moments after that for his brain to register that he was standing on solid ground! His body had absorbed the impact without generating any shock! Jason's eyes went wide as he bent and straightened his knees several times, just to make sure his mind was not playing tricks on him.

As reality set in, a broad smile crept across his face. His eyes lit up as he turned his face towards the sky, obscured by the fog. 'Maybe next time...' Jason let out a heavy sigh as he abandoned the thought of performing the feat again. After all, he did not know how long the serum would remain effective. He really would create a mess if it wore off mid-jump! 'I think I've tempted fate one too many times today...'

Jason set his sights on a lower goal. One that would not kill him if he made a mistake. He spent a bit of time, hopping his way forward. He started small and escalated the amount of power that he put into his legs. After several minutes of testing, he finally discovered a speed that was faster than running while remaining low enough that he would not suffer severe injuries if he crashed into anything.


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Jason bounced off of his toes and shot forwards, although he was still a bit clumsy he managed to transition into another hop as soon as his feet touched the ground. 'I can do this!' Jason felt ecstatic as he hopped along, occasionally changing direction to avoid any walls that he could see.' However, after three more painful crashes into unexpected obstacles, he decided to slow his pace down.

Just as he hopped around another corner that he saw, a stream of fire passed between the buildings just up ahead. Jason's heart skipped a beat. If he had not lost balance just now as he landed, then those flames would have caught him! Jason gulped down a lump of saliva. 'Is that creature... Hunting me?'


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