The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 132: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (2)

Chapter 132: Hopping Out Of The Pan... And Into The Fire (2)

Jason struggled to contain the painful expression that flashed across his face. His muscles tensed as his body fought against the intense burning sensation. Sentinel, on the side, watched with curiosity as some changes occurred to Jason's body.

His work trousers bulged as his thigh muscles forcefully expanded under the effects of the serum. Sentinel cocked an eyebrow at the sight. He could see that his apprentice was in extreme pain, but he could not help but wonder if the serum would have any use on himself.

After all, his legs were biomechanical in nature. There was a chance that forcefully expanding his muscles could cripple him instead. Sentinel sighed as he looked at the syringe in his hand with a reluctant expression. 'I shouldn't use this If the serum allows him to avoid fighting the Fog Crawlers, then I could provide a distraction. I should be able to outrun them anyway'

While Jason suffered under the effects, Sentinel found a cloth the wrap the primed syringe and sealed vial in. Then he took hold of Jason's extra vial and stored it with them. 'It would be best for him to keep ahold of them. They'll be more useful that way if we have to split up'

The only doubt that crossed his mind was how Jason's body would react when the effects wore off. He silently hoped that Jason could find his way back to Bridgend without him.

A puddle of sweat and blood formed on the floor under Jason's feet. He could feel that the sudden expansion of his muscles was causing rips to appear on his skin. Jason wanted to pass out so that he did not have to deal with the agony, but the pain would not allow it.

Seconds felt like hours to him, but eventually, the fiery feeling dissipated. Jason's entire body trembled as he stared at the mess on the floor. It soaked his trousers through. But he did not want to think about the damage right now.

It took a few more moments for his mind to adjust to the changes. He could feel that the muscles in his thighs and calves had become much more powerful than before! 'What did it do?' Jason raised an eyebrow as he attempted to take a step forwards

The result was catastrophic, as that simple motion propelled him face-first into the wall on the opposite side of the room!

"Jason!" Sentinel called out as his mind tried to make sense of what he had just seen!

Jason had moved so fast that it was hard to keep track of him! Sentinel raced to Jason's side as the latter pulled himself away from the wall. Blood trickled from his nose. 'I think it's broken' Jason sighed as he realised how difficult it was going to be to control himself.

Sentinel heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Jason had suffered nothing more than a broken nose. It could have been a lot worse, but at least seeing the serum in action gave him a sense of reassurance for having to split from his apprentice.

"Can you control yourself enough to escape?" Sentinel asked in a low voice as he analysed Jason's new condition.

"Maybe It'll be hard to come to grips with it" Jason's tone was distorted because of his blocked nasal passage. It would have made anyone laugh if the situation was not as bad as it was.

"Maybe it's best if I hold on to you until you can regulate the power in your legs" Sentinel hummed as looked Jason up and down.

The latter agreed to allow Sentinel to hold on to his shoulders as he attempted to walk around the room a few times. Jason almost escaped Sentinel's grasp more than once, but several minutes later he could walk almost normally.

Jason exchanged an excited look with Sentinel before his mentor handed him the cloth containing the precious liquid. Jason cocked an eyebrow at the gesture as he felt the two vials and the syringe inside.

"Aren't you going to use it?" Jason's tone was full of confusion as he glanced at Sentinel, who shook his head.

"I'm going to give you a diversion. This serum will most likely cripple me instead of helping. As long as you can find the shore, you can follow the river back to Bridgend. Trust me I'll be fine" Sentinel's tone was solemn as he placed a heavy hand on Jason's shoulder.

Jason glanced at it before several doubts formed in his mind, but he could not bring himself to give voice to them. He was still in the dark concerning most of what Sentinel was capable of, so he thought that he should have faith in him.

"Let's go" Sentinel brushed past Jason and led the way towards the exit.

Although Jason's mind was distracted with thoughts of having to make his way back solo, he let out a low chuckle at the strange hop in his walk. 'I guess the Fog Crawlers are better at jumping than running' Jason suddenly frowned as he thought about that.


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'Does that mean I should try jumping across distances instead of running?' It was a comical thought and he was sure to look ridiculous. But perhaps he was on to something.

Another tremor struck as they studied the fog beyond the doorway. It had noticeably thinned since Sentinel had checked on it last. Some of the nearby buildings and terrain were now clear to see. Jason could only look at them with a devastated expression.

Most of them had been flattened, and it looked like it had happened recently. 'That could have been us' Jason's eyes moved from ruin to ruin as Sentinel drew his pistol.

"Remember, just run. Don't turn back. Don't worry about me. Just run. You'll be fine." Sentinel nodded at Jason before disappearing into the fog.

Jason hesitated for a few moments before he stepped outside. He glanced around as he tried to figure out what direction he was supposed to take. Once he got his bearings, he took off. Literally, as he used too much strength and was launched into the air


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