The God Of Power

Chapter 29 - 29

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

The demons rushed into the Dragon Kingdom after receiving their command. The Demon General Astraroth led the charge. "Fellow demons, we must avenge Queen Kurohime's death. It's time to eliminate these inhumans who should have been the humans' slaves. These dirty demi-humans, vampires, elves, and more must die," he declared, and the army nodded in agreement.

"For the honor of Queen Kurohime!" he shouted, and the demons echoed. Astraroth aimed his hand at the sky, and a giant fireball resembling the sun formed above the army's head.

"Burn them all!" Astraroth commanded as he launched his attack on the city. The army followed suit, unleashing a barrage of fireballs that obliterated the entire city.

The civilians of the Dragon Kingdom ran, some being burnt alive. "Mama," a small raccoon girl cried out watching her mother being burnt as Astraroth grabbed her by the neck. "Your people started this," he said, ripping the girl's head off, blood spraying around like rain.

"Kill them all!" he ordered as the army mercilessly slaughtered the civilians. Astraroth and his forces reveled in the carnage, showing no remorse. Astraroth himself enjoyed killing kids. He found a few elven girls hiding, rushed in, and began beating them to death. Afterwards, he ripped one's spine out and then spotted a wolf boy. He proceeded to choke the wolf boy with the spine of the elven girl.

Meanwhile, in the Dragon Kingdom Castle Council Room:

The leaders of each race that inhabited the Dragon Kingdom sat, looking horrified. Astrid Alfhiem, Queen of the elves; Fenrir, leader of Yokaihime; Dracula of the vampires; Glynda of the witches; Titania of the fairies; Behemoth the giant, and others on the minor council which consisted of leaders of minor races.

"We have to do something," Titania said, tears streaming down her face.

"We have nothing left," Glynda added, gazing at the screen displaying the devastation.

"They have wiped out all of our people," Astrid said somberly.

"We must call Noboru-Sama; he must have the power to take on the Maou," Fenrir suggested.

"That would be impossible. Even if the Demon Lord wasn't the strongest being in the world, that even the three founding kings of the other kingdoms fear, Noboru-San is still a child. Don't forget, it was because of Ayame Akatsuki, the woman who loves him, that we were freed before," Glynda reminded them.

"We have nothing—no armies, no people. The demons have destroyed us. We have nothing but a little hope," Behemoth sighed.

"What are we going to do? We have no way to survive this," Dracula stated. "We can't even call Noboru-Sama; the communications from Celestial Vanguard Academy and the outside world are down."

"We will have to confront this Maou ourselves," Fenrir declared.

"Are you insane?" Behemoth questioned.

"What are the odds of us winning?" Astrid pondered.

"Even if we did, we have no chance," Glynda added.

"So, what do you want? Us to hide while our people, the ones we swore to protect and the ones who trust us for guidance, die while we stay cooped up here like cowards waiting for our deaths?" Fenrir argued.

"You're right," Dracula conceded. "Let us die with honor."

"For the survival of all the races, let us go," Glynda said.

Behemoth sighed. "Let us die in battle, then."

"If this is our destiny, so be it," Titania said.

"We will make our final stand. We will not allow our people to die alone," Glynda declared as they stood up.

"All forces, we have one goal and one goal only. We must protect our people at all costs, even if that means we must fight. We will give our all. If we are to die, we will die like warriors," Fenrir proclaimed.

"We are the last line of defense," Astrid added.

"To battle, to our graves. We must not falter. We will not let fear control us," Glynda said.

"Our will is iron. Our soul is steel. We will not yield," Behemoth declared.

The other minor leaders nodded. "For the honor of our people, for the honor of the Dragon Kingdom, to battle," Fenrir said, and all the race leaders charged out.

They saw the demons charging at them. Fenrir himself pulled out his weapon, Wolf's Fang, but stopped when he saw the demons splitting to the left and right, forming a line on each side. Maou, in all his glory—black long hair slicked back, red eyes, demonic black nails—approached them.

"Well, well, look at all the rats that killed my wife," Maou said, smiling. "You all just started something that you can't take back."

"It's the Demon Lord," Glynda gasped.

"What do you mean we did no such thing? Our king, Noboru Chikara, only created the Dragon Kingdom for different races not to live under the oppression of the three human kingdoms—the Phoenix Kingdom, the Quilin Kingdom, and the Tortoise Kingdom," Fenrir argued.

Maou laughed. "Do not lie to me; I saw the dead bodies of you inhuman trash around my wife Kurohime's dead body. You think you're better than those three? Please, your kingdom was made by the Phoenix Kingdom's disowned prince, Noboru, who will be dead since I sent my elite assassin and General Barbatos after him. Do you really think the boy would have cared for you if he weren't disowned? But no matter, you will die. I will kill all you trash. I will not let my wife's death be in vain," Maou declared.

"I will not allow you to insult our king. We Did Not Kill You Wife Kurohime!" Fenrir shouted as he formed mana around his sword, Wolf's Fang, and slashed at Maou. The attack connected, but the atmosphere shifted to one of fear when Maou laughed.

"Hahaha, you really thought that a lowly dog like you could hurt me?" Maou said, revealing himself unharmed. The Wolves Fang couldn't even penetrate the aura of his mere presence. There was no magic, chakra, ki, or even omni-energy being channeled. The wind pressure around the leader of the demons was just too strong.

"What is going on? How can we be this weak?" Titania asked.

"No, it can't be," Astrid murmured.

"His presence... is just overwhelming. It is far too powerful. It's like Ayame and Noboru-Sama," Glynda said, horrified.

"Impossible," Fenrir muttered.

"How did he get this strong?" Dracula questioned.

"This is bad," Astrid said.

Maou then, before anyone could blink, ripped their heads off their bodies and crushed the leaders' bodies into a meaty pulp.

"I guess they are no fun. No matter, I will just kill everyone else," Maou said.

Maou walked to the palace and used his claws to cut the door open. Suddenly, he saw a fire phoenix made of magic coming at his forces, killing twelve of his lower-ranking demons. He looked up and smiled when he saw the humans.

"So, you too want to fight. I thought you hated the Dragon Kingdom," he said.

"That may be true, Maou Sama, but we can't let you have this kingdom; it's the only supply of dimensium that isn't controlled by you," Shin said, walking and smiling at the death of the Dragon Kingdom as Phoenix Kingdom magic knights followed, terrified but ready to fight.

Next to him was his brother, Yami Chikara, the founding king of the Quilin Kingdom. "He is right," Yami said, with his fighters following him, frowning that elves were destroyed but the need for dimensium took piroity over some small time pleasure.

On Shin's other side was the founding king of the Tortoise Kingdom, Niju Chikara, Shin's other brother. "We can't let you take this Kingdom, but thank you for taking care of these inhumans; now, Noboru Chikara has no leverage over us, pet," Niju said, smiling.

"Well, let the games begin," Maou said as he rushed forward with a punch at Shin, which he blocked, sending Shin flying away.

"Damn, what power," Shin said.

"We are screwed," Yami stated.

"Let's hope we win," Niju said.

Meanwhile, in Celestial Vanguard Academy:

Noboru and his knight Celestia jumped on Drakaroth as the dragon flew. The Academy was shut down for repairs after Barbatos's attack, and Noboru was heading home to the Dragon Kingdom. He was worried; with communications down, he had no way of knowing if his people were okay.

'Please be safe, everyone,' Noboru thought.

"Noboru-Sama, I am sure they are okay," Celestia said.

'Yeah,' Noboru said as they continued on. Eventually, they arrived, and what Noboru saw made his eyes go wide, and his mouth drop.

"No," he whispered in horror.

"My... my kingdom, my people, Astrid, Fenrir," Noboru said as tears fell from his face.

The Dragon Kingdom was on fire. The Demon Empire and the Human Kingdoms were fighting on his land. He could see the three Founding kings fighting Maou Sama, while Celestia stared in horror.


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