The God Of Power

Chapter 28 - 28

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

"WHAT?" Maou Sama screamed in anger, and he had every right to be furious upon seeing his wife's lifeless body. "Tell me, which humans killed my precious wife, Kurohime?" Maou Sama's eyes glowed red.

"We were unable to identify who exactly it was, but we know from the bodies that it was the Dragon Kingdom. Inhuman species like Demi-Humans, Elves, and Vampires were lying around the queen, killed by her and her guard, Maou-Sama," Barbatos replied as he kneeled, fully aware of the consequences for returning without identifying the enemy.

"I see. Send out an order to all my armies that they will kill all those who dared to attack this empire, who dared to attack me. Also, send an army to the Dragon Kingdom and destroy it!" Maou Sama yelled, rage filling him.

"Maou-Sama, are you sure we haven't identified if it was a ploy from the three..." Barbatos was cut off.

"DID I STUTTER?" Maou Sama screamed once more as he raised his hand, ready to strike Barbatos.

"My apologies. I will carry out your orders immediately," Barbatos said. "But I have news. The Dragon Kingdom's future King, Noboru Chikara, is away at the Celestial Vanguard Academy," Barbatos added.

"Oh, really?" Maou Sama said in a low voice as he smirked. "This will be perfect. He's the one who liberated those trash inhumans from the three kingdoms who enslaved them. I know exactly what to do, Barbatos. You yourself shall go to this Celestial Vanguard Academy and kill him. No, not just him wipe out everyone there. I want the entire world to fear us. I think it's time we remind them who we are. This way, all kingdoms will know not to mess with the Demon Empire," Maou Sama stated as he smiled evilly.

"Understood," Barbatos said as he vanished.

Maou Sama looked up to the sky. "You all will pay for taking her away from me. I will kill every one of you inhumans," he vowed.

Meanwhile, in Celestial Vanguard Academy within the Dorm.

Noboru Chikara sat in the lunch hall, his partner and protector Celestia Lunablade next to him as they observed the threat known as Hikari, who was staring at Noboru.

"That boy is weird, Noboru-Sama, isn't he? He's been staring at you with hatred since he joined, even when the other class members hate on him or try to bully him for being a no-name commoner like me and being strong, unlike your brother and sister Kouki and Meiyo of the Phoenix Kingdom. He still chooses to glare at you," Celestia whispered to Noboru.

"I don't know what's up with him. He says he isn't human and uses Holy light as his main element. Not only that, he was able to make a bastardized version of Crimson State and also go into the transcendent state. He is like the opposite of me and hates me, saying his father called me an abomination. I mean, my father, King Hiroshi Chikara of the Phoenix Kingdom, disowned me and calls me a beast, but I have never seen this character before, and my family, as much as I hate them, are human," Noboru explained.

"Hai, Noboru-Sama," Celestia nodded as she agreed with his words. "But why is he glaring at you like that? I'm afraid if we let our guard down, he might try to kill you. You know how you are hated by most of the kingdoms," Celestia added.

"No, he isn't trying to kill me. Remember the battle? He just stopped when he could have before I even went into my Transcendent State. No, there's something going on, something beyond the three kingdoms, Demon Empire, and our hime, the Dragon Kingdom. We need to be on guard, but don't be too hostile either. Something tells me the world will be in trouble if we do. The other three kingdoms hate me for freeing the inhumans races from their slavery and giving the three kingdoms the finger by destroying their control over the forbidden region and taking it over, making it the Dragon Kingdom where no race is higher than the other," Noboru explained.

"You think Hikari may be connected to Ayame Akatsuki Sama?" Celestia said. "Maybe he's her enemy because she's the demon queen goddess, and he hates you since she loves you and he wants to hurt her by killing you." Celestia theorized.

"No, that wouldn't work. If he is an enemy of Ayame-Hime, then he'd just kill me. He talked about his father, so it must be something else," Noboru said as he stared back at Hikari, who stared right back at him.

"He is the threat to my father," Hikari growled as his eyes glowed.

"Your Father? You're not the child of the demon empire?" Celestia asked wanting to confirm knowing only they could possibly match Noboru and the three founding kings.

"No, I'm not, and I have no reason to tell you who my father is. But know this, boy, when he allows me to kill you will be the day you take your final breath," Hikari promised.

"You're a fool, Hikari. I won't ever lose. I promised Ayame and my dead Grandfather I will never lose again. I'm not from the three kingdoms, so your words have no effect on me, and you're not from the Dragon Kingdom, so you are nothing but an ant under my foot," Noboru told him.

A boom was heard as everyone turned to see a giant demon-like figure made from black fire. "Barbatos has arrived!" Barbatos yelled. "Noboru Chikara, I will kill you and your classmates in the name of our fallen queen, the beautiful Kurohime," Barbatos yelled.

"The Demon Empire is attacking the students. Quick, we need to get out of here and help," Celestia said as she pulled Noboru, but he stood still.

"Celestia, I need you to do something for me," Noboru said.

"What's that?" Celestia asked.

"Keep an eye on Hikari. If you see your chance to kill, take it," Noboru ordered.

"Yes, Noboru-Sama," Celestia nodded her head.

"Now, Barbatos, it seems the Demon Empire has sent the weaklings to the top of the food chain. I hope the other demons know they're attacking the wrong person. I will not allow my friends to be hurt, so you will fall. I will protect my friend and our kingdom. The Demon Empire will pay for this attack, and you will die!" Noboru declared.

"You dare lie. You, the Dragon Kingdom, killed Kurohime-sama, and the rest of these kingdoms have looked down upon us demons as abominations, beasts, and creatures of evil for the last time. I will kill you," Barbatos shouted.

"Well, I haven't. I look at one with respect, but you, you are a mindless beast who I will put down. I am the future King of the Dragon Kingdom, and my people have been looked down upon since the beginning, so I will not lose today," Noboru vowed as he charged forward, his Blackstar Blade covered in lightning. "Lightning Slash!" Noboru shouted as the sword slash hit Barbatos, sending him crashing through the roof of the academy.

"That actually hurt, but don't think you've won," Barbatos said, getting up. "Shadow Blast!" Barbatos shouted as a wave of shadow came out.

"Hellfire Wave!" Noboru shouted as a wall of hellfire destroyed the Shadow Blast.

"Dark Lightning!" Barbatos yelled as Noboru was struck with dark lightning.

"Shit, that hurts," Noboru yelled but was blindsided by a fist to the gut.

"You were the one that was too cocky," Barbatos said as he threw Noboru across the ground.

Noboru groaned as he got up. "I will not lose, not here. I won't lose," Noboru yelled as he felt his blood boil. Barbatos stomped on him and was about to punch him.

"Crimson State!" Noboru yelled as his eyes turned red and his body emitted a red omni energy aura. "Get off of me!" Noboru yelled as his fist connected to the chest of the demon and sent him flying.

"You're strong, but I am not one of Maou Sama's Generals for no reason," Barbatos said as he was surrounded in demonic Omni Energy. "Supreme Demon Drive!" Barbatos roared as his eyes and body became red.

"This guy's energy is massive," Noboru thought as Barbatos charged at him and hit Noboru with several hundred punches in a nanosecond.

"Noboru-Sama!" Celestia yelled in distress.

"You will die," Barbatos said as his fists became bigger. "Demon Crusher Punch!" Barbatos said as his fist came towards Noboru.

"Holy Flash!" Noboru heard and saw a flash of holy light connect with Barbatos, destroying his arm. He looked to see who it was, only to see Hikari with a condescending look on his face. "Pathetic. If you were in your Transcendent State, you could have beaten him. I don't understand how you're a threat to father with that kind of power," Hikari said as he looked at Barbatos, who had one of his arms completely destroyed.

"That's good. I actually felt that, boy. But too bad for you, I can eat anything. Even Holy Energy effects aren't dangerous as soon as it enters my mouth," Barbatos said.

"Oh, so you weren't weak at all," Hikari mocked.

"What did you say, you little shit?" Barbatos snarled as he rushed at Hikari, punching him and sending him flying into a wall.

"Noboru Sama, shall we intervene?" Celestia asked as Noboru shook his head.

"No, let's see his power," Noboru replied.

"Die!" Barbatos screamed as his hand transformed into a giant blade made from omni energy.

"Crap," Hikari said as he jumped, and the dimensional hierarchy was cut down. "I... I am father's perfect creation. I will prove to father I am without any doubts, unlike Noboru Chikara," Hikari shouted.

"Angelic Flash," Hikari said as he unleashed an attack.

"You idiot, that won't work. I told you before, any and all effects are negated as soon as it enters my mouth," Barbatos said as he ate the beam. Suddenly, the demon let out a scream, and a golden blade was seen piercing him.

"Divine Sword," Hikari said.

"H-How?" Barbatos asked as he felt the holy light consuming him.

"I used a clone and Angelic Flash as a distraction," Hikari stated.

"I will not die," Barbatos cried out and unleashed his ultimate attack. "Omni Inferno!" Barbatos yelled, and his body became a bomb, exploding. Suddenly, Noboru appeared.

"I can't allow that. That will destroy everything up to Hell, including this lower world," Noboru said as he looked at Barbatos with his Gensōgan, turning the demon's explosion into a mere illusion.

"That power again, the ability to turn attacks into illusion," Hikari said as he watched Barbatos' sacrificial explosion attack be turned into nothing but an illusion. He died, but no damage was done.

"You got lucky. I saved you, Noboru. Only I will kill you, not some lowly demon. I will prove to father only I am his perfect creation," Hikari growled as his eyes flashed white.

"Whatever, you only got lucky that he gave you time to use the transcendent state, or else he would have beaten you like me," Noboru said as he was in thought. 'He was able to use his transcendent state without destroying current and higher realms. He can use it perfectly, and even the demon too. Both of them should have destroyed everything when fighting. Am I that far low in control?' Noboru thought as he looked at his hands.

"No, Noboru-Sama, you are just fine. You're amazing, no one can compare to you," Celestia said, comforting her partner.

"Thank you, Celestia," Noboru smiled.

Meanwhile, outside the Dragon Kingdom borders.

Maou Sama and his army were standing outside the borders. Maou Sama had an angry expression on his face.

'Now, my dear Kurohime-Chan, I shall avenge you,' he said, trying to walk in, only to find out he can't.

"Ah, some puny laws made to protect these lower life forms. No matter," Maou Sama said as he tried to manipulate the laws but couldn't.

'I should be stronger. No, wait, it contains her power. The power of Ayame Akatsuki. No wonder I can't break the laws placed to get in, but no matter,' Maou Sama said as he pulled out a relic.

"A demon using a divine relic should be impossible, but I will not let those stupid inhumans and that stupid demon queen goddess stop me," Maou Sama said, pulling out a key. He tapped the area where the law was applied and turned the key, and red lines appeared, destroying all laws.

"Rule breaker, one of my father's favorite treasures he found during the clash," Maou Sama said, smiling. "And with this, I can now finally destroy this kingdom. My armies, kill everyone here, avenge your fallen queen. We are the demons and the true rulers of the world," Maou Sama stated.

"Yes, Maou Sama," the demons chanted. 'I will avenge you, my love,' Maou Sama thought.


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