The God Of Power

Chapter 30 - 30

Chapter 30: Chapter 30

All Noboru felt was rage as he witnessed the sight. He saw a demons feasting on the lifeless bodies of his people, with 3 human kingdoms The Pheonix, The Tortoise and The Quilin battling the Demon Empire for control over his kingdoms land. Noboru's red eyes turned to the Gensōgan as they transformed into a fiery crimson with 'a single gold ring, but his anger compelled them to evolve further, with another ring emerging.

Noboru's silver omnienergy aura shifted to red and black, capturing the attention of Maou Sama and the Three Founding Kings: Shin Chikara, Yami Chikara, and Niju Chikara.

"YOU WILL ALL PAY," Noboru roared with unbridled rage.

"Noboru-Sama," Celestia exclaimed, shocked by the unprecedented fury she witnessed in the boy.

"Celestia, leave now," Noboru ordered as he descended, spotting Drakaroth in the sky.

"But Noboru-Sama," the Elven Knight began.

"That was not a suggestion. That was an order," Noboru growled, noticing the gazes from Niju and Yami towards Celestia as if she was a piece of meat, intensifying his anger. Despite attempting to control his energy, preventing a repetition of past destruction proved challenging.

"I understand, Noboru-Sama," Celestia bowed and promptly departed, unwilling to engage in conflict with the enraged boy.

Noboru confronted his grandfather, Shin Chikara, and his two brothers, along with Maou Sama.

"Shin, you will all pay," Noboru growled as Shin smirked in response.

"Well, look who it is, the little traitor," Shin sneered.

"Traitor? I'm not the traitor here. You are the ones who abandoned me, neglected me, all for some false prophecy made by a guy who can't even see the future clearly!" Noboru yelled, surprising Shin. In an instant, he appeared behind Shin, delivering a powerful kick to his face. "God Flash!" Noboru yelled, appearing behind Yami and Niju and striking them with a energy blast that sent both brothers flying.

"Impressive, you managed to injure the founders, the strongest humans alive, with such little experience, boy," Maou Sama acknowledged with respect before his expression turned to one of rage. "But your kingdom killed my wife, so you will die and become part of my power," Maou declared.

"Not today, demon," Noboru growled. "And for the record, none of my people killed your wife. But you will pay for killing my people, my friends, my subjects," Noboru asserted, rushing at the demon lord with his Blackstar Blade enveloped in pure lightning omni energy. "Hell Thunder Slash!" Noboru yelled.

"Pathetic," Maou Sama scoffed.

Despite striking Maou Sama's left arm and slashing his shoulder, Noboru felt the toll on his body. The transcendent state strained him, and he grappled with the challenge of containing his surging energy.

'I have to end this now,' Noboru thought. 'But how?' As he dodged a hit from Maou and kicked him in the face, Noboru realized the urgency. He jumped back, assuming his stance.

"Noboru, you may have power, but your body is too weak to use it," Maou Sama mocked.

"I will end you," Noboru growled, sensing his energy building up.

"You can try," Maou smirked.

"I'll end this," Noboru declared as his body began glowing with his aura and power, anger reaching its peak.

"Use me, Noboru," a voice echoed within him. Something locked away surfaced—an inner part of him some Golden Omni Energy combined with his red and black omni energy, turning his hair slick black with a single strand in front. His muscles expanded, and control over his omni energy heightened, as if another half of himself awakened.

Meanwhile, at the Celestial Vanguard Academy.

Hikari felt extreme rage, sensing Noboru's newfound power. "What? How can that abomination use that power? The power of father. It can't be!" He yelled, enveloped in a gold and black aura as he flew towards Noboru. "Abomination, it seems like I will have to kill you with Father's permission. Even if he punishes me, you are becoming a threat," he declared.

Meanwhile, in the Demon Goddess Queen's Realm.

Ayame's eyes opened suddenly as she sensed the power and excitement flickered in her wings. "Noboru-Kun, my Noboru-Kun, I sense it won't be long now," Ayame said to herself. "To think you gained such power to the point you were able to wake me up, and I don't even wake up for anyone. Let's see what you are doing," she said, creating screens.

"So, you're fighting rejects of Hell, I see," Ayame remarked, amused, before her expression shifted to sadness. "Your kingdom was destroyed. Don't worry, my dear Noboru-Kun; we will rebuild it," she assured herself, conjuring some popcorn. "I wonder how long your body can handle the tiny amount of power you have reawakened," she mused.

In an unknown place.

A golden light observed the events, watching through the eyes of seven angels.

"My Lord, it seems the abomination has accessed a tiny amount of his power," the angel reported.

"This power could be a threat, but not yet. I wish to see how he got this power. Tell Hikari to test him, but not to kill him yet," the being said calmly, aware of an impending calamity.

"My Lord, do you really think Hikari will listen?" the angel whispered, hoping it's words went unheard.

"No, the boy is quite reckless. But if he kills the abomination, it doesn't matter. It just gets rid of a threat—of my mistake," the being acknowledged.

Back in the Dragon Kingdom.

"I'M COMING FOR YOU, MAOU!" Noboru yelled as he launched himself at the Demon King.

"This should be interesting," Maou Sama remarked as his hand morphed into a scythe.

"I Will End You," Noboru growled, attacking the Demon King, who used his scythe to block the onslaught.

"How can a mere child have such power?" Maou Sama growled, pushing back the Blackstar Blade with his scythe arms but feeling a burning sensation. "This power, it can't be holy..." Maou was punched in the face and sent flying towards the Three Founding Kings, as Noboru hovered above them, his shining crimson eyes piercing their souls with two glowing gold rings.

"I'll end you now," Noboru declared, gathering his energy.

"It can't be... that's impossible!" The four were shocked by the boy's eyes and what he was about to unleash.

"Hell God's Flash Wave," Noboru announced as his red and black Omni Energy mixed with his golden Omni Energy.

"I've seen this power before. In the legends," Celestia thought, observing from afar.

"It's over," Noboru declared as he launched his attack on the Four. However, a gold beam of energy clashed against it, dispersing both attacks. Noboru turned to see Hikari in his transcendent state.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show his true face," Hikari said with a

smirk. "I've come to stop the abomination," he declared, glaring at Noboru.


"It seems the Abomination has awakened a small portion of his true power. Considering I have been made by Father to kill him, his impure side will be his reckoning," Hikari smirked.


"Oh, the little abomination getting mad. Too bad you will never get that information," Hikari smirked.

"WHY YOU!" Noboru was about to attack Hikari when the Founding Kings and Maou appeared behind him.

"We'll kill you," the four declared as they prepared their attacks.

"It seems we will have to fight with you, Maou and Hikari," Shin said, annoyed.

"Hmph, do whatever you want. Just stay out of my way," Hikari dismissed.

"Whatever, boy," Maou said.


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