The God Of Power

Chapter 27 - 27

Chapter 27: Chapter 27

A few days had passed since Hikari joined the academy and was placed in Noboru Chikara and Celestia Lunablade's class. Combat Class was more fun for Noboru now that he had someone he could actually fight and not defeat in one shot.

"So, Noboru-Sama, what do you think of the communication breakdown between the Academy and the outside world?" asked Celestia as Noboru thought about it before answering.

"I find it weird that the three kingdoms that hate the Dragon Kingdom, our home, control the academy, and it all goes down when the Hikari character joins the class. Not only that, but the last piece of information we got from our spies was that the Phoenix, Quilin, and Tortoise kingdoms' founding kings and armies were amassing their forces at the Phoenix kingdom," Noboru replied to his partner.

"So, what do you make of all this, then?" Celestia asked Noboru.

"It can only mean war is coming. They are done playing, but I have faith in the laws I wrote using my Law Manipulation omni energy technique. They were strengthened by Ayame, so no one from the three kingdoms can get in without the permission of our people. Our people and home should be safe," Noboru told his partner.

"You're right; they won't be able to get through our defenses," Celestia said.

"But I have a feeling we should start preparing for war if it comes to that. Also, keep an eye on the other students, mainly Hikari," Noboru said as Celestia nodded and left. "The enemy could attack us at any moment, and I will need to be ready," Noboru thought to himself.

Meanwhile, at the Demon Empire Borders.

Kira Tanaka smiled as she saw her target, the Demon Queen Kurohime. She was in the trees with countless other Magic Knights, Ninjas, and Fighters. She scoffed at how easy it was to get into the Demon Empire. All they did was cast illusions on the guards, and those mindless beasts let the three kingdoms' army in. It seems all these mega annua of being too powerful to be attacked had made these beasts too complacent, never thinking of tactics humans can deploy to get in. Her team made their way through the Demon Empire; it took days, but she was now in front of the target.

She would finally avenge her husband, whom Noboru Chikara had killed. Her mission was simple: use illusion magic and kill the Queen, leave some dead bodies of the DemiHumans and Male Elves they had, and start a war between the Demon Empire and Dragon Kingdom. Then, they will rush in and kill the remains after that the Phoenix Kingdom destroys the Quilin and Tortoise Kingdoms, ruling the world and preparing for Prince Kouki or Princess Meiyo Chikara, whichever child was the one of prophecy, to take over all dimensions, planets, universes, and more under the Phoenix Kingdom banner.

They saw their chance; the guards were distracted. The Queen Kurohime was taking a bath; they jumped down.

"Illusion Magic," Kira whispered, and a mist was created. She used this to cover them all and make them look like inhuman species.

"This is the end, you filthy Demon! I will kill you, Kurohime, Demon Queen of the Demon Empire, for the glory of the Dragon Kingdom in the name of my king Noboru Chikara," Kira declared, looking like a fox girl.

"Help!" Kurohime yelled as her guards came. Kurohime took her own stances as OmnimEnergy surrounded her being converted to Demonic Magic.

"We have intruders, restrain them all," Kurohime ordered the guards as they charged at Kira's team. Kurohime herself sent weak Purple fire at Kira, not wanting to fight. Kira used a barrier but was still pushed back, even if the purple flames were weak.

"So you can fight, Demon Queen," Kira taunted her.

"I have fought countless battles and am a master in multiple forms of magic, hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat. Ack..." Kurohime was cut off as her blood seeped out of her mouth. She looked at Kira, and her eyes widened in fear as she saw what Kira was holding. God's Hand, a relic made to kill all demon, no matter how strong one was. It was said to contain holy magic created by the boundless gods from the clash.

"For Noboru-Sama," Kira yelled in her fox illusion as she dropped the dead bodies of DemiHumans, male elves, and other inhuman species relative to the dragon kingdom. She felt disgusted praising Noboru, her husband's killer, but it would be worth it watching the boy's despair when his kingdom falls.

"How did you get God's Hand? That is impossible to get," Kurohime told Kira in panic as she coughed up more blood.

"My king Noboru-Sama gave it to me to kill you," Kira lied as she brought it closer, and the demon started to burn from the holy artifact. Kurohime could not believe the words coming from the woman. She was a monster, and Noboru was a monster. She tried to use the rest of her powers to try and kill Kira, but it was not working.

"You are weak, Kurohime. Now die. This is for Noboru-Sama," Kira exclaimed.

"Wait, don't..." was all Kurohime could say before God's hand touched her, and her skin was melting off. Kira quickly turned to the queen's guards, using the relic's remaining power to kill them before throwing it on the floor when it was drained.

"This is for you, King Noboru-Sama. The Dragon Kingdom will destroy you disgusting demons," Kira said as she ran back with her team and left the Demon Empire, using illusion magic to look like demons this time instead of DemiHumans.

Once out of the borders, they teleported to the Phoenix Kingdom where they met the Three Kingdoms' founding kings. They kneeled.

"Did all go according to plan?" Shin Chikara, founding king of the Phoenix Kingdom, asked Kira as she saw the other two founding kings with him, arms crossed. The first was Yami Chikara of the founding king of the Quilin Kingdom, and the second was the founding king of the Tortoise Kingdom, Niju Chikara.

"Yes, we were successful. We have left dead bodies of the Dragon Kingdom residents like the Male Elves, Vampires, DemiHumans, and more. We even left God's hand on the floor for them to find so they know how the Dragon Kingdom killed them. War will start soon, and the nuisance known as the Dragon Kingdom will end soon," Kira reported to them.

"Good job; you may leave," the kings ordered as Kira and the others bowed and left.

"Finally, they will get what they deserve," Shin Chikara, the Phoenix Kingdom founding king, said.

"Noboru will pay for taking what's ours, and he will pay with the blood of his people," Niju Chikara, founding king of the Tortoise kingdom, said.

"We will hurt Ayame Akatsuki by hurting him," Yami Chikara, the founding king of the Quilin Kingdom, said.

"Soon, Noboru Chikara and his people and friends will fall, and then we will conquer the rest of the universe and dimensions," Shin Chikara declared, and the other founding kings cheered. 'As if after Noboru and the Demon Empire falls, your two kingdoms will be next, my dear brothers. For the glory of the Phoenix Kingdom, I will rule all since my Great Great Grandson is the one of prophecy who will rule over all,' Shin Chikara thought to himself.

"The end of the Dragon Kingdom is close," Yami and Niju said at the same time.

"Now we must wait for the Demon Empire to declare war on the Dragon Kingdom," Shin said.

Back at Celestial Vanguard Academy.

Noboru and Celestia sat in class; they were annoyed that Hikari Kid kept looking at Noboru with hate and had not stopped.

"He's annoying, isn't he, Noboru-Sama?" Celestia said to him as he nodded.

"Indeed he is," Noboru replied as Hikari looked away.

"You are going down, Noboru," Hikari thought to himself.

"Soon I will make you pay, Noboru. I will end you, abomination. You are father's biggest mistake," Hikari thought as the class ended, and everyone went to the dorm.


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