The God Of Power

Chapter 21 - 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

"I see, well then, I thank you, noble hero," the queen said, "I am Astrid Alfheimswan, the Queen of all Elves and the first High Elf."

Noboru gave her an adorable smile, making her coo. Although she still hated humans, she was a great sensor and could sense bad intentions. She knew they were going to be invaded centuries ago, but she knew that the elves had no way to counter the humans, so she decided to let them invade. At least that way, the least amount of elven lives would be lost. She frowned as she tried to sense for Elven males, only to see that most of them were either killed or taken to the three kingdoms after being experimented on, their magical cores forcibly removed from them by the humans of Phoenix Kingdom to empower their royal family.

"Hello, Queen Astrid Alfheimswan of Alfheim. I am Noboru Chikara, the Black Star Knight. First, I would like to apologize for my family who is the Royal family of the three kingdoms, and the humans for their selfishness. I have managed to restore your females back to their prime condition, removing all effects of rape, human drugs, aging, and any other mental and physical effects caused by the humans. Their purity has been returned to them. I am sorry about your males; the ones in the Alfheim were killed, and the others in the kingdoms had their magical core forcibly removed and were tested on, so they are as good as gone."

Astrid was shocked when Noboru apologized for his family, even though he had nothing to do with the invasion 2000 years ago and was not even born yet. When she heard about the restoration of her people's purity, she almost cried, and she did cry when she heard about her father and her people being killed.

"Why? Why would you help us? We are supposed to be the enemies. Why would you save me and my people?" she asked.

"Because it was the right thing to do," Noboru said, smiling and making her coo again. He was still an 11-year-old boy.

"That is not a real answer. That is just an excuse," Astrid said.

"Well, let me start from the beginning. You see, I was born as the eldest son of the Phoenix Kingdom, but there was an attack from two 12th-dimensional beasts. My Grandpa Haruki, the only one capable of fighting the beasts, was with my mother, who was giving birth to me and my siblings. In the end, they were sealed in my siblings, who were praised as heroes. Then, Kaito Danzo, my so-called father's sensei, saw a prophecy where one of the kids born that day, my siblings or I, will be the child of destiny who will rule everything. And those parents of mine decided it was Meiyo and Kouki, my siblings, even though that wasn't mentioned in the prophecy. So, I, Noboru Chikara, became the Phoenix Kingdom's scapegoat because the people were mad, and the Chikara clan from the Phoenix Kingdom didn't want their so-called child of destiny to hate the kingdoms. So, they said I had beast souls in me, while my siblings had powers. I grew up hated, isolated, attacked by my own people. A 3-year-old couldn't have friends. A 4-year-old couldn't go outside because I was attacked. Then the day came when they killed the only one I cared about, and I snapped, and my true power was unleashed. I avenged my grandfather, killing Takeshi Tanaka," Noboru said, pausing when he heard a gasp from the queen.

"Impossible! Takeshi Tanaka is a 12th-Dimensional Transcendent with the power to destroy us all! Are you telling me you beat him?" The queen, known as Astrid, asked, as Noboru realized that her information was a bit off. Takeshi was beyond that, on his grandfather's level, but decided to continue.

"After that, I fought my Great-Great-Grandfather Shin Chikara, the founder of the Phoenix Kingdom and the eldest son of the Chikara Kingdom," Noboru said as the queen gasped.

"I can believe you killed Takeshi, but Shin, that man is too powerful. There's no way you beat him. How did you live?" Astrid asked.

"I didn't. I was saved by someone who transcended far beyond the Three Founding Kings. She saved me and left me in the forbidden regions, where I learned how the human kingdoms enslaved the other races and forced the males to mine Dimensium and raped women of these races. So, I decided to liberate them and free the forbidden regions," Noboru said, making the queen look at him.

"So, that's why the Forbidden Regions are freed, and we have been restored," Astrid said.

"Yes," Noboru said.

"Thank you," Astrid said, with tears in her eyes as she pulled the boy into a hug. "But what's stopping them from coming back and taking over when you leave, Noboru?"

"Throughout the kingdoms, cities, towns, and villages I have liberated, I have used one of my abilities in this case reality manipulation to create a law that protects the species of the kingdom and prevents access to humans who try to enter it without your or your people's approval. While the Three Founding Kings could enter, they know not to enter the kingdoms I have under my protection. So, if it's okay, I would love to use my power to create the law," Noboru said.

"I see. I accept this proposal!" Astrid said as Noboru created the law.

A month had passed since that day. Noboru was seen in his room in the castle of Alfheim. He had helped restore the kingdom to its former glory using Reality warping. He had not been disturbed by the three kingdoms, thankfully. It seems Ayame had scared the three kings enough. He, like the other kingdoms, villages, cities, and towns he had liberated, had become friends with the queen and was loved by her people. Today there was going to be a meeting with the other leaders of places Noboru had liberated to create an alliance, a new kingdom to oppose the three great human kingdoms. They had decided that Noboru will be king when he comes of age; until then, the leader of the places will be a council acting on behalf of Noboru.

Noboru had also learned something new: there was a reason why the three kingdoms only took over half of the forbidden region and not the whole continent. It was because demons, too weak for hell or were created during the Great Clash, otherwise known as the start of the Blessed Age, took over that half of the forbidden regions. Although they were weak in hell, they were stronger than any being on Earth, well, apart from him and the three kings. Luckily, the demons only stayed there, and Noboru had a theory that someone who hated the kingdom brought one of those beasts during his birthday, or it was one of the demon lords' generals, or the lord himself who sent them. Noboru would have to ask Ayame if she knows about this, as demons were her domain.

Noboru decided that it was best to leave the demon section of the forbidden regions alone until later on when he was stronger, then he would defeat the demon lord and add his empire to the new dragon kingdom. But for now, it was best to leave them alone, especially considering militaristically, his people were weak, and he was the strongest there, being a human with Omni Energy. Drakaroth, Noboru's Dragon son, was also sleeping outside the castle, and Celes usually goes there to play with him.

"Noboru-sama, Astrid-Sama asked me to tell you to be ready for the meeting," a female elf said entering the room.

"Oh, thank you, Celestia," Noboru said as Celestia blushed before leaving.

Celestia was a high elf who was a very close friend to Noboru since their alliance to free Alfheim. She had become his sword. Noboru was in his Chikara Clan Armor. One of the rules of the world created by the three kingdoms was that only a Chikara Clan member could rule a major kingdom. So, Noboru creating this new dragon kingdom would put it as a major kingdom, and although they were weak in terms of strength, Noboru knew he had an advantage, and that was Dimensium. The main element needed to create relics that allowed humans to transcend dimensions could only be found in the Forbidden Region, which the safe half would be turned into the dragon kingdom. So, the three major kingdoms would have to go through him to get Dimensium, unless they wanted to go to the demon half, which Noboru would rename the Demon Empire.

"Let's get this show on the road," Noboru said, heading towards the conference room.

The other leaders had arrived as Astrid started the meeting.

"Thank you for coming, everybody. This meeting is to discuss the creation of a new kingdom," Astrid said as Noboru spoke.

"Yes, my name is Noboru Chikara, the first prince of the Phoenix Kingdom, but I was disowned, that's when I became the BlackStar Knight and helped liberate you from the three Kingdoms. I am not like my family, who would just enslave you and use your people for their pleasure or convenience, so I would like to ask you, the leader and representatives of your nation, to agree to form this alliance and make this kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom. If not, then I leave. You will still have the protection of the laws I made," Noboru said.

Astrid, the leader of Alfheim, stepped up. "Noboru-Kun, you helped my people from those rapists; you showed me that not all humans were evil. I accept; my people and resources will be at your command. You kept us safe, and this is all I ask for in a king," Astrid Alfheimswan said without a hint of fear or regret.

"Noboru, my boy, you freed Yokaihime from the Phoenix Kingdom. I promised you I would follow you, so my boy, I accept," Fenrir said, as Noboru had tears in his eyes. Fenrir, the old wolf demihuman, reminded him of his grandfather, and with that, one by one, all of the leaders accepted.

"With all of you agreeing, I hereby announce that the Dragon Kingdom is formed," Noboru said as cracks appeared, and red and black energy spread through, biting the ground as Ayame appeared. She went up to Noboru, pulling his head into her enormous bust.

"So, my dear Noboru-kun has managed to create his own kingdom," Ayame said as Noboru blushed. The guards had their weapons, but one look from Noboru told them everything, and they put them away. "Well, most of you don't know me, but I am Noboru-Kun's fiance when he gets of age and the demon goddess queen. I have a present for you. Since humans are strong, since they can use the same energy as us higher beings, Omni energy, even though they still transform them to lower energy like magic, ki, or chakra, but anyways, I have decided to grant it to all of you inhuman species in this kingdom. After all, Noboru-Kun's people need power," Ayame said. The leaders and people of the Dragon Kingdom, apart from Noboru and her, shined, and they were modified to be able to use Omni Energy. She gave Noboru a kiss on his right cheek before disappearing.

The leaders stood in awe; they felt power, power like never before. Now they could transcend dimensions too. Noboru smiled. 'Dad, Mum, Phoenix kingdom, it seems like my people are strong. Just you wait; we, the Dragon Kingdom, shall be the enemies of the Phoenix Kingdom, and my time of revenge is approaching. Soon the Dragon Kingdom will take their place as the number 1 kingdom.'

"All right, since all of you have accepted, we will sort out the rest of the details at a later point. For now, we need to work on getting our forces stronger. Until then, I will be attending Celestial Vanguard Academy," Noboru said. As his words left his mouth, there was outrage.

"My King, that academy is controlled by the three kingdoms that we were liberated from. Is that wise? Will you even get in?" Celestia, his personal guard, said as Noboru smiled at her.

"I know, Celestia, but you don't get it. We control the resources they need to have the academy work. Dimensium, without it, they can't create relics that will allow them to transcend to different dimensions," Noboru said.

"But, my King, what about the humans controlling it? Won't they sabotage you?" said Celestia.

"That's the point. I am going to show them that even if they sabotage me, we are stronger than them," Noboru said.

"I dealt with bullying my entire life, but we need to show the power of the kingdom," Noboru said, as the council agreed.

"Well then, my king, we support you," Fenrir said.

"Thanks," Noboru said. 'Just you wait, Mum, Dad, Shin, Kaito Danzo; I told you I will ruin your prophecy. Don't worry; it will come true, but it won't be Meiyo or Kouki, and by extensionthe Pheonix Kingdom, ruling over all. It will be Noboru Chikara and the Dragon Kingdom ruling above,' Noboru thought.


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