The God Of Power

Chapter 22 - 22

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

The Phoenix Kingdom castle conference room

Shin Chikara, Niju Chikara, and Yami Chikara, along with their kingdom's current kings, gathered. Shin, being the eldest of the Chikara clan, still had anger in his eyes from his complete humiliation at the hands of Ayame. "As you know, my Great-Great Grandson has done an injustice that has ruined our kingdoms. He liberated half of the Forbidden Regions, but not just any half—the safe half, which prevents us from mining Dimensium and transcending dimensions if we don't acquire more," Shin said as he slammed his fist onto the table. "Moreover, we lost control over those inhuman slaves. Lastly, we, the three great kingdoms, have decided to have a truce until we can address the problem of the Dimensium shortage." Shin's brothers, Yami and Niju, nodded in agreement.

"Wait a minute, Yami-Sama, this is all Phoenix Kingdom's fault. We need reparations. It was Shin Chikara's great-great-grandson who destroyed everything in revenge for how they treated him," Daisuke Chikara, the current king of the Tortoise Kingdom, argued as the king next to him nodded.

"I agree with Daisuke-Dona. Niju-Sama, not only did we lose Dimensium due to this boy's rebellion, but we also lost our strongest forces. I personally lost my Q-Force, and the Tortoise Kingdom lost their Anbu Black Ops unit. Even if the Phoenix Kingdom lost their Cronus Knights, this was their war. Why do we have to pay for their stupidity?" Taku Chikara, the current king of the Qilin Kingdom, added.

The three founding kings, Shin Chikara of the Phoenix Kingdom, Yami Chikara of the Qilin Kingdom, and Niju of the Tortoise Kingdom, exchanged glances. "Enough; we have more pressing matters to attend to than this interkingdom dispute. Brothers, have you informed them about Ayame yet?" Shin asked, and both his brothers shook their heads.

"We need to find this boy, Noboru, and have him killed. If that's not possible, bring him back here and execute him to eliminate the threat to the three kingdoms," Yami Chikara suggested.

"No, she is protecting him. Remember, she defeated us for him. For now, we need to transcend until we have the power to match them," Niju Chikara proposed.

Shin looked down, thinking about the humiliation he faced at the hands of the demon goddess queen, Ayame.

"I agree," Shin said but was cut off as Amaya, the current Queen, and the wife of Hiroshi Chikara, the King of the Phoenix Kingdom, rushed in.

"Shin-Sama," she yelled, then blushed with embarrassment as she saw the founding kings and the current kings looking at her. "Speak, my dear," Shin said to his great-granddaughter-in-law.

"Shin-Sama, we received word from our spies in the Forbidden Regions. After liberating the Inhuman Colonies, he formed a new Kingdom, uniting those Colonies under his banner called the Dragon Kingdom," Amaya said, causing the three kings to release their energy, restraining themselves from destroying everything due to the anger they felt. The only source of safe Dimensium was under Noboru Chikara's control.

"That insolent child! I will have him killed for this. He will learn true humiliation and fear when we capture him," Shin declared.

"Shin-Sama, if that is your wish, I will gladly help. I want to put my disgraceful, traitorous son in a grave," Amaya vowed, with her husband Hiroshi agreeing.

"Shin, as much as I want to kill that brat, we have no way to defeat him with Ayame keeping an eye on him and protecting him," Niju Chikara reasoned.

"Then I propose we create a joint coalition to deal with Noboru and his Kingdom. When we have taken over his kingdom, we can use it as a Dimensium mine and take control of those inhuman individuals," Taku Chikara suggested.

Shin was a bit annoyed with his younger brothers taking charge. "Yes, we need to deal with the brat and his goddess. Agreed," Shin said, and the three other kings nodded.

"But first, we must make a temporary deal with Noboru to continue receiving Dimensium, so we can strengthen our forces. Then, when we are strong enough, we will strike," Taku added.

"Agreed," Shin said.

"Well then, with that said and done, we have a deal, but my brothers, make sure to explain Ayame to your heirs," Shin said as Yami and Niju nodded. Suddenly, the doors opened before anyone could agree or say something, and in came Belize Chikara, the commander of the Phoenix Kingdom, with a letter.

"Belize, what is the meaning of this?" Shin asked as Belize kneeled.

"Shin-Sama, forgive me, but I have news. A letter was dropped off by the disgrace. In it are the terms for Dimensium to continue being supplied to our three kingdoms. The first is that we have to allow him and his inhuman people into the Celestial Vanguard Academy. The second is..." Belize listed the conditions, which infuriated everyone in the room.

"That little punk!" they all said in unison.

"If the three kingdoms refuse, he will simply use the Dimensium himself. He's showing us that he doesn't need us. He wants to attend our school to learn our techniques and prove that even if we sabotage him, he's better than us. If we don't agree, the school can't function. Everything the school teaches, the world's current system, relies on Dimensium. Without it, we can never ascend beyond the third level, and without Dimensium, our school and our entire political system will be rendered useless. Moreover, we can't get rid of him without risking our lives; our lives are at his mercy. If we go back on our words, Ayame will kill us for going against him," Shin explained.

"But isn't the Celestial Vanguard Academy meant for our children? The inhumans have no right to learn our techniques; it's like giving them our power, teaching them how to kill us," Taku argued.

"What other choice do we have?" Niju asked.

"The only other source of Dimensium is the Demon Empire, but even we, the three founding kings, haven't ventured there. They are rejected demons who left hell and have the power to easily defeat us, like Ayame. Even if they hate Ayame, they won't help us. We're going to have to make a deal with Noboru. This can be good; we can learn his techniques. Yes, Shin, let's accept," Yami said.

"Then it's agreed—the Disgrace and those inhumans can attend the Celestial Vanguard Academy," Shin declared.

A few weeks later in the Dragon Kingdom

Noboru stood before his council. The land had been transformed using his reality-warping abilities. Now there were cities instead of towns and villages, and the inhumans, once used as slaves, were free and given equal rights to humans. The people were living happily. Noboru looked at his people and felt satisfied with his work.

"Noboru-Sama," Astrid, the queen of elves, said, "the humans have accepted."

Noboru gave a dark smile. "Good, our revenge begins. Astrid, I want Celestia as my guard," Noboru commanded.

"Of course, Noboru-Sama. She would kill me if I didn't assign her," Astrid responded.


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