The God Of Power

Chapter 20 - 20

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Noboru stared at Ayame as she stood in front of him protectively. Noboru was feeling a range of emotions: happy that Ayame, someone so powerful, was wasting her time to protect him, but also feeling weak; he hated that he needed to rely on her when it should be the other way around. He looked at the three kings who were shaking in fear.

"L-Lady Ayame, what are you doing here?" Yami Chikara stuttered out.

"You must not have heard me, worm. I told you to pack up and have your people leave this city now!" Ayame said as Yami shook in fear.

"No!" Shin said.

"WHAT!" Ayame said, anger in her tone as she looked at Shin, the disgusting bug who dared to defy her. "Do you want to die? My Noboru Kun wants this city free, liberated from your kingdoms, so get up and leave NOW!" She yelled.

"Shin's right, Yami. Ayame Akatsuki, if you want us out, you are going to have to force us out. We won't be pushed by you any longer, demon," Niju Chikara said as Ayame grew mad.

These mortals dared to disrespect her, the Demon Goddess Queen. Well, then she would have to show them their place. "Hahahaha! You think you can beat me? Well then, bugs, come at me," Ayame said as she made a "come at me" hand gesture.

"Yami, we are going to have to fight. I know we don't get along, with us being founding kings of rival kingdoms, but she and the Noboru kid are a danger to us," Shin said with fear in his tone. 'We can't lose Alfheim without it if we do my kingdom can't gain the power these elven breeding stock have,' Shin thought.

"You're right, brother. For this battle, we will have a truce. We need to take down the threat to our reign and world order," Yami said as he got in a fighting stance, channeling ki through his body.

"I'm with you for this one. I always thought that we could beat her if we teamed up," Niju said, getting his kunai and amplifying it with elemental chakra.

"We will have a truce for this fight only. I am in," Shin said as the three nodded, and Shin put his hand out, making a red magic circle.

"Let's do this," they yelled as Shin fired a stream of fire at Ayame, followed by Yami punching her and Niju appearing behind her, stabbing her as smoke and dust filled the area, and a big shockwave sent them flying back.

"Did we get her?" Shin said.

"I think we did," Yami said.

"All that talk, and she was no match," Niju said as the three cheered.

"Hahahaha. This pathetic display of power. I find it hard to believe you are considered strong, but then again, being in such a weak and trash realm, I can see why," a familiar voice said as the dust cleared to reveal Ayame not even hurt. In fact, there wasn't even a speck of dust in her hair or on her clothes; she looked perfect as always.

"Impossible," Shin said in despair.

"She should have been killed," Yami said with fear.

"I can't believe this. What kind of demon is she?" Niju asked.

"Your attacks, they were so weak and pathetic; you couldn't even get past the air pressure of my mere existence. I wasn't even channeling or using my Omni energy," Ayame replied, revealing she hadn't even used a single bit of her incredibly large omni energy reserves, as Noboru watched in awe.

"She never even felt that; she didn't even use omni energy, not even converted it to lower forms like mana, ki, or chakra. So that's the power of the strongest demon queen," Noboru said to himself with awe in his tone.

"Well then, gentlemen, come on, show me your power. The power that gives you the courage to defy my wishes. Or are you gonna run away like the cowards, like you did last time when I took the lives of your wives when you entered one of my lower domains so arrogantly, demanding I be your woman? All three of you demanded that all three of you saw your wives die that day," Ayame said with a dark, scary gleam in her eyes, daring them to say yes.

"I, I, I won't give up," Shin said as the fear in his tone faded. "We will be free from you and the nightmare you give us. I won't lose ever again, for Hana, I will kill you. I will avenge her!" Shin yelled as omni energy started to surround him and turned into magic; the energy pressure itself started to tear through dimensions destroying each and every dimension inside the current hierarchy they resided in After his energy had destroyed the Hierachy they were in it started destroying the infinite hierarchies of dimensions around them. It went beyond that to realms which transcended the concepts of space and time, and then the ones that transcended them infinitely.

Noboru's eyes turned crimson; his hair spiked up as he was enveloped in red and black omni energy, entering the Transcendent state to save himself from being erased like the rest of the world from Shin's release of energy. Noboru looked to see the other 2 brothers, Niju and Yami, who survived and were also enveloped in omni energy at that level, converting it to the energy types they were known for.

"So you decided to use your true power. It's a shame you destroyed the world; I wonder who will fix it," Ayame said in a melodious tone.

"We will force that traitor behind Noboru to do it after we rough him up, and when that's done, he will be executed. But first, we will kill you," Shin said, with Yami and Niju agreeing.

"What did you just say? Did you just threaten my Noboru Kun? Do you know who he is? No, of course not. You are too weak to know. But let's just say when he reaches his full potential, not even you or even the gods can beat him. But forget about that. You threatened my love, and for that, I will kill you," she said as the three charged at her. Yami punched her, only for her to block it with the index finger of her right hand. Niju appeared to her left side, going to cut her by throwing his kunai at her, but she deflected them with a flick, sending them flying back into him.

"Argh!" Niju yelled in pain as he became a pincushion for his own kunai.

"Hahahaha, so weak and pathetic," she said as she flicked Yami, sending him flying back. She then sensed 5 giant fireballs coming towards her as she heard Shin yell, "True fire magic, Fire meteors!" The fireballs rushed at her with speeds faster than light, actually so fast they could travel infinitely instantly.

Ayame chuckled at this. "Such a pathetic display of fire," Ayame said as she blew some air, like she was breathing, and a gust of wind 5x stronger instantly pushed the fireballs back, sending them to Shin, making a giant explosion. Ayame waited patiently as Noboru watched in awe.

"They didn't even make her move from that spot," Noboru said, shocked and surprised that three founding kings couldn't make Ayame budge. But he was confused; Ayame kept on saying he surpassed her at full potential by miles, but he couldn't match that level of power. 'No, Ayame and Grandpa believed in me; I won't give up; I will surpass Ayame and protect her like she does me,' Noboru thought as he heard and turned to see the three founding kings come back injured.

"You Bitch, you dare harm us, the 3 founding kings of the three great human nations," Shin yelled, mad, losing all fear. The pain he felt and damage he had received from being hit by his own fireball was making him more enraged and not thinking clearly.

"Noboru Kun, can you believe these bugs are still defying us? You know what, let's play with them before I kill them," Ayame said in a playful tone as her hair turned a darker shade of red, her eyes became red, her nails became 2 inches long and turned black.

"Playtime," She said as she grabbed hold of Niju by the throat. "You know it's a shame I won't be able to hear your screams as I kill you," she said as she tightened her grip.

"Ahhhh," Niju screamed out in pain as he felt his neck crushed under the pressure, and the bones in his body started to break and fracture.

"Stop hurting him!" Yami yelled as he charged at Ayame and punched her, only for her to catch it. "Ahhh," Yami screamed as he felt the bones in his hand break.

"Yami," Shin said as he conjured up a stream of fire at Ayame, only for her to dodge it and release her hold on Niju's throat and throw Yami at him, sending the two flying back. Her eyes glowed as a barrier appeared, and they crashed into it.

"Hahaha. That was fun," Ayame said, her hair returning to normal, her eyes returning to their golden color.

"I will kill you," Shin said, standing up, his arm hanging limp, his face swollen, and several bruises on his tattered and burnt clothes.

"Shin, no, you will only die if you go up against her again," Yami said, trying to reason with him.

"Don't stop me, brother; I have a chance. Noboru is distracted by her. I will use this chance to kill him. I will not let this chance escape," Shin said as he charged and tried to kill Noboru, his hand coated in fire.

'No, I will protect Ayame,' Noboru thought as his hair spiked up red, and his eyes glowed crimson, and his attack went through him, the power of the Chikara Clan's Gensogan activating.

"Impossible," Shin said before Noboru punched him in the stomach, sending him crashing into the barrier.

"Noboru Kun, that was amazing," Ayame said, clapping. "You dare to go after Noboru Kun? That is a sin punishable by death," Ayame said, her eyes turning more red as she walked towards Shin.

'Oh shit' was the only thing Shin thought as he saw his impending doom.

"Shin, quick, let's use the combo," Yami said as he used his chakra to form a ki construct of a Qilin.

Shin nodded as he said, "Let's end this, bitch, and my failure of a great-great grandson, Noboru, once and for all." He said as fire magic surrounded him, taking the form of a Phoenix.

"It's time we put that demon bitch down for all she has done to us," Niju said as he channeled chakra, making a construct of a tortoise around him.

"Chikara," Yami calmly said.

"Forbidden," Shin declared.

"Art," Niju says.

"Barrage," They all yelled.

The three launched themselves at Ayame, with Yami arriving first as he proceeded to use his giant Qilin avatar to beat her, only to jump out of the way when Shin arrived, who started to attack her with her fire wings, sending her flying up, only for Niju's tortoise to shoot chakra kunai at her out of its mouth. Dust covered the area as the three founding kings' avatars deformed, running out of omni energy reserves. They looked as the dust cleared to reveal an unharmed Ayame with not even dust on her clothes; she had a mocking smile on her face.

"Hahaha. I guess all of your power is gone. I guess I win. Now, I am going to tell you this one last time: I am going to restore the world so that my Noboru kun can fulfill his destiny, so you are going to leave Alfheim with all of your people. Do you understand?" She said as they stood there frozen.

"You will pay for this, bitch," Shin said.

"Yes, yes. Whatever you say," Ayame said with a roll of her eyes.

"This isn't over," Yami said as the three flew off.

"Such pathetic lower lifeforms. Well then, Noboru Kun, are you ready to take over and rebuild Alfheim?" She said as Noboru nodded.

"Yes, Ayame chan. We will bring it back to its former glory," he said determinedly. Ayame smiled lovingly at Noboru as with a hand gesture , everything they had destroyed during the fight was restored, and Noboru found himself in Alfheim with all the civilians and soldiers of the 3 Kingdoms gone..

"Noboru, you did it," Celestia said, running up and petting Noboru on the head, only for him to pout. Seeing this, the entire elven population frowned.

"Lady Celestia, why are you so kind to this human after what his kind did?" asked an elf.

"He's the one who freed us and has liberated many countries," Celestia said as the elf frowned, along with everyone.

"You don't believe me, do you? Seriously, you saw him fighting the Madness Brigade and them even admitting to him liberating other countries, cities, towns, and villages taken over by the 3 kingdoms," Celestia said.

"Fine, let's take him to the queen; the king is still in the camps. She will determine if he's telling the truth," said one of the other elven knights. As they reached there, the elven women of the queen were screaming.

"The queen is still under the human's drugs," they yelled before stopping by Noboru. "What are you doing bringing a human here?" the elven women who attended the queen yelled.

"Calm down, Seraphine; he is the one who liberated us," Seraphine said, "How can we be sure this isn't a ploy for him to take our kingdom from the 3 kingdoms for himself? No, we should kill him here," Seraphine said, and the other knights agreed, all drawing their swords, only for Celestia to draw her sword.

"You do not make that decision, Seraphine; only her majesty can. Should I take this as your attempt to circumvent authority and take her majesty's place?" Celestia said, her aura shaking the castle.

"No, my lady, please go in," she said in fear as

Celestia nodded, and Noboru and her entered the room.

"Look at what your kind did, human," Seraphine said as Noboru saw a woman with white sticky liquid all over her, drugged up, asking for more pleasure. Noboru frowned.

"I can heal her like I did all of you," Noboru said.

"Shut up, you didn't heal us; I refuse to believe it," Seraphine said, only to be slapped by Celestia.

"Noboru, do it, please," Celestia said as Noboru nodded.

"Full heal," Noboru said, channeling his omni energy and reverting the queen's body and mind to prime condition, restoring everything taken away from her and removing all damage done to her mentally and physically. The queen opened her eyes to see Noboru. Seraphine was shocked; the human wasn't lying; maybe she could trust him.

"What happened? Why is there a human still here after all they did to us?" The queen said, worried.

"Don't worry, your majesty," Celestia said.

"Celestia, is that you?" the queen asked.

"Yes, my Queen, and Noboru here is a human who rebelled against his family and kingdom and liberated not just us but half of the forbidden region, you know, the half taken over by the humans," said Celestia.

"I see, see, well then I thank you, noble hero," the queen said, "I am ..."


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