The God Of Power

Chapter 19 - 19

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Noboru and Celestia peered down from the trees at the three factions guarding the Kingdom: the Cronus Knights, the elite faction of the Pheomix Kingdom; the Q-Force, an elite squadron from the Quilin Kingdom; and the Anbu Black Ops from the Tortoise Kingdom. Noboru frowned, realizing that the gates were not the only guarded entry points. He concentrated, infusing his eyes with Omni energy, allowing him to see Omni energy signatures throughout the city. There were too many to count, and he finally stopped.

"Every section of the city is guarded," Noboru said, his frustration evident in his tone.

"I know. I could have told you that. Your kind, the disgusting humans, have no shame. They are only interested in us because of our bodies. The Phoenix Kingdom has been even more interested, apparently altering half-breed children's races using Omni energy to remove the elven half, making them fully human with elven abilities," Celestia said with disgust, her frustration at how they saw her people as objects evident.

Noboru frowned, disliking being associated with such people. Still, he wasn't angry at Celestia; he had witnessed human arrogance and selfishness throughout his entire childhood, which had been ruined by it. He then had an idea to test out a new ability he had recently acquired, one that would require them to take out only one or two guards, given the feud between the three factions.

"Celestia, I have an idea. I'm going to mentally manipulate the three factions into hating each other. You see, the three kingdoms have feuds based on which way of manipulating Omni Energy is better: Magic, Ki, or Chakra. But they also feud over land. So..." Noboru was interrupted.

"So if we play on their hatred using your mental manipulation abilities, we can force them to fight each other while we take out their leadership. Then kill those fat, ugly civilians from the three kingdoms are using my people and queen as sex toys," Celestia said as Noboru reacted to being cut off.

"Yes, that's what I was going to say! But we won't be able to charge in. In the Phoenix Kingdom, there is a clan of mental manipulators called the Takahashi Clan. Their powers allow complete control over mental manipulation. In fact, if it weren't for me possessing the knowledge of how to manipulate Omni energy to a high degree, which the other humans don't do because they choose to convert Omni energy into magic, ki, or chakra for ease, I wouldn't be able to mess with their minds because magic, ki, and chakra are limited to the five basic elements unless you have a mutation or bloodline that allows you to use the others," Noboru explained.

"You don't have to explain how humans work; I know that. But first, let's free the people," Celestia said as Noboru nodded.

Noboru aimed his hand towards the guards stationed outside and used his mental ability to intensify their hatred towards each other.

"Hey, Phoenix Kingdom trash, why are we Quilin Kingdom sharing this city with you?" one of the Q-Force members said under Noboru's influence, provoking the Cronus Knights.

"Shut the hell up, weakling. Who do you think you are, calling us trash? Dirty ki user, you're as low as these elves," retorted a Cronus Knight from the Phoenix Kingdom.

"What did you say? You filthy magic users!" countered the Q-Force member.

Noboru could sense their ki rising, and he knew what would happen next.

"Hey, let's settle this," the Cronus Knight said as he aimed a fireball spell.

"Both of you are trash and lower lifeforms," added the Anbu Black Ops Ninja as he fired a wind bullet. The spells collided, causing an explosion.

"You will die now," declared the Cronus knight as he began casting a powerful spell.

"Oh no you don't," responded the Anbu Black Ops Ninja as he fired another wind bullet.

"Don't forget us!" chimed in the Q-Force fighter as they rushed up to join the fight. All Cronus Knights and Anbu Black Ops agents began fighting each other under Noboru's influence. He smiled as even more reinforcements from all three factions joined the fray.

"Quick, Celestia, get into the city," Noboru urged as he jumped down. Thanks to his Black Star Blade's ability to cut through higher-dimensional transcendants, he started to eliminate the leadership and forces of the three Kingdoms' forces while they were preoccupied with infighting, oblivious to the fact that they were being killed by Noboru under his influence. Noboru knew that this would also destabilize the relationship between the kingdoms, preventing them from retaliating against him once he liberated the forbidden lands, as they would be too busy fighting each other. Eventually, Noboru had eliminated most of the forces from the three Kingdoms and entered the kingdoms to begin healing the elves, both mentally and physically, using his Full Heal ability.

Noboru came across some human civilians who were using elves as sex slaves. The elves had started to retaliate, as most humans who weren't knights, ninjas, or fighters couldn't use Omni energy and were helpless against the vengeful elves and without the drugs making them reliant on humans for sex the Elves had no reason not to kill the humans. Noboru smiled when he heard an explosion and saw the elves who had killed humans being sent flying back. Three members of the Madness Brigade, the Takahashi Clan's elite fighting forces, had arrived.

"So, Noboru Chikara, the Beast who destroyed our homes, it was you who upset everything, Black Star Knight? I guess destroying our home wasn't enough, you monster. Now you free these dirty Lower Lifeforms," Raiga, the third strongest of the Madness Brigade, said, shocking the elves who had been killing their oppressors and civilians.

"You call me a monster, yet you enslave and rape these innocent sentient beings who can feel pain and emotions like us. You are what the word 'Hypocrite' would be if dictionaries had pictures," Noboru said in a mocking tone.

"What, you little brat? You've gotten too cocky in your escape. I'm going to mentally torture you, and then I will drag you back to your parents, the king and queen, for your treachery against the Phoenix Kingdom. They will choke the life out of you when you're mentally broken and begging for death. How dare a lowly beast like you look down upon me?" Raiga said.

"Well, first, I will kill you, and then I will save these people who need help, not like you, who would enslave them. I won't let people like you, who are rotten to the core, live," Noboru said.

"You're a dead man," Raiga declared as he charged at Noboru, accompanied by his fellow members of the Madness Brigade. The two sides clashed, with swords and energy attacks.

"Let's dance," Noboru said as he channeled some Omni energy into his Black Star Blade and deflected a hit from A, a tall, muscular man with surprising strength for a magic user, especially since he was from the Takahashi clan, which relied on their powers more than their physical attributes. B, a short and fast fighter, was exactly what you would expect from a Takahashi clansman and a magic user.

B attacked first, but Noboru blocked

his attack, followed by A, who sent him flying into a wall. They were both 7th Dimensional Transcendants, unlike Raiga, who was a 9th Dimensional one.

"Is that all, Noboru? We all know it's not. Use the Red and Black Omni Energy state you used against Shin," Raiga taunted.

Noboru sighed; he couldn't go into his transcendent state at will, but he could use his Crimson State to defeat A and B. Noboru closed his eyes as a red aura enveloped him. Both A and B were sent flying back into a wall, their armor damaged and broken. A and B got up and rushed at Noboru, but he blocked their strikes. Noboru elbowed B, staggering him, and kicked A in the groin as he grabbed B and used him as a shield against A, ultimately killing B. Noboru could have used the Black Star Shield, but using A as a means to kill B seemed fitting.

A let out a yell of rage. "You, you monster! You made me kill my brother! Damn you, beast! Kaito Danzo Sama was right; you will ruin everything. Die, Noboru, you beast! Die!" A exclaimed as Omni energy formed around him, turning into magic. Reality started to distort around him. Raiga smiled as he aimed his hand at Noboru, and a magic circle appeared. Noboru's red eyes turned pupil-less.

Noboru found himself in complete darkness. "Where am I?" Noboru asked as his voice echoed.

"We are in your mind, Noboru. Here, I have the power. I call this technique the Trials of Mind. You see, in order to escape, you have to complete several trials. Now, let the first one begin," Raiga's voice said from all directions as the black space transformed into a house.

Noboru found himself inside a house, and not just any house—the royal palace where his parents lived. Noboru got up and sighed, ready to complete his trial and defeat Raiga, as well as anyone else from the three kingdoms and free Alfheim from their grasp. Noboru walked downstairs, remembering how he was treated as an outcast in this house, hated by his parent, siblings and family.

Noboru arrived at the dining table to see his mother, Amaya, walking up to him and hugging him, pressing his face against her decent-sized bust. "My baby boy, you're awake. We were worried about you. You just fainted," Amaya said as his father, Hiroshi, approached.

Noboru was confused. 'What is this? They were never this nice. They never even cared for me. They left me for Meiyo and Kouki, only Grandpa cared for me.'

"Noboru, are you okay? I can't have my heir..." Hiroshi said, placing his hand on Noboru's shoulders. Noboru's eyes started to tear up. He had always hated his mother and father, but if they were like this, he would love them.

"My baby boy, are you okay?" Amaya said as she wiped his tears away.

"Yes, mommy," Noboru said. The word "mommy" felt strange to him; he had never used it in a long time. It sounded full of hope.

"Mummy, is Grandpa Haruki here?" Noboru asked, looking at them. Their faces turned to shock.

"How do you know that name, Noboru? Forget him; he tried to kill you," Amaya said with fear.

"HaHaHaHa! Noboru Chikara, this is your trial. Pick between your dream life here in my mental reality that I created for you or your Grandpa, who cared for you when your family abandoned and disowned you. What will it be, to have the dream life you wanted with your parents and be an only child, or accept reality with your grandpa, who gave his life to save and nurture you?" Raiga said as Noboru cried.

"Why? Why do you, Phoenix Kingdom members, do this to me? Is it not enough that you ruined my childhood, made me a scapegoat, and subjected me to beatings, hatred, and isolation? Why do you have to make me choose between having a good mommy and daddy or a good grandpa?" Noboru cried, broken and unsure of what to do. He could have his dream life with his family or accept that they were bad, with only his grandpa being good.

"Because you're a beast, that's what you are, good only for abuse and to take out all our hatred," Raiga said as Noboru felt something.


A four-year-old Noboru walked downstairs, crying his eyes out once again because his parents ignored him in favor of Meiyo and Kouki. Noboru had wanted to go to the sword shop, but his brother wanted to visit the Hakashi Tanaka house, so they went there. Noboru was ignored again, and he was sometimes barely acknowledged by the kingdom. Only his Grandpa Haruki cared for him. Noboru sneaked downstairs, not wanting to be caught. As he walked past his father's office, he heard their conversation and pressed his ear against the wall to listen.

"Noboru has gotten really annoying lately," Amaya said.

"Yes, he isn't like his siblings but acts like he is," Hiroshi replied.

"My student, we should consider getting rid of him," Kaito Danzo said.

"You are right, sensei. If it weren't for my father Haruki, I would have rid the kingdom of the beast, because that is what Noboru is good for, to be abused and take out all our hatred," Hiroshi said. Noboru's eyes widened.

"Daddy hates me. He called me a beast, but I am not one," Noboru silently said, crying as he ran upstairs and got into bed, hugging a teddy bear that Grandpa Haruki had given him.

End of flashback.

"No, I hate Amaya and Hiroshi. I don't need them. I choose to have memories of my deceased Grandpa rather than them," Noboru yelled, destroying the illusion.

"So that's your choice. Interesting. You're stronger than I thought, beast. Unfortunately, you have cleared my first trial. You can decide whether to be let out now or complete the other three. If you clear the other three, I will be helpless. That's the result of the technique. But if you fail, you will be too broken to save Alfheim, you filthy beast," Raiga said.

"I choose to beat you at your own game and complete these trials," Noboru said.

"You have completed the second trial," Raiga acknowledged, his voice weakening. "But the next ones won't be easy." As he spoke, the blackness changed again. Now, Noboru stood in front of Shin, who was standing before two people.

"People of the Phoenix Kingdom, it is with great pleasure that I announce we will execute two aides of the beast who ravaged our country: my father, Haruki Chikara, who trained the filthy beast, and Ayame Akatsuki, who not only treated us as filth but also saved Noboru Chikara, the beast, sparing him the justice our people deserved," Hiroshi declared.

Noboru stared with wide eyes. 'How did Ayame get captured?

No, it's an illusion; she isn't that weak,' he thought. 'It has to be.'

"Noboru, Noboru, Noboru, you filthy beast! You have enough power to save one of them. Who will it be, the old man who raised you or the woman who loves you?" Laughed Raiga as he watched Noboru struggle.

Noboru stared at the two people who cared for him beyond anything. "Even though it's an illusion, my mind, body, and heart won't accept it. If I choose one over the other, I will feel the effects emotionally and physically," Noboru said to himself.

"Noboru, my grandson, save me. Who cares about that demon whore? You can do much better," Haruki spoke. Noboru felt angry; his grandpa was a kind man, and to see Raiga twist his image and have him call Ayame a whore when he would have treated her like a granddaughter for caring for him made him sick. He walked up to Ayame unconsciously, going to free her but stopped when he heard her voice.

"That's right, Noboru-kun, save me. Who cares for the old bastard; he's dead," Ayame said. Noboru felt horrified; he was watching the two most important people in his life being bastardized and mocked to convince him to save them.

"You have ten seconds to choose before both of them are killed."

"10," Raiga's voice rang out.

Noboru started to get stressed.

"9," Raiga said in a singing tone.

Noboru's mind started to think of ways to stop this.

"8," Raiga said in a pleased tone.

"Wait a minute, both," Noboru said to himself.

"7," Raiga called out.

"I will save them both."

Noboru rushed to the area.

"6," Raiga said.

As Noboru channeled his energy.

"5, better do this quickly, or both of them will be lost," Raiga said.

Noboru stretched out both hands and aimed at both knights who were about to kill Ayame and Haruki.

"4, make this interesting for me," Raiga said darkly.

Noboru shot energy blasts at the guards.

"3," Raiga called out.

The energy blasts connected.

"2," Raiga said.

As the energy was absorbed into Ayame and Haruki, they escaped, and the illusion dissipated.

"1," Raiga said.

"It seems you have passed. No matter, you can't beat the last trial," Raiga said.

"Choose, Noboru, to stay here and live your dream life without any negatives. You can have your Mummy and Daddy love you and be an only child, as in the first trial, while also having your grandpa alive and Ayame as your wife when you're older," Raiga proposed.

"I refuse. You have shown me I can't trust what you say; you won't change it after I fail your trial," Noboru said as the blackness faded, and he woke up in Alfheim, where he saw A charging at him. Noboru channeled the crimson omni energy into his sword, creating dark crimson hell flames. "Hell Flame Slash!" Noboru yelled as he beheaded A. Noboru heard screams of pain and looked in the direction of Raiga, who had omni energy gathering in his head before it exploded.

"So that's the consequence of losing to the trials," Noboru said as he smiled. He made his way to the castle to find Celestia beaten to the ground, as three figures walked down. Noboru's eyes widened when he saw the first figure.

"Shin Chikara, Yami Chikara, and Niju Chikara," Noboru said.

"You have been causing quite the problems, Noboru. Did you really think we would let you take Alfheim back so easily?" Shin said.

"So you're this Noboru who's in cohorts with Ayame," Yami said loudly.

"To see such talent have to be erased is saddening, but I can't, with good faith, allow you to live if you're allied with that demon," said Niju.

Suddenly, cracks appeared, and red and black energy seeped through and crashed onto the floor. Out of it appeared Ayame.

"So, three kings, we meet again. I am sorry, but you will have to vacate this place; my Noboru-kun wants it, you see, and what he wants, he gets," Ayame said as the three founding kings shook in fear.


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