The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 81 - Is He The One?

King Kragen grinned from ear to ear the moment he set his eyes upon Laina. He lusted over her curves, her beauty, the energy she radiated. Her aura was unlike anyone he had ever seen before. 

-With her as my Queen, I will be unstoppable!- he muttered to himself with glee as Laina walked towards him. 

He could see it in her eyes, Cordelia's spell was working on Laina. 

"I have been waiting for you, Crown Princess Laina," King Kragen said to her as he reached for her hand. 

He gave her a gentle kiss on her hand, a loving greeting to his mate. Laina was blushing as he did so. At the same time, she was repulsed by him yet she could feel an attraction towards him. 

"Welcome, Alpha King Kragen, to Kinshearth. May I know the purpose of your trip? You have to make any arrangements to meet with me before this…" Laina said as she attempted to avoid his watchful gaze. 

She was like a deer trying to avoid the lion's line of sight. But no matter where she looked, she felt trapped. The other ministers who have gathered in the Throne Room were also intrigued by the Werewolf King's sudden arrival. 

Not to mention, the entourage he brought with him was not only made out of knights but also over twenty servants. Each of them held heavy chests and items of great value in their hands. 

This was a clear sign, that there was something more than meets the eye. Laina quickly noticed it too. She did not have a good feeling about this. But the emotions swirling in her heart told a different story. 

It was as if there was a voice in her mind, telling her that this person is the one she would spend her life with. As soon as King Kragen got down on one knee, Laina knew why he had come. 

"Crown Princess Laina," he called out her name as he held her hand, "I, Alpha Werewolf King Kragen had been searching for my mate for years without end. I have traveled far and wide looking for my Luna, my Queen. 

I have consulted the Oracles of Wolves and received a vision from them so that I may find the one."

A servant brought forth a painting on an easel. Laina's eyes widened in shock as she looked at the oil painting before her. Even Margaret could not believe it. It was an oil painting of Laina and Kragen in an embrace. 

"The Oracles painted this painting, showing me the vision of who the Moon Goddess had chosen to be my mate. Hence, I am here before you today, my Luna. I am here to bring you home as my Queen," King Kragen said as he gazed into Laina's eyes. 

All the ministers gasped in shock, the Werewolf King came to marry their Crown Princess. He was here to propose to her. The Grand General and Royal Chancellor were also pleasantly surprised. 

It seems as if their prayers have been answered. Kinshearth was going to have a King and Queen. 

For Laina, it was as if her entire body was on fire. She had listened to everything the Werewolf King had to say. The voice in her mind grew louder and clearer. Everything about it felt right. 

She wanted to leap into his embrace. Yet, her feet were grounded. Her hand was on the moon-shaped necklace she wore around her neck. Her eyebrows furrowed. Her body was saying yes, yearning for the touch of the King before her. 

But in her gut, there was a feeling of suspicion and her heart was whispering to her. 

He's not the one.

"You're saying that I am your mate?" Laina finally gathered enough senses to form a question. 

Kragen nodded, "Indeed you are, my Luna," 

"How is this even possible?" Laina asked in disbelief.

He stood up, holding her hand in his as he explained, "As I approached Kinshearth, I could already feel your presence. When I arrived at your palace, you were already on my mind. 

I could smell your sweet scent as you came nearer, and I am certain you could smell me too. Does your heart not flutter when your eyes meet mine? As if everything felt right?"

His hands were around her shoulders and his grip was firm. It was as if he wanted to sink his claws into her arms, never letting her go. Kragen could see her wavering in her eyes. 

He gritted his teeth for a moment before turning to the painting. 

"You can't refute the work of the Oracles." He placed a hand over his heart as he continued to make his passionate plea, "They have never met you before this moment, yet they were able to paint your likeness into this portrait. Is this not the best proof there is?"

Everyone else in the Throne Room nodded in agreement as they dove deep into a discussion. Laina looked at the painting. Something about it did not sit well with her. She could not believe it could be true, but could it?

She turned to look at Margaret, even though she was taken aback by what was going on. But if this was indeed true, the handmaid knew Laina marrying the Werewolf King would mean one thing. 

Dante would not be able to get his hands on her. 

That being said, Margaret had her own reservations about this Werewolf King. She had heard rumors about his brutality and impulsive attitude. As the Crown Princess's close confidante, she wanted to share her views with Laina. 

Margaret leaned in close to Laina, she was just about to whisper into Laina's ears when she caught sight of Kragen's face. He tried his best to hide his emotions from his facial expressions. 

But the anger and rage were written all over in his eyes. 

"A handmaid should know her place," he snarled, "Trying to whisper into the ear of the Crown Princess? Are you attempting to cloud her judgment? Or brainwash her?"

Hearing these baseless accusations, Margaret was livid she did not care if Kragen was a King or not. She wanted to put him in his place, where he belonged. This werewolf even dared to exert his Alpha essence, pressuring her into submission. 

Even as the King of Werewolves, Kragen's Alpha essence had no effect on Margaret. Just as she was about to give him a piece of her mind, Laina spoke first. 

"Don't you dare speak to her in that tone, King Kragen," Laina warned.


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