The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 80 - It Was Like Every Other Day

The day had begun like any other.

Early morning court sessions with the ministers followed by a seemingly uneventful lunch. Laina decided to brighten her day with a dessert after finishing her main course. She had been waiting for quite some time to receive this delectable dessert for it had been flown in from a distant town in a different kingdom.

"It has arrived, your Highness!" Margaret exclaimed with glee as she entered the dining hall with a servant trailing behind her as she walked. 

In his hands was a silver tray with a single glass of parfait, painstakingly made just for her. Laina anticipated with glee as the servant carefully brought the tray before her. He picked up the glass with his white glove-covered hand and placed it before Laina. 

"Is this-"

"Yes, your Highness, this is the special rock melon ice cream parfait you ordered. The Royal Kitchen Head Chef has also added pieces of rockmelon into the parfait for extra flavor," Margaret quickly explained. 

Looking at the beautiful dessert before her eyes, Laina's mouth was watering. Even Margaret and Kols' mouths were watering. An ice-cold dessert was a rare treat, barely heard of in Kinshearth. 

Laina picked up the long silver spoon and dug it into her parfait. She scooped a little ice cream and a piece of rockmelon before putting it into her mouth. The flavor of the ice-cold treat was refreshing. The sweetness was not too overpowering either. 

It was a perfect dessert. 

"This is sooo good!" Laina exclaimed with happiness as she closed her eyes, savoring the mouthful of ice cream she had. 

"We need to make this into a business opportunity, Margaret, everyone should have a taste of this ice-cold treat." She declared. 

Margaret smiled as she bowed, "Your Highness is not just a remarkable ruler, but also an intuitive merchant. I am certain it would be well-loved."

But just as Laina was about to take another bite, the door to the dining hall was pushed open with great force. A guard, disheveled in appearance, ran through the dining hall. 

He dropped down on his knees before Laina while gasping for air. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he tried to make sense of the words he needed to say. Laina called for Margaret to bring the guard a glass of water. 

The guard thanked them profusely before drinking all of it at one go. Everyone was on high alert, something must have happened for him to turn up like this. 

"Your Highness," he finally could form the words he was desperately trying to speak, "You have a guest waiting for you in the Throne Room. He claims… he claims to be your mate."

Laina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked up at Margaret. Her handmaid had the exact same expression. 

"Did you say, my mate?" Laina asked for clarification. 

"Yes, your Highness. Those were his exact words," the guard replied. 

She folded her arms, "Who would have such bravery to make such a declaration?"

At that moment, Laina noticed something in the air. She touched her heart, she could feel it palpitating. She could smell the sweet scent of smoked applewood, spices, and honey. 

This was a feeling she had felt before yet something about it did not sit well with her. But deep down in her heart, Laina realized this had something to do with the mysterious guest that was waiting for her in the Throne Room. 

Margaret noticed the change in Laina. She came over to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Your Highness, is everything alright?"

Laina looked up to Margaret as she placed her hand on Margaret's, "I… I don't know. Something feels weird."

"Your Highness," the guard spoke up, breaking their train of conversation, "I apologize for interrupting your conversation but the guest had requested to see you at once. Or else…"

Margaret's mouth twitched, "What sort of guest would have the audacity to threaten the host they wish to meet?"

The guard gulped at Margaret's harsh words. 

"He… he announced himself to be the Alpha Werewolf King Kragen. He threatened that if Crown Princess Laina did not come out to meet him immediately…" the guard shuddered as he recalled the words the Alpha King had said, "He would tear Kinshearth apart till he finds her."

From what she had heard of this man so far, Laina did not like any of it. Yet, she also felt compelled to meet him. She stood up from her seat and instructed the guard to rise from his knelt position. 

"Your Highness, we can't let this man-"

Before Margaret could finish her sentence, Laina raised her hand to stop her, "We won't. But I will meet him as requested. Let's see just how fearsome this Werewolf King is."

As she recalled the information she had learned about the various kingdoms, countries, and nations, Laina pieced together the information she had on this Werewolf King. King Kragen ascended the throne at the age of 18, after the mysterious death of his father and mother. 

Legend has it that the Alpha blood in his veins could be traced back to the very first Wolf King. Though interestingly enough, the King was still rumored to be a lone wolf. 

Werewolves usually found their mate between the ages of 18 and 25. Yet King Kragen was already 28 and he still had not found his. Some said he might have been cursed by the Moon Goddess Selene, destined to walk through life alone. 

However, if the message the guard had relayed was true, Laina might just be the one he was looking for. As they closed in on the Throne Room, the fragrance Laina smelt grew stronger. 

"What in Kinshearth is going on with me today?" Laina muttered to herself as she wiped her clammy hands on the hems of her dress. 

She was nervous, just like how nervous she was when she went out with Dante. Remembering the time they had spent at the cafe, the kiss that they shared brought a smile to her face. 

As the doors to the Throne Room opened before her, Laina looked up. The first pair of eyes she met at that moment was King Kragen's. Laina's pupils were covered in a light purple sheen. 

But, no one noticed it.


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