The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 82 - You Have Never Left My Mind

Kragen was taken aback by Laina's attitude. But he liked it. He liked his woman feisty, someone, who could at least put up a fight. Unliked Victoria, who was pathetic and weak. 

"You say I am your Luna, your mate, is that correct?" She asked him again. 

"Yes, and I am here to marry you and bring you home as Queen of Wolfenheim," he declared to everyone who had gathered. 

Laina raised her hand, "I am going to stop you right there."

"As of this moment, I cannot accept your proposal," she announced. 

Everyone in the Throne Room gasped in shock and horror. Was the Crown Princess rejecting the Werewolf King? The Royal Chancellor felt as if she was about to faint. Once again, she had rejected a perfectly good marriage offer. 

"Your Highness, I urge you to reconsider-" before Royal Chancellor Lucinda could even finish her plea, Laina spoke first. 

"I have said this once and I will say it again for everyone's benefit, I am not looking to be married right now. Kinshearth's progress is my top priority. Marriage will simply get in the way of this." 

Furthermore, she needed more time to investigate these claims that the Werewolf King was making. Laina could not deny the feelings she had for Dante. They were real. 

Yet right now, her heart wavered for this man she had only just met. He claimed to be her soul mate, fated to be together by the gods. 

Was there even such a thing?

"I think you've been greatly mistaken, your Highness," Kragen interjected, cutting Laina's train of thought, "This is not a proposal. Werewolf mates are determined by the Moon Goddess herself. The will of the gods cannot be rejected or else…"

"Or else what?" 

"It is simply unheard of. It is simply the will of the gods."

"The will of the gods is not something we should mess with, your Highness," Lucinda added. 

The other ministers in attendance nodded in agreement. Nyx, who had entered the Throne Room alongside her fellow knights could not believe what was going on. 

From her point of view, it seems as if the Werewolf King was pressuring Laina into marrying him. If things turned ugly, she would be ready with her weapon in hand. Protecting Laina was her duty, even if it meant killing a Werewolf King. 

Laina folded her arms as she walked towards the end of the Throne Room. King Kragen wanted to follow but Margaret and Kol blocked his path. 

"That is simply the will of your Goddess, King Kragen. I do not know her nor do I worship her. Yet she decides my fate? This does not sit right with me," Laina said as she sat down on her throne.

King Kragen gritted his teeth. So far, nothing seemed to be working in his favor. He cursed at his own foolishness for believing the witch's words so wholeheartedly, thinking he would get a new bride easily. 

"I know my heart belongs to you, Crown Princess Laina. From the moment I set eyes on you, I knew you were the one the Moon Goddess had chosen for me. You are smart, kind, radiant. 

You compliment me in every way, as do I to you," he attempted to reason with Laina, hoping to convince her. 

Laina's lips curled up. It was not because she was flattered by his weak praises, it was because his words revealed his true nature. The Werewolf King was definitely hiding something. 

"King Kragen, I…"

Before she could even finish her sentence, Kragen spoke first, "Very well, we will hold our wedding here. Then, you will return with me to Wolfenheim."


King Kragen let out a belly laugh, "You are so impatient for us to be together? Very well, my bride, we shall return to Wolfenheim at once."

Laina gritted her teeth in anger, watching as the Werewolf King turned his back and began ordering his entourage to make the necessary preparation. She curled her hands into fists as she slammed her hand down on the throne chair's arm. 

A shock wave of raw power, only a few of them could sense spread across the entire Throne Room. Laina was up on her feet, she glared at Kragen coldly. The aura she radiated was far more powerful than he had anticipated. 

Though he did not cower in fear, his heart was pounding loudly in his chest. Laina's actions brought her everyone's attention. 

"I did not agree to any of this, King Kragen," Laina declared. 

Everyone was shocked by her words, surprised by her actions. 

"There will be no wedding; here or in Wolfenheim. Not until I have made up my mind," Laina explained. 

"What… what are you saying?" Kragen asked. 

Laina breathed in deeply, Margaret wondered what decision the Crown Princess was about to make too. 

"I need time to think. In two weeks, I will give you my answer," Laina declared. 

Everyone in the Throne Room began to whisper and speak amongst themselves. Needless to say, they were all wondering what Laina's final decision was going to be. In the meantime, King Kragen and his entourage were allowed to stay in Kinshearth Palace if they wanted to. 

King Kragen chose to take his entourage to Everfree, where they would remain in the Golden Gate Hotel until the time was up. As they turned to leave, Laina requested for the painting to remain. 

King Kragen did not hesitate, he agreed to it swiftly. Before he left, he kissed Laina's hand.

"I will be back to bring you home, my Luna," he whispered seductively into her ear. 

Laina felt as if her entire body was on fire. Why were the actions of the Werewolf King affecting her so much? She did not understand why. After the Wolfenheim entourage left, Laina had Margaret take the painting with them and returned to her room. 

Her palms were still sweating and her mind was clouded with memories of what had just occurred. Something about it felt right, yet everything about it felt off. Laina had read about the werewolves and their mates. 

The Moon Goddess chooses who their lifelong mates would be. There was no room for error when it came to a matter of fate. Could this really be who she was destined to spend her entire life with?

What about Dante?

She had feelings for him, though she was unsure what those feelings were. Was it a simple infatuation, or was it, love? Laina touched the pendant he had given her. She closed her eyes as she let out a sigh. 

"If only you were here right now," she whispered to herself.


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