The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 79 - Circus In Town

The Capital City of Kinshearth was bustling with life, especially since there was a world-famous circus in town. The Marvelous Golden Ring Circus was famous for selling out their entire schedule of shows before even setting foot in a town, city, or country. 

Naturally, Laina was intrigued by it as soon as she heard about it. As such, the Marvelous Golden Ring Circus's first stop in Kinshearth was the capital city. It was opening night and Laina had a special box seat in the middle of the audience. 

She entered the Circus grounds with her entourage which included Kol, Margaret, her Queen's Order of Knights, and herself. Some of the nobility and ministers were also at the circus. 

"I have never seen anything like this," Laina gasped in bewilderment as she marveled at all the sights around her. 

The path was lined with food stalls, game stalls, and oddities of all sorts. Laina was happy to see her subjects, people from all walks of life, gathered at the stalls and enjoying themselves. 

When she walked past with her entourage, it was difficult to ignore the looks she was getting from the crowd. As soon as people realized she was the Crown Princess, they whispered to one another. 

Some smiled and waved at her. Laina could not help but reciprocate. As she looked on at the food stalls, she wished she could purchase her own treats and eat by the road. 

But as the princess, she had an image to uphold. As she made her way towards the main tent, there were performers walking all around and about. One of the performers, with familiar purple-colored hair, made her way towards Laina. 

She was dressed in a corset outfit, performing acrobatic stunts alongside the other performers. Little by little she got closer and closer to Laina. No one seemed to notice anything was amiss. 

Everyone was distracted by the sights and sounds around them. 

"This is too easy," the purple-haired performer muttered to herself as she came closer to Laina. 

She tiptoed on her feet and did a pirouette, ending her move right before Laina. Upon realizing Margaret had her eye on her, she knew she had to counteract quickly. To mask her plan, the purple-haired performer whispered a spell beneath her breath, concealing her true intentions. 

Then, she lifted her hand close to her mouth. Upon opening her palm, facing Laina, she blew a puff of air. Purple-colored flower petals flew through the wind and into Laina's face. 

As soon as the petals danced in the air, they turned into purple butterflies and flew away. Margaret furrowed her eyebrows and swiped away the butterflies, annoyed by their presence. 

Laina felt as if something was caught in her eye. At that moment, the pupils of her eyes were coated with a purple tint and she inhaled particles as tiny as pollen. But when she opened her eyes once more, the purple-haired performer was no longer in front of her. 

She did not think too much of it as the sight before she took her breath away. The red and white striped main tent was much larger on the inside. The area in the center was where the performances would take place while the spectator seats surrounded it in a ring formation. 

As the Crown Princess, Laina and her entourage had the best seats in the tent. They were personally greeted by the ringmaster of the circus, Mr. Marvellous. Along with his three assistants, they ushered them to their seats. 

Soon enough, all the spectators began streaming into the tent, looking for their seats. Laina looked all around. Although she was in the circus with her entourage, she could not help but feel a little lonely. 

"I wonder what he's doing now…" Laina muttered to herself as she subconsciously touched the crescent moon necklace he had given her. 

She had not taken it off since. 

The purple-haired performer slipped away in the cover of the night. With so many people at the circus, she easily concealed her movements. Once she was off the circus grounds, she snapped her fingers together. 

Cordelia inhaled a breath of fresh air as her clothes turned back to normal. With her objective complete, she made her way through the quiet streets of the capital city. She entered an empty alleyway and begun to cast a spell of teleportation. 

In the blink of an eye, she was no longer in the capital city of Kinshearth. She was in Everfree, at the Golden Gate Hotel. She entered the hotel premises with ease and made her way towards the largest mansion on the property. 

Overhead, the moonless night sky was covered with dark rain clouds. Thunder rumbled as Cordelia arrived at the doorstep of her destination. 

"State your purpose," the guard at the door growled, revealing his sharp canine-like teeth. 

"I am here to see the Alpha King. Tell him, that Cordelia the Witch is here to see him," she replied without skipping a beat. 

The two werewolf guards looked at one another for a moment, then back at Cordelia. One of them entered the mansion to relay her message. A few minutes later, she was allowed in. 

She made her way to the second floor, just as flashes of lightning were seen across the sky. She gulped as she was brought straight to the Alpha King's room. He was seated on a comfortable leather armchair, with a glass of wine in his hands. 

He was facing the balcony, admiring the view beyond it. 

"Ah you're here," he said without turning back to look at her. 

Cordelia crossed her arms, "Yes. It is done."

The Alpha Werewolf King, Kragen, grunted in response as he placed the glass of wine down on the table next to him. He stood up from his seat and turned around to face Cordelia. 

"I am impressed by your work, Cordelia. Maybe you should come work for me," Kragen said as he walked up to her. 

She did not like this King. Not only was he unpredictable at times, but he was also a lustful man. She had seen too many like him. The look in their eyes was always the same. They only wanted one thing and one thing only. 

For the sake of his plan, Cordelia did not move or show any signs of disgust as Kragen wrapped his strong muscular arm around her waist and brought her closer to him. She would feel his chest and he could feel her breasts pressed up against him. 

He leaned in close to her, using his nose to trace alongside her neck. She leaned away from him, but it only made him hungry for more. 

"Keep your energy for your mate, your Majesty," Cordelia reminded him with a feigned smile. 

Cordelia tried to wriggle out of his grasp. But he was like a slithering snake. The moment he had his prey in his grasp, Kragen did not intend on letting go. He tightened his grip around her waist, holding her hostage in his arms. 

"Oh you don't have to worry about any of that," Kragen replied in a husky voice.

He cupped Cordelia's chin, forcing their eyes to meet as he continued, "I have plenty of energy for us and for her."

The witch had reached her limit with this man. But her expression did not give anything away. She simply clicked her fingers. One moment, she was still in his arms. In the next, she was standing two meters away from him on the balcony. 

"I don't work for you, Kragen, I implore you to remember that.. Good luck with your mate."


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