The Bloodline System

Chapter 1393 It Is Time You Joined Them

Chapter 1393 It Is Time You Joined Them

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Vilax glanced at every one of them before voicing, "Now,"

The Ozis stretched forth their hands to touch the rings of light in the next moment.


Outside a massive space vessel shaped like a black head, two figures were engaged in an intense battle.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They clashed repeatedly, sending powerful ripples across outer space that caused even the vessel that was millions of feet away to tremble multiple times.

These two were none other than Gustav and Seifiling.

Gustav charged at Seifiling's figure nonstop raining barrages of punches upon him. Seifiling continuously made use of his staff like a wand, trying to deflect Gustav's attacks and counter them.

Gustav reached out to grab the wand-like staff and yanked it from Seifiling's grasp but the moment he did so, his body descended at an insane pace.

It turned out that the weapon became unliftable once it was out of Seifiling's grasp.

'What the hell?' Gustav lamented internally as he quickly let go of the weapon.

However, the moment he did so, Seifiling arrived before him.


A powerful whack on the face sent Gustav flying.

The wand-like weapon returned to Seifiling's grasp and reduced in size to look like that of a fictional wizard.

Thoom! Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!

Multiple blue bolts shot out of this wand as Seifiling pointed it in Gustav's direction.

Gustav felt the approach of chaotic energy and swerved at incredible speed to evade them.

Sweeii! Sweeii!

His figure moved like a phantom as the blueish bolts drifted past him into the distance.

At that point, Seifiling had turned around and he seemed to be heading for the massive vessel in the distance.

He suddenly got hindered by an unknown force.

"What is it?" He muttered with a look of confusion.

[Master Has Asked That I Stop You]

Seifiling noticed characters appear before him in the form of light to create words that he could understand. It was at that moment that he spotted SJ.

Seifiling grabbed the head-sized translucent stone behind him and yanked it off.


SJ was flung far into space but at this same moment, Gustav arrived before Seifiling with glowing eyes.


Before Seifiling could even react to the sudden appearance, a fist had already slammed into his jaw.

Blood broke out of Seifiling's face as his figure flipped continuously across space.

He didn't get very far before SJ appeared behind him and sent a florescent ripple of energy that rammed into Seifiling's figure.

SJ transformed, becoming a humanoid golden figure with its translucent circular structure for a head. The fluorescent light within gleamed brightly as he flew forward while Gustav also charged from the opposite direction with Seifiling's figure in their midst.

A glint appeared at the corner of Seifiling's eyes as reddish thorns suddenly protruded from his figure the moment both of them were only inches away from making contact.

SJ was pierced through but Gustav had managed to stop himself and even drift backwards to escape the range of the massive thorns.

Seifiling smiled as he realized he had at least gotten one of Gustav's companions, only for SJ to push the thorns further into itself as it reached forward to grab Seifiling.

SJ wrapped itself around Seifilling's thorny figure, keeping him trapped in place.

"What the hell are you doing? My prognosis is lethal, how are you still…" Seifiling didn't understand that SJ only created an artificial body so it could throw hands.

Since it was an artificial body, it wouldn't feel it in the slightest even if the body was destroyed since its real existence was within the stone.

At that point, Gustav suddenly appeared in view with a nearly five-foot-long glowing katana.

He raised it and swung mightily in the direction of Seifiling and SJ.

A scarlet line of energy ripped forward with intensity followed by streaks of lightning swimming around it.

SJ sunk into space dark matter and reappeared behind Gustav the moment the powerful slash was unleashed.

Seifiling's eyes darkened as he summoned his wand once more and created a field of energy around himself after realizing that he would be unable to counter such an attack.


A loud, thunderclap-like sound spread across space as the line of scarlet energy slammed into the energy field, causing intense explosions.

A dust of red was formed, hindering the visibility of this part of space.

However, this didn't hinder Gustav's senses as he picked on an injured figure trying to escape under the guise of poor visibility.


Gustav sped forward with immense speed, chasing after Seifiling's fleeing figure which happened to be missing a limb.

Unfortunately, Seifiling's speed had undergone a drastic decrement. Initially, the Seifiling speed was higher than that of the metallic head, PO, they chased but now it was much lower.

Gustav noticed that Seifiling had also considerably weakened since their battle outside of the space vessel began.

"Not so powerful outside of your vessel eh?" Gustav voiced with a tone of ridicule as he drove his right fist into Seifiling's chest.

"Kuurrh!" Seifiling spat out a mouthful of blood as he held onto Gustav's arm while letting out low, painful, growls.

"Really smart. You live up to your name but you should be aware that this isn't enough to save them," Seifiling let out a light chuckle amidst his painful growls.

"You are at my mercy now… Don't try to play coy," Gustav responded while twisting his fist which was embedded in Seifiling's chest to inflict more pain on him.

This made Seifiling chuckle even harder as he raised his left arm.

"I didn't want it to end like this but it is time you joined them," Seifiling voiced.


(A Minute Ago)

Within the vessel, the group of four Ozis directed the energy flow within the rings of light. The place had quietened as they peaked their focus on what they were trying to do.


One of the rings of light already had black arrows swimming across it. The black arrows moved rather slowly but soon they corrupted another ring of light and in the next few seconds, two of the rings unfurled like belts.

"Just one more and we should get it," Vilax announced as they tried commanding the flow of energy within the third ring of light which was the only one left that was preventing access to the disk.

'This is going to work,' Endric said internally with a rather hopeful expression while keeping the Ozis afloat with his telekinetic board.

All of a sudden, the third ring of light vanished.


"It's gone?"

Osiark and Milox exclaimed in surprise simultaneously.

"Was that you?" Endric asked Vilax.

"No, it wasn't… It just disappeared," Vilax replied with a bewildered expression as well.

"Who cares if it is gone anyways, let's get the disk," Milox yelled.

Vilax nodded and reached out to grab the disk when it suddenly moved.


The disk flew forward before turning to show its reflective surface.

"What is going on?" Osiark voiced with immense confusion.

An aura of foreboding filled the place as the disk increased in size and every single one of them witnessed their figures appear on its reflective surface. It was currently like a mirror that had them in full view.

Endric's eyes suddenly widened as he yelled, "RUN!"

However, before any of them could react to that silver rays engulfed their figures and they instantly got beamed towards the disk.


Their figures appeared as miniature versions on the surface of the disk for a few seconds before they completely vanished.

After this happened, the disk flew out of the makeshift throne room at an insane speed and broke through a part of the space vessel's wall.



"I didn't want it to end like this but it is time you joined them," Seifiling voiced.


Gustav spotted a circular glowing silvery object from the peripheral of his vision whisking towards them.

The speed of this object was incredibly fast but Gustav had noticed it on time so his first thought was to stop whatever it was. However, a voice suddenly appeared in Gustav's mind.


Gustav recognized this voice to be that of Endric's and swiftly activated Lightning Blitz.

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]

He turned into a streak of lightning and vanished into the distance before the object could arrive.

In the next moment, it had appeared in place, and SJ who was still positioned on the other end appeared on the reflective surface of the disk.

A silvery light engulfed its figure and it vanished.

Seifiling floated in place with a distraught expression as he looked around trying to find Gustav. However, Gustav was long out of range of the disk's reflective surface.

"How did he know he had to move?" Seifilng wondered out loud.

Now he was left on edge.

Not only had Gustav inflicted a lot of damage, but he also managed to figure out that he needed to escape the reflective range of Seifiling's disk. Seifiling felt like he had missed his chance to take Gustav by surprise.


Monthly goals.

500 Golden Tickets = 4 chapters mass release.

1000 Golden Tickets = 8 Chapters mass release.

1000 Privilege Unlocks = 2 Extra Chapters

10,000 Privilege Unlocks = 10 Extra Chapters

One Magic Castle = 1 Extra Chapter

One Spacecraft = 2 Extra Chapters

Golden Gachapon = 4 Extra Chapters and a special shootout.


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