The Bloodline System

Chapter 1392 I Found A Way In

Chapter 1392 I Found A Way In

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav suddenly appeared before him with a glowing fist causing his eyes to widen once more.

"Think twice before harming a loved one of mine next time," Gustav's voice rang loudly as his fist inched closer to Siefiling's face without any opportunity of a counter.

The scenery around them suddenly transformed as Gustav found his fist phasing through the air once more.


Siefiling had returned them to the throne room and was now positioned behind Gustav.

"Chaos Belt," Siefiling's voice rang out.

Grey, glowing, infinity-shaped whips suddenly shot out from every corner of the makeshift throne room, wrapping around Gustav's body before he could react.

He tried to evade a few and dash his way out but they soon encircled him and covered him up completely in less than a second.

"Gustav!" Osiark yelled while speeding forward.

"Begone," Siefiling merely waved his left arm and a surge of pressure sent Osiark flying.


Bone-cracking sounds rang out as Osiark spat out blood and instantly lost consciousness.

Endric moved sideways very swiftly and caught Osiark's figure in mid-air.

Upon catching her, he handed her over to Lhiark and stepped forward while telekinetic energy swirled around him.

Endric seemed to be in a much better state compared to before.

"It didn't end well for you the last time, just let it be Endric," Siefiling said with a calm tone while gently touching the little cut on his forehead which had thick brownish liquid flowing out.

"Oh, he drew blood," Siefiling voiced with a slightly astonished expression.

"Commendable," He added like he was proud of Gustav.

"Let him go," Endric stated fiercely.

"Not unless you agree to join me," Siefiling folded his arms with a smile.

"Do you think you can keep him trapped for long?" Endric questioned while staring at the pulsating infinity belts that had completely encompassed Gustav's figure, without leaving a single space.

"Oh, this? He cannot escape," Siefiling shook his head slightly.

"The chaos belts are built to restrain any force in the universe regardless of how powerful they are," Siefiling gave a brief explanation.

"Your brother's strength is getting difficult to scale. With every clash, he reveals something new, something surprising. It was best to take precautionary actions by trapping him before he reveals something that will be difficult to counter even for myself. No one can escape the chaos belts ..." He added.

"My brother will," Endric answered while slowly raising his hand.

"Don't be ridiculous. Within my vessel, I am Sovereign. Not even the most powerful on earth will be able to best me in here," Siefiling turned around while speaking like he didn't see Endric as a threat.

"How about outside...?"

Gustav's voice rang loudly from within the encirclement.

"Hmm?" Siefiling eyes tinged with suspicion as he stared at the chaos belts up ahead.

All of a sudden, a strange and unfathomable energy began to pulse rhythmically across the vicinity.

No one needed to be told before they realized that Gustav was doing something in there.

"Do not waste your time. The moment you are trapped by the Chaos belts, escape is impossible," Siefiling noticed that he had been concerned for a second and quickly shook it off.

"Oh is that so?"

Gustav's voice rang out once more and what came next was a burst of chromatic energy.


Layers of rhombus-shaped lights embedded into one another appeared in view and spread forth.

The chaos belts instantly got sucked into the layers of rhombus-shaped lights with all sorts of colors within.

In the next instant, Gustav could be seen floating in mid-air with his left palm emitting the same glow with the layers of rhombus-shaped lights surrounding him.


They reduced and rescinded into his figure the next instant, causing everyone in the vicinity to widen their eyes in disbelief.

"How did you..."

"Surprise, Surprise," Gustav stated with a tone of ridicule before charging forward.



Gustav slammed into Siefiling's figure with immense strength, causing the floor to rip open as both their figures continued to streak downwards at incredible speed.


A burst of blue light phased out of the hole created and in the next instant, the space vessel stopped quaking.

Osiark regained consciousness at this moment.

"Where are they?" She inquired weakly.

"Outside... big brother transported Siefiling outside to continue the battle," Endric replied with a troubled tone.

"What do w..."

Before Osiark could complete her sentence, a loud voice chimed in from behind.

"I found a way in."

Everyone turned around to see Vilax making his way into the makeshift throne room.

"You did?" Lhiark mumbled.

"Mhm... but we can't head in without that," Vilax responded while pointing at something floating at the far corners of the makeshift throne room.

They all turned to stare in the direction he was pointing at and noticed a head-sized circular object floating in the distance.

It looked like a disk as one could see reflections of the surroundings on it. However, it wasn't difficult to tell that this item wasn't ordinary in the slightest.

Multiple halos of light surrounded it, making it seem as though it was stored in between the lights. The Ozis could also notice streams of energy flowing into it.

"According to the information I obtained on my way here, that disk is what Seifiling uses to send victims into his universe," Vilax added with strong conviction.

"If that is how he sends people there, how did you find a gateway in?" Endric questioned with a slight tone of confusion.

"Because he created other pathways in for his minions so he wouldn't need to use the disk all the time. If we were to get transported into his universe through the disk, we would instantly become his slave and the same applies to heading in through the pathways. However, if we went through the pathways with the disk in our possession, things would be different," Vilax briefly explained.

On his way here, he had come into contact with a bunch of other Seifiling minions and during his battle with them, a few had casually laid it out that Vilax and the others would never be able to get into Zonpaktu. A few of them spilled pieces of information subconsciously and Vilax proceeded to connect the dots. This was why he was currently aware of the disk.

"So how do we get it out?" Endric questioned while moving closer to where the disk was positioned.

"That… I don't know. Let's just try," Vilax replied with a slightly clueless look.

Endric proceeded to stretch his right hand forward, sending an invisible pair of hands made from his will towards the disk.

A small vibration pulsated gently as the hands made from telekinesis reached the disk but even after Endric pulled his arm back repeatedly, he found himself unable to retrieve the disk.

"Those rings of light are preventing me from getting the disk," Endric hinted at the halos surrounding the disk.

This was to be expected since it would be unwise for a person like Seifiling to leave a powerful tool in the presence of strangers, unprotected.

"Let me try," Vilax stated before leaping upwards.

He instantly ascended to thirty feet high and reached out to touch the halos surrounding the disk.


A loud crash rang out the moment Vilax made contact with the halos. He got sent flying by an insurmountable force the halos gave off.

Vilax landed several feet away from Endric and the others who rushed to help him up in surprise.

"What happened?" Endric questioned as steam erupted from Vilax's body.

"I was unable to corrupt its energy because it set forth a preventive charge that was too quick even for me," Vilax answered.

"I can't take it down on my own," He added.

"Then, let's take it down together," Osiark voiced from the side.

"You don't get it… even with the help of you two, chances are, what just happened will repeat itself," Vilax lightly shook his head.

"Then what if we increased that number by one,"

A loud and familiar voice suddenly rang out from the entrance of the makeshift throne room.


The moment she turned around, Osiark called out with a tone of relief.

The voice had come from the captain of the four-man Ozis group who was walking into the vicinity at a rapid pace.

"Perfect timing," Lhiark muttered softly.

It looked like Milox had managed to escape the millions of metallic blackheads initially giving chase.

"Do we have a higher chance of getting rid of those if I join?" Milox asked Vilax once he arrived before them.

"Still not guaranteed but yes, higher chance," Vilax replied while levitating.

Endric proceeded to create a telekinetic board and used it to lift the rest of the Ozis to reach the required height of contact with the disk.

The four Ozis surrounded the floating disk and had their hands a few inches away. Everyone knew Vilax was the fastest when it came to corrupting and transforming foreign energy into his so they waited for his signal.

Vilax glanced at every one of them before voicing, "Now!"


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