The Bloodline System

Chapter 1394 You Are Doomed

Chapter 1394 You Are Doomed

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Seifiling felt like he had missed his chance to take Gustav by surprise.

"It doesn't matter. He will join them whenever he chooses to show up," Seifiling muttered while the disk grew even larger as it floated above him.

The disk had become as large as a skyscraper at this point and Seifiling reason for increasing its size was to expand its range of reflection.

Unfortunately, except for the starlights in the far reaches of outer space, no other reflection could be spotted.

Seifiling decided to return to his vessel at that point. He knew Gustav couldn't run forever and he also needed to treat his injuries so he decided that waiting out there wasn't going to help the situation.

Thousands of miles away from Seifiling's position, Gustav peered forward with a troubled look.

'How are we still able to communicate if you all got transported into Zonpaktu?' Gustav questioned internally.

'Husarius separated my consciousness before we got transported into it. On the surface, I am being controlled just like everyone else but this part of my consciousness managed to escape the control,' Endric answered Gustav as they communicated mentally.

'What about the others?' Gustav inquired.

'All turned to slaves… they are being taken to where the other Ozis were stashed to join them in developing Seifiling's universe.'

'What is it like there?' Gustav asked once more.

'Large… much larger than the size of many planets conjoined. The number of species here is way more than we thought.'

'I know… can your free consciousness give you access to control your body?'

' That is what I am trying to do. If I manage to regain control, I will try my best to help the Ozis from in here.'

'Good, I'll see what I can do to Seifiling from out here… I need to make sure he doesn't get back into his vessel,' Gustav responded with a gaze of determination.

'Be careful… remember you must not get caught in the reflection of the disk or you will get sent here like the rest of us.'

'Yeah...' Gustav immediately activated lightning blitz once more.

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]

His figure turned into a streak of lightning and sped forward at an alarming pace.

Seifiling who had just arrived before his space vessel suddenly felt an incredible force of energy surging from the west.

The moment he turned to the side, a fist was already bearing down his face.


Gustav's fist rammed into his face, causing blood to spill out as his figure got catapulted into the distance.

"Blluurghh! You never learn," Seifiling mumbled as he turned his finger slightly but Gustav turned into a streak of lightning once more.


He vanished before the disk could pick on his reflection.

Seifiling had a slightly frustrated look as he turned an entire three sixty degrees to try and pick out the direction Gustav might appear from next.


To his dismay, he picked the wrong direction and Gustav reappeared from his five o'clock in the form of a lightning streak once more.


Gustav's fist sent him flying into the distance, further from his space vessel.

The moment he made the disk turn to catch Gustav's reflection, the culprit had already vanished once again.

Seifiling had gotten even more frustrated than before as the same event played out a couple more times.

Every time, he found himself unable to follow Gustav's speed and predict where he would appear from. Whenever he thought he would get him and tried to turn the disk at the last moment to catch Gustav's reflection before he got to him, Gustav would suddenly vanish and reappear behind him in a flash of blueish light.

'He is appearing from blind angles… I can't keep taking any more hits,' Seifiling had never felt so exasperated before.

Since the disk was like an actual disk, it had thin edges that couldn't properly display reflection despite its massive size. Gustav always made sure to appear from the angles where the disk's reflective surface wouldn't catch wind of his figure.

He had successfully landed hits upon hits on Seifiling with that strategy. Especially since his perception had a dial on every single movement Seifiling made.

Seifiling was no longer in his space vessel so he couldn't scan his surroundings like how he could see every nook and cranny within it.

Since they were outside his space vessel, it was like Gustav now had the upper hand. His perception was no longer hindered and since he could perceive everything ongoing within a radius of more than fifty thousand miles, it took him nothing to sense Seifiling who was only less than a billion feet away from him.

'A very troublesome opponent… I should have sent him to Zonpaktu when I had the chance,' At that point, Seifiling was missing his left arm and his right leg.

If he wasn't careful he would lose all of his limbs. He didn't want to give Gustav any more chances of getting close to defeating him. He knew he had to get to the space vessel as soon as possible.

While taking multiple hits, he had drifted further from the space vessel but there was something he realized, 'Gustav Crimson cannot keep this up forever too… it must be taking a lot of his energy to move at such a speed.'

Seifiling noticed that he had been floating in the same space for quite some time since when Gustav attacked last, 'Maybe that's why he hasn't attacked again… a chance.'

As the thought appeared in his mind, Seifiling mounted his disk and commanded it to fly him in the direction of his space vessel.


The disk moved at a greater speed than himself as it headed for the space vessel.

As Gustav floated in space thousands of miles away from Seifiling, he stared at the notification in his line of sight.

[Lightning Blitz Has Gone Into Thirty Seconds Cooldown]

Seifiling was both right and wrong.

Gustav hadn't shown up because he was truly hindered since he couldn't infinitely make use of Lightning Blitz, but it wasn't due to lack of energy.

'He will get to the space vessel in less than ten seconds. I can't wait,' Gustav thought while tapping on his dimensional bracelet.

The reason he was able to change trajectory lots of times when Seifiling managed to turn the reflective surface in the direction he was heading was because of the dimensional bracelet.

He had already put dimensional markers around the area Seifiling was positioned so his movement could be fluid enough.

< Dimensional Travel In… >

< 3… >

< 2… >

< 1… >

Seifiling stood on his disk as the massive space vessel appeared in his line of sight.


A triumphant grin appeared on his face as the disk closed in on it.

However, at that moment, a burst of blue light appeared before him.

Within this blue light was the figure of the same assailant that had been giving him trouble for quite some time.

"You are doomed," Seifiling chuckled as he felt Gustav had foolishly revealed himself since the disk would be able to capture his reflection now.

"SJ… lend me the dark ability…" Gustav chimed while the blue light was still surrounding his figure.


A blanket of darkness suddenly surged forth from Gustav's being, permeating the environment at a very quick pace.

"What?" Seifiling exclaimed in utter shock as the darkness that was darker than the space surrounding them, encroached the area.

It was like the star lights in the distance were sinking into this space of darkness and the reflective lights from the space vessel all vanished.

In the next instant, both of them were trapped in a domain of darkness.

"Where there is no light, there cannot be reflection," Gustav stated with a logical tone.

It was just as he said. The only reason, the disk was capable of catching anyone's reflection out there was because that part of outer space wasn't entirely dark.

The space vessel had light beams and the stars in the distance also gave off a bit of illumination but now that light was completely gone, the disk could no longer function.

"Now it's just you and me," In the depths of the despairing darkness, Gustav's voice rang out mischievously.


'Looks like I am tasked with heavy lifting… how typical,' Endric said internally as his hands moved from side to side while massive materials got transported across the air with his telekinesis.

He wasn't doing it willingly but this was the task that had been assigned to him upon arrival in Zonpaktu. The scarlet skies were just like the first place they had arrived in within the space vessel but it expanded for way longer.

'How is it going, Husarius?' Endric proceeded to ask internally.

'Almost there… prepare to battle,' Husarius answered.

Some of the black, metallic-looking heads were aware of the internal state of Endric's mind since he looked like he was being completely controlled by the purplish shackle wrapped around his neck.

'It is done.'

The moment Husariu's voice rang in his mind again, Endric regained control of his body.

'Finally…' He muttered while retracting his telekinesis.


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