The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 48: What Does That Matter? (6)

Chapter 48: What Does That Matter? (6)

Just before the start of the third match, Ibella anxiously looked at the arena. She had witnessed an unexpected conversation between Himmel and Ulan while the arena was being cleansed of mana.

'What are they talking about?'

The arena and the spectator stands were quite a distance apart. Additionally, due to the surrounding noise, it was difficult to hear what they were saying.

Perhaps because of this, she couldn't shake off her uneasy feeling.

Moreover, the fact that Himmel was his opponent made her even more irritated. He considered Ibella a thorn in his side.

Maybe he was trying to sow discord between Ibella and Ulan by initiating this conversation.

'Still, it's okay. If it's Ulan..'

He won't be shaken by a mere provocation.

So far, the Ulan that Ibella had known was not that kind of man. Therefore, she tried to suppress her anxiety and kept her eyes on Ulan in the arena.

A while later, their battle began

Clang! Clash!

and the two clashed with each other, making their way around the arena.

The students cheered as they watched the fast and spectacular exchange of blows. Unlike the match, which was boring, this was a thrilling battle filled with excitement.

However, questions arose.

"Hmm? Isn't this a bit strange?"

"What do you mean?"

"That barbarian. I thought he was an Expert."

"Why does he keep blocking instead of attacking?"

Throughout the battle, Ulan had been solely focused on defense and dodging.

In contrast, Himmel had been the complete opposite, launching a fierce offensive right from the beginning. Even someone ignorant of swordsmanship could tell that Himmel had the upper hand.

"Yeah, you're right. Now that you mention it, something does seem off."

"If he's an expert, he should be stronger than Himmel."

"Maybe the rumors were exaggerated."

Some students chuckled, and those who smirked suggested that the rumors about Ulan being an Expert might have been blown out of proportion.

But in reality, it was different.

'No, that's...!'

It wasn't just that he was focused on avoiding attacks; Ulan was handling every attack flawlessly.

This is an action that is absolutely impossible without superior skill to the opponent. In other words, Ulan had deliberately assumed this defensive stance.

'I don't know what his purpose is, though.'

Ulan silently parried all of Himmel's attacks.

After a few more exchanges, however, Ulan's momentum suddenly changed. Ibella noticed this change and widened her eyes.

The counterattack had begun his axe strike that tore through the air.

Himmel quickly parried it with his sword. However, the force behind the axe strikes seemed stronger than expected, causing him to be pushed back.

Ibella, watching Himmel's flustered expression with an inner smirk, thought to herself, 'That's right, he should be flustered.'

Ulan's strength was far from ordinary.

She turned her gleaming eyes to the arena. Now that Ulan had initiated a counterattack, she was confident that the match would soon be decided.

However, strangely enough...

Ulan didn't finish it.

They both looked at each other again, just like they did at the beginning of the confrontation, and the students in the stands watched with confusion.

"What? Why did they stop fighting?"

"Looks like they're having a conversation."

"Can you hear what they're saying?"

"Uh, I can't hear them from here."

Unless they shouted, no one could hear them. So, everyone watched the two of them with curiosity.

It was the same for Ibella too. However, after such a short period of time passed, something unexpected happened.


Himmel shuddered and slumped to the ground. He didn't even think about getting up; instead, he slowly retreated.

But that was too early to be surprised; there was something even more surprising. It was Ulan's sudden, unexpected action.


Ulan abruptly dropped his axe.

This sight caused a commotion in the spectator stands.

"Huh? Is he giving up his weapon?"

"If he does that, it means he's surrendering."

"Could he be thinking of forfeiting?"

In the preliminary rounds, there were rules that dictated this if participants dropped their weapon, it was considered surrender, and if they lost their weapon, it was considered a defeat. Ibella remembered this rule.

So, when she witnessed this scene...

her heart suddenly sank.

'Ulan?! Why on earth...!'

Her bewildered eyes told the story. It was understandable. He had fought well and had the upper hand; why had he suddenly surrendered? Could he have been persuaded by Himmel?

No, that's impossible!'

Ulan would never do such a thing.

Ibella clasped her trembling hands together as she watched Ulan. Just then, Ulan, who had discarded his axe, took measured steps.

Towards Himmel.

Then, out of nowhere, he grabbed Himmel by the neck.


What? Is it not a surrender?

Just as everyone began to have such thoughts...

Suddenly, Himmel was sent flying into the air. Ulan had lifted him up in an instant by his neck and then slammed him back onto the ground.

And at that moment...


Himmel was slammed head-first into the ground.

The resounding noise echoed throughout the arena, reaching even the spectator stands.

After a brief roar

the stadium was silent as if it had been doused in cold water.

And for good reason.

No one was expecting this. Even the referee looked stunned, unable to accept the situation at first.

During this time...

Ulan dragged Himmel, who was like a limp ragdoll.

He stopped in front of the stands. And his gaze was directed to where Ibella was now.

As Ulan stared at her, Ibella held his hand tightly, her trembling hands betraying her.

Just then, Ulan took action.


Himmel's head was driven into the ground; it was as if he were trying to penetrate the very earth itself.

The impact was strong enough to shatter his skull, but Ulan didn't appear to be agitated. The fact that he continuously drove Himmel's head into the ground was evidence enough.

Bang! Kwaang!

Once, and then again.

Himmel repeatedly hit his head. As if he had committed a grave crime and was apologizing.

'Wait, is that an apology?'

At that moment, Ibella's eyes widened.

Now that she thought about it, the direction in which he drove Himmel's head was right in front of where she was sitting. Moreover, before slamming Himmel's head into the ground, Ulan had deliberately made eye contact with her.

You don't mean.!

You did that for my sake?

Ibella's eyes widened again.

It was a reasonable guess. There was no other explanation for Ulan's action of driving Himmel's head into the ground repeatedly, except as an apology.

As she realized this...

she suddenly remembered something she had heard earlier.

Ibella. We are friends.

When Himmel asked her to forfeit

When she gave up on everything

When she was alone in the woods, sobbing

Ulan had somehow found her and extended a helping hand.

When friends face difficulties, they do their best to help each other. Maybe not here, but it's true in the grasslands.

And he had said it with such solemnity, as if stating the obvious.

So if you're in trouble, tell me.

His eyes had glinted with sincerity; with a deep conviction, he had whispered to her.

I'll help you.

Immediately after remembering Ulan's words...

Ibella's grip on her sword tightened.

It was just a moment, but she couldn't explain the inexplicable emotions that surged within her.


She bared her teeth and bit her lip tightly.

For some reason, she felt that if she didn't do this, her overwhelming emotions might overflow in a different form.

When she heard those words from Ulan...

In truth, she hadn't expected much.

She had felt his sincerity, but at the time, she had regarded it as nothing more than comforting words.

But at this very moment, Ulan had demonstrated through his actions that he meant what he said.


How he had realized the nature of her relationship with Himmel was unknown, but it wasn't important.

What mattered was that he had acted on her behalf, getting Himmel to apologize to her on her behalf, even going so far as to forfeit the preliminary rounds, just for her the only thing that mattered was this and this alone.

In the past, after joining the Deorg family

feeling the discrimination, humiliation, and bitter resentment that had accumulated for years crumble down, Ibella finally finally shed tears.

But she didn't bow her head.

She did not turn her eyes away. She continued to gaze at the figure of Ulan, who was visible beyond the hazy vision.

Just continued to do so endlessly.


The Head of the Student Counseling Division, Philip Ernok, furrowed his brow in response to the report just received from the guards.

"An incident occurred during the selection match?" he asked.

"Yes, that's correct."

"A student violated the rules and instigated a violent incident. We have arrested him immediately, and he's been transported to the guidance office."

Upon hearing this explanation, Philip had a rough idea of the situation. Occasionally, there were students who couldn't accept their defeat, couldn't control their anger, and broke the rules.

"Give me a detailed report," he ordered.

"Yes, the offending student suddenly put down his weapon during the battle, making their opponent lower their guard."

"And then he attacked the opponent?"

"That's correct."

"Ugh, what a despicable person."

Philip clicked his tongue disdainfully. Dropping one's weapon during a match was a sign of surrender. Therefore, the match should have ended immediately. But using that as an opportunity to launch an attack and cause a violent incident meant the person would undoubtedly be arrested.

Then, an additional report came in.

"The injured student is currently in an unconscious state due to fractures, excessive bleeding, and multiple organ failures."

".....what?" Philip asked, dumbfounded.

Although he had heard that it was a violent incident, it was still student-vs-student. He thought that at most, the victim was stabbed, but he was in an unconscious state ?

What the hell happened?

After scraping his face, he grabbed his head and slammed it on the ground several times in the arena.

What? Hes completely crazy, isnt he? Philip was at a loss for words.

This was beyond the level that the Student Counseling Division could handle. It was enough to immediately convene a disciplinary committee and start the expulsion process.

He gathered his wits and asked immediately, Who is the victim?

"Himmel Deorg, 1st Year, Class-2."

Yes, Himmel... What? Himmel?! Philip asked with a startled expression on his face.

He snatched the medical certificate out of the guard's hand, his eyes widening as he realized it was the Himmel Deorg he knew.

The Empires Swordsmanship genius!

The sole heir to House Deorg.

A man of his caliber was the victim, not the perpetrator? Philip asked in a bewildered tone, "You mean it was Dilia Arpen?"

"No, it's not. Dilia Arpen already had her match earlier."

"Then who on earth...?"

Who made Himmel like that?

Such questions arose, but he soon closed his mouth.

He would soon find out for himself when they reached their destination. But then, the guards said something strange, "Oh, and upon further investigation, it turns out that the attacker had a similar criminal record."

"Huh? Criminal record?"

A criminal record was impossible. Philip was sure that no students had been brought in by the Student Counseling Division since the beginning of the academic year.

No, there was one, he corrected himself. There was one student who had been brought in.

The terrorist of the entrance ceremony, Ulan Bator.

As he recalled that student, Philip's eyes widened suddenly.

No, wait a minute! So then, could it be...

Suddenly, an ominous feeling washed over him.

Clank! Squeak!

The heavy metal door guarding their destination was opened with a loud noise. A moment later, Philip's eyes widened, "Damn it."

There, in front of him, were two individuals.

One was Ulan, as hed expected. The other was a Military Department Inspector. He held his orders out in front of him in a commanding manner.

"After an immediate handling, please."


Philip's face turned sour as if he'd chewed on a turd.

Some time after that

Ulan was released.


After leaving the Student Counseling Division, Ulan immediately headed back to the dormitory. He had been instructed by the Inspector to wait in the dormitory until the outcome of this case was known.

As he walked, he soon encountered someone familiar.


It was Ibella.

Standing in the doorway, she looked at Ulan with a face that seemed to be filled with worry, "Are you okay? Nothing happened, did it?"

"Yeah, I just sat there for a bit and then came."

He answered truthfully.

But somehow, Ibella's expression subtly changed. Her complexion became tinged with bitterness as if she was in agony.

After a moment, she mustered the strength to speak, "Actually, I wanted to ask you something."

"Something you want to ask?"

"Yeah, about what happened at the arena."

Her slender turquoise eyes trembled slightly.

Ibella asked cautiously, "Why did you do that? I was curious."

It wasn't difficult to answer truthfully and Ulan replied, "Because he tarnished your honor."


"I gave him a chance to apologize, but he refused, so I restored your honor the grassland way."

Just as he finished his explanation, Ibella bit her lip slightly. It was almost exactly the same as what she had expected when she made her decision at that time.

To be honest, Ulan's actions made her happy. Until now, no one had gotten angry or apologized on her behalf, so it was a first.


Ulan was too hasty.

He'd touched someone he shouldn't have. That's why there were some things she had to say, I'm grateful for your concern, but aren't you afraid of any repercussions?

"What are you talking about?"

"Himmel is the heir of the Deorg family. Count Deorg is the second strongest among the military families of the empire"

Oh, I see what you mean.

At that moment, Ulan interrupted her and replied in a nonchalant tone, "It's okay. I'm not afraid of that."

"Huh? what?"

"If it's for the honor of a friend, it doesn't matter who the opponent is, even if it's the Emperor himself."


For a moment, she was speechless.

Because she realized that Ulan's answer was not a joke. In other words, he didn't even fear the emperor.

After being stunned for a while, she quickly came to her senses, Ulan, then I have one more question.

"Go ahead."

Why are you helping me?


Because you're a friend Ulan was about to answer that.

However, Ibella's words were much faster, Even if we're friends, most people wouldn't do this much. That's why I wanted to ask if you might have something else you want from me.


"But I'm sorry, I don't have anything. I'm not a noble, and I don't have a fortune saved up."

A smile tugged at the corners of Ibella's mouth; it was a self-deprecating smile.

So, if there's anything else you want besides what I've already said, please tell me. If there's anything I can do, I'll do anything.


Yes. Anything.

She nodded, her face full of determination.

Even if it meant taking on the blame for Ulan's crimes; Ibella was willing to do anything Ulan wanted. Because this was the only repayment she could offer him.

Okay. Then, Ill tell you what I want.

With Ulan's words echoing in her ears, she swallowed hard, trying to calm her nerves. She had prepared herself for this conversation, but she couldn't help feeling a bit anxious.

What does Ulan want from me?

Ibella had nothing, really. Under such limited circumstances, what could Ulan possibly ask for?


Ibella paused for a moment; her cheeks flushed a little at the thought.

But she shook her head.

'No, Ulan wouldn't ask for something like that.

He may be a barbarian, but he's a gentleman. So, she shook her head more firmly this time.

Soon, Ulan's unexpected response came, "Grow."


What did he just say? Grow?

For a moment, she couldnt understand the situation and asked a beat late, thinking she had misheard.

But she hadnt misheard.

Forge your sword and break down the walls. Until one day, I can trust my back to you.

"That, that's what."

"And stand beside me as a comrade-in-arms."

To Ulan, Ibella was a comrade-in-arms.

The only one who understands him, the only one who respects him, the only one who can stand against the Rulers of the Abyss.

"That's all I ask for."

And so Ulan wished.

To make the bonds of his past life stronger and tougher.

So that this time he could reach the final battlefield and face the Rulers of the Abyss.

Meanwhile, right after he finished, Ibella looked at him blankly and asked, Really, is that all?

"That's enough."



Ulan nodded repeatedly.

Ibella, on the other hand, still looked at him with a blank stare. However, it didn't last long.

"Pfftt, Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

Suddenly, she burst into laughter; holding her stomach, she continued to laugh heartily. When the laughter stopped, her expression became brighter.

Yeah, Ulan was always like this.

Upright, straightforward, and true to his beliefs. He was a man who moved according to his own convictions, regardless of what others said or the world's opinion.

'That's why it's even more..'

After finishing her thoughts there, she shook off her thoughts. She also hid her feelings that were about to be revealed. However, she couldnt hide her gaze on Ulan.

A new emotion, different from admiration.

A bright smile appeared on her face, her cheeks flushed. Ibella nodded shortly, Okay, I understand. Ill grow.

Just as Ulan had said.

In all aspects skills, mind, body, and heart.


"I will stand by your side one day."

step by step, she closed the distance between them. Without realizing it, she had come closer to Ulan, taking her place by his side. Then, with a slightly sheepish smile, she gently grasped his arm.

"So this spot is mine."

Her voice was resolute, like driving a wedge into stone.

With a tone of unyielding determination in her voice, Ibella smiled back. It was the brightest she'd smiled since arriving at the Academy.

"Just wait a bit longer. I'll become stronger much faster than you expect and come to this side.

I see, Im looking forward to it, Ulan smiled as well.

The closer Ibella got to swordsmanship, the more power she would have at her disposal, and then they could duel every day, just as they had in the past.

With completely different thoughts in mind.

A day that had been full of events came to an end.

And the next day

Ulan's punishment was decided.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . . )

Translator's Notes:-

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