The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 47.2 - What Does That Matter? (5)

Chapter 47.2 - What Does That Matter? (5)

What? What kind of power is this

The moment the axe and sword touched, he realized; if they were to engage in a direct contest of strength, he would quickly be overwhelmed by this man.

'But strength is not everything.'

If Ulan has monstrous strength, he'll overwhelm him with speed.

Taking a short breath, Himmel lunged forward with immense force.


His strikes poured down like a torrential rain.

He deliberately aimed for areas that were difficult to defend, gradually inflicting wounds to slow him down, and then finishing him off with a single blow.

The battle continued.

However, he failed again this time.

Ulan either blocked or dodged almost every attack. He had no injuries; his body clean. Himmel bit his lips tightly.

It was because he felt a sense of urgency for a moment.

'No, I'm still in a better position.'

In the battle that has continued so far, Ulan has only blocked or dodged Himmel's attacks. He didn't attack, and even a counterattack didn't come back.

This could only mean one thing.

He must be busy blocking his attacks. Himmel was so sure.


There was one thing that was bothering him.

Every time the axe and sword clashed, he felt a peculiar unease. The feeling that he had felt once in the distant past was transmitted through his hand.

But he quickly pushed the thought aside.

The only thing that mattered now was defeating Ulan. He launched another relentless flurry of attacks.

How much time had passed?

Himmel's complexion gradually changed as he continued his assault. He felt something strange.

'For someone who was only concerned with blocking and dodging..

all of his defenses and dodges were too perfect; not a single scratch on his body.

That means he's blocked or dodged every single attack so far. And there was something else, something strange.

Ulan's expression.

At times, he looked at Himmel with a puzzled expression, sometimes seemingly frustrated.

Ulan's momentum suddenly changed.


The distance between them closed in an instant and soon, the axe flew through the air, tearing through the air.

Too late to dodge!

Himmel gritted his teeth and swung his sword as if to parry the attack, attempting to redirect it.


With a brief clash, he barely managed to deflect the attack. However, the force behind Ulan's axe struck him, pushing him backward.

Huk, huhuk!

His breathing was momentarily disrupted.

The blow had just shaken him.

His breath, roughened from the recent exchange, gradually steadied as he opened his eyes. His gaze was filled with disbelief.

This can't be!

He had come to realize something with that last attack.

Ulan was at a higher realm than Himmel. Simultaneously, he recognized the source of that strange unease he had felt earlier.

In the past, before he attained the title of a Knight...

there had been an encounter where he had exchanged blows with his father, Count Deorg. It was during that encounter that Himmel had first been introduced to the realm of Masters.

And now, Ulan's attack mirrored that encounter from the past

Th-this means...!

He realized it with a start.

Ulan wasn't an expert; he was something far beyond. Perhaps he hailed from the same realm as his father, Count Deorg.

'No, it can't be!'

He shook his head violently; the disbelief in his eyes was palpable. However, the heart that had been shaken once did not calm easily.

Meanwhile, at that time.

Ulan stared at him intently.

The first time their weapons had touched.

Himmel instinctively sensed Ulan's strength and dodged the attack, moving back. A commendable talent, to be sure.

'However, that's all.'

There was nothing special about it.

Ibella, on the other hand, was different.

In the same situation as before, she didn't back away, but rather closed the distance. She tried to create a gap that didn't exist and throw an attack.

And the result.

She created a gap that didn't exist.

This was the talent.

Himmel, on the other hand, couldnt do that.

A glaring gap in talent. Ulan squinted his eyes. As if in disbelief.

'That's a swordsmanship genius?

A genius representing the Empire?

Doubt started to creep in.

So he moderated Himmel's attacks to see if there was any chance.

However, there was nothing.

'So finally..'

He tried to test if there was anything hidden through a surprise attack. However, it was no different; not even close to Ibella, who used the surprise as an opportunity to fight back.

Ulan came to a conclusion.

'It looks like Dilia was mistaken.'

This man was no swordsmanship genius.

He had no talent for swordsmanship. He was just someone who knew how to wield a blade, nothing more. He was barely even comparable to Ibella.

'I'll have to tell her when the match is over.'

That she was wrong.

After thinking about it, Ulan grabbed the axe.

It was time to end the match.

There were three conditions for victory.

Destroying the opponent's weapon or making them incapacitated. Or the referee intervenes.

Of the three, Ulan chose the first option. He channeled his spirit into his axe and aimed to slice through Himmel's sword.


With a surge of power, the axe glowed a fiery red.

"No, wait!"

An urgent voice suddenly called out.

It was Himmel. Hastily spreading his palms out in front of him, he shouted, a little nervously, "I have an offer for you."

"An offer?"

"Yes! If you will concede this match to me, I will work with you to accomplish your goal."

An out-of-the-blue offer.

Ulan shook his head, "Do you know what my goal is?"

"Of course I know. I'm a man too."

The answer came with a strong sense of conviction.

It was somewhat unexpected, but Ulan quickly understood. Men naturally sought strength and desired powerful weapons, so Himmel must have guessed as much.


It wasn't entirely satisfying.

Ulan's goal was to reach the level of a Transcendent and obtain the most powerful weapon. It was something Himmel couldn't possibly help with.

But then, out of nowhere, Himmel said, "And you're after her body, aren't you?"


"I'm talking about Ibella."

Himmel's lips twisted into a wicked smile.

"If you concede this match to me, I'll have Ibella brought to your room tonight. I'm willing to bet my family's name on it."


"You don't have to worry about being caught. Even if you're caught, there's no problem. After all, she is a lowly woman from birth. If you want, you can see her every night..."

However, Himmel could not finish his words. It was because he suddenly felt short of breath.

Without even having time to wonder, a terrifying oppressive feeling crushed Himmel's body.

"Gulp! Eugh!"

His body felt like it was pinned to the ground, unable to move. His arms and legs shook like leaves, and he struggled to breathe. At that moment, Himmel realized the cause of this phenomenon.


The reason was Ulan.

It was the strong killing intent that made his whole body shiver.

A killing intent, the likes of which Himmel had never experienced before, radiated from him. It was the killing intent of someone who had entered the realm of a Master, an overwhelming presence that no one except another Master could hope to withstand.

As Himmel's complexion grew paler by the moment, Ulan's tightly sealed lips finally parted, "I don't mindbeing called a barbarian."

It was true. Ulan didn't care about labels like being uneducated or uncivilized, lacking culture or manners.


"......touching my friend is an exception."

Himmel had tarnished Ibella's honor with mere taunts, and Ulan stared at him, his eyes filled with anger and disgust.

"Even if you spout such nonsense about me, Ibella's honor is not something to be trifled with."

After a huge burst of anger like a volcano, Ulan suddenly stopped his killing intent.

"Huff! Hngh!"

As soon as he was able to breathe, Himmel's face turned pale as a sheet. Now he was certain. Ulan had passed even the realm of an Expert; he was a Master.

"Ugh, ugh... No, no!"

Was it because he realized the terrifying truth? Or was it because he was almost unconscious under the killing intent?

Himmel slumped to the ground, backing away slowly. But he didn't let go of the sword.

He kept his dry gaze fixed on Ulan.

"So apologize," Ulan said. As if to show the last generosity.

"Go find Ibella right now and apologize for defiling her honor. Then I'll let it go as if I didn't hear what you just said."

".....What? A, apologize?"

Me? To that woman?

Himmel looked dumbfounded. Even though he was trembling with fear, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

"If I won't do it.!"

"Then I will restore the defiled honor in place of my friend. In the barbarian way.

The crimson pupils gleamed ominously.

Himmel flinched for a moment. But just as quickly, he gritted his teeth, "Ooh, don't be ridiculous!"

His face contorted with a mix of shame and anger. He clutched his sword tightly and roared, "You're the one who should apologize! I am the only heir to Count Deorg! His only successor!"

As if deciding he couldn't win on merit, Himmel was brandishing his family's power behind him. It was a truly despicable sight.

Perhaps that was his true nature.

Amid Himmel's futile resistance and ugly struggles, Himmel's sword suddenly pointed at Ulan, "You, kneel before me this instant. If you don't, I will crush you, your family, and that lowly wench of yours!"


Ulan looked at Himmel with an emotionless face.

After a moment, he suddenly dropped his axe.

Himmel's face flushed with color at the sight. Letting go of the weapon meant conceding the match.

"Hahh, good, that's how it should be."

As he let out a sinister chuckle...

Ulan walked towards him, thudding his feet. Himmel watched him with a twisted expression, seemingly enjoying the spectacle.

"That's right, kneel before me. If you give up the match and leave, I'll let you off the hook. What, what is it?"

But Ulan did not stop.

Eight steps, seven steps, six steps.

The gap between them gradually decreased, and with each step Ulan took, Himmel felt an inexplicable chill creeping over him.

"St-stop! Don't come any closer!"

So, he swung his sword, threateningly. But Ulan continued to advance, and Himmel immediately attacked him.

And at that moment.


Ulan grabbed the sword; without gloves, just with bare hands.

The sharp blade grazed his palm, and a few crimson drops of blood dripped down the blade.

"You, you ignorant bastard!" Himmel shouted in frustration.

At that moment, the Mark of a Hero on Ulan's back flashed for a moment. Whether he knew it or not, Himmel wrinkled his face and shouted, "Okay. I'm going to cut off your finger!"

In the moment when he was about to swing his sword with force...

Kwaduk! Paaah!

suddenly, the sword shattered in mid-air.

It couldn't withstand the force; the sword shattered into pieces, leaving Himmel in shock.

"W-what! My sword...! Kehuk!"

His voice choked as he struggled to breathe.

His sword had been shattered, and Ulan's giant hand was now grabbing him by the throat.

Ulan then raised his face close to Himmel's and growled with the intention of devouring him.

"I only draw my weapon when facing a fierce monster or a warrior."

"If it's a cowardly imitator like you, there's no need to use a weapon."

"Gulp! Gakkk!"

"There's no need to use a weapon against a coward who is not a warrior."

And Himmel belonged to the latter category. He didn't have the qualifications to be called a warrior, at least not by Ulan's standards.

"Watch with your own eyes. What happens when a coward who pretends to be a warrior defiles the honor of a warrior."

After Ulan's words, Himmel suddenly felt his body levitating.

What the hell are you going to do? He wanted to ask, but his voice couldn't escape his constricted throat. Then, at that moment...


Himmel's vision darkened.

Soon after, a terrifying sound followed.


Along with the sound of something breaking, his slightly open mouth was filled with dirt.

A sticky and muddy sensation filled his mouth. Before he could even comprehend it, excruciating pain overwhelmed him.

"Kuh, ahh!"

His nasal bone was completely crushed.

Himmel was now pinned upside down to the ground.

His face had been impaled first, and his face was directly smashed in the arena floor. His shattered nose allowed crimson blood to flow freely.

But Ulan didn't stop.

"Kuuh, aah!"

After grabbing the back of his neck...

Ulan spun around.

With a calm gaze, he directed his attention towards the stands. More precisely, in the direction where Ibella was.

Ibella, with widened eyes, seemingly shocked, met his gaze.

While locking eyes with her...

Ulan slammed Himmel's head into the ground.


The deafening noise reverberated through the arena.

The impact was strong enough to make one wonder if Himmels head would split open. There was no need to worry; he had no intention of letting him lose consciousness so easily.

Uuung! Uuuung!

Ulan's spirit wrapped around Himmel's skull.

This way, his head wont be crushed. He would only experience agonizing pain.


Himmel's face was covered in blood.

All of his teeth were knocked out, and his speech was slurred. As he realized what had happened, he begged for mercy through a stream of bloody tears.

"Hehh, please, please,...!"

"Not yet."

But it didn't work on Ulan. He glared into Himmel's eyes and spoke, "This is the honor your foul tongue has sullied. Only your blood can wash it away."

Ulan slammed Himmel's head into the ground again. If he didn't want to bow his head, he would make him do so, even if it meant doing it this way.


His head hit the ground, and the floor cracked.


and a puddle of blood formed.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Was it because of the repeated pain? Himmel, who was shaking, slumped over.

Did he faint?

It's okay, though. He could use the spirit to stimulate his brain and wake him up quickly.

And just as he was about to do so

"Th-that's enough!"

"Stop the battle! Stop it!"

the referee intervened.

They seemed to have been shocked by the suddenness of the scene and had just come to their senses.

Ulan, on the other hand, frowned.

Of course, he needed more blood to cleanse the tarnished honor completely.

'That means the atonement couldn't be completed today...'

He would have to continue this later.

If Himmel had regained his senses, he would have sworn to himself that he would finish what he had started. However, Ulan, who had no intention of letting him go just yet, carelessly threw Himmel, who had become a limp rag, to the ground.

The third match came to an end.

The bloodstained arena was filled with an eerie silence.

But the silence didn't last long.

The guards rushed in a frenzy.

"He's over there!"

"Bind him immediately!"

They wrapped him in iron chains.

Feeling a sense of dj vu in this situation, Ulan was once again escorted back to the Student Counseling Division.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . . )

Translator's Notes:-

Sorry for the delay in release. Was caught up in some real life stuff and didn't get the time to translate.

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