The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 49: The Eve Before The Storm (1)

Chapter 49: The Eve Before The Storm (1)

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The morning sun cast a soft glow, heralding the arrival of the next day.

In those early hours, a figure had sought out Ulan's dorm. A man clad in a black coat. He was none other than an inspector from the Military Departments Surveillance Unit.

"Your punishment has been decided."

He, the very one who had spirited Ulan away from the Student Counseling Division a mere day ago, handed him a single document.

It was a notice of punishment.

Offender: [Ulan Bator]

Victim: [Himmel Deorg]

Overview: The offending student violated the rules during a mock preliminary match, and inflicted harm upon the victim student.

The committee had deemed the degree of violence in this incident to be extremely severe, and in accordance with Article 5, Section 38 of the Code of Conduct, imposes the following penalties:

First expulsion warning.

Suspension of regular studies for 30 days.

Disqualification from all future competitions

There were too many words.

For an instant, it felt as though his very sanity teetered on the precipice, but he clung to the edge with grim determination. Thankfully, the Inspector offered an explanation.

"Firstly, the expulsion warning is a form of deferred expulsion. If you receive another expulsion warning while under this warning, it will result in immediate expulsion."

Deferred expulsion meant that expulsion had been discussed by the committee at least once before. The inspector continued in his stern tone.

"Next, suspension of regular studies means that you cannot attend classes. Also, you are not allowed to leave the designated area for the next 30 days, starting today."

Suspension of regular studies at the Arsene Academy was the second most severe punishment after expulsion. If you were caught leaving the designated area, the suspension period could be extended, and you might receive additional warnings.

"Lastly, the committee has deemed you a significant threat and has decided to revoke your eligibility for all upcoming competitions and matches."

This included not only mock battles but all types of competitions and matches against other students. After finishing his explanation, the Inspector looked at Ulan.

"Do you understand everything so far?"

"I understand about half of it."

Was the explanation so difficult that he could only grasp half of it? The inspector felt a sense of absurdity but didn't show it.

"At least you understand something. From now on, I will take your statement."

"My statement?"

"Yes. There must have been a reason why you attacked Himmel Deorg for no reason."

The inspector, settling into an appropriate seat, took out a notebook and a pen. He also placed a sparkling green bead on the table.

It was a magical tool for recording voices.

"And this is also for your own good. If your statement provides a valid reason, your punishment may be reduced."

This much was certain the Surveillance Unit, under the aegis of Commander Berge, aspired to ameliorate Ulan's culpability in any conceivable manner.

Such a sentiment also aligned with the Imperial military's overarching objectives.

It was the military's influence that had transformed Ulan's impending expulsion into a reprieve in the first place.

The military has already made their calculations.

From the moment the incident was reported.

The military had weighed the value of Count Deorg and Ulan Bator on the scales. And they had judged Ulan's worth to be much higher.

'A seventeen-year-old Master.

Just that fact alone held significant value.

Above all, if they succeeded in recruiting Ulan, more than ten thousand barbarians would come under the Empire's control, along with the Northern Snowy Mountains and the Grasslands.

This constituted nearly twenty percent of the entire Imperial territory. It meant acquiring such a vast land without shedding a drop of blood.


The military actively supported this incident in order to put Ulan in their debt.

To attain that objective, it was imperative to extract Ulan's statement and cherry-pick the most favorable fragments to defend his cause.

Concluding his contemplations, the Inspector cast an unwavering gaze upon Ulan, "We want to help you."

From the military's perspective, Ulan represented a prized asset and they didn't want to see such a valuable asset disappear.

"So, without hiding anything, tell me the truth about what happened yesterday. Only by doing so can we help you more effectively."

Even if it wasn't the actual truth.

Anything that favors Ulan will be used, and anything that doesn't will be discarded.

As the Inspector's eyes gleamed for a moment, Ulan nodded, "I understand. I will tell you."

It wasn't something to boast about, but there was no reason to hide it either.

So Ulan began his story starting from the conversation he had with Himmel yesterday, to the proposal Himmel had made.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, at the same time

while Ulan was being questioned for his statement, eight male and female students had gathered together in a lecture hall at the military department. They were the freshmen who had participated in the preliminary rounds.


Maybe it was because they were called in early in the morning?

Each student stifled a yawn.

Among them was Noah. She swallowed her yawn and quickly scanned the classroom. She soon realized something in common among the students who had been summoned.

Are these the students who passed the preliminary rounds?

Although they are not yet well-known, they are all among the top 1 and 2 in their respective classes.

And one more thing.

There was solid evidence supporting her assumption.

A blonde girl sitting at the back.

It was Ibella Elearde.


Could it mean that I passed too?

Noah's eyes sparkled for a moment. At the moment she harbored high expectations


the door swung open and what followed was the appearance of a girl with silver hair, her blue cloak billowing.

The moment she spotted her, Noah's expectations crumbled into disappointment.

......Dilia Arpen.

The girl with whom she had fought shoulder to shoulder.

Her presence here meant one of two things.

Either Noah and Dilia had both made it through the preliminary rounds, or they would have to have a rematch.

Please, let it be the former.

If they had a rematch, she would definitely lose.

The same tactics wouldn't work again, and the amulets containing the spirit were nearly depleted.

So she prayed fervently; she prayed to God to spare her a rematch.

Meanwhile, Dilia glanced around the classroom with a small, searching expression on her face, as if looking for someone.

And then, her expression suddenly stiffened.

There was only one reason for that she had spotted Noah.

"Um, hello?"

"... "

Noah offered a somewhat awkward greeting, but Dilia didn't respond.

All she got in return was a cold shoulder.

With a frustrated sigh, Dilia found a seat near the entrance. It was the farthest spot from Noah.

'Well, I can't blame her.

She would be angry. How many times had she had her hair pulled by someone as a princess?

Of course, Noah had something to say too. Dilia had grabbed her hair first, after all.

It will take time to make peace.

Maybe it will never be possible.

As Noah mused on the feeling of their budding friendship crumbling, the conversation of the students around her suddenly reached her ears.

"That barbarian is not here, huh."

"Of course he can't come."

"That's right. He caused that much trouble."

The moment the word barbarian was mentioned, the expressions of three girls changed.

Ibella looked troubled, Dilia tilted her head, and Noah sighed with a dark complexion.

'Haaa, Ulan.'

After the battle with Dilia had ended, Noah was unconscious for a whole half day.

It was because her mana had been completely depleted. So, while she hadn't witnessed Ulan's match firsthand, she had heard from Professor Miel afterward.

Ulan had caused a huge incident.

He beat Himmel to death, they said.

And it wasn't an exaggeration.

Himmel actually went into a coma; he lost a lot of blood, suffered internal injuries, and barely clung to life.

'I don't know why he did that, but...'

This was not in the original story.

Of course, Ulan's enrollment in the academy never happened. But still, Noah hadn't anticipated that Himmel would be on the brink of death.

I feel like things are getting more and more complicated.

From the moment she missed the Trial of a Hero, it had always felt like the story was going in a completely different direction from the original.

She sighed again, feeling her chest tighten. However, that was only for a moment.

Noah quickly regained her composure.

...Let's think this through.

Continuously sighing wouldn't change anything. It was far more productive to anticipate and prepare for what might happen in the future.

This is a big deal.

He had beaten up the only heir of the Deorg family, not just any student.

Ulan might even face expulsion; no, it was almost a certainty.

'Because Ulan has no backing.'

There was the letter of recommendation from Count Dermore, but even that was not comparable to the Deorg family.

They weren't even particularly close.

Noah's complexion darkened.

'If Ulan is expelled.......

Ulan will return to the grasslands.

No, that was an optimistic assumption.

He might be sent to Count Deorg as a punishment, after all, he had turned the Count's sole heir into a bloody pulp.

The story was deviating further and further from the original.

As Noah's face turned dark


the door swung open again.

"Is everyone here?" Spoke the man who had just entered in a dry tone Ethan Arnoff, a professor at the Military Studies Department. He was also the one in charge of the preliminary rounds.

"I called you all here early in the morning to deliver information about the preliminary round. First, I'll tell you the results that you're all curious about."

After exchanging glances with the students, he got straight to the point.

"So far, there are seven student confirmed to participate in the mock battle. The reason there are only this many is because of the accidents that occurred in the third and eighth match."

Third match was the battle between Ulan and Himmel, and the 8th match was a battle between mages, similar to the one between Noah and Dilia.

However, during the battle, there had been a sudden mana surge that led to a mana explosion, injuring both students who were close by. As a result, the 8th match had been declared void.

Add to that the 2nd game, which was a draw, and the final number of participants was indeed seven.

"Next, the second match ended in a draw, and according to the rules, we should have a rematch..."

No! Please, anything but that! With tightly closed eyes, Noah silently prayed, and surprisingly, it seemed to have an effect.

"...However, both of them have been included in the final selection at the recommendation of Head Chernihiv. There's also the fact that we're short on participants."

God indeed exists.

Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, the final selection has been confirmed to include nine people, including Noah and Dilia.

"The last one will be selected through the loser's revival match."

"What? That means......."

"Will Himel not participate in the matches?"

"He's not choosing to abstain; he physically can't participate," Ethan's complexion hardened.

It meant that Himel had been seriously injured.

Sensing this, the students fell silent. They had also heard the rumors.

"Furthermore, Ulan's participation in the matches is also restricted. In addition to his 30-day academic suspension, he has been disqualified from all competitions."


"Academic suspension?"

Only two students were surprised Ibella and Dilia.

Dilia, in particular, seemed to be hearing this information for the first time, as her eyes widened in astonishment.

"Today, the results of the disciplinary measures will be publicly announced, but since you are all involved parties, I will inform you in advance."

Ulan had been punished with a warning of expulsion, a 30-day academic suspension, and a disqualification from participating in all future competitions.

Meanwhile, when the outcome was announced, some students muttered as if they were surprised.

"That's not as severe as I thought it would be."

"Yeah, considering what he did, it wouldn't be Head's decision. If you have any objections, go directly to the Head of Military Studies' office. I'll put you in touch with him."


The room quickly fell silent.

Of course, there would be no student with the guts to go to the Department Head and question him. Of course, the students' doubts were understandable.

'Because normally he'd be expelled right away.'

Regardless of the details, Ulan had violated the rules of the match and brutally assaulted Himmel, nearly killing him. That was a serious breach of regulations.

Violence was never tolerated in Arsene, regardless of the reason.

'If Ulan had been a common barbarian.......

He would have been expelled immediately, sent back to Count Deorg's domain, and left to fend for himself.

But Ulan was no ordinary barbarian.

At the age of seventeen, he reached the realm of a Mastera unique and incredibly powerful individual. He was also the successor to the Northern Barbarian Chief.

So the Imperial military moved

To prevent Ulan's expulsion.

And they were trying to minimize his wrongdoing in any way possible. However, just because the military was involved didn't mean that all the problems were solved.

Istan el Deorg.

Commonly known as Count Deorg.

One of the Five Masters of the Empire, the big question was how he would react to this.

Ethan recalled a brief encounter with Count Deorg when he was serving at the front.

He was a block of ice.

An extremely rational and cold man, seemingly devoid of emotion.

But no matter how cold he may be, this time, it involved his own child. It was impossible to predict how he would react.

Well, the military will handle it.

Ethan needed to focus on his role as a professor.

So, he decided to let it go.

"Anyway, that's all for now, but if you have any questions or anything else to add, now's the time."

Hed given them almost all the information; there shouldn't be much more to say.

Ethan expected as much. However, at that moment, someone suddenly raised their hand It was Dilia.


"Yes, what is it?"

"I, uh, withdraw myself."


What did she just say? Ethan blinked his round eyes, as if he hadn't understood the situation, and he wasn't the only one. Noah and the other students also stared at Dilia in surprise.

"Wait, withdraw? Why are you suddenly......."

"Because, Ulan, not here."

No, what does that have to do with anything?

Ethan gave her a puzzled look.

Meanwhile, Dilia, having said what she wanted to say, promptly stood up from her seat. As if she had no more business there.

"Well, excuse me."

"Now, wait! Hey! Dilia!"

He tried to grab her desperately, but it was in vain.

Dilia left the classroom faster than Ethan's attempt to stop her


and the entrance door closed.

Silence descended in the classroom.

No one was expecting it. Not Ethan, not the students, not anyone.

"I'm withdrawing myself."

Another shocking statement.

Ibella's face was expressionless. Ethan swallowed back a groan at the appearance of the second abstainer after Dilia.

"Ibella, why would you......."

"I am indirectly responsible for Ulan's punishment this time, so I will take responsibility and withdraw."

Ibella left the classroom without saying anything else.


In less than a minute, two students had already withdrawn. Ethan was at a loss for words by the suddenness of the scene.

Noah frowned, 'Wait, this is a bit of a problem.'

The reason Noah was participating in the mock battles was to obtain Hidden Pieces.

To be more precise, it was for the Subjugation Eventa challenge where a powerful monster unsealed from a seal needed to be defeated to obtain Hidden Rewards.

'However, the difficulty is quite high.'

To the point where students have died.

Therefore, it was essential to have at least two or more Named characters to complete this subjugation event. The recommended number of Named characters in the strategy was three.


Dilia and Ibella have already dropped out. In addition, it was impossible to get help from Ulan.

In other words, the only Named left was Noah herself. Realizing this fact, she made an immediate decision, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to forfeit too."


"Uh, Ulan."

With a brief answer, Noah finished speaking.

Then, she quickly stood up.

No matter how important Hidden Pieces and rewards were, they weren't more valuable than her life.

Just as he was about to leave the classroom

Thud! Drdrdrdr!

the door suddenly slammed open.

"S, senior!"

The visitor was Professor Stella.

She looked pale, as if something dire had happened. Meanwhile, Professor Ethan raised his eyebrows and said, "Stella, knock first and ......."

"Knocking or whatever doesn't matter! Something big has happened!"

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I mean......!"

Stella, who had been pacing nervously, leaned in and whispered something into Ethan's ear. After a moment, when the message had been conveyed, Ethan's face hardened, "...Is that true?"

"Yes! That's why an emergency meeting was called!"

Ethan grimaced, as if he had a headache. After a moment, he sighed and addressed the students, "Uh, I'm sorry, but I have to excuse myself because of an urgent matter. I'll let the professors in charge of each class know about any other announcements. That's all."

After finishing his statement...

the two professors immediately left the classroom.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"I don't know. But more importantly, what should we do now?"

"If Dilia Arpen is out..."

The students began discussing their future course of action.

However, these conversations did not enter Noah's ears. That's because she heard something even more shocking.

'......Is this for real?'

Her eyes trembled slightly.

She was near the door to the classroom, and she had unintentionally overheard Stella's whisper.

It went something like this

Count Deorg has announced his intention to visit the Academy as soon as possible.

One of the Five Swords of the Ruben Empire Istan el Deorg's visit.

Noah couldn't help but laugh half-heartedly at the unexpected turn of events that had never happened in the original.

'Ha ha, I'm screwed.'

Ah, who knows anymore? Just go with the flow.

With a resigned mindset, Noah left the classroom. The sky reflected in her eyes was filled with dark clouds.

As if a storm was about to hit.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . . )

Translator's Notes:-

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