Saga of The Night God

Chapter 147 Baba Yaga

"Hey there, stunning. Care to indulge in the visual delight of our stunning range of clothing? Our collection at Rosewood Elegance awaits you, brimming with exquisite pieces. Step inside, and let your captivating curves be graced with the utmost elegance, Miss," Erwin seductively enticed the woman passing by his shop.

But she didn't even spare him a glance, continuing her animated conversation with her friend as they strolled right past him. Erwin's frustration boiled over, cursing under his breath at the missed opportunity.

Erwin had come to the shop today with the intention of selling clothes. "And maybe get a glimpse of some bountiful assets," he thought mischievously.

However, despite an hour passing by, not a single person had cast a glance in his shop's direction. Taking matters into his own hands, Erwin positioned himself outside the shop, determined to lure the lady inside. Unfortunately, his attempts yielded no fruitful results.

Nevertheless, today was an enchanting festival day, with numerous people gathered in the street, reveling in the festivities. Various types of shops lined the road, some owned by locals with property in the area, while others were established by merchants from different cities and kingdoms. One such shop had sprung up near Erwin's workplace.

To Erwin's great fortune, it was a stunning woman tending to the stall. She exuded an air of maturity, likely in her mid-forties, based on what she had shared during their conversation.

"This isn't your shop? Then why are you putting in so much effort to attract customers?" the woman questioned, while handing her customer a bag filled with herbs.

"Aunty Esmeralda, I have to sell some clothes today. That lazy old man didn't even bother showing up at the shop, opting to gallivant somewhere with his friends to drown himself in alcohol. I have no clue where he managed to find the money. I've been toiling away here for a month, and not a single soul has made a purchase," Erwin vented his frustration, letting out a sigh and continued. "how about you did you sell something?"

"It's certainly faring better than yours," Esmeralda replied, casting a gaze towards Erwin with her striking blue eyes and long blonde hair braided into a graceful tail.

Erwin, glancing at her stall, which held only a few remaining items, concurred. "Indeed, it's much better than mine." He then continued with curiosity, "Aunty, if I may ask, did you originate from the Kingdom of Zeroth?"

"Yeah, why did you ask?" she replied, settling back and taking a puff from her pipe that appeared out of nowhere.

"It's quite a distance from here, isn't it? One must traverse at least two kingdoms to reach this place. So, why go through such trouble to sell herbs?" Erwin inquired, his curiosity evident in his voice.

Esmeralda exhaled a plume of smoke, the tendrils dancing in the air as she contemplated her response. "Ah, my dear Erwin, the path I've walked is one of discovery and purpose. The herbs I sell are not just ordinary herbs; they carry the essence of nature's magic and healing. It is my calling to share these potent remedies with those in need, no matter the distance or challenges that lie in my way." She paused, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

" what I wanted to say but, the real reason is that I am traveling towards the grand sea," Esmeralda confessed, drawing Erwin closer with her words.

Curiosity ignited within Erwin as he leaned in, his eyes searching for answers. "Why the grand sea? What draws you to that vast expanse of water?"

Esmeralda's gaze turned distant, a faint smile playing upon her lips. "No reason, my dear. I simply yearn to witness the beauty that unfolds upon its shores, to bask in the mysteries held within its depths. The grand sea calls to my adventurous spirit, and I couldn't resist the allure of the unknown."

Erwin nodded and asked again, "Are you married?"

"Married?" Esmeralda said, her voice tinged with a nostalgic tone. She took another puff from her pipe before continuing, "Yes, I was once, when I was young."

Erwin, taken aback by her revelation, couldn't help but inquire further. "Oh, what happened then? Why didn't it work out?"

Exhaling a stream of smoke, Esmeralda's features seemed to age, her expression turning wistful and tinged with a hint of mischief. "Nothing extraordinary, just the usual things that happen in life."

Curiosity piqued, Erwin pressed on, hoping to pass the time with her engaging stories. "What do you mean, the usual things?"

Esmeralda, sensing his playful intentions, gently squeezed his cheeks, a smile adorning her face. "Oh, you cheeky thing... Why are you bombarding me with so many questions?"

Erwin chuckled, enjoying their banter. "Heheh... I simply wanted to know more about this beautiful lady in front of me."

Confusion clouded Esmeralda's face as she looked around. "Which beautiful lady? I don't see anyone like that here."

Erwin grinned mischievously, teasingly massaging her reddened cheek. "Well, to see her, you have to look in the mirror, Aunty."

Esmeralda's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of amusement and realization crossing her face. She let out a hearty laugh; the sound echoing through the air. "Oh, you clever boy! Flattery will get you everywhere," she exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth.

Erwin joined in her laughter, pleased with his playful remark. "Well, I speak nothing but the truth, Aunty. Your inner and outer beauty shines brightly."

"I know your words hold some truth, you cunning scoundrel," Esmeralda replied, a mix of fondness and teasing evident in her voice. "You just wanted to charm me into buying some clothes from your shop, didn't you? Don't try to deny it. I'm well aware of my own beauty. If you had called me beautiful years ago, I might have believed it, for I truly was... But now, I am nothing more than an old lady," she continued, taking another puff from her smoke pipe.

Erwin's expression softened, his gaze filled with empathy. "Aunty Esmeralda, age does not diminish true beauty. It merely adds a touch of wisdom and grace to it. Your inner radiance still shines brightly, and that is what truly matters."

As Erwin's eyes briefly wandered towards Esmeralda's figure, clad in a deep-cut dress that accentuated her features, he couldn't help but notice the tightness of her skin and the slight elasticity of her breasts. A mischievous thought crossed his mind. "And if beauty doesn't suffice, sometimes a warm and comforting embrace can work wonders," he added, his voice laced with a hint of suggestion.

"Indeed, they do," Esmeralda replied with a warm smile, oblivious to the underlying implications of Erwin's words. She continued, appreciating the pleasant company. "Now that you've kept this old lady company, it's only fair that this aunty of yours buys something from your shop. Would you like to show me what you have to offer?"

Erwin's grin widened, excited to have made a connection and eager to showcase his merchandise. "Absolutely, Aunty Esmeralda! I would be delighted to show you our exquisite collection. Follow me, and let's explore the wonders that await you at my shop, Rosewood Elegance. I also have something special that I made myself."

Esmeralda, intrigued by his enthusiasm, smiled and put her smoke pipe in her space ring. "Oh really? Well then, show me that special item first."

"I will," Erwin said with a grin as he led the way into the shop, ready to reveal his unique creation.


Somewhere in the city, atop a house, two cloaked figures observed the bustling street filled with people. Clad in tight-fitting garments that accentuated their captivating figures, it was clear that both of them were women.

Their black cloaks concealed their identities, adding an element of intrigue to their presence. With eyes filled with curiosity and fascination, they watched the passersby, capturing glimpses of the vibrant scene below. The allure of their feminine forms drew attention from those who caught sight of their mysterious presence.

Perched in silence upon the rooftop, these enigmatic women patiently awaited their moment, ready to embrace the shadows and secrets that enveloped them. What mysteries did they hold, and what intentions lay concealed beneath their captivating exteriors? Only time would unveil the true nature of these enigmatic figures.

However, the anticipated moment seemed to elude them for now. One of the figures reclined lazily, her gaze fixed upon the clear sky above. With a hint of restlessness, she turned to her companion and spoke, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Hey Leila, how much longer do we have to wait here? I want to enjoy the festival too."

One of the figures, displaying a cold and detached demeanor, remained lying lazily while looking at the clear sky. She spoke with a hint of impatience in her voice, addressing her companion, Liela. "Hey, Liela. How much longer do we have to wait here? I want to enjoy the festival too."

Leila, the other cloaked figure, turned her gaze towards her companion, her expression stoic and devoid of warmth. Her voice matched her demeanor as she replied, "Patience is a virtue, and our time will come soon enough. We have matters to attend to before indulging in the festivities. Now don't just lie there and look out for our target Marees."

"Yeah, yeah," Marees replied lazily, her gaze scanning the surroundings. Her eyes fell upon an old lady selling herbs, and she casually remarked, "Did you know our master was talking to some old hag? They say she's a witch who eats kids."

Leila responded indifferently, her cold demeanor evident in her tone. "Yeah, what about her?"

"I think I saw her there," Marees said, her voice lacking any sense of urgency or concern.

"Where?" Leila asked, her curiosity piqued. She followed Marees' gaze and spotted an old-looking shop. Her eyes narrowed as she observed a child entering the shop in the company of a woman.

A shock appeared on Leila's face, momentarily breaking her cold and detached demeanor. The sight before her triggered a genuine sense of worry, replacing her usual indifference. Her brows furrowed, and her eyes widened as concern crept into her expression.


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