Saga of The Night God

Chapter 146 The Exploitation System

"See two here... and two there... and this one, let's put it here," Erwin exclaimed, his gaze fixed on the system menu as he utilized his attribute points to enhance his abilities.

[Host status]

[Name :- Erwin Nightrage

Race :- human-Nightling hybrid

Level:- first circled mage

Sexual Preference :- Females

Mana points :- 576

Strength :- 10

Dexterity :- 7 → 9

Stamina :- 13

Intelligent:- 9 → 10

Charm:- 13 → 15

Beauty:- 18

wealth:-  6 Gold coins

Social status:- slave (lowest possible) ]

[Attribute point:- 0]

This marked his initial encounter with the system since attaining his freedom. Consequently, he thoroughly explored its features, examining the inventory in great detail. To his surprise, he discovered only three items were present, leaving him puzzled.

Among the limited belongings were handcuffs, a leather band, and a lovense device, which is resting in Adelaide's vagina. However, Erwin distinctly recalled the existence of additional items within the inventory.

"Hey, system, where are the other things? I remember there being an old book and some other items. Where are they now?" Erwin inquired, seeking answers.

[I apologize, host, but the item was lost during the system upgrade.]

Erwin's expression turned incredulous. "Huh? Lost? For fuck's sake! It wasn't just some photos in a phone's memory that you misplaced while upgrading it. Those were actual physical items," he exclaimed in frustration.

"Who created you? I want to file a complaint! Tell me who is responsible for producing such a faulty product like you!" Erwin demanded, growing frustrated as he noticed the system remaining silent, failing to respond.

Erwin patiently awaited a response from the system, but unfortunately, none came. Frustrated by the lack of communication, he couldn't help but vent his irritation towards the system. Realizing that the system didn't have anything useful to offer, Erwin shifted his attention to his SP balance.

[SP: 4734]

The entirety of this SP had been acquired from Adelaide during their previous session.

"Ah, well, that should suffice. Let's see what the store has in store for us," Erwin remarked as a list of items promptly materialized before him.

In the vast array of items listed in the store, Erwin's eyes fixated on three particular objects: a crystal Dildo, a gag ball, and a serpent-like rope. However, his curiosity was immediately captivated by the first item—an alluring fruit in the form of a small, enigmatic berry. Its outward appearance seemed innocently enticing, showcasing a deep purple hue with a delicate shimmer. Yet, as Erwin examined it more closely, he discovered intricate patterns etched upon its smooth surface, evoking an uncanny resemblance to twisting shadows.

[Item:- Whispering Berry of Doubt

Effects: When held or consumed, the Whispering Berry of Doubt releases a faint, ethereal mist that swirls around the user, invoking feelings of uncertainty and mistrust. Its effects are as follows:

1. Seeds of Suspicion

2. Illusionary Whispers

3. Perception Manipulation

4. Erosion of Bonds

5. Doubt's Embrace

6. Lingering Influence ]

[Price : 600]

Erwin's expression twisted into confusion as he observed that all the effects were grayed out, rendering them inaccessible. Seeking clarity, he attempted to investigate further, only to be met with a prompt that appeared before him.

[Specific conditions must be met to unveil their descriptions.]

Erwin contemplated the notion of acquiring the effects, recognizing the potential power they held. However, a flicker of hesitation danced across his thoughts, as he understood the importance of not blindly trusting without comprehending the true nature of each effect. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny the allure of an effect that seemed tailor-made for someone like him, someone who sought to exploit vulnerable individuals, particularly women.

However, Erwin's hesitation grew as he weighed the potential loss of his hard-earned money against the uncertainty of the effects offered by the Whispering Berry of Doubt. He realized that blindly committing to this item without exploring the other options might not be the wisest choice.

A sense of curiosity and a desire for better prospects swayed his decision. After all, the store held a myriad of possibilities, and Erwin couldn't dismiss the potential of discovering something more advantageous for his purposes. With cautious optimism, he resolved to explore further, keeping an open mind and hoping to stumble upon an item that would better serve his objectives.

[Item: Strength Maximizer (5-day duration) Description:

The Strength Maximizer is a remarkable aid that optimizes an individual's strength training sessions, enabling them to enhance their strength effectively. By providing valuable support and guidance, this tool helps individuals extract the maximum potential from their training efforts, leading to significant improvements in strength over a period of five days. The Strength Maximizer increases the effect of training by 5 times.]

[Price : 2000]

"Ah, now this is intriguing," Erwin exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the Strength Maximizer. He marveled at the possibilities it presented, enhancing his physical power. But as he perused the store further, he discovered a collection of similar maximizers, each targeting different aspects of an individual's abilities: Stamina, Charm, Intelligence, and even a Magic Maximizer.

Erwin's excitement grew as he considered the potential advantages each of these maximizers could offer him. The allure of enhancing multiple facets of his being was enticing, particularly the Magic Maximizer. However, his enthusiasm was tempered by the realization that the Magic Maximizer came at a steeper price, both in terms of cost and duration, lasting only two and a half days.

Recognizing the value inherent in the Magic Maximizer despite its higher cost, Erwin's hesitation quickly dissipated. Without further delay, he seized the opportunity and made the decision to purchase the enchanting item, investing 2500 SP from his hard-earned savings. This transaction left Erwin with a remaining balance of 2734 SP, a reminder of the importance of spending his resources prudently.

Ever mindful of the worth of his earnings, Erwin's frugality motivated him to explore the store further. His gaze fell upon a captivating crystal dildo that had caught his attention when he first entered the store. Intrigued by its shape, he turned his focus towards discovering more about its properties and potential benefits.

[Item :- Crystal dildo: A remarkable creation attributed to a renowned artisan who crafted it for his beloved wife before leaving to join the war. Made from a rare material known as Moon Crystal, the dildo embodies the ethereal beauty of his wife, who resembled the enchanting radiance of the moon. Due to the unique properties of this special material, the Crystal Dildo operates exclusively under the moonlight, harnessing its mystical energy.

When used beneath the moon's gentle glow, the Crystal Dildo intensifies the user's sensitivity, enhancing their capacity to experience profound sensations. Furthermore, it fosters a deep emotional connection with the person the user envisions while employing the dil do. As thoughts of that particular individual intertwine with the pleasurable encounters, the Crystal Dildo magnifies the user's affection and desire for them, heightening their sensual and emotional bond. ]

Erwin perused through several similar items, enticed by their allure, yet refrained from making any purchases. He recognized that, at present, he had no immediate use or requirement for such enchantments. 

With a decisive gaze, he shifted his attention to the status report of his slave candidate.

[Name :- Adelaide 

Looks :- 89

Height :- 183cm

Waist :- 24 inches

Hips : - 38 inches

Difficulty :- S

Relationship :- Subordinate

Erogenous parts :- Throat, feet

Fetish :- humiliation 

Obedience :- 49%

Description :- Slave in making ]

His eyes swept across the list, taking in the presence of the mother, daughters, and even Seraphina. However, his attention was suddenly captured by his sole remaining slave. As he focused on her, a look of surprise washed over his face.

[Name :- Agda Ingaret

Looks :- 75

Height :- 189 cm

Waist :- 28 inches

Hips : - 39 inches

Difficulty :- +S

Relationship :- Slave

Erogenous parts :- Ears, nipples, armpits

Fetish :- Exhibitionism,

Servitude : 2

Dominance :- 12%

Description :- Slave ]

[Slave Condations 

Ownership: Erwin Nightrage 

Task Assignment: None 

Restrictions: None

Daily Routine: None

Punishment System: None]

"System, what are these conditions?" Erwin asked with confusion.

[Host These conditions, as outlined, indicate the current state of affairs regarding your ownership, task assignment, restrictions, daily routine, and punishment system, Erwin.

Erwin, Puzzled asked again, "But according to these conditions, there is no ownership, task assignment, restrictions, daily routine, or punishment system. What does that mean?"

[In this context, the conditions suggest that you currently do not have a designated owner, specific tasks assigned, any imposed limitations on your actions or movements, a structured daily routine, or a system in place for administering punishments.]

Erwin Perplexed "So, essentially, I have full autonomy and freedom without any external constraints or obligations?"

[By assigning tasks to the slave, an avenue is created for them to earn Obedience points, presenting an opportunity for them to request specific privileges or rewards in return. The accumulation of these points empowers the slave to make personalized demands aligned with their individual set of rewards and conditions. These rewards can encompass a wide range of options, including but not limited to dates or other personal desires.]

Erwin comprehends the underlying purpose of the introduced system, recognizing its potential to fortify his authority. By implementing a system that rewards the obedience and compliance of slaves, Erwin establishes a framework that grants him a profound sense of power and control over their actions and behaviors. Moreover, the system of earning Obedience points and making demands serves as a conduit for the slaves to express their desires and needs, thereby facilitating Erwin's understanding of their behaviors and enabling him to exploit them more effectively.

Additionally, the system of Obedience points serves to reinforce the hierarchical relationship between Erwin, the host, and the slaves. It solidifies the power dynamics at play, allowing Erwin to assert and maintain a clear sense of dominance and authority over the enslaved individuals.

Another notable advantage of the system lies in the creation of a sense of dependence on the host. As the slaves become reliant on Erwin for rewards and privileges, their need to please and cater to his desires is further reinforced, thereby strengthening his position of control and influence.

"And system what is this servitude?" Erwin asked again.


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