Saga of The Night God

Chapter 148 New Ways Of Undressing Women

"Let's see this special thing you were talking about," Esmerelda said, her eyes focused on the set of clothes made of black lace. She carefully inspected each garment, running her fingers along the intricate patterns and examining the quality. Esmerelda's attention to detail was evident as she scrutinized every aspect of the clothing, ensuring it met her standards.

Esmerelda's gaze lingered on the set of clothes made of exquisite black lace, intrigued by their unique design. As she examined the first piece, she noticed a pair of delicately crafted cups, curved in shape, as if waiting to embrace and accentuate the curves of the wearer's breasts. The softness of the lace, as her fingers glided over it, conveyed a sense of sensuality and comfort.

Moving on to the second piece, Esmerelda observed a fabric cut in the shape of a "V" with openings on the sides. It seemed to be designed to be worn on the lower part of the body. At the top, there was a stretchy elastic band, likely meant to provide support and hold the garment in place. The purpose of this alluring creation intrigued her, as she contemplated the possibilities.

"The craftsmanship is fine, and the material feels good," Esmerelda mused, her smile reflecting a touch of puzzlement. "But I must admit, I am uncertain about how these pieces can be worn and their intended purpose. They seem to lack the coverage one typically expects from clothing. Wearing them openly would undoubtedly draw attention and, perhaps, even raise some eyebrows. One might be mistaken for a person of eccentric nature."

Erwin carefully selected another set of garments, this time in a pristine white hue, as he eagerly responded to Esmerelda's query. "Ah, these particular garments are known as undergarments," he explained, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "They are meant to be worn underneath your regular daily attire. Now, this piece here with the two cups is called a bra. Women wear it to provide support and shape to their breasts."

Erwin gestured towards the delicate lace cups, emphasizing their purpose. "The bra is designed to offer comfort and maintain proper breast support throughout the day. It helps enhance the appearance and provides a gentle lift, ensuring a flattering silhouette under clothing."

Erwin attentively watched Esmerelda, hoping to gauge her reaction and comprehension of the new information. "And this particular piece," he continued, holding up a matching garment, "is called a panty. It is worn on the lower body to provide protection to the nether region from elements such as dust or sweat."

Erwin pointed out the intricate details and emphasized the importance of maintaining cleanliness and comfort in that area. "Panties are designed with soft and breathable fabrics, ensuring proper hygiene and minimizing discomfort throughout the day."

Erwin's gaze met Esmeralda's inquisitive eyes as she marveled at the usefulness of the undergarments. She questioned, "This is such a remarkable invention for women, but how did you come up with it? I mean, you're just a man. How could you understand women's issues like the need for breast support?"

A mischievous smile played on Erwin's lips as he spun his tale. "Well, you see, it all began with my mother. She used to confide in me about these problems she faced and how she argued with my clueless father to find a solution. But sadly, he wasn't as intelligent as I am. So, I made a vow to create comfortable garments for my mother. However, by the time I finished making them, she had passed away."

His gaze shifted toward Esmeralda, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. "And now, my dear, I extend a unique invitation to you. Would you be interested in becoming the very first woman to wear my revolutionary creation?"

Esmeralda's smile twisted into an eerie grin as she locked her gaze onto Erwin. The glint in her eyes took on a sinister edge. "Oh, Erwin," she purred, and licked her lips, "I'd be more than happy to oblige your request. But you have to let me taste you in exchange."

Erwin's eyes widened in surprise, his voice betraying a hint of innocence. "Huh, what do you mean by 'taste me,' Aunty Esmeralda?" He feigned ignorance, not wanting to reveal his knowledge of such worldly matters.

'I didn't know she was shotacon.' Erwin's face lit up with a bashful smile, his cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink. Internally, he couldn't help but grasp the hidden implications behind Esmeralda's words, but he was determined to preserve an image of innocence in her eyes, just as he had done with many others who would only discover the truth later.

Esmeralda's lips curled into a sly grin as she responded, "Don't worry, I'll enlighten you about it later." She continued, her voice filled with anticipation, "Now, tell me, how do I go about wearing it?" Her curiosity piqued as she tried to grasp the intricacies of the small article Erwin had created.

Erwin nodded, a hint of nervousness mingling with his excitement. He turned towards the back room of the shop and gestured for Esmeralda to follow. "Come, Aunty Esmeralda, let's head to the back room."

Esmeralda's eyes gleamed with a suggestive glimmer, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips as she observed Erwin's back. 

Erwin's eyes gleamed with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as he boldly spoke, "Aunty, now allow me to inspect your body to check your size, ensuring I have the perfect fit for you." His voice carried a seductive tone as he continued, "Can you please stand right here?"

Esmeralda remained silent, following Erwin's direction and positioning herself where he had pointed. Erwin, wearing a mischievous grin, approached her slowly, the air thick with a palpable tension. "Now, please raise your arms," he murmured, his voice filled with desire.

As Esmeralda complied with Erwin's request, she raised her arms, allowing him to take in the sight before him. Erwin's gaze shifted, moving to her back, and he couldn't help but admire the gentle curve of her hips. They weren't exceptionally wide, but they possessed a delightful perkiness and roundness. Esmeralda stood there, clad in a comfortable white dress, exuding an air of confidence and allure.

Erwin's mind wandered as he observed the alluring sight of Esmeralda's perky bottom. A thought crossed his mind, 'These beautiful ruins have likely housed many individuals before me in their time.'

Esmeralda glanced at Erwin, noticing his empty hands. Curiosity piqued, she spoke up, "Don't you need any tools to measure my size?"

Erwin's confidence remained unwavering as he raised his hand towards her hips and replied, "With these." His gesture suggested that he intended to rely on his own judgment and tactile senses.

This unexpected response surprised Esmeralda, momentarily leaving her speechless. She hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to trust Erwin, allowing him to proceed with measuring her hips.

Erwin placed his hand on Esmeralda's hipbones, his fingers dabbing into her soft skin, eliciting a surprised expression from him. 'She is so soft,' he thought to himself, captivated by the gentle texture beneath his touch. As he lightly squeezed her hips, his hand gradually moved back toward her buttocks.

Esmeralda, observing Erwin's actions, looked at him with surprise, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. She smiled, knowing that Erwin was oblivious to her gaze. 'I thought he was just a kid....this is gonna be more fun than I thought.' she thought to herself, anticipating the intriguing dynamics that lay ahead.

Erwin's hand lingered on Esmeralda's buttocks for a moment, testing the boundaries of her response. Sensing no rejection, he gradually moved his hands towards the center of her butt cheeks and firmly grasped them, giving them a squeeze. To his surprise, her buttocks felt softer than any he had ever held before, a sensation that sent a wave of intrigue coursing through him.

As Erwin's hand explored Esmeralda's buttocks, his mind wandered with a hint of humor amidst the intensity of the moment. 'Well, Erwin,' he chuckled inwardly, 'looks like you've stumbled upon the world's softest pair of buttocks. Who would have thought this old hag would have this soft ass?'

Erwin's inner thoughts were filled with lust, but he remained unaware of Esmeralda's knowledge of his hidden intentions. Sensing his innocence, Esmeralda decided to play along, maintaining her facade of naivety.

With a sly smile, Esmeralda broke the silence, her voice laced with a mischievous undertone. "Erwin, you certainly have a unique talent for measuring sizes," she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Erwin, still oblivious to her true intentions, blushed slightly but managed to maintain his composure. "Thank you, Aunty Esmeralda. I pride myself on attention to detail," he replied, trying to hide his growing excitement. With a hint of hesitation, he continued, "Aunty, this is the first time someone is wearing my inventions, so I want it to be perfect for you. And to achieve that, I need precise measurements, which I can take without any clothing."

Esmeralda, fully aware of Erwin's underlying motives, couldn't help but feel amused. She decided to play along, curious to see how far he would go. "Oh, really?" she asked with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "And how exactly do you plan to take measurements without any differences?"

Erwin, his face turning even redder, stumbled over his words. "Well, um, I mean, to ensure accuracy, I need to take the measurements directly on your skin, without any garments," he explained, his embarrassment stemming not from the current situation, but from his past experiences and tactics for undressing women.

Erwin couldn't help but feel a deep sense of shame as he reflected on his past strategies to undress women. Despite his knowledge and experiences, he found himself limited to just two methods, which he considered deceiving. With his charming face, well-endowed physique, and the advantage of a seemingly advantageous system, he felt a pang of disappointment that his repertoire had not expanded beyond those tactics.

As he pondered his situation, Erwin realized the need for growth and self-improvement. But for now let's just work with these.


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