Saga of The Night God

Chapter 145 Riches Beyond Wealth

Erwin wiped the sweat from his brow, his face glistening under the unforgiving sun. Taking a much-needed break from their rigorous practice session, he turned to his companion, Kael, and asked with genuine curiosity, "Hey, Kael, aren't you going to the festival tonight?"

As Kael's mana circles crackled with energy, unleashing a dazzling display of fiery projectiles, he momentarily paused, catching his breath. With a determined expression and a slight sheen of sweat adorning his forehead, Kael replied, "Absolutely, I'll be there. However, I might join in a bit later during the night."

Erwin and Kael sat together, finding respite and refreshment in a bowl of water. Before taking a sip, Kael used a chilling circle to transforming the hot water into a cool and satisfying drink. As he quenched his thirst, Kael turned to Erwin and asked, "What about you? Will you be joining the festival?"

Erwin took a sip of water and sighed, sharing his plans amidst his frustrations. "I'll go after practicing a bit more. I have to open the shop today since that lazy old man didn't bother to do it himself. I know the condition of the shop may not attract many customers, but he should at least make the effort."

With a mischievous grin, Erwin added, "Hopefully, some customers with big assets will grace our presence today."

Kael nodded, expressing his disdain for the meager meals they had been enduring. "Indeed, rich women can be quite lavish spenders. If they buy from your store, we won't have to eat that slave food ever again." 

"Rich women with big assets? It's like hitting the jackpot twice!" Erwin quipped, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as he rose to his feet, his confidence radiating under the scorching sun. With an air of anticipation surrounding him, he strolled purposefully, his steps filled with newfound energy and excitement.

"Now, Kael, my dear friend, would you be so kind as to bestow upon me the knowledge of that spell you just employed?" Erwin requested, a playful tone in his voice, aware that Kael seemed puzzled by his earlier remark. The confusion etched on Kael's face only fueled Erwin's amusement as he relished in the opportunity to enlighten his companion.

With a hearty chuckle, Erwin clarified, "Oh, my friend, by 'hitting the jackpot,' I wasn't merely referring to financial wealth. I meant it in a more... metaphorical sense, you see." He winked mischievously, enjoying the suspense he had built up. "When I spoke of rich women with big assets, I was referring to their generous hearts, their captivating personalities, and their ability to enrich our lives in more ways than one."

Kael's confusion didn't fade away by Erwin's explanation, and Erwin glanced at his friend's less-than-aesthetically pleasing face, which could still manage to give him a scare at night. With a smile and a sigh, Erwin continued, "Well, my friend, sometimes the humor lies in the darker corners of life. But fret not, for it's all in good fun. Even if you don't understand it."

"Just teach me that spell. What's its name?" Erwin eagerly asked, his curiosity piqued.

Kael rose from the ground and handed Erwin a paper with an intricately drawn circle. "It's called Fire Rain," Kael replied. "But what did you really mean by that double jackpot? It seems like there's more to it."

Erwin's smile widened as he accepted the paper, glancing at the intricate design. "Ah, my friend, you have a sharp intuition. But fear not, it's nothing more than a playful jest. Now, let's focus on mastering this spell together."

As they continued their conversation, Erwin couldn't help but notice Kael's puzzled expression. Glancing at his friend's face, which still had the power to startle him in the dark, Erwin couldn't resist a lighthearted remark. "By the way, Kael, have you considered a career in scaring people? You've got a talent for it!"

Kael's face suddenly turned serious as he pondered Erwin's remark, his brows furrowing in deep thought. Erwin couldn't help but let out a boisterous laugh, finding the situation too amusing to handle. "Oh, come on, Kael! Don't tell me you're considering a career in scaring people now!" Erwin exclaimed, unable to contain his amusement.

Kael's serious expression broke into a mischievous grin. "Well, Erwin, maybe I've found my true calling! Just imagine. How you scream at night when you accidentally show my face in the mirror at night or catch off guard by my presence every time you scream like a girl this mean I really got the talent right."

Erwin's face turned a deep shade of crimson upon hearing Kael's playful remark, his embarrassment evident. "I don't scream like a girl! It's just that you always manage to catch me off guard," he exclaimed, trying to defend himself.

This time Kael laughed at Erwin's reaction, finding it utterly amusing. 


"Hey, when will we finally arrive at our destination?" a disinterested voice in the carriage questioned the red-armored knight.

"Your highness, we shall reach there tonight," replied the knight.

"Truly? Will we make it in time for the festival?" exclaimed another voice from inside the carriage, filled with excitement.

"Yes, your highness, we will arrive in time to partake in the festivities," Agda affirmed, silently smiling at the girl's enthusiasm.

The carriage continued its journey along the winding road, the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves echoing in the crisp evening air. Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of anticipation and weariness. The disinterested voice seemed to have resigned itself to the monotony of the journey, while the excited voice brimmed with eager anticipation.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, the surroundings began to fade into shadows. The red-armored knight, Agda, sat stoically, keeping a watchful eye on their path, ensuring a safe passage for their esteemed passengers.

Suddenly, the excited voice piped up again, breaking the silence. "Agda, do you think the festival will be as marvelous as they say? I've heard tales of enchanting performances, vibrant decorations, and delicious feasts."

Agda chuckled softly, her voice warm with reassurance. "Indeed, my highness. The festival holds a reputation for its grandeur and merriment. It is a sight to behold. The streets come alive with music, laughter, and a myriad of colors. People from far and wide gather to celebrate, creating memories that last a lifetime."

The disinterested voice stirred, seemingly piqued by Agda's description. "Is it really worth all the trouble, though? Festivals can be crowded, noisy affairs. I'd rather be in the comfort of my chambers, away from the chaos."

Agda turned her attention to the disinterested passenger, a gentle smile playing at her lips. "I understand your sentiments, my highness. However, the festival offers more than just external commotion. It presents an opportunity to immerse oneself in the culture and spirit of our people. It is a time when differences dissolve, and joy becomes a common language."

The disinterested passenger fell silent, seemingly contemplating Agda's words. Meanwhile, the excited voice couldn't contain its enthusiasm any longer. "I can't wait to experience it all! The music, the dances, the delightful treats—I want to savor every moment, Agda!"

Agda's smile widened, reflecting the shared excitement. "Fear not, my highness. We are making good time, and tonight, we shall arrive at our destination, ready to revel in the festivities. It will be a night to remember."

Agda had been tasked with the crucial role of serving as an escort for the princesses of the realm of Achlys. Their mother, Queen Jioan Nightrage, had specifically requested Agda's assistance to ensure the safe passage of her beloved children. Despite a previous failure in this duty, Agda was determined to fulfill her responsibilities diligently this time.

The journey from their kingdom in Achlys to the distant land of Moria, where the esteemed Vasmorth Academy was located, was an arduous one. It spanned a lengthy route that would take approximately four and a half weeks to traverse. Aware of the potential dangers that lurked along the way, Agda became hyper-vigilant, leaving no detail unnoticed. Her eyes scanned every nook and cranny, examining each person and every suspicious movement.

Agda was acutely aware of the weight of her responsibility. The princesses safety depended on her unwavering attention and unwavering dedication. She had learned from her past mistakes and was determined not to let any harm befall them this time. Agda's focus never wavered as she meticulously assessed the surroundings, making certain that every potential threat was carefully evaluated and accounted for.

"Captain attending the the festival could pose a danger," spoke the knight adorned in shimmering silver armor.

Agda pondered for a moment, then turned to her daughter-in-law, Frejya, and replied, "Yes, it could be risky, but I won't allow anything to happen to the princesses."

Throughout their journey, Frejya had proven to be an invaluable companion. She deftly handled any challenges that came their way, taking charge without needing Agda's intervention. Whether it was tending to the needs of the caravan or fending off potential threats, she acted with skill and efficiency, never faltering in her responsibilities.

Agda was impressed by Frejya's courage and capabilities, though she struggled to admit it. While she admired her as a fellow knight, she couldn't bring herself to accept her as a daughter-in-law. No matter how much she desired to do so, she harbored resentment towards her son's wife for marrying without her knowledge.

Despite these conflicting emotions, Agda recognized the value Frejya brought to their journey. She silently acknowledged the young knight's prowess, appreciating the additional layer of protection she provided. Deep down, Agda knew she could rely on Frejya's skills to keep the princesses safe, even if her personal feelings clouded their relationship.


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