Rosie's Games

Chapter 404: A Haunting Story

Chapter 404: A Haunting Story

As Rosalind cautiously stepped into the dimly lit dungeon, a shiver ran down her spine. The air was heavy with a musty odor, mingling with the faint stench of decay. The room seemed to groan under the weight of its own malevolence.

Her gaze was immediately drawn to the large creature that had been captured and confined within those ominous stone walls.

The monster loomed before her, its immense form casting a menacing shadow. Its eyes, eerily human-like, pierced through the darkness, betraying a profound intelligence that sent chills through Rosalind's veins. Yet, any remnants of humanity had been utterly consumed, replaced by an otherworldly grotesqueness that defied all comprehension.

Double the size of a human, it filled the chamber with its presence, exuding an overwhelming aura of dread. Its hulking frame seemed engorged, particularly its distended stomach, giving the impression of a sinister secret concealed within, perhaps a circular object that had been swallowed whole and concealed from prying eyes.

One of its arms, grotesquely out of place, protruded from its chest, a twisted appendage that defied the natural order. It hung limply, a reminder of the monstrous mutation that had taken place. As if mocking the symmetry of a human body, the creature boasted not the expected two, but six legs. Each limb appeared sinewy and powerful, ready to propel this abomination through the darkest depths.

"This is..." Rosalind frowned, her features contorting. She anticipated seeing a demonic creature. However, the monster before her failed to elicit any reaction, leaving her perplexed and disillusioned. There was an absence of the expected aura of darkness, no sinister energy emanating from its presence.

This was not a demon!

Then what was it?

A sense of understanding settled over her as she realized the gravity of the situation. Denys' concerns suddenly became clear. With the creature's origin shrouded in mystery, unraveling its true nature would be a daunting task. The absence of any discernible clues or hints only compounded the challenge they faced.

If there was no obvious path to understanding this creature, she would need to forge her own.

With measured steps, Rosalind advanced toward the towering figure.

"Duchess" Denys's voice echoed in the distance, his concern evident.

"No need to worry," Rosalind dismissed his worry, brimming with confidence in her own abilities. As she neared the creature, she unleashed her dark blessing, harnessing its power to ensnare and subdue the entity. While she still couldn't seamlessly combine her dark and light blessings, Rosalind's mastery of her dark gift remained unwavering.

Her lips formed a tight line as the creature's piercing howls pierced the air. But it was no ordinary howl; it resonated with a profound sense of despair, sending a pang of empathy coursing through Rosalind's being. Why did she find herself overcome with such emotions in the presence of this monstrous being?

For a fleeting moment, Rosalind caught a glimpse of the creature's eyes, and within their depths, she saw reflected a reflection of her own fears and struggles. The cry of anguish and hopelessness that emanated from the creature's throat echoed a familiar ache within her soul. It was as if their shared pain and desperation had forged an unexpected connection.

This time, Rosalind did not hesitate but touched the creature's body. She needed to see its memories.

She closed her eyes and was immediately welcomed with some hazy images.


Flashes of fragmented recollections flooded her mind, painting a haunting story of the being's past. The memories began with images that resembled those of a child, invoking a sense of innocence lost within a confined existence.

The first glimpses revealed a claustrophobic environment, devoid of sunlight. The creature had been raised in the confines of an underground room, where the sun's warmth and light remained distant dreams. The air itself seemed suffocating as if the very atmosphere conspired against the notion of freedom.

With a sudden shift, the memories transitioned into a darker chapter. Symbols etched in ancient script adorned the walls, shimmering with arcane energy. Chanting, ominous and resonant, reverberated through the chamber, the words invoking a twisted power. Rosalind could almost taste the acrid scent of incense mingling with the metallic tang of blood, an olfactory testament to the sorcery at work.

The memories twisted further, revealing scenes of merciless experimentation. The creature, subjected to endless pain and torment, writhed in agony. The air became thick with the stench of blood, a scent that seemed to permeate the very essence of the place. Each incision and manipulation inflicted upon the creature fueled a symphony of suffering, leaving an indelible mark on its psyche.

Rosalind's senses recoiled in a chilling resonance, as though the memories that flooded her mind were not merely observed, but experienced firsthand.

The grief and horror etched within those fragmented recollections clawed at her soul as if the symbiotic dance between sorcery, pain, and suffering had momentarily consumed her being.

The flashes of the creature's past, vivid and unrelenting, assaulted her consciousness. The sorcery-infused torment, depicted through the symbols and chants that echoed with dark resonance, seemed to seep into her very essence. The weight of the creature's despair became her own, engulfing her in a suffocating embrace of suffering and hopelessness.

Unable to withstand the relentless onslaught, Rosalind stumbled back, her complexion drained of color, her brow glistening with a sheen of sweat. Each haunting image had etched itself indelibly into her psyche, leaving an indescribable heaviness upon her body. The echoes of the creature's pain reverberated within her, a harrowing reminder of the depths of suffering inflicted upon it.

As she gasped for air, her trembling hands sought solace in the cold stone walls, grounding her in the present moment. In that disoriented and vulnerable state, Rosalind found herself grappling with the weight of the darkness she had witnessed.

She stopped her hand from trembling. Luckily, Denys had stopped her from falling into the floor.

"Call the leaders of the four great families," Rosalind spoke as she stopped her voice from shaking. "Someone is experimenting on children" She swallowed her saliva. "Human children."


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