Rosie's Games

Chapter 403: Inherently Malevolent

Chapter 403: Inherently Malevolent

Martin's face contorted with disgust, his voice laden with disbelief. "You... You are a..."

Rosalind interjected, her voice resolute. "I possess the power to heal people." Without waiting for Martin's reaction, she unleashed a veil of dark mist, utilizing it to heal those in need. To the surprise of Martin and Dorothy, no one questioned the mysterious mist or hindered Rosalind's attempt to help the others as she began mending the wounded knights.

Witnessing this remarkable act, both Martin and Dorothy joined in, extending their help to everyone in the vicinity. It didn't take long for even the gravely injured to receive the care they desperately required. Sensing an opportunity, Rosalind turned her attention to those with mere scratches and minor injuries.

Unlike Martin, who dismissed minor wounds, Rosalind recognized their significance and spared no effort in tending to them. With her healing abilities, she ensured that not even a trace of a scar remained on the skin, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to complete restoration.

On the contrary, blessed individuals often neglected these smaller injuries and reserve their energy for those with more severe afflictions. Consequently, the responsibility of assisting them fell upon the shoulders of nurses and other medical personnel.

"I would say that this was a surprise, but that would be a lie." To her surprise, Brinley Fleur's voice reverberated from behind Rosalind just as she finished healing the latest knight to arrive. Turning around, Rosalind greeted Brinley with a warm smile.

Brinley couldn't contain the fury inside him as he spoke. "I never anticipated the Duchess would dare to display her sorcery before us." He paused momentarily before continuing, "You have truly exceeded expectations."

Rosalind observed the remarkable transformation in Brinley's complexion since their initial encounter. It seemed that he had fully recovered. "It appears you have awakened from your ordeal."

"A sorceress serving as a duchess," Brinley ignored her words as he snorted and started glaring at her as if he could not believe what he just witnessed. "I never imagined such courage resided in the northern lands."

Rosalind chose to dismiss Brinley's comment, her attention fixed on the arrival of Denys.

"We have already taken care of everything," Denys informed her.

"Good," Rosalind responded. "I believe it is time for us to depart." With that, she began making her way toward the exit of the infirmary. She instructed them to keep one of the monsters and she would really like to know if the monsters were demons or something else.

"Leaving already? How can you depart without providing us with an explanation for what just transpired?" Brinley's voice echoed inside the infirmary.

Rosalind turned towards him, momentarily caught off guard by his persistent questioning. "Pardon?" she replied, seeking clarification.

Sensing the tension escalating, Martin swiftly intervened, attempting to defuse the situation. "Brinley, please stop this."

However, Brinley disregarded Martin's plea and continued arguing, his disbelief evident. "Why should we accept a sorcerer as a future Duchess? Is this not a deliberate insult to the seven families? Those creatures that attacked us may very well be minions summoned by the sorcerer. They are creatures of darkness, willing to inflict harm upon us!"

"So this is how the members of the seven families choose to treat those who saved them," Rosalind remarked calmly, her disappointment evident. She had never encountered individuals who would place blame on their saviors instead of expressing gratitude.

"You did not save us!" Brinley retorted, his voice filled with defiance. "For all we know, those creatures were-"

"Brinley, that's enough!" Martin intervened, gripping Brinley's arm firmly. "The Duchess and her companions were the ones who saved us. Without their intervention, we would have perished."

"Hmph! I refuse to-" Brinley attempted to continue his argument, but Martin's stern tone halted him.

"I said stop!" Martin hissed, his frustration evident. "I apologize for his behavior. The ordeal seems to have affected him deeply."

"Trauma?" Brinley tried to object, but Martin promptly interrupted him.

"I apologize for what transpired just now," Martin spoke, addressing Rosalind directly.

"How can you apologize to a sorcerer? She could-" Brinley began, only to be silenced as Martin forcefully pulled him back.

"You-" Brinley's words were cut off, the tension between them palpable.

Unfazed by Brinley's accusations, Rosalind maintained her composure. "If you truly seek an explanation, I suggest you summon the members of the seven families to join us here," she countered before making her way out of the infirmary. She couldn't fathom how ungrateful he was yet she had no time to dwell on it!

As Rosalind and Denys left the scene, Brinley attempted to engage Martin in further argument. He immediately stopped speaking when he saw the disapproving glances of the surrounding people.

"Let us continue this conversation in the study," Martin said tersely, his lips tightly pressed together. He then turned to Dorothy, issuing instructions. "Please take care of everything else."

"I understand, Father," Dorothy replied obediently.

Martin gestured for Brinley to follow him, leading the way into the study. After a brief period, the two men entered the room and Martin closed the door, ensuring it was securely locked.

"Can you not see the consequences of your actions?" Martin admonished, his tone filled with frustration. The North does not welcome them at all! Was there a need to provoke them further? "This is not Sloryn; this is the north! Did you not witness the expressions on everyone's faces?"

"I..." Brinley faltered, searching for words.

"The people here do not harbor animosity towards sorcery," Martin continued, his voice tinged with exasperation. He reached for a bottle of wine, taking a swig directly from it. "In fact, they revere the Duke and now the Duchess for their extraordinary abilities. Yet instead of expressing gratitude, you demanded an explanation from them?"

"She is a sorcerer!" Brinley reasoned. "How could you side with the sorcerer Martin Lux? Have you lost your way?"

"Brinley, you must understand," Martin reasoned with a hint of frustration in his voice. "Yes, she possesses sorcerous abilities, but she is using them to help people. Can't you see the implications if news of this were to spread?"

He paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "Initially, the knights were injured because we stubbornly remained within the mansion, foolishly intent on proving ourselves to others. We insisted on engaging in a futile battle, and when we were on the brink of defeat, the Duchess and her companions arrived to save us."

Martin's grip tightened around the wine bottle as he took another sip, the liquid offering a momentary respite. "Furthermore, she demonstrated her healing powers with sorcery, showcasing her ability to mend and cure. It was a display of her compassion, an attempt to earn the trust and gratitude of those around her. Can't you perceive the repercussions of confronting her without expressing appreciation for her generosity?"

He looked at Brinley intently, his voice laden with urgency. "If we do not handle this delicately, we risk alienating ourselves further. The people here already admire her for her abilities. Instead of alienating her and the Duchy, I believe we need to work with them to uncover the real purpose of using sorcery in front of us."

Brinley's words dripped with disdain as he sneered at Martin. "So, you're willing to surrender to their ways?" he taunted. "Is this how a member of the esteemed Seven Families behaves?"

Martin met Brinley's sneer with a steady gaze, refusing to be unsettled by his words. He understood the weight of the expectations that came with being part of the Seven Families, and he recognized that his current course of action might appear contradictory to those expectations.

Martin remained silent, his expression pensive. He realized that trying to sway someone who had already firmly made up their mind was a futile endeavor. Brinley's sneering remark stung, questioning Martin's loyalty to the traditions of the Seven Families.

The truth was, Martin harbored a deep-seated aversion towards sorcery, just like Brinley. They had both been raised with the belief that sorcery was inherently evil, while they- the blessed individuals- were inherently good. However, Martin's pragmatism led him to consider alternative approaches.

Despite his personal reservations, Martin saw an opportunity in the current situation. He wanted to use this chance to build a relationship with Rosalind and take advantage of the potential benefits. Unfortunately, Brinley's stubbornness had disrupted his carefully laid plans.

"We need to return to the Empire and inform them about this," Brinley stated firmly. "I will take the other two knights with me. You can handle the rest. I intend to leave tonight."

Martin nodded in acknowledgment, deciding not to impede Brinley's departure this time. His focus had shifted towards a different course of action.

"How about you?" Brinley asked.

"I am going to have a conversation with the Duchess." His extensive research had led him to believe that sorcery was inherently malevolent, incapable of benevolent healing. He couldn't shake the feeling that the Duchess was concealing something beyond those mysterious dark mists, and he was determined to uncover the truth.


This month, my mission is to complete WINWIN for both Rosie's and Eve's Gambit! Wish me luck! :)

Mass Release Sched for Rosie's Games: June 4 and 11

Mass Release Sched for Eve's Gambit: June 5 and 9


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