Rosie's Games

Chapter 405: Small Victory

Chapter 405: Small Victory

"Someone is taking children?" Old Man Fabian Etonde furrowed his brow as he absorbed Rosalind's words. "I don't doubt your words, but where did this information come from?"

Etonde's skepticism resonated with Arriane Madilu, who turned her gaze towards Rosalind, her expression questioning. "Etonde raises a valid point. If children are truly being taken, what of their parents? Surely they would not remain silent and refrain from seeking help."

General Lytton, his face etched with concern, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, if such a distressing situation is unfolding, rumors and whispers would surely circulate. We would have heard something by now."

The weight of expectation settled upon Rosalind as the seven individuals at the table fixed their eyes on her, awaiting her response. She took a moment to gather her thoughts as she took a sip of her bitter tea. "I will find out where they have taken those children," she declared. Regrettably, the memory of the man had not provided any insight into their location or where they came from. "However, I am certain that the monsters plaguing the north were once human beings. Their freedom has been cruelly stolen from them. Since childhood, they have been confined to cramped rooms, deprived of sunlight, fed and clothed only to be subjected to gruesome experimentation."

Rosalind's lips tightened into a thin line as she thought of the things that she chose not to disclose. Since the memories were not that clear, she chose to hide the crucial possibility that sorcery was being employed to create these abominable creatures.

Arriane's voice trembled with concern as she inquired, "What do you propose we do in response to this?"

Rosalind's gaze held unwavering determination as she answered, "This is merely the beginning of the onslaught. We must ensure the safety of the north, for these attacks will not cease."

Arriane nodded, her frown becoming deeper. "These creatures exhibit a level of intelligence. It seems they possess a calculated understanding of their actions. Was it because they were driven by hunger?" she said.

Rosalind shook her head, contradicting the assumption. "No, they are driven by fear. This is the first time they have seen the sun, experienced this unfamiliar environment. Naturally, their instinct is to be terrified. Their actions are primal, the instinctual response of a frightened beast."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the weight of this realization sank in. The humans' response was markedly different, driven by a survival instinct. These monstrous beings, with their grotesque appearance and insatiable hunger for human flesh, left no choice but for humanity to fight back in a desperate bid for survival.

Understanding the inherent paradox between the monsters and the humans, Rosalind acknowledged the primal nature of the conflict. The creatures' minds worked relentlessly to ensure their own survival, while the humans fought fiercely against the grotesque threat. In this harrowing struggle, the clash of instincts and the pursuit of survival dictated the actions of both sides.

"However, this was not the only reason why I asked to talk to you," Rosalind said. "Lucas is not in the north." She started with the most important thing that everyone in this table wanted to know. "While I have no idea where he is, I am certain that he will come back."

The leaders of the four great pillars looked at each other, concern etched on their faces.

"And a new threat is here," Rosalind continued. A heavy sigh escaped Rosalind's lips as she took in the atmosphere of the room where the seven individuals had gathered. Her eyes scanned their expectant faces, each one a pillar of strength and wisdom.

Maintaining her composure proved challenging as she grappled with the weight of the information she needed to share. The demons, the islands, and the revelations from Lucasunveiling these truths felt like threading a delicate needle, unsure of how it would be received. However, there was no time to delay; they needed to understand the imminent threat that loomed over them.

Before Rosalind could utter a word of explanation, the room itself seemed to exhale a collective breath, enveloping them in an aura of solemnity. The air grew heavy with anticipation, as if the very walls leaned in to hear her words. The weight of their expectations pressed upon her, urging her to find the right words to convey the urgency of the situation.

"Demons," Rosalind spoke, her voice carrying a mixture of trepidation and determination. "The possibility of their arrival is high, and we must prepare ourselves accordingly." Her words hung in the air, echoing in the silence that followed.

"D Demons?" Old Man Etonde lifted an eyebrow. "The Demons? The very same ones from the ancient legends?" "

"Are you talking about the demons from the legends?" General Lytton spoke.

"You mean the one from that other continent?" Alain Bohan added, disbelief lacing his tone. "Aren't those mere stories that was meant to scare us when where were younger? The tales we were told as children to keep us in line. Are you implying that those stories hold any truth?"

Rosalind nodded, her expression resolute despite the skepticism in the room. The weight of their doubts mingled with the gravity of the situation at hand.

"I understand your skepticism," Rosalind began, her voice steady. "Legends and tales often blur the lines between fact and fiction. But what I speak of goes beyond mere stories meant to frighten. The demons I refer to are real, and their threat is imminent. You do not have to believe my words. I am no one. I have yet to even marry the Duke. However, the things that we witnessed in the Howling Islands were real."

Rosalind paused, looking into the eyes of each person in the room, determined to convey the urgency of her message. She knew that she might sound insane, that her words might be met with doubt and disbelief, but she refused to let that deter her.

"So, I want you to listen to what I have to say instead," she continued, her voice unwavering. "Let us set aside the debate about the existence of demons for now. What matters is that we prepare for a wara long and arduous one. We must ready ourselves for the battles to come, regardless of whether our adversaries are mythical creatures or humans."

A heavy silence settling over the room as the weight of her proposition sank in. Rosalind knew that her request was significant, that it required a collective effort and a shift in focus. But she also knew that the safety of their people depended on their preparedness and unity.

"We must gather supplies, stockpile food and basic necessities," Rosalind continued, her voice resolute. "Weapons and provisions for our horses should be secured. Denys, with his organizational skills, will be in charge of assigning everyone specific tasks. We need to establish a system of defense and ensure that our people are equipped to face the challenges ahead. We need to do this as quickly as possible."

As she spoke, Rosalind could sense the room slowly shifting from skepticism to contemplation. Faces that were once marked with doubt now reflected a glimmer of understanding and determination. It was a small victory, but one that filled her with hope.


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