Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 94 The lore of the ring.

Ronan spent the day with his family as he tried to explain the events that led to the death of his master Karna and the subsequent chase by the world order balancers.

Alexander felt a chill run down his spine when he found out that the balancers of the world order already knew for sure that Ronan was a forbidden elemental user , however what perplexed him now was why did they not come for the draco clan then?

The world order rules mandated that anyone and everyone sharing a blood bond with a forbidden elemental user was to be eliminated . Then why was the Draco clan an exception.

His instincts tol him that it must be due to Shakuni , as Alexander was reminded about the ring he had retrieved from the ancient ruins.

The only reason why Alexander was hesitant to give Ronan that ring right at this moment was because the ancient ring was perilous and dangerous.

Everytime he touched the ring he would hear weird ancient noises , as if there were countless souls trapped within that ring . However because shakuni was the one who asked him to retrieve it , Alexander was double minded as to what to do with it.

From what Alexander found out inside the ancient ruins , there was once a great battle where all the races fought together to bring down one man .

And that man was the owner of this ring .

Although Alexander could not read the language of the ancient , from the drawings on the wall he could discern two things.

1) The man who all the races were fighting against was depicted as a villain from the way he was painted.

He seemed to be cruel , brutal and a despicable person overall .

2) He was a golden thunder elemental user …. and he was not the only one. In the battle picture drawn , there were other golden thunder users who fought against him as well.

This entire potrait did not assure Alexander at all , as he did not want a villanous object to fall into Ronan’s hands and turn him into some sort of a psychotic sociopath seriel killer / villain.

The ancient ruins were without a doubt the most dangerous place he had ever visited in his life , and it was only through sheer willpower that he survived the place.


( Everlon continent , Aeons ago )

One of the four primordial creatures , the allmighty phoenix was pregnant and sought shelter on the floating island of the Aesir , as on the whole wide world it was the only place where her husband would not kill her for giving birth.

Ravan had killed his own father when he stood against him on the battlefield , and with the phoenix’s experience of the man , he would see her children as nothing more than potential threats that could someday replace him on the continental throne.

The Aesir could not turn away the phoenix like they turned away humans who washed up on their shores , as the phoenix was one of the world’s four natural protectors and a revered and sacred beast!

and she was also carrying the blood of the Aesir clan inside of her which made the situation even more delicate.

The clan leader of Aesir at the time decided to give her a hand and allow her to stay till she gave delivery , providing her temporary sanctuary.

However this was one of the biggest mistakes the Aesir could have made , as it started the very long and gruesome second great war of history.

Ravan marched his forces to the floating island of Aesir , but all the battleships were sunk before they even made anywhere close to the shoreline , as ravan faced the first defeat of his military career.

Obsessed with revege , over the next 3 months he launched 17 military operations in the area , however every single one of them was a spectacular failure as the strength of the Aesir was not something the other races could compare to.

But as the date of delivery grew closer , Ravan grew restless as he slaughtered 150,000 newborn sheep , goat and humans to the goddess of death and destruction ‘MAHA KAALI’ in exchange for tools to win the war.

Blessed with a ring , an axe and a battle armour , Ravan’s power grew exponentially as he blasted through the outer defenses of the Aesir island and made his way to the land!

What followed was a brutal struggle as he fought against the full might of the Aesir warriorforce , as golden thunder clashed with golden thunder and there was carnage all around.

Having already lost one arm , Ravan was not the prime warrior he once was and against the ferocious and natural born Aesir warriors he more than found his Match .

Usually while fighting other races , ravan felt like he was a dragon amongst Men and would easily kill anyone and everyone in his path , however he finally felt like a normal human as he battled through the thick defenses of the Aesir army.

Not only were the strength of the Aesir warriors extraordinary , the average level of the group was above 170 ! which was astronomical considering the world still followed a level 200 cap!

The Aesir were the chosen race of the gods and they were blessed with one of the most supreme elements and natural cognition along with supreme battle instincts.

They were a warrior race who only sought peace because there was no equal to their strength in the whole wide world and every other species was inferior as compared to them.

All of this was strongly felt by ravan uptil this point , as things that took other people a lifetime to learn was learnt by him in a matter of moments.

However when he saw his own battle moves being absorbed and used by 15 enemies that he used it on , simultaneously. He was shocked as he finally realised that it was his bloodline that was special and that he was just one of many.

When the clan leader and the elders joined the battle , ravan was outnumbered and although he was the strongest individual warrior . Against a united Aesir army he was never coming ontop.

The world would be a better place if he had died on that island on that fated day , but with the blessed armour of kaali he was able to escape the island alive , albeit after suffering many life threatening injuries.

He had killed 17 Aesir warriors on his time on the island , and this incident fuelled the rage of the Aesir as the council decided to enter the outside world to kill the upstart ravan .

For the first time in many centuries the Aesir stepped foot on Everlon continent and the other races rallied around them as little by little , after 15 years of a tyrannical rule , kingdoms were liberated of the mad kings rule.

Eventually the mad King did fall after an epic showdown in the place where the ancient ruins now stand .

For 18 nights and 18 days the madking battled the combined might of the world and in the end he was stabbed 108 times before his body ran out of blood to support his muscles.

However right before he died the mad King laughed at the Aesir and made a bold prediction….  “In this world, wherever there is light – there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love.”

” I have reigned supreme on this continent , and this is what I can say for sure ….. As long as those with a superior bloodline exist…. The inferior races will forever live as their servants . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You Aesir call me an outcast , a madman and a shame in the name of golden elemental users , but i am the greatest warrior ur race has or will ever see!

On my dying breath i curse you … and your clan . For the Aesir will never find peace on Everlon continent. “.

Although for the Aesir , these were only the ramblings of a madman . For the inferior races the words struck a cord in their hearts.

The Armor of Ravan was taken by the Aesir back to the paradise island , while the weapon was entrusted to the king of demons at the time.

The ring was peculiar and anyone who touched it heard the madkings ramblings hence it was decided that the ring must be sealed inside the ancient ruins . Never to be brought out again.

Although after such a huge regime change the world did see a few years of peace. Soon all sorts of conflicts started to arise between different races and the world was at war once again.

However while the other races saw cross breeding as a taboo , the greedy humans who now firsthand knew how strong the spawns of Aesir could be , hoped to mix their bloodline with them .

The only problem was that except the Aesir , the only golden elemental user roaming the continent of Everlon was the second twin son of ravan and the phoenix , another great villain.

After a great fight , his own brother put that villain down , effectively bringing an end to the line of golden thunder users from Everlon continent , however the world had not forgotten about the dwellers on the island of paradise.

A century later … one of the darkest operations was passed by the world order headquarters .. One that drove the Aesir to extinction.

As while the species could survive the strongest warriors of the world … they could not fight against the treacherous humans.


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