Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 95 The fall of Aesir

( Everlon continent Aeons ago )

The words of the madking ravan struck a cord in the hearts of feeble humans who understood that for them to stand a chance in this unkind world as a species , they must cross breed with the Aesir and produce golden thunder users amongst their clan.

Recent rumors suggested that the demons and the angels produced a form of bloodline purification and that there were now forbidden elemental users of the power of sun and the power of void amongst them.

This increased the fear amongst humans , as while the other species all had a non aggression treaty under the alliance order , the humans even after helping the other species topple the madking were not a part of the alliance.

After losing a few valuable lands to demons , the humans became desperate and came up with a sinister ploy .

Under the guise of hosting a celebratory banquet , now known as the red banquet in the history books. The humans invited the brave Aesir warriors to the human lands , as they invited them to be honorary guests at the table.

For many decades the Aesir avoided going out of the island , but after having fought shoulder to shoulder with humans and the newer generation of Aesir being more and more eager to explore the outside world . The new clan cheif agreed to attending the human hosted banquet on the human lands.

The strongest and bravest of the Aesir sailed out of the paradise island , as they sang and drank merrily , towards the Everlon continent.

The humans flattered the Aesir and presented them with the finest wine and food..

They called them the saviours of humanity and the ultimate race. However the humans had nothing but dark intentions for the Aesir in their hearts.

Poisoning their food and trapping them within their own mana cancellation formation , the humans treacherously slaughtered the Aesir warriors , wiping out their elites in one of the most despicable mass murders of ancient times.

The plan was for the humans to take out the elite warriors and sail onto the paradise island and enslave the Aesir population there.

With the clan leader and the elite warriors falling prey to the despicable banquet conspiracy , the humans felt that they could easily storm through the paradise island and make it a part of their own territory , however they were wrong.

The Aesir women fought for their lives , the Aesir children fought and even the elders fought till their dying breath as they chose to take their own lives with their golden thunder rather than to become a breeding cauldron for humans.

In a display of unseen resilience , the Aesir destructed the entire island of paradise , in one of their ultimate suicide protocols . As an explosion that rocked the entire Everlon continent destroyed the paradise island and every Aesir living on it.

A massive tsunami followed the explosion , and till the modern day those lands remain submerged under the sea .

The Aesir chose extinction over enslavement and capture and made the humans pay a heavy price for tricking them too.

A large portion of the human lands were lost to the sea and millions lost their lives due to the subsequent natural disaster.

The world was shocked and disgusted by the human actions and many righteous humans rose to rebel against the status quo and changes were made to the world order .

Humans became lowkey and did not interact with any other races as they avoided wars and conflict for as long as it was possible.

Thankfully , within the angel race and the demon race the users of the power of sun and the power of void became criminals as well , and the internal turmoil caused due to this instability made them rifted in civil war .

This gave the humans much needed breathing room , untill the second convention of orders took place where the human led world order and the alliance order together signed a treaty that classified the powers of golden thunder , void and the sun as forbidden powers and all non-sanctioned users of those powers were to killed and exterminated.

With the resolution being to even erase the knowledge of these powers existing , the world order effectively banned all texts and recordings of the forbidden powers as overtime humans started to forget that people who wielded such powers even existed.

Known exclusively by the upper echleon of society , it was classified knowledge and the balancers of the world order and alliance order mercilessly killed each and every non-sanctioned elemental users.

While there were no officially sanctioned forbidden elemental users within the human race . The angel and demon race’s royal family allowed their descendants to wield the forbidden powers. However at the first sign of instability or a tendency for defection or mass murder these heirs were killed mercilessly.

Even so , the high born nobles of these races did allow high ranking elemental users to live amongst them.

Throughout human history , there were often some clans who accidentally cross breeded with angels and demons , introducing a forbidden bloodline within them. However the world order was not at all tolerant about such elemental wielders as the entire clans of such users were exterminated.

The humans were in a precarious position , and one more villain rising from the human ranks would mean that all the races of the world would hunt down the human race as a whole. Which is why the world order had absolutely 0 tolerance for forbidden users amongst their ranks .

Even though the modern world order felt bad about the red banquet incident , they were not sympathetic to any forbidden elemental user.

If a golden thunder user was born within any clan. He/ she was killed at birth without exception.


( Meanwhile Ronan )

It was Ronan’s turn to listen then as everyone filled him up about what happened at the palace in his absence.

Somehow Percy was too embarassed to look at Ronan in the eye and tell him that there was a time where he was led astray by a girl . Hence he carefully evaded telling him about that chapter of his life.

Ronan was very interested in knowing how Percy’s hair color suddenly changed however since the answer was connected to Maddy , percy avoided answering it.

Overall , the conclusion of the talks was that Ronan , Percy and Alexander had all grown in strength by leaps and bounds over the past 5 years and all three of them were much colder than they used to be.

Emotion was hardly displayed on the faces of the three , as all of them had suffered their own trauma’s which made them this way.

However despite this , the atmosphere amongst the family was extremely warm . Sierra and Luna looked extremely happy whereas Augustus just kept weeping and thanking the gods.

It was a dream come true for the old man and with all of his children healthy and safe he wanted nothing more in life.

The family talked for long , before dispersing for the night. But while Alexander and Percy went to meet officials and check on security reports. Ronan snuck out of his window as he went towards the 20th clan leaders room to pay a visit to the wife.

Ronan was very discrete with his movements and although he did not need to avoid the guards in his own palace . He made sure that absolutely no one knew about his movements as he approached the room where the clan leader and his wife resided.

wearing the same drape that the farmer gave him , Ronan covered his face with a piece of cloth as he sneakily entered the couple’s room.

Ronan did not expect to see a dead body as the first thing when he entered the room , as the 20th clan leader laid dead on the floor surrounded in a pool of blood with visible multiple stab wounds on his chest.

He was buck naked , and judging by the expression on his face , extremely shocked by his death as the wife was nowhere to be found in the room.

With the window open , Ronan knew that the murderer was on the run , as leaving the door wide open for the patrolling guards to get a peek , Ronan chased after the escapee after jumping out of the open window.

A long time spent with sensory deprivation , Ronan had an exceptionally sharp sense of smell and a feel for objects around him.

As only by the smell of lily in the air and the orientation of obstacles around him , Ronan was able to picture a path of escape taken by the woman.

Chasing her at full speed , Ronan trusted his sense of smell to guide the way.

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