Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 93 Back With The Family

” Hi mom “. Ronan said as he patted his mother on the back

Sierra just kept weeping like there was no consoling her , but Ronan was patient as he let her mother pour it all out.

To be honest he was feeling the same way and if situation allowed it he would have cried buckets too , but since he was in public. His expression remained stoic as always.

Although his hand was bleeding profusely , the joy of seeing his family again made the pain go numb to the point he almost forgot about it.

Seeing the over the top happy expressions of his family members , Ronan finally knew that he was missed indeed and that this place was still home.

Of everyone he knew in this world , only his family cared about him this much and it was the reason why Ronan hesitated to put even a single one of them in harms way , as he would be unable to forgive himself knowing that it was him that brought them harm.

When Sierra finally stopped weeping she noticed Ronan’s bleeding arm , as she shouted ” Medic …. Alexander we need a medic … my boy … my boy , he-he is hurt “.

Sierra panicked as she blew some air from her mouth over the 5 inch gaping wound as if it would make a difference as she slowly tried to apply pressure to the wound with her dress , trying to stop the blood from flowing out.

” Does it hurt ?” Sierra asked , but Ronan only smiled in response as if it did not bother him at all.

Only when he knew Sierra had stabilized did he move onto greet other family members as Grandfather Augustus was next.

Grandfather Augustus was having a meltdown of happiness and joy as he could not beleive his eyes that his boy was finally home.

There were a million things that he wanted to say , but at the moment no words that made sense came out of his mouth , as all his words sounded like he was gasping for air..

Tears and snot flowed uncontrollably as he put his hands around Ronan’s ears and kissed him on his forehead.

The red in his eyes having completely dissapeared , leaving only shiny happy eyes behind.

The next to see him was grandmother Luna , unlike Augustus she was not weeping uncontrollably but she did have a tear in her eye as she stroked Ronan’s head lovingly without saying a single word.

Although it looked like she was only stroking his head , she was actually trying to see if Ronan had any internal injuries that he was hiding , as Luna was more worried that her grandson must have more injuries than he was showing and she was not wrong!

Countless torn tissues and ligaments that had not properly reattached themselves to the bone covered Ronan’s body as he was a mess of scar-tissue and bone damage.

However what worried Luna the most was that his veins still carried a strong trace of the forbidden.

Unlike his childhood it was no longer at a point that was suppressible as even her entire life essence would not be able to filter Ronan’s energy for more than a day.

Cautiously she moved to a side as she threw a glance at the banquet attendees.

If push came to shove , she was ready to kill every last one of them if it meant not losing her precious boy again.

However fortunately , nobody seemed to have realised Ronan’s true powers as of now , and the secret that he wielded the forbidden was somehow still a secret.

The next to meet Ronan was his brother Percy , as a warm smile and a half hug was what he used to greet his brother.

Had they been in private , he would have undoubtedly taken Ronan into a bear hug , but knowing that it would be embarassing to do so in public , he chose to keep his pride as a prince and Ronan’s as the second prince intact.

He was the one who felt most guilty about Ronan’s absence as he beleived it to be his fault that Ronan had to suffer so much .

Resolving in his heart that he would never let his little brother suffer a day in his life again , he said with heavy emotions ” Welcome home ….. brother “.

Ronan almost broke down in tears when he finally heard Percy’s voice , but his mental fortitude barely held on as he only nodded in approval.

Although not many words were spoken , the eyes of the two brothers conveyed an entire story which concluded with ‘ Talk you about it later ‘.

The last one to see Ronan was Alexander , as he was fighting the most intense battle of emotions internally than anyone else.

He wanted to weep in joy just like his father and wife , however his dignity as a king would not allow him to.

He wanted to hug Ronan like Percy but the strict parent inside him would not approve.

Settling for a fist bump to his shoulder , Alexander said ” Good “.

Sierra rolled her eyes hearing the response as she murderously glared at her husband for being soo hopeless in human conversation.

She knew better than anyone how much he loved the two kids , however Alexander was a total wimp when it came to expressing how he felt and could absolutely not say what he felt.

Although the ‘ Good ‘ sounded moronic , for Ronan it was perfect.

He needed to hear no more words from his father as all the emotions that needed to be conveyed were conveyed with that one word.

Although it was only a ‘ good ‘

Ronan knew it meant

‘ Good you’re home ‘

‘ you’re looking good ‘

‘ It’s good work you did there with the demon ‘

‘ It’s good to see you ‘

and many more.

Pulling out his axe from his spatial bag , Ronan slinged it over his shoulder as he exuded power and confidence.

Although he said the next words to his family , it was a lesson for everyone present at the banquet .

” I’m home ! “.

As medics rushed to treat his wounded arm , the banquet broke into discussions of all sorts , however Ronan only kept eyeing one of the banquet attendees with a murderous smile plastered on his face , as he let the other person perfectly understand that he knew what he did .

Living inside the cave of penance , Ronan had changed to the core and now he was not the same naive boy that beleived in kindness and goodness.

He knew that the world was a bad , bad place and only the fittest and ruthless in this world could carve out the word ‘ Happiness’.

He knew about the Avalonian ways of interrogating criminals and he knew that it would be impossible to convict the criminal wife of the 20th clan leader without using the means of torture.

Smiling coldly at her constantly Ronan made her realize that he knew what she did and that he was coming for her. As the wife felt goosebumps on her skin feeling the murderous aura.

If there was one thing in this world that Ronan Draco despised the most … it was when someone tried to hurt his family.

Unlike the previous Ronan , the Ronan now did not beleive in sparing his enemies and the fate of the wife was decided the moment she opened the lid and unleashed the demon.

However the road to her death unfortunately for her , was a long and painful one.

Alexander ordered the palace to be sealed as he requested the banquet to be suspended for the time being and the guests were then diapersed in an orderly fashion .

Although they were guests of high rankings , with everyone being under the cloud of suspicion nobody was allowed to go home and everyone had to be comply to checking and interrogation by the commander Sam.

With Leif looking over the situation , the rest of the family gathered in private inside the palace , as after a long time , the Draco family was complete once more!

Naturally all eyes were on Ronan , as the family wanted to know all about his well-being and how he spent his last few years alone , since he did not send any letters.

However while the others were interested in Ronan’s life outside Avalon , Alexander sneakily checked Ronan’s power level and was shocked to realise that his second son was an ascended warrior as well!

Alexander began laughing to himself at this moment as he looked towards the heavens and started to pray ….

Although he had no idea what the fate of his boys was going to be in future , he was sure that they were going to be phoenix’s and dragons amongst men!

/// Thankyou for the overwhelming support you guys have shown to the book yesterday.

Many of you gifted me as well and asked me not to drop.

Thankyou so much for this support and let me assure you , your feelings have touched me deeply.

As far as I can …. I will not drop this book , be assured 🙂.

Hope Enjoy this chapter .. it’s a feel Good One ///


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