Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 89 Ice in his veins

Ronan found his old clothes to not fit him at all , as he realised how much he had grown in the time he had left home.

The robes that were once loose over his shoulders were now just a fit hoodie for him as he looked devilishly handsome inside them for some reason.

Although he bore more resemblance to a warrior than a noble , he was classy enough now to blend into the crowd and move around unnoticed as he carefully left his room and went back to the ceremonial lawn.

This time around he could hide his presence very finely as he lurked at the corners of the area drawing very little attention to himself as he tried the cuisine of the place.

To say that the food was delicious was an understatement as it was heavenly good and for Ronan who had eaten nothing but dirt for the past 3 years it was even more incredible than usual.

Although he did not socialize with anyone , his eyes scanned the room consistently as he took note of everyone present at the celebration and read their intentions for coming here.

Surprisingly he could notice a thin aura around everyone’s body ever since he had regained his vision after the cave , as he could vaguely understand what everyone was feeling at the moment.

The younger generation present mostly had a green aura around them and Ronan knew that these people were mostly envious of the achievements of Percy Draco and although they were all smiles and laughter , they were internally struggling to accept the fact that someone their age could be so powerful!

The older generation , especially those with daughters that could be wedded off had a yellow ish aura surrounding them as they were looking for an opportunity to build connection.

The most dangerous people however were the ones with a red aura , these were people who were boiling with rage and most even let it show on their faces .

Ronan’s eyes locked on every potential threat , as he made a mental not of keeping an eye on these people..

Just as he was scanning the place however , a slim and highly muscular kid came up beside him and stood in silence for a while.

Although Ronan noticed his existence he did not recognise him as of this instance as the boy had changed a lot from the last time he had seen him and never in a million years would he have thought that the timid boy from back then , had become such an extraordinary noble.

After a while the kid said , ” You were gone a long time big brother Ronan , i-i cried a lot “.

Ronan’s eyes widened in shock …. he was wearing a hood and he had completely concealed his power level . Nobody should guess his identity so easily!

Just who was this kid?

Turning Ronan looked the boy in the eye and said ” Who are you ? “.

The boy looked shocked that Ronan did not recognise him , but the he just shook his head and said ” I have changed a lot haven’t i big brother . No longer the fatty you would cradle to sleep at the academy “.

” Beelzebub? “. Ronan asked surprised , as he took another look at the kid and felt surprised at the impressive transformation he had undergone .

Beelzebub was Ronan’s roommate in the academy and he was the clingy friend who could not even sleep without Ronan consoling him.

Lazy and unmotivated Beelzebub was a typical noble for who education was just a means to keep appearance.

Being the first prince of the gulf country of Persia , near Avalon , Beelzebub was naturally invited to today’s banuqet , but Ronan did not expect to meet the kid here today and recognise him at that.

Beelzebub said ” I was lost after you dissapeared , but i knew that big brother would always be okay. Because you are the strongest !

I worked hard after u went , won a lot of merits for red house , even became a captain in my final year there.

We won that year … “.

Ronan smiled at the memories of school and he patted Beelzebub on the back for a job well done. But he could not be named In this banquet , his existence itself was a trouble hence he said ” Good! I’m proud of you. Now if I’m your big brother then don’t tell anyone I’m here and forget that you saw me “.

Saying so Ronan nudged him slightly to walk away as within a split second his warm eyes turned ice cold as if he would kill Beelzebub if he did not comply.

Beelzebub was a level 60 warrior and his achievements for his age were quite impressive. But looking into Ronan’s eyes he still felt a chill as if looking at the grim reaper himself , as he knew that defiance would mean instant death.

Gulping a mouthful of saliva , Beelzebub walked away with a small tear in his eye. But it was from happiness and not fear , as he was happy to see his big brother.

Others may not recognise his brother , but he would never fail to recognise mount tai! he worshipped the very ground that man walked on.

Ronan re-examined his disguise as he understood that if Beelzebub could see through his disguise it would not even take one second for Sierra to discern that it was him.

Decisively deciding to hide with Beelzebub , he instantly walked upto the ex-fatty and held his arm tight as he whispered ” I’m Rudra Rajput from the city of Maharashtra … a friend “.

Beelzebub was happy to help Ronan , although he did not understand why he was playing this game , but since his brother willed it he was going to help him stay anonymous.

Shielding him with a crowd of nobles from his country , Beelzebub gave Ronan the best cover possible.

It was at this moment , that the soldiers announced the arrival of the Draco family to the party.








Every single guard soldiers broke into a crisp salute as a powerful aura swept through the entire banquet lawn.

The Flame torches keeping the place bright suddenly started to burn with triple the intensity as two beautiful women were followed by three red eyed Draco men strolling out to the banquet lawn in regal robes.

As Ronan’s eyes landed on his mother he felt his heart sink as he had to fight back the tears forming in his eyes and the urge to go and hug her right at this moment.

She was as graceful and poised as Ronan remembered her to be , if not more.

Beside her was grandmother Luna who had her chin straight at 90° to the ground as she walked with pride at the accomplishments of her grandchild. A dignified walk filled with power.

A huge crown studded with gems Ronan had never seen before adored Alexander’s head , as he looked much more muscular and dominating than the last time that Ronan had seen him.

A few strands of white hair were seen in his sea of black hair , and he had grown a well trimmed beard now with a long moustache .

His sword still attatched to his hips , he had developed a peculiar stride as his shoulders swayed left to right as he walked . But it looked cool as hell to Ronan.

Behind him was grandfather Augustus who seemed to have aged 10 years since the time Ronan had seen him as his mostly black hair were mostly white now.

It seemed like the last few years had been extremely cruel on him.

Ronan wanted to comfort his grandfather and ask if he was doing well , but he kept his emotions in check as he mentained a poker face.

Unfazed as a storm brewed inside his heart , as if ice flowed in his veins.

Finally Ronan saw Percy .

Percy’s appearance had changed the most as he looked like a proper young man now with extremely handsome features.

His face had no expressions at all , there was no pride , no joy , no sadness .

His hair were red now and his red eyes looked like there was a flame burning inside them.

Although he was not the king , he definitely had the most regal aura of the entire family and he was the star of today’s banquet.

Ronan felt a sense of relief wash over him , as he saw his entire family once more . With everyone still being alive and healthy it was everything Ronan had prayed for.

The entire crowd watched in rapt attention as the Draco family passed right through the middle , with everyone making way for them as they moved , exchanging pleasantries and bowing in respect.

Looking at this scene Ronan felt pride bubbling through his veins once more as he was reminded of his true identity!

He was a noble!

He was a Prince!

He was a Draco!


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