Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 88 The Prodigal Son Returns

” Good sir , can you please tell me what place is this ? “. Ronan asked a farmer tending his corn fields about his current wherebouts.

” Are you lost boy? , the capital of Avalon is only a few miles from here . Go that way and you will reach the city in one hour “. The farmer replied happily as he hummed a song about the glory of the fire nation.

Ronan felt a pang in his heart when he found out he was so close to home , the thought of meeting his family again made even his stone cold heart palpitate for a moment , but he regained control soon enough.

He knew how big of a security threat he was to the entire fire nation , hence he decisively walked in the other direction , shaking his head at the lost opportunity.

” Oye oye , boy ! i told you the city is that way , you dumb or what?

Today is a celebration in the city as well , go fast and you can enjoy a beautiful evening! “. The farmer stopped Ronan from going away , as the word celebration piqued his interest.

” What celebration? “. Ronan asked with interest , as he had no idea about what month of the year it was either . Finding out what festival it was he would have a general idea about today’s date .

However while he expected a generic festival to be happening , the farmers answer caught him completely off-guard .

The farmer said ” It’s the day our first prince gets officially coronated as the crown prince !

it’s the reward for him reaching the ascended realm at only 15 years of age …. what a genius! “.

Ronan’s eyes widened in shock when he heard this as his hands trembled a little..

He had already made his mind to not meet his family , however he did not know it was such a joyous occasion!

His big brother was being coronated as the crown prince! and he had ascended past the mortal realm too!

‘ That’s my big brother Percy! ‘ Ronan mumbled in his mind as a smile finally broke out on his expressionless face.

Although he too reached the ascended realms at age 13 , 20 of those levels were a reward by the god vishvakarma . Had he been training like a normal man then most likely he would be at level 85 or so at best.

But for Percy having no such cheats to reach the same level as himself , it was no small achievement and most likely a result of him working hard day and night .

With this news Ronan’s will to go away without meeting his family crumpled , as he could not bring himself to go away without seeing his brother coronated.

Begging the farmer for a cloak , Ronan paid for his cloak by harvesting all his ripe corn in under 3 minutes.

The farmer was both astonished and happy with the trade as Ronan essentially saved him 3 days worth of work and was an accomplished warrior himself.

Wondering how such a young boy had such high skills , the farmer bid his hearty farewell to him as Ronan put on an oversized cloak and entered the capital city of Avalon anonymously.

Although he had decided to attend the function , he did not wish to attend it under his true identity and only wanted to witness the event from afar without interacting with any of his family members.

For him even looking at the faces of his mother and grandmother was akin to a great blessing from vishvakarma , as he missed them both the most.

Walking down the streets of the city he grew up in , Ronan felt nostalgic and happy , as he could see how the place had developed in his absence.

His father was a great king , and the testament to this was the happiness spread across the streets of Avalon , as every citizen rejoiced in the happiness of the royal family , as there were lanterns hanging outside each door and people were dressed fancily as if it was new years.

Most restaurants all across the city had free food and drinks tonight for the celebration , and people visited these shops with their full families to enjoy the event with other countrymen.

The palace of Avalon which lied at the heart of the city was well-guarded to say the least and nobody could enter it today without having an explicit invite.

Many important nobles and foreign dignitaries had assembled for the celebration inside , and the security today was top notch to say the least.

However while this was a hurdle for most other people , for Ronan sneaking into the palace was nothing much as he practically grew up at the place knowing it’s every nook and cranny.

Leaping over the 20 foot wall as if it was a small pebble , Ronan landed inside the lawn of the palace and carefully weaved between the plants and shrubs inside the garden to reach the nearest pillar of the corridor.

From then on moving pillar to pillar he was able to bypass all the guards on patrol , until he reached the courtyard where the party was being held.

Standing in a far corner with a glass of wine in his hand , Ronan did not blend in with the crowd at all as everyone else inside the courtyard wore fancy clothes and excellent jewelry , making his ragtag oversized coat stand out too much.

Everyone threw glances at him , and judged him for not being at his place as Ronan quickly realized the error of his ways as he fled In a blink of an eye from the courtyard.

Understanding that he needed to blend into the crowd to not be noticed , Ronan sneaked away towards his own quarters as he planned to change into a more suitable outfit with a regal cloak before coming back at the event.

Entering his room , Ronan felt a flood of memories of his happy childhood hit right at him as a small smile broke on his face.

Living in the awful pitch white room , Ronan had forgotten the word luxury , and coming to his own room reminded him of just how lucky he was to be born a Draco.

Everything inside the room was left just as the last day he lived inside it and his quarters were clean without a spec of dust even though he had not been living here since 5 years.

A sigh of relief escaped his mouth at this moment as he realised that his family had indeed not forgotten about it , and he still had a place in this house.

Opening his old wardrobe , he picked his child sized clothes and robes as he started to think of which ones will best fit him now that he had become much larger physically.


( Meanwhile at the big 3 meeting )

” The ancient prophecy is bullcrap shakuni and you should accept it.

That race has been wiped out and long forgotten. There will be no one true king in this world “. Dark King Darren declared coldly

” I agree with him , the time for the prophecy to ripen has already came , but there are no reports of any children of prophecy emerging.

That ancient hag’s last words were a load of bull , we don’t need to focus on them anymore.

Only maniacs with no control over the forbidden now wield it’s powers , and they must be eliminated. ” Archmage Medivh backed Darrens opinion .

Stroking his long white beard shakuni heard the opinions of both his counterparts but he just shook his head and said ” Patricia’s prophecies are never wrong.

For this particular divination she lost her life .

I don’t think it would be for nothing , the child of prophecy would emerge soon and he would need guidance to fulfill his destiny “.

” There you go again , hung up on taking in a disciple that will never roam the fields of Everlon in your entire lifetime.

Holding back and not ascending to sagehood ….. you grow old and weak and for what?

waiting for a child that you don’t even know is born in this continent!

because a old hag who was borderline delusional made a prophecy at her death 2000 years ago?

THE AESIR are dead …. Only halfbloods remain , and halfbloods CANNOT control their desires to kill Shakuni.

Halfbloods are unstable and donot have the restraint to not fall to the voices . They must be exterminated before they become a threat to humanity! “. Medivh bashed shakuni for being too naive but Shakuni only lifted one finger and let his aura slide to remind the other two who was the boss here.

Medivh and Darren let their aura’s explode as well but while they had incredibly strong aura that would make ordinary level 140 warriors passout with their aura alone , compared to shakuni the two of them were suppressed.

Snorting coldly the two of them backed off , as shakuni got his peace of mind at the table.

” Ronan Draco …. A 9 star prodigy rumored to be in possession of the forbidden element golden thunder.

He was hunted by our balancers and escaped in an unknown cave guarded by some Extremely powerful being “. Shakuni read a report presented on the table as the other two Protectors raised an eyebrow in surprise.

The balancers were level 160 at the least and were supposed to be the carriers of the will of the world order .

For them to report something as ‘ Extremely powerful being ‘ , meant that it would be sage level at the least.

” You think he might be the one? , is it why you pulled out the hit order to annihilate his bloodline? “. Medivh asked as his tone contained ridicule for Shakuni’s pitiful beleifs.

But Shakuni’s reply made even him falter for a moment , as he said ” We will know soon enough …. His father has reclaimed the ring you see “.

Both Medivh and Darren stood up from their seats at once as they looked at shakuni with wife eyes.

” You-You … you lead his father to the forbidden ruins? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND ? “. Darren questioned shakuni , but only got a cold smile in response .


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