Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 90 Not On My Watch

( aeons years ago , Everlon continent )

Humanity had recently learnt how to control elemental affinity and a period of rapid expansion followed as humans started to claim more and more land from the wild , as they moved up the food chain.

The human prior to the elemental affinity boom were creatures unable to tap into nature’s mana and hence Extremely weak preys that had to rely on their intelligence to survive in small colonies.

However with lord Shiva blessing the humans , the humans slowly learnt how to control their powers and create spells that could be turned into attacks to injure stronger beasts.

Soon humans came into contact with other humans from far away settlements and the inter-clan wars and a rudimentary feudal system was established.

However as humans expanded further and further , they found out that except for humans there were also many humanoid species such as demonkind , beastmen , elves , angels etc.

Amongst all these species the humans were the ones that were blessed with the ability to wield elemental affinity the last and hence initially the humans were the weakest species of them all.

Since elemental affinity was a genetic trait , humans were confined to only the four basic elements that God Shiva blessed them with , as humans could only wield fire , water , earth and wind and their offsprings could also only wield one of these elements.

Compared to the light wielding angels and elves , and darkness wielding demons , the humans were a weaker breed of elemental affinity users and even at the same level of strength , the stronger element easily suppressed the weaker one’s.

All these factors hindered the human ambition to become a dominant race , as compared to the other species the humans were a thousand years late in wielding the elements and their spells and knowledge about the elements was much more backwards..

However while the humans were not the strongest , they were the most cunning of all the species and their opportunity to rise came when they met a secluded species that resided in a remote island.

The island of dreams was the home to the species called ‘ Aesir ‘ , as these were the strongest and happiest elemental users in all of Everlon.

Not part of the main continent , but living on a small drifting island , the Aesir all wielded the forbidden element golden thunder as they never meddled with the lives of the continent dwellers , nor did they have any interest in doing so.

However when a wounded human called ‘ Hitler ‘ washed up on the shores of the island of dreams , the council decided to tend to his wounds before letting him leave the place.

In his short stay at the island , Hitler was stunned to see the riches and the powers of the Aesir , as these human looking species were literally the beloved of the world , as they were born with unparalleled comprehension and inexhaustible reserves.

The knowledge that the Aesir had collected over the years was also the pinnacle of any other species , and one of their greatest inventions was the no-mana zone formation.

A formation that could nullify all elemental powers by cutting off the world’s mana from that entire space hence rendering elemental users without the ability to mobilize their elemental affinity at all.

It was a defensive artifact meant to use incase the Aesir ever needed to contain dangerous criminals in a cell . But Hitler found other uses for the artifact.

Stealing the blueprints and running away from the floating island , Hitler became a revolutionary in the human world as using the formation he lead the humans to many great victories .

Many years passed by , but Hitler’s greed was insatiable , he had amassed great amounts of lands and had many beautiful women by his side , but he was not satisfied with his legacy.

Hence he planned the most sinister plan that destroyed the lives of the Aesir.

Hitler understood how genetics worked , and realised that for the human race to progress as a whole bloodlines needed to be mixed in order for stronger elemental users to rise amongst human ranks , as he started the most inhumane breeding plan of all time.

Capturing beastkind women and demonkind women and elves , he ran breeding racquets as the strongest warriors in his camp were allowed to use the women as their personal breeding cauldrons as the women were r**** and forced to produce halfbreeds that Hitler brainwashed from the childhood.

The halfbreeds were also used as breeding tools as soon the human race started to produce a mixedbreed of a various elemental users as some gained more strength and became superior users should their bloodline be pure , while some became inferior users should their bloodline not mix well .

Although Hitler passed away , the regime he had created became the enemy of all species and humans became ostracized and despised amongst all species

But the worst was yet to come ….


( modern day , Avalon)

The banquet proceeded peacefully , as after a while King Alexander took the chance to address the crowd as he gave his already prepared speech.

” Ladies , Gentlemen and Warriors , thankyou for attending today’s banquet. Your presence is appreciated in the kingdom of Avalon , I Alexander welcome you all with open arms.

Today is a day of great joy , as my firstborn son , Percy Draco has successfully stepped into the ascended realms .

Its a small achievement in his martial path and it’s decent enough to achieve this at the age of 15 . Although i expect more from him , I’ll take it as average and acknowledge his hardwork”.

Many eyes rolled at this statement as many father’s present in the banquet wanted to walk upto Alexander and ask him if he wanted to trade sons , as everyone present here would be beyond elated if their sons could even achieve half of what Percy Draco could at such a young age.

A chuckle escaped Ronan’s lips as this was exactly how he remembered his father to be , no matter how good Ronan or Percy performed his words were always ‘ Average ‘.

But those eyes of his betrayed his words , as although Ronan could not see the pride behind them as a kid , he could see it now as he shook his head and wondered why was it so hard for Alexander to praise Percy wholeheartedly.

Alexander continued ” As a king , one of my duties to my people is to appoint a successor to my throne and although we live in a feudal society where bloodlines matter a lot .

I never planned to pass my throne to my kids , should they not prove themselves competent enough to sit there.

The throne of Avalon belongs to its people and not to the Draco clan”.

A lot of murmurs were broke out at this declaration , as many of the nobles present were apalled by Alexander’s words , as the backbone of the noble society was the beleif that they were born to rule.

The other clan leaders of Avalon however nodded in satisfaction as this forward thinking was the reason why they wholeheartedly accepted to follow Alexander in making the fire nation of Avalon and swearing their allegiance to him as the first king.

” Avalon is made up by 26 founding clans , of which 6 rose in rebellion over the years and was eliminated , while one new clan emerged from a developing village.

Today Avalon is an alliance of 21 clans , and the decision for the crown prince of Avalon will be made by all the 21 clans together.

When i rose to become the king , these clan leaders swore allegiance to me , but there is no rule that says that they must serve my children too.

It’s a free nation , and my sons worth is for everyone here to judge .

So should the 21 clan leaders agree , then today i shall crown him as the crown prince and the successor to the throne of Avalon “.

Chaos ensued in the crowd as the ceremony had taken an interesting turn of events .

As the clan leaders of the 21 clans stepped forward , the outsiders buckled up for an interesting show.

Ronan who was not in loop over what was going on looked towards prime minister Leif , as he saw a satisfied smile on that man’s face.

Ronan had no doubt in his mind that this was one of Leif’s genius strategies and that there was a bigger point for this public show of allegiance .

Ronan’s thinking was spot on , the unexpected declaration had far reaching effects.

First to come forward was Grandmother Luna’s clan leader , who were known to be the closest allies of the Draco family , as their clan leader unsheated his sword and planted it to the ground before bending the knee as he said

” I Larry Starwind , accept Percy Draco as the future king of Avalon and swear the allegiance of myself and my people to his cause, should he ever call on my banner . The starwinds will respond with all our might! Hail Crown Prince Percy Draco! “.

As Larry took his leave , a second clan leader took the knee and then a third , all praising Percy and swearing allegiance.

In reality the entire ceremony was a hoax and all the clan leaders had already agreed to Percy becoming crown prince in private , as they all acknowledged his temperament and achievements.

However the show today was to show the foreigners that the country of Avalon was a united force and that there was no internal strife to be exploited here.

Also by making the throne available to not only the Draco clan , Alexander made sure that none of his future generations ever took the throne as a given commodity that belonged to them and act entitled .

It was a revolutionary system , but an incredible effective one!


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