Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 83 EXPOSED

Grandmother Luna approached Percy’s quarters and found Maddy crying on his chest.

The scene repulsed her to her core , however she hung on for the sake of exposing her crime. Showing absolutely no emotion on her face.

Luna said ” I have interrogated the guards , and it was revealed that your girlfriend Maddy was loitering around the kitchen when she had no buisness being there ….. ask her about why she was roaming at places she should not be ? “.

Luna ‘s tone was stone cold , and it was almost borderline indicative of the fact that Maddy was the criminal.

Instantly the tears in Maddy’s eyes started to flow out at 4X the speed , as she buried her face inside Percy’s chest.

Percy retorted ” Grandmother !!!! I’m sure Maddy has a perfectly justified explanation as to why she was loitering around the kitchen , and even if she was she can’t be the criminal grandmother , look how devastated she is by the news? How can such a weak soul harm even a fly? “.

Luna rolled her eyes at her idiot grandson , however remained silent as if expecting an answer . Percy tried to take Maddy’s side , however infront of the glaring eyes of Luna he was powerless , Maddy had to give a explanation to Luna.

Bringing her face out of Percy’s chest , Maddy tried to appear extremely pitiful with red eyes and smudged make-up , making anyone who looked at her young innocent face feel a pinch in their heart.

Unfortunately , Luna was someone immune to her girly charms.

Not daring to make eye-contact , Maddy said ” I-I was only there to see what was being made for lunch. Percy was out in his meeting and i had nothing to do . So i was just dallying around . I know i have no buisness in being in the kitchen , but i did not know i was not allowed in there . * Sniff * *Sniff* “.

Percy wrapped his hand around Maddy as he comforted her in her wailing .

Looking at his grandmother he said ” Maddy is not the killer grandmother , my blood boils at this incident just as much as yours does , but we should not waste our time interrogating innocent suspects! We need to catch the real killer ! “..

Luna scratched her chin as she pretended to think for a while , as she said ” You are right Percy , we need to find the real criminal … “.

These words were like a a fresh spring Breeze for Maddy , who suppressed a smile as she beleived her plan to have worked successfully!

‘ Dumb b**** , i am the killer ‘. Maddy said in her mind as she pitifully looked towards grandmother Luna , wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

Her inner thoughts and her outer emotions were in stark contrast to one another , and unless one could read minds , her acting was spot-on and not a single fault could be seen .

However at Luna’s next words , Maddy stiffened.

Taking out a truth crystal out from her back , Luna said ” This is a truth crystal Maddy. I’m sure you know how it works?

you see I’m a very thorough lady , i don’t just take people’s words at face value , i preffer to verify them.

And like Percy said , we need to find the real killer as soon as possible. So if you could repeat what you said just now WORD FOR WORD, after i ask you the same question , it would be an enormous ease to my old brain “.

Luna smiled politely at Maddy , but behind the kind smile was a cold murderous intent that went undetected by Percy , but felt by Maddy to her bones.

Her face turning ashen white , she could not find a way out of this situation.

The truth crystal was an artifact worth 200,000 gold coins and not even major noble families could afford one, hence she had not thought that the Draco’s would be in possession of one.

The sudden appearance of the artifact had left her without a choice of retreat.

Luna had cornered her perfectly . Had she known that the Draco’s had a truth crystal , she would have chosen different words while answering the first time around , so that she could maybe tread around a grey line and say a half truth to avoid being caught a liar .

However Luna had cut off that option for her and now if she changed her answer even a little , she would be labelled a liar.

Luna asked ” So , Maddy , Why did you go to the kitchen today ? “.

Maddy gulped in fear hearing the question as she made nervous eye contact with Percy.

Her mind working in hyper speed to find a way out of this mess , but unfortunately not finding a solution.

Ultimately she knew that she had no chance of escaping this mess should she answer Luna’s question head-on she started to throw a fit to play the only card she had in her hand … ‘ Percy Draco’.

From a crying scared girl , Maddy became a ferocious tiger as she said ” HOW DARE YOU ? “.

” how dare you question my integrity and slander my reputation by using a truth crystal on my words?

Is this how the GREAT Draco clan treats their house guests? by demoralising them to behave like petty criminals?


Or are you hellbent on proving me as one?

Ever since i came here i have endured all the coldness from Percy’s family members , and i know none of you like me . But i still tried very hard to win your hearts because I LOVE Percy.

Yet you try and frame me for a crime i did not commit !!


no more

I will not answer that question , and i am leaving this palace as of this moment.

Percy my love , im sorry but i cannot stay in a place where my pride is compromised “. Maddy gave a blasting speech and stood up from her seat confidently , attempting to walk out .

Percy was shocked at the sudden development as on one side of his brain he felt like ‘ What’s wrong with giving a simple answer if you are innocent ? ‘

but his heart on the other hand got frightened at the prospect of losing his girlfriend.

Frozen , Percy was unable to react in time to stop what came next.


A hard slap connected to Maddy’s right cheek as Luna knocked the acting b**** right on her a**.

The sound of the slap was so hard , that it echoed twice in the room before fading out and both Percy and Maddy were stunned by it.

Maddy glared at Luna in anger , as she bared her hatred for the woman .

” G-grandmother? ” Percy asked in a meek voice as he saw a murderous Luna like he had never seen before , her aura making even Percy break out in cold sweat.

” SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH YOU TRAMP!”. said Luna in an angry voice


THE DRACO MEN MAYBE CLUELESS , BUT MESSING WITH ME… ‘ HUH ‘, YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE! “. Luna berated Maddy as she glared at Percy.

Percy gulped nervously as he realised that this entire show was happening for his enlightenment . He was shocked , however as an emotional mess he could not understand what the underlying meaning of this scolding was

Luna said ” ARE YOU SO CLUELESS PERCY? Are you so in love with this tramp that you have met for 150 days that you no longer care about your birth family?

SHE POISONED YOUR DAMN Grandfather , WAKE UP , she is not who she claims to be “.

Percy felt the world crashing down on himself as he said ” No-no Grandmother you misunderstand , Maddy , she is not like that. She will answer your question and we will clear this up.

Maddy , please , love , answer Grandmother no? I beleive you it’s the truth , but please just sat it “

Maddy was sinking her claws at the tiles beneath at this moment , as the resounding slap had brought with it a metallic taste in her mouth.

She was unable to reign her anger in due to this , and hence made a major error that was instantly caught by Luna .

Luna asked Percy ” So you know your girlfriend don’t you?

what exactly is her identity Percy? “.

Percy could not understand why Luna was asking her this as he answered ” She is the second daughter of a doctor in bluethorn city , her surname is Manahir and she is a commoner “.

Luna heard Percy’s answer and bent forward to grip Maddy’s chin in her palms and forcefully rotated her face , for Percy to look her in the eye.

As percy noticed the color in her eyes , he felt the world to be crashing down on himself as he felt difficulty breathing….

Maddy’s eyes were crimson red in color !

The same eyes that were the signature of the phoenix clan !

Irrefutable proof that she had lied to him since the very beginning!


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