Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 82 Judgement

Luna’s wrath was insatiable and the entire palace was thrown into lockdown with every single servent , kitchen staff and guards around the kitchen area put under solitary confinement .

Sierra and Percy were naturally soon informed of the assassination attempt and both were visibly shook up at the news , however Maddy was shook up even more.

When she heard all the rush in the palace , she knew that it must be the medical staff rushing to save Augustus’s life , however in her heart she knew that no matter how hard they tried it would be impossible to save that man.

A big smile broke out on her face as she was told that even one drop of the poison was enough to kill an elephant , hence if Augustus even had a sip of the wine she spiked he must have taken enough poison to kill a dozen elephants.

Ascended warrior or not , nobody could survive that level of toxins in their bloodstream as she knew that her job had been completed , giving her the satisfaction of sticking it to the Draco family.

However when the news about the attempted assassination ‘ Failing ‘ enter her ears her mind stopped functioning properly as she could not comprehend how someone could survive that amount of poison?

‘ Damn geezers , over-exagerrating the potency of the poison you gave me ‘ . thought Maddy as she cursed the elders of the phoenix clan for being big mouths who did not understand the weight of their own words.

In Maddy’s mind , the poison must not have been potent enough that Augustus survived , but now that he did she had a lot of mess to deal with as her original plan to escape the palace was no good.

Initially her plan was that once she recieved confirmation that the geezer was dead she would flee to Central Empire where she had been promised numerous rewards by the phoenix clan. However now that Augustus lived she no longer had that option.

It was incredibly strenuous situation , however being the grade A actress that she was , she instantly got into character and started crying crocodile tears and looking miserable after hearing the news of the assassination attempt..

” Pe-pe-percy *sniff* *sniff* , is grandfather okay? “. Maddy asked in a pitiful voice as Percy’s innocent mind melted at seeing the pitiful state of his girlfriend.

” Don’t worry , he is alive , but the bas**** who did this must pay ! “. Percy said in a harsh tone and contrary to his simp nature , currently his eyes were scarlet red as he looked extremely menacing.

Maddy could not recognise Percy for a moment as the angry and dashing prince was nothing like the simp that followed her all day begging for attention as he was quite dignified when angry.

Although percy was heads over heels for Maddy , Percy Draco was extremely filial and could not tolerate the attempt of life at his grandfather as for once he had his priorities straight as his mind was focused on catching the killer.

Percy said ” The killer must have poisoned the food when me and grandpa were talking with the foreign dignitary.

the killer was smart , he spiked the wine , hence the target for assassination was clearly only grandpa as the other 3 of us , me , mom and grandma dont drink wine.

This shows that the killer knew perfectly well about our eating patterns , our likes and our schedule. Which means this has to be an inside job.

The only question is who? “.

Maddy gulped nervously as she realized Percy’s deduction was spot on ! Not wanting him to think about it anymore she instantly started to cry louder as she drew attention to herself.

” * Sniff * * Sniff * Does that mean *Sniff * , Does that mean that the killer could be roaming these very lobbies ? , will he/she try to finish what they started ?

Nooooooo “. Maddy put up exemplary acting skills as she screamed and dug her nails in her hands , making her appear as the weak pathetic woman who abhored violence.

Percy’s gaze softened as he stopped thinking about the crime and started to comfort Maddy. However unfortunately for her , while the tears worked on Percy they were useless on grandmother Luna for whom Maddy was a prime suspect.

The moment Sierra was by Augustus’s side and his condition had stabilized in the infirmary. Luna posted 50 of her personal guards inside the infirmary and started to interrogate every single staff in solitary confinement.

It took her 4 hours to interrogate 40 staff members , as the most portable theory at the moment that she had gotten was that the only outsider to have approached the kitchen area was Prince Percy’s girlfriend Maddy!

7 guards had seen her happily hopping down the corridor ,during the morning and 4 kitchen staff had seen her poking her nose into what was cooking for the day.

Since all the staff members were isolated , nobody could know what the others had said , hence when stories of so many people lined up and the timing matched too , Luna was sure that it was not a set-up or a blame game and that Maddy was actually there.

The only evidence that Luna did not have however was the fact that nobody had seen Maddy tampering the wine , and that made things difficult.

This could mean that Maddy might be innocent , but her instincts told her she was not.

Luna never had a good vibe from that girl and she always viewed her as a venemous snake vicing her innocent grandson.

But while she could let their little love affair slide as infatuation on Percy’s end , the assassination attempt on her husband was unforgivable!

The rage Luna felt in her chest was unbelievable , but being experienced in the ways of the harem , she was more adept to deal with such schemes than one might think .

In the feudal world of Everlon , polygamy was common amongst noble families and there were often cases of concubines having infighting with each other and the noble having a toxic harem.

As a young noblewoman , Luna too was trained to traverse the harsh world of a noble harem , as she was taught how to uncover schemes and plot against her rivals.

Fortunately for her , Augustus was never interested in other woman and she raised his son Alexander to be an upright man to , resulting in the house of Draco being free from such unneeded drama.

However while she thankfully never needed to use those skills in her life , it did not mean that she did not possess them.

Plotting a deathtrap for Maddy , Luna was determined to expose her in a way that Percy would have nothing to say in her defense , as she could already see the scenario where Maddy would be crying in Percy’s arms at the moment pretending to be a weak rabbit.

Unfortunately For that weak rabbit however , she had entered the den of a fierce lioness . There was no escape but to become a prey!


( Meanwhile Alexander )

Alexander had finally made his way to level 3 , where he found a map of the insides of the ancient ruins .

To his horror the ancient ruins had a total of 17 levels !

With him taking nearly 3 months to clear 3 levels and the levels only getting harder in difficulty from here on out , Alexander realised that getting the ring for Ronan was a much harder task than he had initially anticipated.

Alexander now had a difficult choice to make , where continuing the exploration meant leaving his territory unattended for a long time , while abandoning the quest now was giving up the only chance Ronan had at leading a normal life.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place , Alexander felt incredible tightness in his chest as he wracked his brains over what path to chose.

His duty as a king was on one side , while his duty as Ronan’s father was on the other.

Although Alexander did not show it , he was the person who was the most affected by Ronan’s absence from the Draco household as he considered himself a failure of a man for not being able to protect his family from the world order!

‘ If only i was stronger? ‘

‘ if only I was a better father? ‘

‘ if only I trained harder ? ‘

these were the thoughts that haunted the kings mind at all times as he suffered the pain of seperation from his boy in silence.

From the first time he looked into Ronan’s eyes , he knew that he could not kill the child even if he was a forbidden elemental user.

As when he looked into those eyes he saw a mini form of himself and he had instantly fallen in love with the infant.

Over the years that fondness only grew exponentially , as both his children were well disciplined and filial . Becoming the joy of the Draco household.

But ever since that day when the duo were returning from school and there was the assassination attack , everything took a turn for the worse for the Draco family , with nobody coming out of the incident the same.

Should Alexander walk away now , he would walk away on the possibility of achieving that warm family life ever again , while continuing would mean turning his back on his duties as a king.

Torn , Alexander had a big decision to make.


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