Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 84 Percy's Wake Up Call

Seeing the crimson red eyes , Percy felt an acute pain in his chest as he finally realized that he had been betrayed by his loved one.

” You-Your eyes are red ! you lied to me , you are from the phoenix clan ! “. Said Percy in a aghast voice as Maddy finally realised what she was missing.

She had lost control of her emotions and let her anger show infront of the enemy , and hence she had been exposed . However when Luna bit** slapped her , she lost all restrain and the anger had shown in her eyes.

Realising her mistake , she now knew that she needed to think fast , else escaping from the Draco palace would be but her last wish before she was killed .

However with Luna watching her like a hawk , Maddy knew that escaping would not be easy , unless…..

Moving as quickly as a cat , Maddy Rolled over to the fruit knife placed near the fruit basket in Percy’s room and brought the knife towards the throat of the half devastated Percy Draco , as she took him hostage.

Instantly countless swords were drawn from Avalonian knights as they stormed the room and surrounded Maddy.

” NOBODY MOVES OR HE DIES ! “. Maddy screamed as she menacingly brought the knife to Percy’s neck.

If there was a sliver of a doubt left that Maddy was not the one who attempted the poisoning , it was gone now as her actions now revealed her true nature .

Percy was so broken that he did not care that he was being held hostage , as his lifeless eyes aimlessly stared at the wall opposite him.

‘ Why? , why? , why? , WHY? did she do it? was my love not enough ? “. Thought Percy as he delved into depression , his heart feeling a myriad of emotions and as if it were literally on fire.

His chest hurt and his eyes lost their pride that was once ever present..

” Why…. “. Percy voiced those words weakly , as he wanted to know the reason behind Maddy’s actions , little did he know that the answer would only hurt him even more.

” Why? …. Hahaha , you’ve got to be kidding me Percy Draco , i have never seen a bigger fool than you in my entire life.

You are clingy , overprotective and an emotional fool . My mission was to seduce a Draco male to get closer to your family and assassinate your family , but you were not my first choice for it either.

Before you i tried hard to get into Ronan’s good books , but he would not even spare me a second glance.

However you were a fool who actually thought I loved you!

Ha , i almost puked everytime you looked at me with those puppy eyes and said you loved me. It disgusted me to no end.

YES , I ATTEMPTED TO KILL YOUR GRANDFATHER , and had the poison i used be more potent , your grandfather would have been dead at this moment “. Maddy went on a rampage and confessed everything.

While Luna snickered in hatred , Percy felt his burning heart turn to stone as a steady stream of tears escaped his eyes.

His worth was pointless to her

He was a fool who brought a spy into the Draco palace

He endangered his family’s safety and almost killed his grandfather.

He acted like a jerk for Maddy and ignored the advice of the people who actually cared for him and caused them emotional pain.

Percy had messed up , he had fought the world for Maddy and now that same Maddy had pointed a knife at his neck!

‘ Do i even deserve to live? ‘ , thought Percy as in a moment of weakness he felt like just bending forward and letting the knife pierce his throat .

‘ Should i end it here ? ‘ , percy questioned but he could never muster the will to kill himself as a voice in his conscience would simply not let him.

‘ My big brother is the strongest ‘.

It was Ronan’s voice …. a memory from Percy’s childhood where he had felt immensely proud of himself when his little brother had called him his idol.

‘ This throne son , you will sit on it someday ‘.

It was Alexander’s voice , as he had a kid Percy in his lap sitting at the throne of Avalon.

‘ Hahaha , that is my grandson ‘

It was Augustus and Luna’s laughter as the two looked at him with immense affection and pride.

‘ My Percy…. ‘.

It was Sierra’s voice as she lovingly stroked his hair.

These voices seemed to stop Percy from killing himself as he was reminded of the people who did care for him in this world.

Soon Percy’s love for Maddy started to crumple as it turned as fuel for his hatred.

An unnatural heat started to emit from his body , as Percy started to glow in a fiery red hue.

” AGHH….. “. Maddy screamed as her hand holding onto Percy’s arm recieved a second degree burn , and the knife to his neck melted into molten metal.

The heat inside Percy’s body continued to build-up to unnatural levels , until even Luna who stood 10 feet away from him could not stand the heat from her grandson .

Forced to stepback , she called for Percy in a distressed voice.

However Percy was in a state of transformation and could not hear her voice at all.

Golden yellow flames started to surround his body as his natural black hair suddenly got dyed in a fire red color .

Not only his hair on his head , every single piece of hair on his body changed color as the heat around him now started to form a physical form that created physical flames swerving around his body.

” AGHHHHHH , STOPPP IT HURTS “. Maddy screamed in pain as she writhed on the floor with her clothes catching fire due to the high heat.

When Percy finally opened his eyes , his scarlet eyes were nowhere to be found , as where his pupils should be laid a raging fireball that made him look extremely sharp and menacing.

Although nobody including Percy himself was aware of what was happening to Percy’s body , should a great sage see him he would know at that very instant that Percy was undergoing bloodline evolution.

Percy was in a lot of pain after suffering a betrayal and with his powers being sensitive to emotions , they went on a state of hyperdrive.

Anger was an emotion that fuelled the fire inside the Draco clan members and turned their eyes scarlet , however while it was the only transformation that the current generation was capable of , it was not the limits of the actual phoenix bloodline.

Transforming his appearance to the ancient legends of the first ancestor of the phoenix clan , having red hair and fireball for pupils . Percy unlocked the legendary power of the phoenix blood , lying dormant for centuries without being awakened by any Phoenix clan warrior.

Feeling boundless rage and hatred , Percy looked at Maddy screaming on the ground as he emotionlessly lifted his finger towards her.

” No … no … you love me Percy , you cannot hurt me … I’m sorry …. I’m sorry , please take me back , the heat ! the heat! it’s hurting me Percy , help “. Maddy pleaded pitifully for help however her crocodile tears no longer worked on the first prince of Avalon.

Looking at her coldly , Percy said in an powerful and foreign voice ” Begone! “.


A massive fireball that sprawled atleast a killometer in length , blasted Maddy out of the Avalon palace and into the unknown.

The intensity of the explosion was so strong that it was impossible for any human under the ascended realm to handle , as Luna was sure that Maddy would have been incinerated by the attack with not even her ashes left to be found.

With Percy’s current state being her priority , Luna did not even want to know if Maddy was actually killed or not as the wellbeing of Percy was much more important.

However her fears were for naught , as after a while Percy shut his eyes close and his raging powers died down .

Although the flames did die away , it seemed like the change of hair color was permanent as when Percy opened his eyes again , although it was his original pitch black eyeballs , his face looked much different than before.

Voicing the words ” I’m sorry “. to Luna , he collapsed on the ground losing consciousness.


( Meanwhile Maddy, a few hours later)

In a dark alley in the capital city , Maddy looked at her face in a mirror as tears would not stop streaming from her eyes.

Not only was her face hideously burnt but she had no hair left whatsoever on her entire body as she was as clean as a porecalin doll.

Having only survived because she was in possession of a life saving artifact that was a family heirloom . Maddy managed to live another day from the brutal attack launched by Percy Draco , but at what cost?

Her legs and arms suffered third degree burns and the damage was irreversible . While her face received hideous looking burns that made her skin turn black and burnt all her hair .

She looked like a street rut and an evil witch from the incredibly beautiful princess that she looked just a few hours ago and the change shattered her pride and ego.

Lucky to survive and live , yet unlucky to live while looking no worse than a urchin , Maddy could not accept her change of appearance.

Swearing to pay this debt back a hundred-fold someday she waited to recoup inside the city before making her way to the central empire.

/// What do you guys think about this development? let me know in the comments below ///


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