Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 114 Preperation

Time was running out for Ronan as three weeks were just too short for him to learn something tangible .

What Ronan did work on however was his elemental affinity attacks as his training in golden thunder had made his training in elemental affinity really lag behind as it was way more taxing and complicated of an element to train.

With the ring on his thumb now however , he could control his thunder element much better and was learning new things about it everyday.

He liked to experiment thunder and read about it in manuals as one of the interesting topics that he learnt was the power description of a elemental user.

A level one user could summon a small attack from the element and were called beginners

level two elemental mastery saw a user proficiently use their element in basic attacks and develop enough stamina to last a battle.

Level 3 users could perform moves higher than B level difficulty and their control over basic attacks could be said to be near perfect.

Level 4 was a big leap from level 3 and a person with a level 4 elemental mastery could mentain infinite stamina for fighting at level 2 of lower intensity . It focused on improving the quality and quantity of elemental essence in a user.

Level 5 elemental users could start to perform elemental manipulation , as they could perform tasks such as firebending and waterbending and actually manipulate the natural states of the elements that they used..

This meant that they could change the trajectory of the attacks once they had launched them and could use nature as an advantage on a Battlefield.

A level 6 elemental user was someone who could perform SS ranked moves or higher as those moves were classified as ‘ Supreme moves ‘ that could easily one – shot any ascended warrior.

A level 7 elemental user was someone that could perform perfected elemental manipulation . They had infinite stamina to fight uptil level 5 and were basically akin to one man armies.

Although there were also levels above level 7 , the information in the book did not record them as enough knowledge was not available after that point with very few elemental users ever reaching that realm.

Ronan himself was a tier 5 elemental user as of this moment and was struggling to learn the basics of elemental manipulation.

Shakuni was thoroughly shocked that Ronan could perform elemental manipulation even though it was a very rudimentary form at his age as usually it took decades for warriors to ever reach that realm.

It just served to show how powerful Ronan’s innate comprehension really was , as he was not imparted such lessons by someone but learnt it himself.

Understanding that mastering elemental manipulation was a key to becoming a stronger warrior Ronan knew where he needed to direct his efforts , hence he relentlessly worked towards achieving it.


( Meanwhile Percy )

Percy was waiting for Alexander at 3:58 am sharp as exactly at 4 Alexander entered the ancestral hall and started his lecture to impart to Percy the secrets of the Draco clan.

Alexander said ” What is the source of our fire ? why is it different to other fire users ? “.

Percy was a bit shocked that the session started with a question answer , but since Alexander asked him something he was obliged to reply to the best of his abilities as he said ” When i fight with other fire users , i can feel my flame to be more vibrant , more powerful and containing more heat then them , i donot know why though .

I assume it’s because we have the blood of true phoenix flowing through our viens “.

Alexander nodded , Percy’s comprehension was passable as he said ” Yes our fire is a bit more special than normal fire benders and has power almost equal to a pseudo superior element.

However it’s only because our bloodline has diluted that the power of our fire has reduced , the first ancestor of our clan was rumored to be able to fight with even a forbidden elemental user at his peak with the true flame of the phoenix . However , those are only tales of the old ‘.

Percy was shocked to hear this , he had witnessed the destruction left behind by golden thunder himself and could not comprehend his fire having that much power. However just the idea that it could , made his blood pump in anticipation.

Alexander continued ” However what im telling you is something deeper boy , While others elemental affinity generates from their dantian , where does our affinity get altered ? “.

Percy’s eyes widened in surprise as he heard this as he said ” Our eyes “.

Alexander smiled as he heard this as he said ” Yes it’s our eyes . They turn crimson when we get angry and flamed flare up around us when we do , it’s not a coincidence . The eye of the phoenix is a special bloodline skill “.

Percy listened in rapt attention as he focused on the inner channels of his eye trying to figure out what was special about them.

Alexander continued ” The key to our powers is anger . You may have heard that eyes are the gateway to one’s soul and that to look into one’s true intentions you need to look into their eyes , and that stands true .

Our eyes can tap into the emotion of anger which is closely related to fire and convert our anger into power as the stronger our anger the stronger our flame grows . However it can theoritically convert any strong emotion into energy and the deeper the color of our eyes become the stronger the conversion “.

Percy remembered all the times Alexander’s eyes turned crimson red and realised that it was true that the deeper the color of his eyes the stronger the powers became.

” When you were a kid , you experienced a phenomena called awakening as your powers are now much closer to our ancestors than mine were as somehow you were able to surpass the bloodline dilution and activate the phoenix genes in your blood.

Which is why i only have red pupils but u have a burning flame in your eyes .

Your flame will be stronger than mine ever could be boy . You are special “.

Percy gulped in anticipation , he had never realised how special his powers were. He knew that he had became stronger ever since the first awakening that he experienced however he had no idea as to how strong he really was or what the change in hair color and eye color meant , however listening to Alexander he finally understood just how precious it really was.

Alexander continued ” Nobody in the last 2 centuries has been able to activate the first awakening and you are the first to break through that bottleneck.

Not even I or your grandfather could do it and now you will realise how beneficial it is that you did.

Because now i will teach you the strongest form of elemental manipulation there is.

As the true secret of the phoenix clan is that our bloodline makes us the masters of all flame , making elemental manipulation as easy as cake to be performed by us.

Master the fire and nobody from the young age can surpass you , i can gaurantee you that “.

Percy knew that elemental manipulation was a highly complex technique however the way Alexander said it , it made Percy feel like fire was his birthright and he was it’s overlord.

Naturally the fear associated with learning something new vanished when he realised that he was born for this and hence he seriously started to look forward to Alexander showing him how to perform it.

” Watch “. Alexander said as he raised his arms and all the flames in the ancestral hall started to rise in intensity.

There were 16 large fire places in the ancestral hall and all 16 of them lost their flame to Alexander at once as the fire from there started to circle around him faster and faster untill it formed two circular rings.

Stabilizing those two rings Alexander opened his eyes as it revealed a blood red color that made him look like a walking demon mad with bloodlust as his smile gave him a eery crooked appearance.

With two massive rings already surrounding him Alexander then started to chant his spells using his hands as he started to perform fight sequences as if it was nothing.

One move after another each stronger than before as he mesmerized Percy with his strength untill he manipulated all of them together to attack him at once.

” Father … “. Percy worried about the several strong attacks hitting Alexander at once but to his shock they were all blocked by the two rings surrounding him and none was able to even scratch his skin.

Percy was completely shocked as he had never seen something remotely like this as the flames made a protective armour around Alexander that was impenetrable.

With a very deep voice and a wicked smile Alexander said ” Level one – Armour of flames ! “.


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