Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 115 Percy's Power-up

Percy’s training in the secret arts of the Draco family was a turning point in his life as a warrior. It was as if Percy had entered a state of enlightenment as he became the sharpest he had ever been in his life absorbing all the knowledge that Alexander could give him like a sponge.

Not only did he grasp the basics of the arts that Alexander wanted to teach him extremely quickly but he could also feel something resonating inside his body that guided him during the process.

Just the first level of the secret arts the ‘ Armor of flame ‘ was a broken technique that could virtually provide a whole another dimension of defensive capabilities to Percy’s arsenal as it would become a passive skill that would only chip away a bit of his elemental essence constantly to mentain while the defensive capabilities it offered were off the charts.

The basic idea behind elemental manipulation was imbuing one’s own elemental essence into natural representation of the element so that they could technically manipulate the elemental essence inside it as if it were a part of their own body.

The reason why Alexander could perfectly manipulate the flames inside the ancestral hall with such ease was because he as the head of the Draco family had personally refined the flames inside the hall with his own essence as he took over the command of the family.

Now the fire inside the ancestral hall was akin to being a part of his own body and he could manipulate the flames inside them with perfection.

Although it was a much simpler form of the true elemental manipulation that could manipulate any natural state of the element without refinement , it technically worked in the same manner and apart from the user only being able to manipulate the flames that they had refined the power at level 5 was nearly the same..

This meant that while being a much easier technique to learn than the true elemental manipulation the technique could provide similar combat potential to its user and hence it was a broken technique that was worthy of being a clan secret.

Although embuing nature’s elements with one’s own elemental affinity was not a new technique unique to the phoenix clan , and while there were many many users of the same technique , a few of which also being fire elemental users none could quite do it like those with the blood of the phoenix.

For normal users such elemental manipulation while easy and fast to learn chewed heavily on their elemental essence as manipulating nature’s elements costed twice the normal cost to operate ones own flame.

This made the technique highly impractical to perform which was why it was not popular , however for those with the blood of the phoenix the entire scenario was different .

Flames reacted strongly to Percy’s elemental essence as he tried to imbue it within the fire element as the natural elemental fire felt almost exactly akin to Percy’s own elemental essence making the entire process feel somewhat familiar to his body.

Not only could Percy feel every flame that he imbued his essence in resonate with himself but the entire exercise just felt right to him as being the descendant of the phoenix bloodline who had underwent the first awakening , Percy’s senses were much more attuned to the world’s flames compared to even Alexander.

Within 3 days Percy managed to get a basic grip on the technique ‘ Armour or flame ‘ as he was able to create one ring big enough to cover him while fighting normally otherwise

Currently his speed dropped by about 30% and his spell casting speed by 40% when he activated the armour of flame technique as while he was able to mentain it for long periods of time it was taxing to synchronise the ring with his movements .

However Alexander who had underwent the same learning curve as percy as a kid with Augustus could not beleive his eyes when he saw how fast his first son grasped the concepts that took him many months to master.

Truthfully Alexander never had hope that Percy would be able to get much further in learning the technique before the tournament , with his current progress being the best case scenario that Alexander imagined at the end of the training , but now it seemed as if he maybe able to master level one before the fights began.

Alexander loved the feeling of having a intelligent child who grasped everything he taught him like a shadow as he could see his own reflection within the hardworking Percy Draco who was proudly learning the secrets of his clan.

With Ronan being a thunder elemental user with only 2% fire affinity Alexander doubted if he could ever pass these techniques to him . Hence Percy was the only hope for the Draco clans fiery future.

Satisfied with his sons comprehension Alexander taught him more and more complicated concepts as he mentored him towards the right direction to help him understand in days what took years for him to master.

Maybe due to a combination of factors of the awakened bloodline of Percy , His very high fire affinity , An excellent teacher in Alexander and an intense desire to not let his brother outdo him yet , Percy underwent a mind boggling transformation in the next 3 weeks gaining 4 levels and mastering level one of the technique after day and night of continuous practice.

Although there were more complicated arts present within the Draco clans illustrious secrets , Alexander did not feel that the 15 year old Percy was ready yet to learn the destructive moves of the clan that were only to be imparted to clan heads.

Since Percy was not yet of age and not yet the king of Avalon , it wasn’t the right time for him to learn those forbidden moves and despite his countless requests Alexander refused to teach him about level 2 or higher.

Despite all that , Percy now had a real fighting chance to beat Ronan with the incredible armour of flame increasing his defensive capabilities exponentially . Hence while the actual outcome could only be decided after the fights ended , by the time internal selections rolled around Percy had regained his confidence as a proud warrior as he no longer avoided eye contact with Ronan.

Staring confidently into his little brothers eyes he said ” There are four internal slots brother ….. Number one will be mine , but number two isn’t too shabby either “.

Ronan returned his brothers taunt with a devilish grin as he had no idea about the internal demons that Percy faced the last few days.

In his eyes this was the same cocky brother he knew since childhood and he did not mind it at all. In his eyes his brother was the strongest and it would be fun to take him on in battle.


( Meanwhile the night kings army )

The general of the night kings army was on the run as he bled profusely from the many cuts on his body.

Hot on his tail was a world order balancer who had single handedly wiped the night king generals entire legion as the level 145 general was no match for the level 162 balancer who had a stronger elemental affinity than his own.

The world order that the general remembered had their balancers at level 120 Max which was the reason why he was confident in taking the man on , however to his absolute shock the balancer turned out to be a level 162 powerhouse.

The world order seemed to have thrived in the millennium that the night king was asleep as someone even at the balancers level could now threaten a general like him.

He remembered the good old days where he would insult even the protectors of the world order without care as those level 150 weaklings could not lift a finger against the night king however that no longer seemed to be the scenario.

Failing not only in getting information about the phoenix clans wherebouts and the eternal flame , the general now also lost his entire platoon of tens of thousands of soldiers and the entirety of the situation was caused by one single man.

” The world order… tch , how did those brats grow so powerful , DAMNIT! , this is so annoying “. The general complained as he sensed the world order general closing in.

The balancer who could sense the general escaping 400 meters north of his location decided to create a stone prison for his enemy as he chanted a spell to trap the other man in a stone prison.

unfortunately however the distance between the two was too large and the stone prison formed wasn’t strong enough to withstand the naked ice attack from the general at point blank range, as although he was slowed and lost a 100 meters gap , he was able to bust out and continue his escape.

” DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT , I must inform my lord about these new developments , i cannot fall here, not after all these years of suffering! “.


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