Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 113 Ronan's Reaction

Ronan felt pumped following the announcement by his father , his veins popped right out of his hands as he tightly clutched his fists in anticipation.

These sorts of tournaments were something that was right up his alley and it seemed like this time not only were different nations attending but also 7 of the top 10 sects in the nothern region were going to be there.

It was said that everyone who could join one of these major sects was a prodigy and a specialist of their arts and with a reward as lucrative as the 5000 year old ginseng on the line it was sure to attract a lot of potential fighters.

Ronan did not care about the reward itself but the idea of fighting strong opponents and exciting battles gave him an adrenaline rush as deep down Ronan Draco was a battle junkie at his core.

Ronan absolutely loved a fight and the bloodier and harder it was the more satisfying it was for him to win. amongst all the battles he had till date his favourite one still remained the one against Percy eventhough he lost in that one.

It was fight where he gave it his all and although Percy won , he had absolutely no regrets as he left it all on the battlefield.

Glancing towards his big brother Ronan smiled wider , if the tournament was this important for Avalon then his brother was sure to participate too , which meant that if the two of them went far enough there was a chance for them to compete in this too.

Ronan’s mind went into overdrive as the amount of exciting battles made him feel like he wanted to fight right at this very moment. Thankfully the meeting ended quickly after the announcement as Ronan found it difficult to sit in one place with thunder raging in his veins begging him for some action..

Running straight for the training ground once the court ended it’s session , Ronan absolutely wrecked the place as laughed and let the thrill of potential battles excite him.

” I need to train a lot and learn new practical tricks to help me in battle , the time is short but i must make the most of it and bring glory to Avalon! Hahahahaha … THUNDER WAVE! “.

Ronan blabbered to himself and continued to recklessly use his powers as he was unaware that Percy was looking on from a distance.

Percy usually never spied on Ronan’s training and he was initially headed to Ronan’s way to give his brother the heads up that he would beat him at the tournament , but hearing the booming sounds of thunder from a distance , Percy decided to watch for a while first.

Although Ronan and Percy’s power level was about the same at the moment , Percy was in complete disbelief as to when he saw Ronan casually wrecking the training ground with his thunder as the damage produced by even his most casual thunder attacks far exceeded his expectations.

Ronan was not even giving the attacks his full concentration yet Percy could see the dead accuracy with which Ronan casually struck down and he couldn’t help but feel his throat dry up at the sight of Ronan’s skill as he realised that the two were not in the same dimension at all.

‘ Have i already fallen so far behind? ‘ Thought percy as he saw Ronan practicing his moves and at that moment realised that beating his kid brother was going to be much harder than he had initially imagined.

Willing to sacrifice his ego infront of his father if it meant that he get to kept his invincible image infront of his brother , percy did not hesitate to barge into Alexander’s quarters as he looked at him with teary eyes and a determined face.

It was hard for Percy to ask help from Alexander as he had been taught since childhood that asking for help was a sign of weakness and asking for help from Alexander was akin to admitting that he had no other choice .

However willing to suffer the humiliation his father was about to subject him to Percy still said with a shaky voice ” Father …. I-I don’t want to lose to Ronan …. He-He is too strong and I know he will surpass me someday , but not yet … not in this tournament …. The only chance i have is if you teach me the secrets of the phoenix clan. Although i haven’t turned 18 yet , i am a ascended warrior , please bend the rules a little and let me learn how to wield the true fire “.

Percy fell on his knees and kowtowed before Alexander as his tears soaked the carpet below . He had never willingly prostrated himself before anyone , and although it was his own father doing such a shameful act was a stain to his pride as the crown prince of Avalon , yet shockingly the verbal beating that he expected to come from Alexander never came .

Alexander put his arms around Percy’s shoulders and picked the boy up as he looked into his eyes and did not say anything.

Moments later Alexander’s eyes started to turn red little by little as Percy noticed the process in slow motion and once he got a grip on his own emotions his own eyes started to flicker with flames instead of the crimson hue of Alexander.

Alexander said looking into Percy’s eyes ” Boy , i can accept your stubbornness as a warrior and your desire as this house’s future alpha to not lose out to your younger brother. But if you dare call our powers the secret of the Phoenix clan again , i swear i will beat the s*** out of you .

It’s the secret of the Draco clan ! and I ALEXANDER DRACO find you PERCY DRACO worthy of inheriting it.

Never prostrate yourself before anyone boy , not even your father. A Draco’s head only bows before the gods and no one else ! “.

Alexander was surprisingly understanding of Percy’s feelings as he did not admonish him at all and instead agreed instantly.

Alexander was in a similar situation as to Percy however Percy was not aware of this fact as of yet.

Having two extraordinary sons , Alexander knew that most likely by the time that they turned 20-22 they would surpass him as the strongest warriors in the house and that would mean that he would no longer be the head of the table.

It was a scary thought for him to have as while he was extremely proud of the achievements of his sons and he wanted them to surpass him by miles , he was also not ready to take a hit on his own pride as a warrior and accept being number 3.

Feeling Percy’s frustration Alexander knew that he needed to help the boy as best as he could as although it was unfair to Ronan , his second son was more than capable of forging his own way in life . His elder one needed a bit help to stay in the race and he as a father was ready to provide it.

” We start tommorow morning at 4 am … in the ancestral hall. Dont be late boy “. Alexander said as he ruffled Percy’s hair and made his way out of the room.

Percy who was left in a mess of an emotional state clutched his fists and looked towards the heavens as he promised to give defeating Ronan his best shot !


( Meanwhile in the central empire the outermost town of ravanclaw )

The night kings army had launched an attack of the merchants village and the general was able to use ice magic to crumple the wooden wall easily as the army punched a hole through it and storm the town.

The initial fight was overwhelmingly in favour of the night kings army as the general had picked a beautiful spot to break into the city from , as the Archer towers could provide minimal cover at that area and it had various spots to hide from the arrows.

The soldiers who responded to the situation at once were slaughtered mercilessly as the modern humans were nowhere near the savagery of the night kings army who had lived through life and death and a 1000 year sleep in between.

It seemed like everything was going well untill suddenly the earth started to tremble and earth spikes came out of nowhere , killing over 100 undead soldiers at once.

” Who dares? “. The night kings general shouted in anger as he did not know the source of the elemental attack , with there being no information of a high level elemental user being present on the premises.

” I could ask you the same damn question human …. Who the f*** are you? and why are you attacking this town? “. The earth elemental balancer walked out in his green robes with a grumpy face and faced the night kings army alone with no fear on his face.

” This town is under the protection of the world order …. so i suggest you crawl back to whatever gutter u came from and leave this place at once “. The balancer declared .

He expected the enemy to run after he declared he was from the world order , or atleast have their face turn pale , however never did he expect that the enemy would actually dare to take him on.

” The world order eh? So you idiots are still around …. well well well , The more the things change the more they remain the same.

COME BOY , LET ME SEE WHAT YOU’VE GOT “. The general said as he created icicles of his own and shot them towards the balancer.


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