Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 112 The announcement

Alexander called a full court to announce some major policy changes and future event information . Every important court official had to be mandatorily present irrespective of their departments and even Percy and Ronan had to be present in proper attire for the announcement.

Ronan had no idea what it was all about , but it was his first full court session which he would formally attend hence he was kind of looking forward to it.

As a kid while he was allowed to attend normal court he was never allowed in full court sessions as those were usually serious and decorum was important in them.

Alexander was dressed in one of his more regal cloaks as a massive crown adorned his head with Sierra sitting beside his throne on the queen’s chair.

One step below Alexander and Sierra’s throne sat Ronan to the left and Percy on the right in their respective thrones with the other seats all being filled in accordance to the hierarchy of ranks.

Prime minister Leif sat closest to the throne and his counterpart General Sam occupied the seat opposite to him , while the business and finance minister was second and sitting opposite to him was the treasurer.

At the furthest corner sat the minister of animal husbandry , however nobody looked down on his department either as while it was not the most important department it was still vital in the smooth functioning of Avalon.

There was pindrop silence in the court as every official sat with their spines straight and their ears open , as an official type master noted every word spoken in the court today.

For clan leaders , the full-court session was not mandatory to attend , however it was highly encouraged that they did and 17 clan leaders were present for today’s session..

With the rapid development of Avalon in naked view of everyone in the room , the excitement and happiness could be felt throughout however there was also nervousness and suspense as to why this particular session was called.

Usually there was only one Full court session a year on the 5th of January where the yearly budget and the yearly report was discussed and unless there were special circumstances a second session was not called.

For Alexander to put a 2 weeks notice for this particular session it could be inferred that something big and important was about to happen.

When everyone settled down , Alexander started the session.

” Countrymen , Leaders , ministers i know all of you can see the rate at which Avalon is being developed .

By lord Agni’s grace our great nation is moving towards a positive direction of prosperity and peace “. Alexander said with a soothing voice as everyone in the room tapped their feet in a synchronous rhythm to show their appreciation.

Alexander raised his hand , and everyone stopped .

He continued ” We have started many major projects and none of them bigger than the construction of dam , and I’m proud to announce that we are ahead of schedule on the project with the foundation being completed 24 days before expected time thanx to the oversight of the crown prince Percy Draco”.

Another round of appreciation followed as everyone tapped their feet while throwing glances of admiration at the second prince.

” While we are growing steadily , we cannot grow complacent as the country is still a ‘ Work Under Progress ‘ and not a work completed , which means that there is still a long road to be traversed …. “. Alexander’s voice deepened as he captured the attention of the entire room.

” At the end of the year , we have our customary youth tournaments where our promising youngsters from each othe major clans compete and display their fighting skills and grit for the entirety of Avalon to see.

This year however i propose to make the event grander … “.

Alexander scanned the room as he said this as he noted the reactions of every clan leader to this announcement.

Waiting for a few seconds he said ” It’s time to dominate global politics and show that Avalon is no longer a fledgling country , and there is no better way to do it than by showing off the promising youths we have as our future to imprint a strong image in the youths from the other countries as when they mature and think of attacking Avalon , they would tremble and fear our might”.

Alexander clutched his fists tightly as he made a fiery expression with his eyes turning crimson at this moment .

” For years we have been labelled as a poor nation , a nation of nomads , radicalists , a failed nation … but no more . Avalon’s time has come!”.

Every single person in the room could feel their bloods boiling as Alexander said this , as they knew it was true themselves. When the nation was newly formed , the merchants from other countries would mock at its facilities and call it a poor nation of nomads , however every single year that image changed as Avalon developed faster than any of them could ever imagine.

” Lets make the end of the year games go from the national to international scale as we invite every friendly nation to our home.

The reward ? 5000 year old ginseng!”.

Audible gasps could be heard in the room as sweat dropped from the foreheads of all the clan leaders and ministers.

5000 year old ginseng was something that money could not even buy , one of the most precious alchemy ingredients , drinking whose water one could purify every impurity in their body and strengthen their mana circuit it was a ultimate treasure for all warriors.

To put such a precious object for a tournament it was sure to be legendary.

” Not only will we invite the youths from different nations , but we will also invite tha various top sects.

Thanx to prime minister Leif’s Excellent diplomacy 7 of the top 10 sects of the northern region are willing to attend with 2 more being undetermined and all 5 of the top 5 being in attendance.

Naturally for us to invite them we also had to give them the right to enroll their disciples into the competition but that is fine considering that their sect leaders will be personally present at the event.

It will be a chance for our youths to showcase their talents and stand a chance to be recruited as a disciple into some of the best sects on the continent!


The minds of the various clan leaders went into a meltdown as they realised that this event was not just about winning the ginseng but the potential opportunities arising from it were incomprehensible.

” Leif …. “. Alexander signalled Leif to continue

Leif said. ” Ahem , The event will be conducted from 7th through 12 th December in a table style elimination.

There will be four groups , A ,B , C , D and winners of all four groups will compete in the semi finals .

Each nation can enroll one warrior into a group of their choosing and the same applies for us the hosts.

On 15 th November , 3 weeks from now we will hold internal selections to finalize the four slots from our nation and proceed to train them accordingly.

This is a request to all clans to take this very seriously as if we perform well enough in this event it will be a good chance for our nation to change its image infront of the world .

The age cap is under 18 years for the event , and anyone can participate in the internal selections as every clan has the right to enroll any number of clansmen that they want to.

However at the end only the best 4 will be selected as representatives of AVALON as a whole and not a single clan ! “.

Leif gave information about the event as he continued to explain the boring details of the event specifics.

Percy who already had some idea about this event felt uneasy as he threw a side glance at his younger brother.

Although he had a little jump start on Ronan , with the news now being out , it meant that Ronan would start pushing himself too and the advantage of training that he was mentaining uptil this moment was about to end.

When he saw Ronan grinning from ear to ear he could see that his brother was getting pumped about all the potential battles that were about to come , as he closed his eyes and thought ‘ Please lord Agni … not yet …. don’t let him surpass me yet ‘.

The court session continued for 1 more hour before it was dispersed and every single clan leader walked out of the court being profusely drenched in sweat as they made haste to return to their respective territories without dallying or chatting as with the internal selections only 3 weeks away there was absolutely no time to be wasted!

With there being only 4 internal slots and two monsters named Percy and Ronan Draco sure to compete , the other clans were basically fighting for the two spots that were left .


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