Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 17 — Beach episode... in the sky? Pt. 3

Book 3: Chapter 17 — Beach episode... in the sky? Pt. 3

Shouts and screams rose, magic flaring as adventurers began to prepare for combat while running around. Protective spells flared on the airship, people rapidly, moving around.

Noah summoned his spear, ready to quickly rush to the ship but found himself stuck where he was when the serpents gaze rested on him with the full weight of its aura.

It was the weight of a mountain, a veritable tide of power all stumbling onto his shoulders. It took his all to not fall onto his knees. The moment passed, the serpents eyes shifting away immediately to Ariella and Zax, yet the feeling did not, as Noah stood frozen.

For the first time, he realised that even when training for terror, Zax had never been using his entire auras force. Not even close.

The two figures flew in the skies, lightning crackling around Zax and wind swirling around Ariella.

Noah, we need to go, Aurelia said, touching his shoulder as he snapped out of his daze. He nodded, looking once again at the giant serpent, and the face off. Ready to rush back to the safety, Noah put his hand on Aurelia, searching for Snow to teleport both of them in at once, when he found the girl, looking at the sea serpent with a frown.

Snow! Stop standing around, we need to get back to the ship, Noah shouted.

The girl jerked, looking at him in surprise, before her eyes went back to the sea serpent. She ran closer and Noah grabbed her hand, activating Arcane Step to teleport away when he felt Snow tighten her fingers around his.

No. Noah stop, she said, as Noah paused, looking down at her in surprise. It- she does not want to harm us. I can feel it. Its my path is telling me. She needs help, but all this magic is scaring her. You need to bring me to the captain and Zax.

What? Noah exclaimed, taken aback by her words. He heard thunder rolling in the skies, a storm brewing from the intense magical output coming from the creature, as mana began to rise. Noah looked at Zax, and Ariella, feeling the intense weight of the aura, feeling uncertain if he even could, go there without passing out.

Please, Noah. I can talk to her! Snow exclaimed.

Noah looked at Aurelia, who shared a similar look of concern. He looked down, meeting the girls eyes and the plea reflecting off in them.

Noah cursed.

Hop on, he said, crouching down as he picked Snow up in his arms. You guys head back, Ill teleport out instantly if anything goes wrong, he said, glancing at Aurelia, and the rest, before using Arcane Step as he teleported to the skies.

Moving through the air Noah chained a sequence of teleports, rising higher and higher. Ariella noticed his arrival, but the woman seemed preoccupied, her aura battling against the giant serpents own dominating power, as she tried to shield her ship and persuade her.

Stop! Noah shouted, using another Arcane Step to gain more height. He cursed as the wind covered his words, his own focus faltering under the intense pressure coming from the three people. He condensed his aura, shielding Snow with everything he had who clung on tightly to not fall off. Sweat dripped down Noahs body. Even with all his abilities, the intensity of the auras here were enough to rapidly burn his mana for everysingle spell he used.

In a desperate attempt to keep afloat, wings sprouted from his back with Tonys help, flapping rapidly as he tried to navigate. A hurricane brew in the skies, and for a moment it felt like things would explode in violence.

Noah took a deep breath in. Hold on! Noah shouted with everything he had, this time managing to catch Zaxs attention. The dragon waved a hand as a spell formed around Noah, shielding him from the powerful winds, and slowly bringing him up.

What in the depths are you doing here?! Ariella exclaimed in horror, as she saw Noah.

Snow says she can talk he panted, glancing at Zax, who gave him a nod. But first turn off the spells its scaring the sea serpent.

Ariella looked at him as if he was insane, before looking at Snow who he carried in his arms. A moment later, her expression turned serious. No, Im not risking my ship and crew over this. The risk is too high. Were going to leave.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

The sea serpent opened its mouth, a loud earth shaking rumble rising from it as the sky crackled from above.

Youre scaring her! She doesnt want to fight! Snow shouted .

Listen that ship? Its my responsibility. The people on it? Theyre my responsibility too. Im not telling them to turn off the protective spells and hope nothing goes wrong, Areilla replied, her own mana rising. Noah could sense wind gathering around the ship, ready to take it up in the air.

We can make a different spell to protect the ship if something happens. You have our word. For now, follow the childs wishes. Her path is one that can help us resolve this peacefully, Zax said, looking Ariella in the eye. The captain hesitated, looking at Zax, and then back at Snow.

After a long moment, she cursed under her breath, shooting off rapidly back to the ship in a rush.

As Ariella leaved, her own auras protection fading, Noah felt the weight of the creatures aura double, nearly sending him tumbling. Zaxs magic intensified, holding him in place.

They all waited a few moments, after which the ships magic faded, and it stood, unprotect and at the mercy of the serpent.

What else do you need? Zax asked.

Snow hesitated for a moment, looking at Noah for reassurance. You can do this, he said, and the girls nodded, looking back at Zax.

I can talk to her. Can you can you bring me closer? Snow said.

Done, Zax replied, as wind rose around Snow, lifting her from Noahs arms. She shrieked in fear for a second, afraid of falling but when her body kept levitating, Snow blushed, before glancing towards the giant serpent. Slowly, Zaxs magic rose her up into the air, bringing her closer and closer to the serpent. Noah could see Zax straining to shield her from its aura, but he knew he couldnt do anything to help, and so he simply watched.

After a long minute, Snow floated, nearly eye level to the giant serpent large enough that she would barely be as big as its eye. Moving closer, she slowly raised her arm out at the serpent. Her fingers trembled, body shivering as she closed her eyes, simply waiting with her arm extended.

A moment passed in silence, before she felt a gentle push as something coarse and rough touched her palm. Slowly, Snow opened her eyes and saw the serpents giant face touching her palm, its nostrils flaring.

The mana began to fade, the storm slowly dying out as the creature regarded her. Snow felt her heart racing, the ball of fear and anxiety melted in palpable relief that blooded her with the rush of adrenaline, bursting out of her mouth in laughter.

After a moment, Zax and Noah both moved closer to Snow, who looked up at the serpent, and found herself hesitaitng. Ive never done this before, she said, glancing back at Zax.

Yet you know that you can. You carry the runes, and the magic they bring. It is in your soul. Let it guide you, and the answer shall come, Zax said.

Snow gave a hesitant nod, looking at Noah. You can do it.

Closing her eyes, Snow channeled her magic. The runes on her body lit up with mana, glowing a mix of black and white. Slowly, her mana flowed from her hand, into the serpent. A moment later, a bond formed between the two as the serpent pulled back its head.

We hear you, child.

The words resonated across the world, the serpents intent clear in them as she looked down at Snow.

The girls eyes widened in surprise at her success, but she quickly calmed herself, We dont mean you any harm! Snow shouted.

We know. You cannot harm us. And we trust the old one with you, the serpent replied, looking at Zax.

Noah glanced at the dragon, reaching out their shared telepathic connection. You can talk to the sky serpent? Why did you wait for Snow to arrive?

Zax glanced sideways at Noah. We thought it would be a good lesson. She would grow from this, and learn the nature of her powers. Even you couldve talked to her had you so desired. You can understand her words after all, cant you?

Yeah, why wouldnt I understand? Noah asked.

Because she speaks a lost tongue, known only to dragons and their kin, Zax replied.

Ah, Noah said, realization settling onto him. He brought his attention back to the serpent.

Dont understand, Snow said, and Noah realised her words were clumsy, as she was speaking an unfamiliar language. Why threaten if not afraid? She asked.

We did not intend to threaten you. Merely, to catch your attention, the sky serpent said, its eyes drifting to rest upon Zax now instead. We sensed the old one. And wish to ask a favour.

We are willing to hear, Zax replied, speaking much more smoothly than Snow did.

The giant serpent bowed its head to the dragon.Please save our children. They are trapped, and we cannot reach them.

Even from up here, Noah could hear the collective gasp everyone took as they watched the sky serpent bowing its head to Zax.

Very well, Zax replied, glancing sideways at Noah and Snow. What do the two of you wish to do?

As Zax asked, a prompt appeared in front of Noah.

Your party has been given a quest!

Quest: Rescue Mission

Your party have received a quest from Axzeriethal the Sky Serpent to rescue her children.

Difficulty: Moderate

Reward: Axzeriethals Blessing

Would you like to accept this quest?


Noah glanced sideways. From the looks of Snows widened eyes, she had received a similar message. He turned to face Zax, and then gave the dragon a nod.

Lets do it, Noah replied. A chime rang in his ears.

Quest accepted!


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