Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 17 — Beach episode... in the sky? Pt. 2

Book 3: Chapter 17 — Beach episode... in the sky? Pt. 2

After the ship landed, Kaelan took off flying off. Using Arcane Step, Noah teleported himself onto the beach, while the others slowly made their way out the normal way. After a moment, the rest of their group arrived at the beach. Snow had brought out Shadow, who sniffed around at everything, looking at the sea curiously. Noah brought out Bun Bun and Tony formed next to him as well. The three familiars quickly began to run around the beach, chasing each other.

To Noahs surprise, even Erwest was wearing simpler clothing as he stepped out.

Kaelan landed gracefully next to Noah, wings flapping behind him and a smile plastered on his face. Alright. Whos feeling up for a swim?

Not me, please and thank you, Seraphina said. Noah noted runes flashing on her feet, somehow keeping any stand from sticking to her body.

Im good as well. Not a huge fan of water, Aurelia replied.

Noah snorted at that. Who wouldve thought the fire brawler would not be a fan of water?

Ill join, he said, looking at Kaelan.

Ill join as well, Valeria said, her toned body shining with a bronze sheen under the sunlight. The valkyrie glanced towards Erwest. What about you? Do you want to join?" she asked.

Erwest raised an eyebrow, his eyes scanning the surroundings. Umm

Before he could reply Kaelan intervened. With a hearty slap on Erwest's back, he exclaimed, "Don't be a wuss. Join in. It'll be fun."

Kaelan grasped Erwest's shoulder, pulling him forward. The four of them, including Noah, now stood near the shoreline, the sound of waves gently crashing in the background.

Grinning broadly, Kaelan unfurled his wings, "Let's see who can reach the edge first and then back. Make it a bit of a competition, eh?"

Valeria stretched her body, her bright orange hair set loose, before she glanced back towards Seraphina. You sure you dont want to join? I thought your magic could handle everything?

Seraphina snorted. Thats an amateurish attempt at riling me up, even for you. And my magic can handle everything. Its literally in the name of my path.

Sure couldnt handle my axe, Valeria said, grinning.

Its not gonna work, give up Val. Im not joining your stupid game, Seraphina said, crossing her arms.

Sure, suit yourself. But just so you know, we did this last year and Kaelan was gloatingabout winning for months. I know I cant beat him, so if youre fine with hearing that

Seraphina shivered, her eyes drifting to Kaelan who simply gave her a toothy grin. It was a magnificent victory worth gloating about! He proudly exclaimed, putting both arms on his waist as he unfurled his wings behind him.

Ugh I cant believe Im doing this, Seraphina groaned. If Im joining, you are too, she said, grabbing Aurelias arm.

Wait, hold on, what? Aurelia said, but before she could resist, Seraphina had her floating in the air so she couldnt resist as she brought Aurelia along.

Perfect! A proper competition! Kaelan said, turning around as he looked out at the giant lake. Lets set the rules. We all race at once to the edge and back. The first one back is the victor and gets Kaelan paused, looking around him to search for a suitable prize. A day spent with their partner of choosing on a date!

Excuse me?! Seraphina gasped.

I didnt agree to that, I didnt agree to any of this! Aurelia protested, still being floated up in the air by Seraphina.

Oh? The stakes are truly high here, Valeria said, glancing sideways towards Erwest for the briefest of seconds.

Noah looked at Erwest, who similarly looked disinterest in the reward. He shrugged, and the paladin returned the sentiment with a grunt.

I shant hear of any protest, it has been decided! Kaelan said, turning around as he stood at the shore. Now, if Zax would be so kind to referee the match, and give us a countdown, we can begin!

Zax wore an amused yet serious expression as he walked up to the shore. Very well, we shall do the honours, he spoke, as if preceding over a very serious matter.

Somehow, the matter was settled there, as everybody lined up next to each other. Bun Bun and Shadow sat on the shore, and Bun Bun crackled with lightning, almost as if cheering him on. Noahs shadow stirred as well, sitting on the beach, with a smile on his face as he watched them.

On your mark, Zax said, as everybody took their position. Magic thrummed around the shore, some of the other adventurers starting to take note.

Noah sent a pulse to Tony, who quickly began to born his body. His limbs elongated, webbings forming between his fingers. He even felt gills appearing on his neck, though right now still half formed, as Tony continued to adapt his body based purely on instinct.

Ready? Zax said.

A pulse travelled. Noah saw runes flashing around Seraphina. Valerias aura was condensed down around her body, swirling the sand beneath her feet. Ash and embers licked Aurelias body, while Kaelans muscles tensed and even Erwests golden aura was flickering as he prepared.


A boom shook the beach as they all shot off, causing a giant splash in the water. Noah dove headfirst in, moving his arms and legs as his body transformed with rapid speed, letting him breathe and see inside the water. Because of that, he could immediately tell that not everyone who had started out was currently under water.

Breaching the surface momentarily he looked up and saw Seraphina running on water, propelled by a wave and gusts of wind as she rushed ahead.

Thats cheating! You arent swimming!

No one said you had to swim, Seraphina shouted.

A moment later, Aurelia rushed past her, fire blasting from her hands and feet in a barely controlled explosion as she barreled past, skimming over the surface of the water.

Exacty! Aurelia shouted from ahead, as Seraphinas grin quickly flipped upside down.

Noah sped up his own attempts, using Arcane Step as he teleported forward, rapidly closing in the gap, appearing near Aurelia.

Nothing says I cant stop you either, he said with a smile, before vanishing as Aurelia shot a beam of fire at him. A spectre appeared behind Aurelia which she had anticipated, quickly burning it with fire, but as the spectre faded to magic, her eyes widened.

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Another spectre burst out from the water, void annihlation crackling in his hands as he struck Aurelia down, catching her. In the meantime, Noah continued to swim rapidly, using Arcane Step to make up for his speed.

Seraphina shot a beam of water towards him, as he quickly jumped below the surface to dodge, when his eyes widened in surprise. Kaelan swam besides him, just about caught up. The drakonian was making good use of both his wings and tails, his scaled streamlined body far more suited for the water as he caught up with Noah, toothy grin belying his confidense.

Tgbats undahgear, Noah garbled, before realising he couldnt speak through the water.

Kaelan simply rushed on ahead, jumping out of the water once, before he redove, swimming past all of them.

An axe struck the water just a little further, stopping both of them in their tracks as a rapid explosion shook the ground. A second later, Noah saw Valeria and Erwest surfing on Erwests summoned weapons, as the two of them moved as a team.

Erwests blade slashed towards Seraphina with a golden arc.

EEP! Seraphina screamed, ducking. Another arc struck her wind barrier as her concentration broke, the spell fading and dunking her in water.

Valeria jumped ahead instead, as Erwest gave her a push. The Valkyrie flew through the air, golden wings erupting from her back as the axe vanished, appearing back in her hands. With a crazed smile and a scream she barreled into the water near Noah and Kaelan, slamming her axe hard enough to cause a giant wave to form, pushing back both of them.

Noah felt himself being carried away by the water flow and rushed out of the water with Arcane Step. Abyssal Awareness told him of an incoming attack, as he moved on instinct, summoning his spear and blocking Valerias axe.

As both of them fell back down, wings erupted from behind Noahs back. Glancing sideways, he saw Kaelan tackling Erwest and Aurelia at once.

Ultimately were still just sparring here. I shouldve seen this coming, Noah said, and the woman cackled in joy, one that Noah very much mimicked.

A second later, the two of them struck. Noahs spear met Valerias axe, bucking under the weight of the strike. With a rapid thrust he tried to counter, when the woman kicked him, rushing on ahead of him.

This is still a race! She shouted, moving ahead.

Noah used Arcane Step, appearing near her as he blasted Abyssal Inferno towards her, before setting two bloodwyrms onto her.

And Im winning, he shouted as rushed ahead.

The end of the island appeared soon and Noah reached the edge, jumping into the water once, as his body shifted once more with Tonys help.

Bursting out into the air, he dodged a strike from Valerias axe, teleporting around her as he began to rush back. As he did, a barrier appeared in front of him formed of glowing runes, blocking his path as he slammed into it.

A moment later he saw a soaking wet Seraphina, with a furious expression and glowing eyes rise out of the water. I am NOT going to lose.

Uh oh, Noah said, dodging as a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky, rushing towards him. he teleported, as a storm began to brew beneath him. Seraphina moved rapidly, the wind carrying her as she shot forward, lightning strikes raining down on everyone else. Noah weaved through the storm, flying as he dodged the array of lightning bolts before he slammed into the woman, as both of them splashed into water. Swimming together now, she saw her tried to use her spell, but grabbed her hand to prevent her from casting.

A rune appeared on her mouth, a bubble of air forming. Idiot. We literally train to not become incapacitated from spellcasti

Aurelia slammed into Seraphina, launching her aside, before Valeria caught her in a bear hug, jumping out of the water. A second later, a golden barrier formed around the woman, capturing her inside it. Yet you still cant help but talk pointlessly, Valeria said, as Seraphina slammed her fists in outrage against the barrier.

Slow! All of you are slow! Kaelan shouted, rushing past them with a rapid speed.

No you dont! Noah shouted, as he summoned his spear, charging it with void annihilation. Flying out of water, he looked at his target, before shooting the weapon. The water rose in a tidal splash, but he knew that would not be enough.

A second later, a powerful surge of flames washed around the area, as the water began to boil and hiss. He looked down to see Aurelias flames glowing from even under the water. The temperature change was enough to force Kaelan out of the water to breathe, when Valeria struck at him, launching herself forward.

Noah rushed in as well, quickly followed by AUrelia as all three of them began to tackle the drakonian.

Kaelan laughed, excited by the prospect. Dodging all three of their attacks, the drakonian continued to fly around, striking back at each of them.

Noah spun through the air, launching beams of void mana that crackled like black lightning. Valeria followed with her axe strikes, one catching Kaelan off guard as he tumbled.

Seeing a change, Noah used Arcane Step to rush ahead but felt the spell fail as he suddenly he felt a hand on his feet. He looked down and saw Aurelia clinging on.

You cant teleport without me if Im grabbing you, can you? Aurelia said, smirking. With a blast of fire, she pulled Noah back into the water with herself.

All of them were in the water now, and the beach was right next to them. Stopping any attempts at fighting, they all began to rush forward.

Magic surged as they all swam as fast as they could. Noah kicked his legs, arms swinging as he moved with all his effort. Kicking and rushing through the wave, he swamp still he landed onto the beach face first, rushing to stand up as he shouted. Goal!


I won!


All four of them frowned, ready to argue of their victory when Zax arrived at the shore.

Zax Noah called out, ready to have the dragon prove his efforts. Tell them that I won. I clearly was first, wasnt I?

None of you won, Zax replied, before turning sideways revealing Erwest standing at the beach, blonde hair soaked in water, which somehow only added to his looks.

I won, Erwest said, smiling.


No way!

I dont believe it.

Before the arguments could spill over, Zax coughed into his fist. Let me explain. While all of you were tackling one another, Erwest reached the end of the lake and then used the spell I had attached to your communication bracelets, and simply teleported back. Since there seemed to be no objections against using items on you or items that were a part of your gear, by the rules, he won.

Noah stared at Zax in shock, before looking at Erwest. Damn we got outsmarted.

Kaelan cackled loudly, amused as he walked up to Erwest, slapping his back. Way to go! Just goes to show that victory is not always about strength or skill. Sometimes, its about who can cheat the best.

I still dont believe that Erwest of all people did that, Aurelia said, looking at Noah.

So, who are you going to pick? Valeria asked, looking at Erwest. For your reward, that is. The one day date. Since you did all that to win, you must have someone in mind.

Erwest looked around himself, meeting everybodys eyes as they looked back at him.

The paladin then looked at Zax, and shook his head. Ill chose myself. Since Im a part of the team as well, thats a valid choice.

Boo! Noah jeered, and the rest joined him.

Coward! Valeria shouted, as Erwest ignored them all, silently walking away for his solo date with himself.

Well, seems like you guys are having a lovely time, Captain Ariella said, flying down onto the beach. Couldnt help but notice with all the ruckus you were causing. Now half the lot of them are racing across the lake as well, she said, shaking her head.

You shouldve join us, Kaelan said, trying to pat her shoulder but Ariella grabbed his hand.

Im far too old to be fooling around like this. Not to mention, Im duty. But I appreciate the offer, she said, looking at the Drakonian. I just hope we havent caused enough noise to stir the residents of the lake. That would be a pain.

The residents of the lake? Noah asked.

Yeah, every few years during a sky serpent arrives here to raise its young. By now they typically leave, but sometimes we run into them. Generally theyre very docile and avoid interacting with others in that period but if disturbed enough they can get aggressive.

Uhh, do you by any chance mean that thing? Snow said, pointing to the lake.

They all turned, noticing the water growing more and more frenzied, forming a whirlpool.

Septahs mercy, I shouldve kept my damned mouth shut, Ariella cursed.Get up and start moving back to the ship, were leaving, Ariella said, wind swirling around her body. Zax, follow me. I might need you for this one.

Noah got up, spear in hand as he watched from the shore. The world around them began to shake, and after a few seconds, a massive serpent, large enough to blot out the sky rose from the water, creating a tidal wave that washed over the beach before they were all covered under its shadow.

Noah simply gaped at the giant creature, larger than anything else he had ever seen, before instinctively, he used Identify.

[Adult Sky Serpent - ????]

Noah gulped.


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