Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 19 — Beach episode... in the sky? Pt. 4

Book 3: Chapter 19 — Beach episode... in the sky? Pt. 4

Zax brought them down to the ship afterwards, as they explained what was going on to everyone else.

So let me get this straight. The sky serpent asked you to save its kids? Ariella asked, clutching her head.

Her, Snow said in a quiet whisper.

Well, more or less. Didnt ask me, asked Zax, but the offer apparently extended to our entire party, Noah replied.

We did give our word. Regardless of what you decide, we do intend to help. And we can catch up to the ship if need be. Or make our way without it to Drakonias, Zax said.

No, Id rather not have you board mid flight. Or enter their borders like that. Both options are worse, Ariella said, before sighing. Alright, I can give you guys a few hours to sort this out. But after that, we need to leave.

Snow smiled at the womans words, and Noah nodded in reply.

Hope you dont mind us joining, Kaelan said, stepping closer. Couldnt help but overhear. Sounds like a fun quest!

Do we even know where the kids are? And what could they possibly need saving from that a sky serpent cant do? Seraphina asked.

Theyre stuck at the bottom of the lake apparently they got caught in some kind of trap. The sky serpent destroyed that ship, and was why she was concerned by ours. But she cant reach her kids and theyve been stuck there for a while now and need to come out soon to breathe, Snow said.

Seraphina hummed.

Well, I definitely cant go that deep underwater, Aurelia said. I dont think I can help.

We can take you with us. But it would be best to choose who goes in there wisely, Zax said.

Ill go, Kaelan said, raising his hand. Im good at swimming.

Ill come. I want to see the kids, and study their magic if possible, Seraphina said, and then a second later, added. Oh, and save them of course.

I would like to go as well. I was the one who asked us to help the sky serpent. And Id like to be able to help, Snow said.

Noah smiled. Absolutely. We can use your help there.

Seems like we have the members needed. Let us not waste any time, Zax said.

Together, the party headed back out from the airship, to the beach.

Do we have any idea where to look? Seraphina asked.

For a moment, Noah was tempted to add Kaelan and Seraphina to his party and show them the quest objective on the map, but he decided he wasnt that close to either of them yet.

Zax waved his hand instead as a path appeared. This will take us to the location, the dragon said.

Of course, the convenient use of magic that I cant source or even read. Youre quite the mystery Zax, Seraphina said, eyeing the dragon.

They headed into the ocean, Zaxs spell covering Snow and himself, while Seraphina used her own spell to dive in, with a bubble of air around her.

Kaelan just jumped in, and Noah transformed his body, adapting it for water, before stepping inside.

The water covered Noahs sight but he could see clearly, a layer of translucent skin protecting his eyes. He tried not to think about how inhuman it was to be able to morph his body like this, as he followed Kaelan to the depths.

Weve cast a spell so that all of us can talk to each other, Zax said, his voice playing in Noahs mind.

Telepathy. Zax, tell me something. Are you secretly an Archmage? Seraphina asked.

Noah heard Zaxs laughter in his head.

We used to know one. A really long time ago. But we never got that far. An Archmage requires to be at the pinnacle of their field. We got close. But our preference is to have a wider scope, Zax replied, looking at Seraphina. Arent you the same? Your magic has a clear path, yet to old it to be able to traverse as many branches as possible. Not many choose this path. It is a difficult and unrewarding one.

Theyre stupid is why. And I dont care about power of strength or any of that. I dont love some magic. I love all magic, and I love it equally. Its my dream to be able to master every form of magic there is. I even spent a year trying to reconcile divine magic into the Arcane theory, though that obviously didnt work out.

Ah, are some mages still trying to do that? They never seem to learn, Zax replied.

Well do it. Ill do it myself if I have to. I refuse to take gods as an explanation, there has to be logic behind it. Everything does, even if it doesnt look like it at first glance, Seraphina replied.

I wish you the best of luck, in your endeavour. If you do manage it, you would be renowned and proclaimed as perhaps the greatest mage in history. Afterall, few know the secrets of Gods, or how they came to be, Zax said.

Well find out. Ill find out, Seraphina replied.

They continued onwards silently for a few minutes, before Kaelan spotted something. There, whats that? He said, pointing to a giant crack in the ground, as they reached the surface of the lake.

The light seems to be going inside. Makes sense the sky serpent couldnt reach this, theres barely enough space, Seraphina replied.

I can feel them inside. They seem to be struggling, Snow added.

Lets hurry, Noah said, as one by one they entered the crack in the ground. Moving through the crevices, the party swamp around the various denizens, of the lake. Light began to blink out, as even Noah struggled to make out some of the details in the pitch dark. Seraphina whispered something, as a few glowing balls of light appeared, illuminating the place.

There, I see something! Snow exclaimed.

They followed her finger, and noticed a portion of the wall was collapsed, with a glowing light coming from underneath it.

Slowly, the party descended, standing next to the crumbled rocks. Well use our spears, Kaelan said.

The tale has been illicitly lifted; should you spot it on Amazon, report the violation.

Noah nodded, summoning his spear in his hand. Both of them put their weapon into the pile of rocks, jamming it in. Then, at a signal, they used it as a liver, as the giant rocky section began to buckle.

Magic swirled around Seraphina, water swirling to lift the rock.

Zax snapped his fingers, as a burst of water pushed from underneath, freeing the entrance entirely.

A cave revealed itself, as the party stepped inside. Noah suddenly found the water vanishing as he poked his head inside the cave, a barrier of some kind holding the water back.

Whoa, whats this place? Noah exclaimed, stepping inside, onto the wet ground.

Ive heard of these before. If you have air attuned mana stones under water, caverns like these can form. Although this one doesnt look to be natural, she said, looking down as the group noticed mana stones for lights embedded in the walls, though none that seemed to work anymore.

Lets move ahead carefully. There might be people around too, Kaelan said.

The group nodded, stepping ahead carefully as they made their way in. The paths curved and bent, revealing more and more signs of someone having set up almost a base of sorts here. Boxes and goods filled the place, and after a little bit of walking, Noah and the ground heard some voices whispering.

Zax quickly cast a spell to muffle their sound, while projecting the voices of the people talking, as the group began to listen.

Whatre we gonna do? Its been over a week, and no one has come yet. We dont have much food left a mans voice trailed off, almost holding back a sob.

You were the one who wanted to catch the sky serpents! Dont blame me. I aint planning to die here, like depths I am. Ill skin those snakes and eat them if I have to, another man barked, spitting.

If you open their cage, well be the ones getting eaten. Especially by their mother. Shes probably still around out there one more man said in a gloomy voice.

Noah and the group looked at each other in surprise. Raising his hand, Noah had Tony form a small eyeball that flapped around, flying closer, as it shared what it saw with him. Looking at the men, he found three of them, all huddled around boxs, sitting with a fire in front of them, and swords at their waists.

He used identify.

[Sky Pirate - Lvl 147]

[Sky Pirate - Lvl 154]

[Sky Pirate Captain - Lvl 174]

The eye moved around, before quickly finding a cage with glowing walls holding the sky serpents inside. Tony flew back quickly, sinking into Noahs body as he turned to face the rest of them.

Sky pirates. Three of them. Roughly level 150 for two, and the captain whos level 174. The serpents are in a cage, Noah sent.

Kaelan grinned. Lets teach them a lesson then.

Noah matched the drakonians smile. At his signal, the two of them rushed out.

Noah teleported out, spear held out as he rushed towards the sky pirates. Void Annihilation charged around his weapon as he pointed it at them. Hands up in the air, or well strike! He shouted.

The sky pirates jumped in surprise, each holding onto their weapons. A second later, they looked at Noah and Kaelan, before their gaze drifted back towards Zax standing with a smile behind all of them.

To Noahs surprise two of the men broke down in tears as they began to thank him. Were saved! One of them shouted and Noah took out his suppression chains and put them onto the pirates.

Well, that was strange, Noah said, looking at Kaelan, before he looked back to the pirates. How did you even get stuck here?

The big serpent broke our ships, and was waiting for us and our spell for breathing underwater ran out one of them admitted.

Serves you right for doing something like this, Seraphina said with a snort, before she walked up to the cage with the sea serpents. Lets get these guys free.

As she walked closer, one of them hissed, threatening to strike back, making Seraphina move back in fear. Snow walked closer instead. We wont harm you were here to help. Promise. We can bring you to your mother, she said.

The sky serpents settled, moving around, but one of them still kept its guard up, quietly watching the rest. Noah used identify on the creatures.

[Young Sky Serpent - Lvl 37]

[Young Sky Serpent - Lvl 22]

[Young Sky Serpent - Lvl 24]

That ones feisty, Noah said, as the serpent hissed, looking at him. Noah hissed back.

Dont do that! Snow slapped his arm, before speaking gently to the serpent again to calm them down. Theyre scared. And hes their big brother. Hes trying to protect them, she said. Gently, she reached an arm out. The sky serpent struck, biting her hand, enough to make her bleed. Noah frowned, about to suggest they keep them in the age as he simply put them in his cosmic vault and brought them out, but Snow didnt pull her hand back.

After biting for a bit the sky serpent let go, when Snow didnt relax. Slowly, it retreated, and Snow brought her hand closer. You were scared, werent you? She said, gently touching the serpents head. I know the feeling. I was locked in chains like this for a long time too. It hurts, and hurts so much and youre always afraid, she said, in a gentle whisper.

The sky serpent looked at her, before it gently licked her wound where it had bit her, as if apologizing.

Its okay. I dont mind it, she said, before glancing back to Seraphina. Can you open their cage now? They wont hurt us.

Seraphina looked at Snow in surprise. Youre quite surprising, she said, before walking to the age. Normally itd take an hour to decode this, but I have a better idea, Seraphina said, as mana swirled around her. A second later, a very thin beam of presurised water rose from one of her fingers, as she cut apart the lock.

With a thud, the chains on the cage fell, as the gates opened and the serpents rushed out.

Alright, lets bring them back to their mother, Noah said.

We have a faster way, Zax said. A magic circle appeared beneath all of them, as they were teleported in a flash of light.

Noah blinked his eyes, as the sun flashed down onto him from the lakes shore. The sky serpents flew into the air, reuniting with their mother who sat amidst the lake, gently looking at them all, before she slowly bowed her head to Zax.

We are in your debt.

Quest completed!

Youve received [Axzeriethals Blessing]!

[Axzeriethals Blessing]

Find yourself capable of directing the winds at your will. The kin of dragons will recognize you as their friend.

Noah smiled as he read the description of the ability.

No need to mention it. We were happy to help! Noah shouted back.

Ariella stepped onto the beach besides them, taking one look at the sky pirates as everything clicked. Looks like well be putting our prison cells to use after all.

And it wont be one me! Kaelan exclaimed happily.

Lets head back, its about time we left, the captain said.

The party turned, about to head back, when the sky serpents voice echoed one more.

Child of Void. This one wishes to accompany you, the sky serpent said.

Snow looked back and saw one of her children flying close by.

Oh are you sure? She asked, as the sky serpent hissed.

What about your mom? Is she alright with you leaving her so soon after? Snow said, looking up at the giant serpent.

They will leave our nest one day or another. This one wishes to follow you. We will not stop him. And with the old one, he can learn some things we cannot teach, the serpent said.

Snow looked down at the sky serpent flying in front of her, and into its sea green eyes, before giving it a smile. Well, in that case. Id be happy to have you, she said, gently touching the snake. The tattoos on Snows body lit up, flowing onto the serpent, before the creature flowed into Snow. The tattoos changed shape on her, the form of a snake appearing besides the wolf, and a moment later, the sky serpent reappeared, glowing tattoos on its body as well, as it hissed.

We will take our leave now, child. Thank you for helping us, the giant serpent said. A powerful gust rose around the island, as the sky serpent flew up in the air, followed by its children.

The party watched them disappear into the skies, fading out into the distance.

Did you know that sky serpents are considered good omens by sailors? Kaelan added, glancing sideways at Ariella.

Thats by sea sailors, because it means the wind is steady, she said, shaking her head, though a smile was on her face nonetheless.

Alright, time to head back, Ariella said, wind carrying of them up in air, while Kaelan and Zax flew on their own. Flying around, the captain left them on the deck, heading inside. A moment later, the ship began to shake, starting to take off.

Ariella, always so forceful. Its why I love her so much,Kaelan said, sighing wistfully. Seraphina kicked the drakonian.

Aurelia and the others walked up to the group, noting their new addition.

Oh, a baby sky serpent. Its so cute and so tiny compared to its mother! Aurelia exclaimed, before looking at Snow. What do you want to call him?

Snow thought over it for a second. Sky? She suggested.

Noah laughed.

Zax shook his head. Well need to teach her how to name things better.

Sky, the sky serpent twirled around happily at his new name, letting out a pleased hiss.

And just like that, the party took off back into the skies, with a new member on their team.


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