Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 265: Prodigy Hangout Session – I

Chapter 265: Prodigy Hangout Session – I


The room set up for the girls in Prodigy, specially furnished for each of their hobbies. A room with an art studio, a kitchen, a dance studio, and a small gym with various training and martial arts equipment. Each of those took up one corner of the room, with only a small portion off to the side reserved for a changing/bathroom combo. And in the center of the room, there was a lounge area.

The lounge area had a few colorful giant beanbags lying around to be used as makeshift chairs or just to relax on. And there was also a square wooden table, with four folding chairs, one on each side.

And seated at the table in that lounge area was Chihiro. She cracked open a can of coffee and then continued watching the stream playing on her phone.

A scenic view of an animated battlefield. A campground with knights, archers, and people with various weaponry milling around.

But that was the background.

The focus of the stream was on something else. Or rather, someone else.

A beautiful woman in tarnished and dinged silver armor. Flowing crimson hair that was a bit frazzled and windswept. Clear blue eyes that looked fatigued, but were reinvigorated by hope. She looked like the archetypal female knight commander from JRPGs and Anime.

Holding her hands together over her chest, the female knight let out a wide smile and said, "I cannot thank you enough for granting us your aid. To know that so many from another world are watching us and offering support... It is truly heartening."

Chihiro sipped on her coffee and then carefully stared at the female knight.

The stream was Ilgarde, the supposed competitor to Project MirAIs. Virtual Anime avatars streaming a fictional world. Similar in concept, but different in execution.

Chihiro, her genmates, and her Senpais had 'settings' to work with for their job, but for the most part they were just being themselves. Well, mostly themselves. For safety and to allow for a normal life, there were a bunch of security measures in place, like auto-filtering certain names to be different.

But in any case, the girls in Project MirAIs were normal streamers.

But it didn't look like that was the case for the ones in Ilgarde.

"Scarlet Knight... A bit on the nose, but decent character design." Chihiro reached down and pulled out a pack of chips from her bag. Ripping the pack open, she grabbed one and munched on it, focusing on the background of the stream. "The background's more impressive though... How much are they paying the animators? Sheesh."

It was a crazy amount of detail.

A few knights were sitting around on logs, playing cards on a makeshift table. In the distance, a female archer and a young knight were blushing while talking to each other. An elven swordsman argued with a brash warrior, jabbing fingers at each other... And those were only a few of the scenes playing out in the back.

The stream really seemed to be a window to an Anime world. Especially since you could hear people talking in the background about random things that matched the setting.

Some chatter about how the commander was as beautiful as ever. Doubts about the foreign aid. Questions about if their goddess had forsaken them...

If Project MirAIs was impressive in how each girl really seemed to be a visitor to Earth from another world, Ilgarde was impressive because it turned each viewer into a visitor from Earth to another world.

The other side of the coin, os to speak.

But still...

Chihiro munched on a chip and hummed. "I wonder how they managed this?"

As crazy as all the tech she had seen from Myth Inc. was, Chihiro didn't think that even John could manage something like Ilgarde.

...Well, if Titor used his World Line and had NPCs as the backdrop, maybe. But a completely animated world...

Not only that, but the world was reacting in real time.

It wasn't scripted. It couldn't be. Especially considering how the chat was implemented.

Scarlet reached out to the camera and adjusted it a bit, blushing. "I-I am still uncertain as to how this arrangement works, but I hope that you are able to survey the field."

The camera view changed, turning away from the campgrounds and out to a brown and dry grassland. There, a few staticky figures patrolled the perimeter. Silhouettes wreathed in gray distortion, almost like ghosts.

Scarlet's voice echoed and she said, "As you can see... At the least, I hope you can see." She muttered and then said, "In any case, a few of your comrades have already arrived."

A slender but scarred hand reached out to adjust the camera, turning it back to the camp.

Scarlet let out a grateful smile and said, "It has been a tremendous relief. For the first time in years, we have been able to rest assured that we will be safe and alive when we awake. Truly... truly, I am grateful."

Chihiro clicked her tongue and sipped on her coffee. "Where did Shield Corporation get this person?"

It was more than being a brilliant voice actor.

Scarlet brushed tears away and spoke up in a shaking voice. "You cannot fathom the despair, the struggles... The countless nights we stayed awake wondering if we would live past the hour..."

The emotion in her voice, the way her clear blue eyes teared up from letting out so much carried stress...

It was like she was the real deal, not just an actor playing a role.

Chihiro knew that voice actors got immersed in their roles, but this was ridiculous. She tapped her fingers against the table, mulling over some thoughts in her head.

Scarlet shook her head and then took a deep breath. After that, she smiled and said, "Enough talk of the past. I should not waste your time with such meaningless worries. Instead... Let us speak of your involvement and aid. As I stated, a few of your comrades have already arrived and provided aid, working tirelessly to do so. But I believe that there are arrangements for you to aid directly while we are communicating like this as well? Something about Su-Par Cats?"

As if waiting for their cue, a flurry of colors flew through the chat. And the moment they did, a similar flurry of colors emerged around Scarlet.

She gasped and looked around. "These are...?"

The lights resolved into fancy looking chests. Crimson, emerald, orange, pink... each with a name written on the lid in clear bold letters, along with an icon.

Chihiro clicked her tongue. "What a genius marketing technique."

People already like sending in Superchats just to get attention and support the streamer. But with this setting, allowing Superchats to turn into lootboxes that the streamer would open live that would *also* correspond to direct support in the setting...

But that wasn't all.

The chat spammed emojis, mixing in with the Superchats. Cookies, knives, blob emotes...

And as they did, more things materialized around the woman.

Tiny yellow slime warriors, armed to the teeth with weapons. Boxes of food supplies and weaponry...

Scarlet's eyes widened as she looked at everything appearing. "T-These are...?" She started shaking and then looked back at the camera, overwhelmed with emotion.

Seeing that, Chihiro sighed and closed the stream. "I'm envious... but I guess I should respect the hard work."

It was a different business model from what she would be doing.

Ilgarde was basically like a game- No, like the old Twotch plays series that used to exist.

The money for Ilgarde came in from having people Superchatting to see what rare items they could give, and the interactivity came from chat spamming commands to add things into the world.

In short, it wasn't personalized. There wasn't a one-on-one connection being formed with the streamer. Instead, it was like cheering on your favorite team or something.

Well, there might be some chance for personal connections once memberships opened, but Chihiro thought that it was quite a bit different from what John and Project MirAIs were planning.

Not only that, but to stay in character for so long... and all the work that must go into all the sound, art, and world design...

"Mm. Guess it's more opportunities to make money for me."

Whenever a new waifu appeared, new commission opportunities did too. And Chihiro could already hear the requests coming in-


She blinked and then glanced at her phone. "...Should I buy a lottery ticket?"


Another alert.

Chihiro hummed and then tapped the new notifications on her phone.

Sadly, they weren't commission requests. Instead, they were from Shu and Suzu-chan.

[Shu Senpai]

Sorry! I think I'm going to run late! I met some really interesting people, so it might take a bit longer to get there.


My apologies, Chi-chan. I forgot to mention that I was returning to the shrine to speak with my adoptive parents. Seigi-san is driving me back as fast as he can, but it will likely be in the afternoon when I arrive.

"Well." Chihiro sighed and typed out a quick response before tucking her phone away. After that, she stretched and said, "Guess there's some time to kill."

She reached down to her bag and pulled out her sketchbook, along with a pencil. Flipping the sketchbook to a blank page, Chihiro tapped her pencil against her chin and muttered, "What should I draw today?"

Maybe she should draw some of her idol senpais together? A special picture of Alfi, Aoko, and Hana?

But Jenny seemed fun too. Since she had started up a Lonelyfans to host asmr videos... maybe a risque santa outfit? She seemed to enjoy those sorts of things too considering the outfits she wore during those streams...

Ooh, but a family portrait of the Smith family would be neat... Though she should probably get permission first? Alphy-senpai wasn't in the public eye yet and Chihiro didn't want to trouble her adorable Senpai...

While lost in thought, the elevator chimed.

Chihiro blinked and looked over.

The doors opened and then Yuri walked out, shaking her head. "Ugh. Grandpa's seriously being too clingy these days. I'm not helpless, geez..."

Chihiro raised an eyebrow and said, "Says the high school drop out."

Yuri turned red and pointed a finger at Chihiro. "I-It's just temporary! I'm going back in the spring!"

"Right. And you'll be in my grade." Chihiro paused and said, "So I guess rather than being helpless, you're just slow?"

Yuri rolled her eyes and then walked over to the kitchen. "Whatever. I'm making some food... Did you want anything?"

"A cake would be nice."

Yuri gave Chihiro a blank stare. "You want me to bake a cake. In the half hour or so before the others get here?"

"John could do it."

"That's because that guy's not human. I swear..." Yuri walked over to the sink and washed her hands. "I still don't understand how he made the tap water so clear just by pouring it."

Chihiro sipped her coffee and said, "I think your tastebuds are just weird, Riri."

Yuri's eye twitched. She turned back to glare at Chihiro and said, "Stop calling me weird names. Or do you not want any food?"

"If it's between annoying you and food, I'll pick annoying you." Chihiro rummaged in her bag and then pulled out her sketchbook along with a pencil. After that, she said, "And also, you need to take some chill pills. Try some Xanax."

"I don't need therapy!"

"You said it, not me."


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