Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 264: Prodigies assemble, Legends gather.

Chapter 264: Prodigies assemble, Legends gather.


Time passed by. As Christmas and the New Year approached, for once there was calm. No supernatural events occurring in the world. No world shattering revelations.

Just... a normal week.

For the girls in Project MirAIs, especially Prototype, it was just business as usual.

Rin continued her singing and dancing streams, taking the weekend off to unwind with online multiplayer games... And promptly embarrassing every professional gamer that tried to stream snipe her.

Asako continued her early morning chat streams while mixing in the occasional gaming stream. She also kept an eye on 'the bastards' to make sure they kept up their side of the bargain... while secretly praying that they messed up at some point so she wouldn't have to release embarrassing lewd material.

And Alphy continued her karaoke streams, mixing in the occasional chat and relaxed Meincraft building streams.

For John, it was a nice breather to spend time with his family and make up for the past. And for that week, he spent time looking through real estate and then taking Little Xuan and Little Wu out to play and relax.

And for John's family, it was a good time to relax and get to know each other as well.

Yue and her sister-in-laws continued to spend time together and working on a secret project. And since Betty was finished with hers for the moment, she got roped in as well.

Meanwhile, Meggie hung out with her best friend Tsuki at the latter's house, spending time together playing games with Kai supervising them both.

But just because some people were relaxing didn't mean that everyone was.

For the other members of Myth Inc., while it was a normal week, it was also a busy week.

Since there was going to be a new generation of idols in Project MirAIs, it also meant there was going to be more people coming and going from the office.

There was a minimal level of security present already in the form of John's shadow servants that were always on guard in the lobby and keeping out of sight, but their purpose was mostly to stop any threats from entering the building.

The details of ensuring the girls weren't followed, preempting potential threats, surveillance...

All of those were things that could be handled with John's powers, but it wasn't good to rely on that for the long run. For now, it could be explained away as good luck and caution. But as more people got involved and as Project MirAIs continued to grow, it would only lead to suspicion.

So to cut that trouble short before it bloomed, Takashi and Titor worked together to set up proper security protocols.

The former made contact with Toby overseas, and the two pooled their networks to gather a private security force to keep an eye on the girls in Project MirAIs.

Meanwhile, the latter set up a surveillance network in the area around the office and also prepared some failsafes just in case someone *did* accidentally reveal their identities.

While that was being sorted out, Bai continued handling the finances and hashing things out with Googol to make sure Superchats and memberships wouldn't have any issues in the future. Also to potentially make them open automatically when the new girls debuted.

As for the other chief staff member of Myth Inc., Qing put his head down and mulled through the mountain of paperwork and red tape while consulting with Fae and Co. Law Offices to ensure all the intellectual property rights were secured overseas.

For those two, instead of a relaxing week, it was hell week, putting in overtime to settle things before the holidays and the new year. Though, since they had those to look forward to, and since both of the former Divine Beasts also had beautiful and attentive assistants at their sides, it wasn't too bad.

And as for the upcoming members of Project MirAIs...


Monday morning. December 23rd, 2024. The day before Christmas Eve and one day before the debut streams of Prodigy began.

Shu Yozora laced her fingers together and reached her arms up to stretch. "Phew! Finally done with work!" She rolled her neck and smiled before lowering her arms.

It was a huge relief. Since she made it through the auditions for Project MirAIs and securing a proper salary, she didn't have to work so many odd jobs just to make ends meet. Of course, that didn't mean she could just quit without any notice.

After all, while she didn't like to brag, Shu was a great employee. Most of the time, she ended up being the person who worked the long shifts and kept the ball rolling during the work day when the others were slacking.

But yesterday marked the end of the last of her jobs, and now she was free.

...Though it also meant that she would soon be starting a life as a virtual idol.

That was still a little nerve-wracking. Her, some girl from the countryside becoming an idol... It was already a miracle that she managed to make her way to Tokyo without starving and cobble some sort of life together. But an idol...

Shu slapped her hands against her cheeks and said, "Yosh! You've got this!"

There was no point in being worried. Just like everything else since she left home, she'd take it step by step until she figured everything out.

Shu smiled and then took a look around.

Her apartment was small. A simple studio apartment in the middle of Tokyo. Though apparently she would be getting some new living accomodations as part of her contract from joining Project MirAIs.

Her bags and clothes were in one corner of the room. Neatly piled up dishes that were handwashed. And then the important documentation and equipment for her new job as an idol were kept in one other corner.

Shu frowned and wondered if she should be worried about it getting stolen... But since she'd be getting shown her new apartment soon anyway, it was... probably fine. Not to mention that she was heading over to the studio in a bit too-


Shu pulled out her phone to check the time.

9 AM.

"Gah! I'm going to be late!"

Shu quickly shoved her equipment into her bag and tossed on a coat. After that, she threw on her bag and walked towards the front door.

There was a meeting today. The girls were supposed to meet up and sort things out before the debut streams tomorrow.

And that included her.

Shu left her apartment and locked the door after her. When that was done, she headed out onto the street, making her way towards the Myth Inc. HQ.

Since it was a Monday morning, there were a few people milling about. Mostly students who were on winter holidays like her. But she noticed a few business men and women heading towards the train station.

Seemed like she wasn't the only one who forgot about the time.

"Hopefully the others won't be too mad..." Shu mumbled and then started jogging.

The office wasn't too far from her apartment, so she should make it on time if she ran.

...Though she would be sweaty. There were some changing rooms though, right? Probably? Shu remembered that there were definitely some showers.

Wait, but did she pack spare clothes? She didn't. Should she have changed into formal dress?

Mister John didn't mention anything about that the last time they talked. And Mister Qing didn't say anything either...

Did the other girls mention anything like that?

She didn't think so. But-

A sudden shift in atmosphere. Gazes locked onto Shu. But not just ordinary gazes from people passing by.

No. These gazes were sharp. The sort that came from people trained in fighting.

Like the people her Grandpa would send.

Shu kept jogging, but as she did so, she carefully expanded her awareness.

Did that old geezer finally find her?

...No. While the gazes tracking her felt like martial artists, they had a different 'feel' to them than people that should have come from her family's dojo.

They also didn't seem hostile or trying to hunt her down. Just observant.

Shu slowed her jog down to a walk and made a show of catching her breath. Watching her breath fog up in front of her, Shu shook her head and kept walking. But as she shook her head, she glanced at her surroundings.

And she saw them. Or rather, they let her see them.

The first was a Western foreigner with brown hair parted to the side. Wearing a simple dark gray winter jacket, he walked on the other side of the road while holding a steaming cup of Starbox coffee in hand. Sipping on the coffee, he held a phone in his other hand, idly swiping through something. By chance, he caught Shu's gaze. When he did, he yawned. But he also seemed to realize that he knew Shu knew he was following her, since he gave a friendly wave before continuing his walk.

The second was an Asian woman wearing a crimson long coat that hugged her lithe body. Like the foreigner, she held a phone and scrolled through it. But unlike him, she didn't have any coffee. Instead, she just yawned, glancing around at people walking past with an irritated gaze. And when she caught Shu's gaze, the woman rolled her eyes before continuing her walk.

It was suspicious. And in any other circumstances, she would be concerned. Except...

'Mister Qing texted something to us about security detail, didn't he...?'

Shu remembered seeing a text about something like that. Since the debut of the new Project MirAIs generation was coming soon, and to prepare for the future publicity and potential problems that might bring from being part of that generation, there would be some discreet security measures in place for their safety.

In all honesty, Shu was fairly certain of protecting herself when push came to shove... but it definitely was a bit of a relief to know that she didn't have to constantly watch her back now.


Adjusting her bag around her shoulders again, Shu muttered, "I wonder how Yuri's taking to this...?"

Shu didn't mind, but knowing her fiery friend...


"...Why are you following me again, Grandpa?" Yuri glanced back and frowned.

"What?" Minato adjusted a fedora on his head and said, "Can't this old man walk his granddaughter to her new job?"

Yuri rolled her eyes and said, "I'm *fine*. It's not like I have any stalkers that I need to worry about."



Minato sighed and shook his head. "I still can't believe it. A chef, I can understand. Dropping out of school to pursue your dreams, I can support. But working a job like this... I have to wonder what that John is thinking..."

Yuri turned red and then stuffed her hands in her coat pockets before stomping up ahead.

Minato chuckled and followed after his granddaughter. "Relax. I'm not mad or disappointed. Just... confused."

"Don't you have anything better to do, Gramps?"

Minato gasped. "G-Gramps? So disrespectful! What happened to my polite granddaughter?"

"...You've been hanging out with Maji-san again, haven't you?"

Minato laughed. "Perhaps. There aren't many old codgers left to reminisce with these days."

Yuri sighed. "...Maybe I should have roomed with Chi-chan after all. Wouldn't have to deal with all of this then..."

Minato smiled, watching his granddaughter walk a few paces ahead of him. But then he glanced to the side and muttered, "It seems like he's serious about this at least."

Two men were following them. Foreigners, both of them.

One looked similar to John. A foreigner with blonde spiky hair and bright green eyes. Average height, but with a muscular body outlined by a plain black suit. And among the morning crowd of ordinary Japanese businessmen and businesswomen, he should have stood out. Yet, he managed to blend in, almost ignored by ordinary people.

But Minato noticed. And the man noticed that Minato had noticed as well. But the man didn't look flustered. Instead, he gave a curt nod and continued on his way.

The other man was also a foreigner. But unlike the first who was average height, this man towered over everyone around. As a result, there was no way he could blend in. And he didn't try.

Long and silver hair that wasn't dyed, but natural. Bangs parted in the middle and falling down to frame his face. Electric green eyes that seemed to flash with power. Paired with his tailored suit that framed a honed body, he emitted an intimidating presence.

But it was controlled. Disciplined.

Like the first man, this one also noticed that Minato was aware of his presence. And like the first, he gave a curt nod, acknowledging Minato.

Minato turned his focus back on Yuri who was still blissfully unaware of the two trained foreign soldiers following her from a distance.

The old man sighed and then kept walking. "...At least that worry's taken care of."


In a car, headed back towards Tokyo from the mountainsides.

Suzume looked towards the driver of the car and let out a grateful smile. "I cannot thank you enough for driving me to visit my parents, Seigi-san."

'Seigi-san' looked back at her through the rearview mirror.

He was young, probably in his mid-twenties at the latest. Despite that, his hair had turned a stark white color, and his steely gray eyes were sharp, as if they had seen countless battles. But when he looked back at Suzume, his gaze softened.

The young man smiled back and said, "It's fine, Suzume-chan." He turned his gaze back to the road and said, "It's my job to ensure your safety. And besides, this is a pleasant vacation from my usual work."

Suzume blinked and tilted her head. "Usual work? What do you usually do, Seigi-san?"

"...It's a bit embarrassing to say outloud."

Suzume smiled and said, "We have time. And I promise to not laugh."

"Well... I travel around the world and try to save as many people as I can."


Seigi laughed and said, "It's complicated. But I guess you could say... I'm doing my best to be a defender of justice."


Chihiro sighed and said, "That's a stupid name, Papa."

Takashi frowned and said, "What? Legends is a great name!"

"The Legends Security Company? Really?" Chihiro sighed and walked into Myth Inc. HQ. "Does everyone in Myth Incorporated have poor sense of naming?"

Takashi winced and said, "Is it that bad?"

"It is. Even if you managed to pull legendary soldiers or whatever to join for security detail, it's too on the nose. Though, I guess it fits the theme since it's Myth Incorporated..."

"See! It's not that bad."

"Well, whatever." Chihiro adjusted her bag, double-checking to make sure she had her self-defense tool and then walked over to the elevator. After pressing it, she turned to her father and said, "I'm going to set things up before the other girls arrive. You do whatever you need to do."

"A-Ah. Wait, Chi-chan-"

"See you later, Papa."

Chihiro entered the elevator and then left.

Takashi blinked and then looked around the lobby.

It was empty- No. There were two foreigner security guards idling in the corners of the room as always. But there wasn't anyone manning the front desk.

Seeing that, Takashi sighed. "Well... I guess it's better than paperwork." He shrugged and then walked around the front desk, sitting down there. After that, he pulled out his phone to check on his new hires. "Claus and Seth are by Yuri... Leo and Won are keeping an eye on Shu. And Mikata is driving Suzume back from the mountains. Seems like everything's in order in terms of security detail."

Right. Everything was in order.

Which meant that Takashi had nothing better to do but just sit around and monitor the situation.

"...Well. I guess I might as well check on Chi-chan's competitors. That 'Ilgarde' should have begun streaming, shouldn't it...?"


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