Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 266:: Prodigy Hangout Session: II

Chapter 266:: Prodigy Hangout Session: II

"Ugh. You're lucky that I'm trying to be a better person." Yuri grumbled and then put on her apron. "Would've beat the crap out of you by now if I wasn't."

"Well I have a gun, so good luck with that."


"What?" Chihiro paused and looked over at Yuri. "You don't carry one? Guys are creeps you know. Especially around high school girls like us. It's why Papa's head of staff and hiring security since John doesn't have time to personally protect each of us."

Yuri blinked and then walked over to the pantry. "I'll just... pretend I never heard that part. And what do you mean protection? I can protect myself just fine." She pulled out a bag of flour and then walked over to the fridge.

Chihiro flipped open her sketchbook and started scribbling. As she did that, she said, "In a fight, maybe. But you're pretty hot-headed, Riri. Wouldn't surprise me if you got roofied."

Meanwhile, Yuri pulled out a carton of eggs from the fridge and frowned. "Roofied?"

"...Don't worry about it."

Yuri shook her head and said, "You're weird, Chi-chan."

"And proud of it. Especially since it makes good money." She flipped her sketchbook and said, "You'd be surprised how easy it is to get money out of people by playing an awkward and shy girl."

"...Does your dad know that you do that?"

"He does now. And it pays the bills, so he doesn't mind."

"...I think he probably just loves you too much to say anything about it."

"Maybe. Papa can be a bit of a pushover like that. But he can take it easy now, so it's alright."

Yuri sighed and then pulled out a bowl and a whisk. After that, she started looking through the pantry again. "Guess I can't fault that... And you don't mind a steamed cake, do you? That's the only one that I can think of that will cook fast."

Chihiro waved her hand. "Make whatever's easiest. And don't forget extras for the others."

"Yeah, yeah." Yuri pulled out some sugar and other ingredients before starting to make a batter. After mixing some dry ingredients, she looked out the window and said, "That's weird though. I would have thought that at least Shu would be here already."

Chihiro started sketching some Santa outfit ideas and said, "Senpai said she'd be running a bit late since she ran into some interesting people on the way. Suzu-chan is still on the way back from the mountains, so she might actually be here later in the evening instead."

Yuri whisked the mixture and frowned. "How come I didn't hear about any of that?"

"Because Riri is still immature?"

Yuri paused and sighed. "I guess that's true. But Chi-chan... I think you're a bit too mature for your age." She set down her mixture and then started cracking some eggs into a bowl. "Whenever I talk to you, I feel like I'm talking to one of the old auntie's from across the street."

Chihiro shrugged. "Just don't expect me to start giving you free sweet potatoes."

Yuri rolled her eyes and went back to cooking.

At that time, the elevator chimed again.

Both Chihiro and Yuri paused to look over.

Blonde hair. Bright green eyes... A familiar face.

But not the person that either of the girls expected to see.

Chihiro blinked and then looked down at the sketch she was starting.

Jenny, wearing a revealing red Santa outfit.

And the person standing at the elevator...

"Hey girls~! Long time no see!" Jenny walked in and waved, wearing almost the exact outfit that Chihiro was sketching out. "Well, I guess maybe long time never see? I don't think we've met in person, have we?"

Yuri blinked and then carefully stared at Jenny. "...You aren't John, are you?"

Jenny giggled and said, "Well... Wouldn't you like to know?"

Chihiro glanced down at Jenny's waist and then let out a disappointed sigh. "Sadly, she's not. Darn. I'll need to update my references..." She paused and then looked at Jenny. "Care to model?"

Jenny smiled and said, "As much fun as that would be... Not today. Since my dear brother is busy spending time with family and forgot about me... and since your senpais are busy getting ready for their own little holiday, I thought I'd spend it with you girls. You don't mind, do you?"

Chihiro eyed Jenny and quickly started sketching. "As long as you don't mind me sketching you."

Jenny waved and said, "You can draw me like a French girl if you want, Chi-chan." She winked and then blew a kiss. "I'm an idol for the entire world, you know?"

Yuri shuddered and then started prepping the cakes to be steamed. As she did, she stared at Jenny and said, "*Please* tell me that you were the one who performed in the concert."

"Oh, no no." Jenny waved her hand and said, "That was all John. I only just got here after the concert, you know?"

"..." Yuri let out a blank look and then started making some frosting.

Jenny giggled and sat down across from Chihiro. "So whatcha working on, Chi-chan?"



Shu let out a sigh and stared at the floor counter on the elevator. As she did, she scratched the back of her head and said, "Maybe I shouldn't have tried to lose those two..."

Mister Leo and Miss Won were nice enough to play along with her. And also surprisingly skilled at tracking her. But it ended up making her a half hour late for the meeting with her genmates.

The elevator chimed and the doors started to open. Seeing that, Shu walked out and waved. "Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late! Did I miss-" She paused suddenly seeing the scene in front of her.

Yuri standing in the kitchen with her face a beet red.

Chihiro sitting at the table, furiously drawing in her sketchbook with a pen.

And then a beautiful blonde woman wearing a scantily short red skirt and blouse with bits of cream smeared all over her chest sitting across from Chihiro. One who was licking bits of white cream off her fingers.


Jenny paused and then waved at Shu. "Hi~! Shu, right? Did you want some cake?"

Chihiro glanced at Shu, nodding her head in acknowledgment. But after that, she flipped the page in her book and started scribbling, muttering to herself. "Offering cakes... Cream... pies? Guys will eat it all up for sure, so I can charge a premium. And maybe..."

Shu blinked. "Um... H-Hello?" She waved back at Jenny and said, "And I'm fine, Miss... Miss Smith?"

"It's Jenny!"

Shu glanced over at Yuri. Mostly to check if it was Mister John crossdressing again.

Yuri shook her head.

Jenny blinked and tilted her head. "Is something wrong?"

"No." Shu walked over and then took a look around. After that, she said, "Is Suzu-chan not here yet?"

Chihiro stopped sketching and said, "She's being driven back from the mountainside so it'll be a while."

"Oh. Then... Should we start anyway?"

Jenny finished cleaning her fingers and then tilted her head. "Start? Oh! Were you girls planning on doing practice for your debuts?"

Chihiro paused and then looked at Jenny. "...Are you really that much of an airhead, or are you just playing dumb?"

Jenny winked. "It's cuter to be a bit clueless, isn't it? But practice debuts... That's a good idea." She nodded and said, "I'll go change and then help you girls do some dress rehearsals. Be right back!" After a short wave, Jenny walked over to the changing rooms and went inside.

When she was gone, Shu sat down at the table and looked over at Yuri. "Just to be sure, Miss Jenny... isn't Mister John, is she?"

Yuri shook her head. "She's not."

"Then the concert...?"

"Was still John."

Shu blinked.

Chihiro let out a satisfied nod after flipping through her sketchbook. After that, she looked at Shu and said, "Do you have a problem with that? What's the big deal with John crossdressing and being a super cute idol? It's 2024."

Shu panicked and waved her hands. "Nothing's wrong with it! Just... Um. It's weird." She frowned and said, "Someone like Mister John being such a perfect girl... I can pull off a suit and pass as a bishounen sometimes, but for him to pass as a bishoujo..."

"Eh?" Yuri tilted her head and said, "You've cross-dressed, Shu?"

Shu coughed. "H-Host jobs pay surprisingly well. And you don't have to deal with as many clingy customers trying to feel you up."

"...You've had it hard, huh?"

Shu shrugged and then set her bag down. After that, she stretched and said, "I chose this life, so I was prepared to deal with it. Though..." She laughed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I wasn't prepared to have my life changed so much after meeting Mister John."

Yuri walked back to the kitchen, muttering, "Tell me about it." She sliced a few pieces of cake and put them on plates. After that, she walked back to the table and placed one in front of Shu. "I still don't know what to think about that guy. It'd be great if I could just hate him, but he's too nice."

Chihiro nodded and said, "He is. Enough to where I'd call him a simp if it wasn't for the fact that the only girl he even bats an eye at is his wife."

"Mmhm." Yuri took a bite from her cake and said, "Looking that young and beautiful while being at least 30..."

Chihiro tucked her book away and laced her fingers together. "Makes you wonder just where they all came from, doesn't it?"

Shu's eyes lit up and she said, "Doesn't it? Mister John has so much money and everyone in his family is so beautiful. And even the other two staff members are handsome too."

Yuri took a bite from her cake and hummed. "You mean that Mister Qing and Mister Bai, right?" She frowned. "That's true. They really do seem like they'd stick out..."

Chihiro nodded. "Exactly. But they all suddenly appeared one day out of the blue." She glanced at the bathroom door before leaning forward and whispering. "Now... hear me out."

Yuri and Shu leaned forward.

Seeing that, Chihiro whispered, "What if John is a returnee from an Isekai?"

Yuri immediately burst out laughing. She smiled and then shook her head. "You've been reading and drawing too much manga, Chi-chan." She turned to Shu and said, "You think so too, right, Shu?"

Shu didn't respond.

Yuri blinked. "Um. Shu?"

Shu rubbed her chin and said, "It *would* explain Mister John's martial prowess. I know there are some famous foreign fighters, but none of them are as skilled as Mister John was. And then there's how easily he wielded each weapon when demonstrating how to use that space..." She looked over to her corner of the room, stocked with weaponry.

Yuri scoffed. "Yeah right. I can believe that guy being a criminal overlord or a power from the shadows, but an Isekai returnee? Pft."

At that time, the bathroom door opened. Jenny walked out, wearing a white blouse and plain blue jeans. She saw the girls sitting together and smiled. "You three are getting along! Great!"

Chihiro gave Jenny a skeptical look and then said, "Jenny. Could I ask you a few questions?"

"30, 21, 30."

Chihiro blinked and quickly wrote them down. "Thank you, but that's not what I wanted to ask."

"Oh." Jenny sat down and said, "Well, what is it?"

"Did you and John get isekai'd before?"

Yuri rolled her eyes. She turned towards Jenny and said, "Ignore Chi-chan. I think she's been getting too wrapped up in her drawings."

Jenny giggled and waved her hand. "No, no. It's fine. We *are* a bit out of the world."

Shu nodded. "Especially with all that Mister John has been doing... Um. Could you tell us where you come from?"

Yuri frowned. "Don't tell me you're buying into Chi-chan's crazy theory too, Shu?"

Shu shook her head. "I don't think Mister John is a returnee from an isekai... but I do think he might be a secret martial arts master."

Jenny smiled and said, "You girls sure have an active imagination!"

Chihiro raised an eyebrow. "That's not a yes or a no."

Jenny giggled and said, "We~ll. If you really want to know..." She beckoned the girls forward.

They leaned forward.

Jenny whispered. "We're secret alien overlords invading Earth to take it over with cuteness and Anime girls."

Yuri rolled her eyes and then looked at Chihiro. "There? Happy?"

Chihiro gave a serious nod and said, "I'm a hundred percent okay with that."

Shu laughed. "Miss Jenny has a great sense of humor!"

Jenny smiled and then hopped out of her chair. "Well..." She pulled out her phone and said, "It looks like your last friend will be here in about an hour." She tucked her phone away in her shirt and said, "Shall we do a bit of practicing before then?"


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