Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 263:: Prototype Hangout Session – FIN

Chapter 263:: Prototype Hangout Session – FIN

Asako paused and looked over at Betty, eyeing her up. "You know..." She pointed her fork at Betty and said, "Sis is right. You don't wear a bra too, so it's pretty clear... Aren't you embarrassed?"

Betty flinched and crossed her arms over her chest. "T-That is..."

Rin looked down and pointed at Betty's thighs. "Your stockings are a bit tight now too. There's a little crease there that didn't used to be."

"U-Um..." Betty blushed. "I-I am sure you are imagining things."

Alphy took a bite from her cake and tilted her head. After that, she stood up and walked behind Betty.

Betty noticed and turned to look towards her sister. "Is something wro- [email protected]#[email protected]?#!"

Alphy hummed, lifting her hands. "Rin's right. You're a bit heavier now, Betty."

Betty jumped out of her chair and quickly backed off, crossing her arms over her chest while a beet red. "W-W-What in the world are you doing, Eldest Sister?!"

"Hm?" Alphy blinked and said, "I was comparing again." She cupped her chest with her hands and lifted them up and down before looking over at Betty with a pout. "I thought I grew a bit, but you're still bigger..."

Rin glanced at Asako.

Asako noticed and pointed her knife at her. "No. Sis, no."

"Awww. Why not?"

"No. Just no."

Rin huffed. "Prude."

"Prude?! Why are you even-?! Actually,never mind." Asako let out a deep sigh and went back to eating her cake.

Betty cleared her throat and then went to sit back down.

Alphy sat back down as well and then looked to Betty. "I'm happy for you though, Betty! It looks like you've still got a lot left to grow! And you might even be able to buy new clothes soon!"

"Pft." Asako bit back a laugh and cut a piece of her cake.

Betty glared at her and said, "And what do you find so funny, Asako?"

"Nothing. It's not like I have anything 'weighing' on my mind."

Rin gasped. "That's mean, Aneue!"

"What's mean?" Asako ate the piece of cake she cut and then said, "There's a 'wide' range of things we could talk about. Ah, but nothing too 'heavy.' We're on break, so we should keep it light hearted."

Betty pursed her lips and looked at her cake.

Alphy blinked. "Is something wrong with your cake, Betty?"

"...No. I just believe that I am full." She looked at Alphy and said, "Did you wish to finish it?"

Alphy let out a bright smile and said, "Of course I'll finish my little sister's cake for her!"

Betty let out a strained smile and slid it over.

Alphy took it and happily took a bite.

"Heh." Asako gave Betty a sly smile and said, "You really should lay off the snacks though. You might be hot and have good genetics, but sweets come back to bite you in the ass no matter who you are."

"Oh." Rin looked over at Asako and said, "Is that why you always do squats in the morning, Aneue?"

"S-Shut up, Sis!" Asako blushed and said, "You're not supposed to tell people!"

Rin laughed.

Betty sighed. "Perhaps I should restrict my sweets consumption. There is something about Father's home that seems to make them settle in my body longer than need be. Although..." She looked over at Alphy.

The oldest of John's daughters was happily eating two cakes, smiling as she steadily dismantled them with a fork.

"...It seems that Eldest Sister is as enviable as ever."

Alphy blinked. "Huh?"

Rin sipped on her Mount Dew and then looked at Betty. "Anyway... Did you have anything fun planned for Christmas, Betty? I think Aneue and Onee-chan were planning a trip for us. Right?" She looked over at Asako.

"Mm." Asako nodded and said, "I'm thinking an onsen trip with us girls should be fun. I can drive us there and we can hang out and chat." She paused. "Though it might be hard to get reservations right now... Maybe just a night out with us girls instead?"

Alphy's eyes widened and she said, "Yes! We can play dress up and cook and then drink some spirits and then stay up and talk all night long!"

Asako blinked and then she laughed. "You're pretty excited about this, Alphy."

Alphy blushed and then said, "Y-Yes... But I just think it would be fun to spend time with just us."

"...Us meaning you, me, and Sis, right?"


Rin looked between Asako and Alphy and raised an eyebrow. After that she gasped and said, "I forgot, Aneue! Mom said she wanted to celebrate the holidays together. Sorry. You'll just have to spend it alone with Onee-chan."

Asako pointed at Rin and said, "Don't you pull that shit on me! Stop running away and help me!"

Rin laughed.

Alphy tilted her head and said, "What's Rin helping you with, Asako?"

"A-Ah. That's..."

Betty smiled and then said, "To answer Rin's question... I did have something planned. Since Emily does not have family here and tends to get sullen when she is alone."

"Oh!" Rin clapped her hands together and said, "You should introduce us to your friend!"

Alphy nodded. "Right! You should show up your new toy, Betty. Don't just keep her hidden away."

Rin turned red. "T-Toy?!"

Betty looked at Alphy and said, "It was not my intention to hide her away. It just so happened that there has not been a proper time to show her. Especially as she arrived so suddenly and I had to punish her."

Rin started fanning her face. "P-Punish...?"

Asako set down her fork and sighed. She glanced at Betty and said, "Is it just your hobby to keep making lewd jokes and innuendos, Betty?"

Betty blinked and said, "But I am making nothing of the sort?"

Alphy nodded and said, "Emily's really Betty's toy though. She squeaks a lot too."


Rin and Asako shared a look.

Betty and Alphy shared a look as well, confused.

Asako sighed and said, "Let's just finish eating our cakes. It's getting close to Rin's streaming time anyway."

"R-Right!" Rin quickly nodded and said, "I should finish up and get going..."

The weird atmosphere went back to normal as the girls continued eating.

Well, everyone except for Betty. Since she gave her cake to Alphy, Betty was forced to watch as everyone else ate except for her.

Alphy noticed and said, "Are you sure that you're fine with me having your cake, Betty?"

"...It is fine. I will... endure."

"Endure?" Alphy frowned. "You shouldn't-"

"What are your plans for streaming today, Rin?" Betty interrupted Alphy and then looked towards Rin. "A karaoke session? A dance session?"

"Mm..." Rin tapped her mouth with her fork and said, "I think I'll be playing a game." She picked up a piece of her cake with her fork and said, "Since we watched the expo, I didn't get a chance to do my weekly game stream."

"Is that so?" Betty placed her hands together on the table and said, "Did you have any particular game in mind?"

"I'm not sure." Rin absently at another piece of her cake and said, "I was thinking of playing Creature Hunter Ascend, but the Ohana wanted me to stop since I was making people look bad? And everyone I played with weren't really good either."

Asako snorted. "More like you're too good at the game, Sis."

Rin huffed. "I'm not! Tsuki's better than me."

"...You really shouldn't be comparing yourself to an expert gamer who can clown on almost everyone in the world though, Sis."

Alphy blinked. "Clown on? What does a clown have to do with gaming? Is there a clown game?"

Asako sighed. "No, Alphy. It means-"

"Oh!" Rin nodded and said, "There is! I think there was a horror one made from that clown movie. I could try playing that."

"That one's janky as all hell, Sis. You probably shouldn't."

"But that's what makes it fun and good content!"

"Even with tank controls?"

Rin winced. "Ah... never mind then."

Alphy pointed at Betty and said, "You could play Betty's new game demo?"

Rin gasped and looked at Betty. "Can I?!"

Betty frowned. "You can. But it would probably not be a good idea. Your mother's name is on the credits, and someone astute might be able to determine who you are."

"O-Oh. Right." Rin slumped.

Asako glanced at Rin and then frowned. "Is it really that big of a deal though? It's not like the Ohana would try to do anything even if they did find out."

Betty shook her head and then sipped on her carton of apple juice. "It is not her fans she should be worried about, but those jealous of her talent and appearance." She fiddled with the straw on her carton and said, "For such a cute Anime girl to be just as cute, if not cuter in reality... While many would cheer, there would also be many who curse at the unfairness of the heavens."

Asako's frown deepened and she said, "Aren't you being too worried about it?"

Alphy took on an uncharacteristically serious expression and said, "You underestimate how far people will go because they're jealous, Asako."

Seeing Alphy's expression, Asako sighed and said, "I suppose that's true..."

Rin looked at the others and then said, "So... I can't play Betty nee-chan's new game?"

Betty reached out to pat Rin's head. "I am grateful you want to, Rin. But for now it would be best if you did not. Perhaps later when it is officially released and widespread."

"Aw... Fine." Rin sighed. "But then what should I play? I don't really want to play Meincraft without someone else. And there aren't really many good horror games."

Alphy looked over at Rin and said, "Well, if you really wanted to play Creature Hunter, shouldn't you just play that?"

"I *could*... But I also don't really need anything else in the game right now. And I beat all the new bosses already too and got all the new gear."

Asako blinked and said, "Wait. Weren't those released like... this Saturday?"



Rin sighed. "Well, whatever. I guess I'll just play some Smash with the Ohana to pass the time- Hm?" She looked over at Betty and frowned. "What are you doing, Betty nee-chan?"

Betty placed down her hands after just folding them in prayer. "Just praying for the poor souls of those who will be obliterated by your kindness."



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