ReLife Player

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

[Even if it means turning the world into an enemy(5)]

Its too hot.

Seona, are you okay?

Hayang placed his hand on the wall and examined Seonas complexion as she lowered her head.

Sweat was running down her cheeks.

She was a child. It was only natural for her to be weak in the heat.

Its only early summer.

Its too hot.

Eunha pouted his lips as he gave her a light pinch.

Now her red eyes were filled with moisture. Not tears, but sweat.

Hayang was fanning her, but her near-golden hair clung to her sweaty cheeks and refused to fall.

Do you want me to cut your hair?

Then why dont you come with me, I was thinking of cutting it too.

No, its okay, the nun at the church will cut it for me.

Well, thats fine then. Ill have to go alone.

Min-ji, come with me!

Seona sighed, twining her fingers in her blond hair that reached down to her shoulder blades.

She decided to ask the nuns to cut her hair sometime today.

Just then, Eunha, who was walking ahead of her, dropped a bombshell in a nonchalant voice.

Then why dont you cut off her tail as well?

Uh, uh, what did you just say?

Why dont you cut off his tail too.

Thats cruel.

Seona hugged her tail tightly, distancing herself from him.

The other children did the same, slinking away from him and clinging to him.

Even Eunhyuk.

Why. I did something wrong.

Its not your tail, but how could it be?

Ha ha. Trim your fur.

Then you should speak straight. This is why I have a problem with Noeunha.

Shut up, Mukminji.

Seona let go of her tail and looked it over.

Even though she brushes it twice a day, is it still too much and messy?

She stroked her fluffy tail and thought about it.

Then I remembered a time when I was a kid and my tail was trimmed incorrectly.

It was so traumatizing that it still haunts me in my dreams.

Okay, Ill just trim the fine hairs.

Why cut it? Its nice and fluffy.

Hey, when you touch it, can you say something first?

Oh, sorry.

She freaks out when someone suddenly touch her.

Seona wiped the sweat from her neck and blinked.

Eunhyuk, who was fiddling with his tail, apologized with a cheerful smile.

Okay, okay, okay. We can buy ice cream, right?

Guys, Eunha wants ice cream!


Youre the boss!

Minji-satisfied, making a V with her fingers. Meanwhile, she was pecking Eun-ha, forcing him to raise his hands in surrender.

They bought ice cream at a nearby convenience store.

Seona was finally able to cool off.

Why dont you hang out at my house today? Dads cafe is cool.

Ill go.

Seona, who was biting a Popsicle, quickly raised her hand.

In succession, other children also held up their thumbs.

Eunha did the same. He was going to drink the potion from Happiness.

I must be so tall.

It was hard to get a drink at the cafe now that Jungs potion had gotten around.

If not at a time like this, when else would he use his friend Jung Ha-yang?

Ah. Then Ill leave my bag at home. Muk Minji, what are you going to do?

Ill go with you. Just dont come out late because youre hanging out with Eunae again.

Its not like I do that every day, and Eunae is cute.

Lately, shes been greeting him at the front door when she hears him coming home. It was so adorable to watch her little body waddle over to him like a duck.

If I stopped watching, time would fly by.

It wasnt the first time Id broken a promise to Minji.

Okay, Ill try.

I tried, but only so far.

He felt good just thinking about his sister, who would greet him every time he came home from school with a Big brother!

Huh? Thats Julieta. By the way, who are the people shes with?


Minji pointed to a row house around the corner.

A car was parked in front of the rowhouse, its tinted windows obscuring the interior.

Julieta seemed to be having a conversation with two foreigners who got out of the car.

I couldnt get a good look at her because of the distance, but I could tell she was frozen.

Wait a minute. Isnt that Tredici?

Recognizable even from a distance, the foreigner with the dull orange hair and slouched posture with his hands in his pockets.

Zenko Myron.

There was no way he didnt know him.

There was no direct connection, but the ripples he had spread in Korea were indescribable.

Why is Zenko Myron here.

Come to think of it, today was the day of the meeting between Korea and Italy.

Eunha remembered the talks before the regression.

Before the regression, Korea held talks with Italy to bring back the Koreans stranded in Italy.

The fairy Im Ga-eul took advantage of this opportunity to trade mana alloys in the Mediterranean.

Some criticized her for spending so much money to trade for so little mana alloy.

The Fairy Government explained that even a small amount of Mediterranean Mana Alloy would improve the quality of players devices.

The accusations seemed to die down quickly, but the main content of the meeting was problematic.

Korea had agreed to cooperate with Italy in subduing the second-ranked Overrank Leviathan that inhabited the North Atlantic in order to repatriate isolated Koreans in Italy.

Second Overrank.

Up until this point, South Korea had never seen a monster in the second rank.

But now we have to cooperate to defeat a second-rank overranked monster.

Some people were skeptical about the risk of sending Koreans back home.

However, public opinion still insisted on sending them home.

In the end, South Korea had to send three Twelve Seats to the North Atlantic.

The result was.

We lost a lot.

A large-scale allied operation involving southern Europe, including Italy; the Americas, including the United States; Africa, which bordered the North Atlantic; and finally Korea.

Leviathan was defeated by a combined effort of the best players in each country.

Koreas participation in the alliance resulted in the safe return of the Koreans, but the damage was severe.

<Divine Spear> Namgung Seong-woon lost his left arm instead of landing a critical hit on Leviathan.

<Railgun> Shin Myeong-hwan suffered complications in mana recovery ability due to the aftermath of a mana rampage.

And <Florist> Bang Yeon-ji died during the mission.

At that time, they thought she had died.

It was an unbelievable event.

It happened when he was still attending the academy.

Did you hear about it?

The news this morning? Impossible not to hear.

It still gives me chills. Bang Yeon-ji was being held captive in Italy.

Hey, they say held captive, but the reality is sigh, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Bang Yeon-ji, <Florist>, was not killed during the mission but was held captive in Italy.

If she hadnt managed to escape after going through various hardships, the truth would have been buried forever.

The author who committed this extraordinary act was none other than Zenko Myron.

Public opinion in South Korea exploded.

The Fairy Government and the Twelve Seats strongly protested to Italy.

Several countries also issued condemnatory statements.

To quell the condemnation, Italy captured Zenko Myron alive. Big Mama publicly executed him in the square.

She made mixed-blood individuals with Korean blood stab him with a knife until his death.

Zenko Myron was said to have died after being stabbed 41 times.

And Big Mama, while bowing her head sincerely and apologizing to Korea, sent Zenko Myrons head as a sign of repentance.

That was the outcome of the Korea-Italy meeting.

And now.

Zenko Myron, the villain, was having a conversation with Julietta.

Minji, wait here. Dont come out under any circumstances. Who knows what might happen.

What? What are you planning to do!?

I told you. Dont come out under any circumstances.

Eunha warned Minji and rushed out of the alley. He concealed his body in a location where they wouldnt notice, suppressing any presence.

Damn, I couldnt understand a word of it.

They were talking in Italian.

I couldnt make out what they were talking about, but I could tell it was bad.


Julietta shook off Zenkos touch. She even tried to draw on her mana to flee the scene.

Just then, Zenko Myron stuck his hands in his pockets and smirked.

He approached her, not caring if she was wary or not, and whispered something.

What was it? What did he say?

Whatever hed said, her face had gone pale. She offered no resistance, draining the mana from her body.

Chuckling at what was so good, Zenko tapped her on the shoulder.

I dont know what it is, but I dont think we should leave it like that.

Julieta walks to the car that Zenko is pointing at.

She looked like she was walking into a prison cell.

Watching the scene, Eunha wondered what to do.

He couldnt hear the conversation, but it looked like she was being dragged away for some reason.

Of course he had to save her.

But he was powerless against Zenko Myron and the other Italian, both members of the Tredici.

The ideal course of action would be to find out where they were going.

If he could figure out where they were going, he could leave the rest to Bruno or Seo-Young Shin.

So he jumped out to chase after the car as soon as it took off.

He used his mana to enhance his physical abilities,


He blinked at the sight of the Italians waiting for him as he rounded the corner.

He hadnt expected them to notice.


A bespectacled Italian with a pomade haircut frowned.

I was wondering who was watching us earlier. Was it just a kid?

Zenko Myron grumbled in Korean. He scratched the back of his head and slowly approached Eunha.

Kid, do you have any business with us?

An attitude that didnt convey any sense of wariness.

Rather, a friendly demeanor.

But Eunha quickly assumed a defensive stance.

Unexpectedly, Zenko Myron swung his hand like a whip.


Huh? Who do you think you are?

If he hadnt protected his head with mana, he would have been knocked out.

Meanwhile, Zenko Myron looked at him with curious eyes. Then, after seeing his own swinging hand, he murmured in disbelief, You blocked that? as if unable to believe it.

I wonder if even a kid in this country can handle mana well.

Makes sense. That kid is weird.

Right? I thought Korea was more amazing than I realized. But what about him? I cant even leave him alone.

Hes a child, but I cant help it.

Right, lets get rid of him.

Zenko Myron stretched out his legs as if to throw a jab.

This bastard!

Im going to kill him.

Eunha ducked his head to avoid the attack that flew overhead.

What? Thats amazing!

Eunha leaped up with all the strength in his legs.

He kicked the wall once, turned, and drove into Zenkos flank.

Zenko took a step back, dodging it by a mere sheet of paper, then reached for him as he disappeared from view.

Eunha swerved as best as he could in midair, reaching out for him.

In his hand, a mana-filled sphere.

He shot mana toward Zenkos outstretched hand.


Zenko shouted, and with his other hand, he blocked the flying sphere.

What kind of a kid.

He looked at the red marks on the back of his hand and spat.

Even though he had protected the back of his hand with mana, he hadnt been able to block all the damage.

It was proof of his mana efficiency.

So what.

That was more fun than I thought.

He was a kid, after all.

Zenko moved with disorienting speed and grabbed him by the nape of the neck as he looked for an opening.

As annoying as it was to have to use his true strength against a child, he knew that if he didnt use her true strength, it wouldnt be easy.


Uh-huh. Where.

Eunha pried Zenkos hand away from his, channeling mana into the hand that held his wrist.

Zenko wasnt going to let him get away with it, though, and he was protecting his wrist with mana, blocking the attack.


I couldnt breathe.

Zenko was pressing down on his throat.

Suspended in midair, he struggled to break free.

But his consciousness was becoming increasingly blurry. If he kept this up, hed suffocate and die.

Damn it.

His strength was about to drain from his body.

Let him go. I thought you said you wouldnt touch the people around me.

Julieta said in a nervous tone as she got out of the car.

Oh? Was he one of your people? Ha, no, he shouldnt be.

Hes just a kid, get your hands off him.

Hes not a normal kid, and I can tell you from experience that you should kill him while you can.


Ha. Valentine, you assholes. Got it.

Zenko loosened his grip on his throat.

Sinking to the floor, Eunha breathed in sharply. The spinning world slowly fell into place.

Julieta knelt before him as he caught his breath.

Eunha, thank you for your help. I dont need your help anymore than that.

Noona, whats going on here?

Julieta said nothing.

Instead, she handed me the ring with a bittersweet smile on her face.

Will you take this to Brew?

Tell him Im sorry.

And that Ive been happy.


I called out to Julieta.

She shook her head, still.

I was happy in the meantime.

I was happy.

The moment he heard the words, a small surge of irritation ran through him.

He was determined to be happy in his second life.

And the category of happiness he was pursuing included the happiness of others.

She was happy in the meantime?

On someone elses terms?

It was ridiculous.

Why would she say she was happy without asking permission, and then come out and say she was going to be unhappy now?

Dont try to get away with it.

She was part of his happiness.

She couldnt be unhappy on his own terms.

The only time she was allowed to be unhappy was when he excluded her from it.

He tried to use his physical abilities to catch her getting into the car.

Just then.

Uh-huh. Be a good boy when youre being watched.

Zenko Myron grabbed him by the nape of the neck and threw him to the ground.

Eunha hastily manipulated his mana to soften the blow.

But it was too late. If he tried to repurpose the mana to enhance his physical abilities, he wouldnt be able to react in time.

I had to brace myself for some impact.


Luckily, he landed in a pile of garbage. The garbage bags cushioned his landing.

The more I think about it, the more pissed I am.

He threw something at the top of his head.

It was a banana peel.

My stomach lurched.

You can say youre happy all you want, but Im not happy yet.

He glared at the car as it drove away, buried in a pile of trash.

Hey! No Eunha! Are you okay! Are you hurt?

It was Minji, who was making good on his warning.

As soon as the Italians were out of sight, she ran over to him, who was leaning against a trash bag with his arms propped up and his legs crossed.

Minji, tell them Im not playing today. Dont tell the kids why.

Okay. I kind of know what happened. But dont you think you should take a shower first?

Minji frowned and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Eunha hadnt heard her, still glaring in the direction the vehicle had disappeared.


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